Adding functions to object parameters - javascript

I have around 50 objects like:
object[0].one = something;
object[0].two = else;
object[0].options = whatever;
Not sure how to describe it but they each have sub parameters. I was trying to add an additional parameter that I would add manually only to those I wanted too, like so:
object[15].condition = function() { if (something) { then do something; } } ;
//and then later on in a function do
if (this.condition) {
but I can't get it to work =( Is something like this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated.

if (this.condition) {


how Inject/overrid code in function? best practice?

I got a big js lib witch I dont want to change because when they update the code I must update every time as well. So I want to inject or override as little as possible. And get my code in.
The code of the lib and my code in it looks like this:
var Erizo = {}
Erizo.Stream = function (spec) {
var that = Erizo.EventDispatcher(spec);
that.init = function (succesCallBack) {
Erizo.GetUserMedia(opt, function (stream) {
Is there a way to inject my code and dont override the hole Erizo.Stream function? Because this function is very big.
You should do something like this:
var oldFunction = Erizo.GetUserMedia
Erizo.GetUserMedia = function(opt, callback){
console.log("code injected")
oldFunction.apply(this,[opt, callback])

Dynamic Function Call for Prototype Functions

I have to make a bunch of .prototype declarations within a function and would like to add some dynamism to reduce the size of my code.
Here is some pseudo code for what I need to do:
window.myClass = function(){
var object_type = getObjectType();
if (object_type === 'NodeList')
NodeList.prototype.func_name = function(){
//some code
if (object_type === 'HTMLCollection')
HTMLCollection.prototype.func_name = function(){
//the same code again
I would like to change this so I can make these declarations dynamic, kind of like this:
window.myClass = function(){
var object_type = getObjectType();
object_type.prototype.func_name = function(){
//some code
Is this possible?
I forgot to mention that I would love to keep all my functions within the scope of window.myClass
In your case you can simply do
window[object_type].prototype[func_name] = function(){...
But be careful that you seem to be engaged in modifying objects you don't own. There's probably a better possible design for your application.
Without going into details about what are you trying to accomplish or whether it's a good idea or there are better ways to do it, just based on your posted code, all you need to do is define "some code" as a funtion and assign it to whatever you want:
window.myClass = function(){
function someCode() { /* some code */ }
var object_type = getObjectType();
if (object_type === 'NodeList')
NodeList.prototype.func_name = someCode;
if (object_type === 'HTMLCollection')
HTMLCollection.prototype.func_name = someCode;
But you don't really need the if statement, because you can just do
window.myClass = function(){
function someCode() { /* some code */ }
var object_type = getObjectType();
window[object_type].prototype.func_name = someCode;

how to get a property name which represent a function in JS

This is some JS code
var methodArr = ['firstFunc','secondFunc','thirdFunc'];
for(var i in methodArr)
window[methodName] = function()
My problem is that how to get the name of a function in JS.
In JS, use can get the function name. But in this situation, it is a null value. How can i get the 'funName' string?
Sorry, I didn't make it clear.
I want to create functions in a for loop, all these functions has almost the same implementation which need its name. But others can call these functions use different name.I want to know what methodName function is called.
it seems a scope problem.
Try this:
var methodArr = ['firstFunc','secondFunc','thirdFunc'];
for(var i in methodArr) {
var methodName = methodArr[i]; // <---- this line missed in your code?
window[methodName] = (function(methodName) {
return function() {
window['secondFunc'](); // output: secondFunc

Javascript object name usage issue.. i think

So i'm setting up an object with private and public methods. Basically using the following format:
var Utility = function() {
var prive1, priv2, priv3;
function privateMethod1() { //do something }
return {
publicFunc1: function() { //do something different }
publicFunc2: function() { //do something else }
But i'm worried about some of the situations i'm coming across where publicFunc2 needs to call publicFunc1. For Example the way I would do this atm is:
publicFunc2: function() { Utility.publicFunc1(); //then do something else }
is this OK? It runs, but it seems weird and VS2010 doesn't give me . I believe that if someone was to change the line
var Utility = function() { --> to --> var Utility2 = function() {}
then essentially everything would be broken from within the object and that seems wrong...
but i'm at a loss on what i should actually be changing.
Should i be making all methods basically private and then mapping to a public function? EX:
function privateFunc1() {}
return {
publicFunc1 : privatefunc1
or should i have a completely different approach to accomplish the idea of private and public methods and variables?
return {
publicFunc1: function() { },
publicFunc2: function() { this.publicFunc1() }
If you want to call some function - give it a name and call it by that name:
var Utility = function() {
var prive1, priv2, priv3;
function privateMethod1() { //do something }
function Func1() { //do something different }
function Func2() { Func1(); //do something else }
return {
publicFunc1: Func1,
publicFunc2: Func2
Call of local function by name is always faster than any other method of call in JS.
In cases like this remember the YAGNI (You ain't going to need it) concept. Sure, think about the best way to organise things but code for now intially and then refactor it later if needed.
Do the functions need to public or are you second guessing the functionality that may be needed later? Make them private, have a single public method for now. Refactor later if needed. Keep it simple.

jQuery - Own plugin - need small help

I created my own jQuery plugin in 1.4 and now I need a small amount of help.
$.etrade = function()
I need so I can build code like this
$.etrade = function()
this.var = 'setting';
this.subfunction = function()
when I take function from my plugin I need to use it like this:
$.etrade.var = '5';
Somebody know what I mean? and how I can get this problem done? :)
It sounds like you want to assign a plain old object to $.etrade, not a function. Like this:
$.etrade = {
variable: 'setting',
otherVariable: 'something else',
subfunction: function () { /* do stuff here */ },
anotherSubFunction: function () { /* do other stuff here */ }
That said, I'm not sure how this qualifies as a jQuery plugin, since it looks like you're just tacking an ad-hoc property onto jQuery.
Aside: you can't use var as per your example, since it's a keyword in JavaScript.

