Change attribute of twitter link - javascript

I'm trying to change the data-url with jQuery. Currently my code looks like this.
<div id="twitterButton" title="Tweet it on Twitter">Tweet</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#twitterButton').click(function () {
$('#tweet').attr("data-url", "");
As you can see I left the url-data blank so I could be sure it is only getting set in the jQuery. However whenever I click the tweet button it always opens the window with the link for the current page that I was on. Can someone explain how I can set it to be something else via jQuery or javascript?

You should use .data() for controlling data attributes. As Daniele states in that answer, you must also stop the event propogation on the a element using preventDefault().
$('#twitterButton').click(function (e) {

You must call the preventDefault() method to stop the propagation of the click event on the child a element:
Try this code:
$('#twitterButton').click(function (e) {
$('#tweet').attr("data-url", "");
Good code


How do I toggle a link (not button) to display and hide text

I have a text bounded by anchor tag. As soon as the user click it, it should toggle between two texts.
I have knowledge on how to toggle a button in JQuery, but don't know how do I implement it with link.
<h1>Questions and Answers</h1>
<p>First Question: What is the capital of Germany?
<i>Click <b><a id="toggle_this"></a>Here</a></b> to show/hide answer!</i>
<p>Answer: Berlin.</p>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("toggle_this").click(function() {
First change id to class="toggle_this". Then use selector .toggle_this.
Then you can use e.preventDefault() to stop the default action if the link.
Then using closest() and next() you can get the answer <p> then toggle() it.
$(".toggle_this").click(function (e) {
you could do this using jQuery (you can also use plain ol' JS, but it looks like you're using jQuery from before), using the .on method.
Although, I would first recommend you adding a class/id to the answer, so it's a bit cleaner:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#toggle_this').on('click', function (event) {
EDIT: event.preventDefault() prevents the anchor tag from navigating to the href, and .on registers an event handler, so that the function specified is executed when the event triggers.
First you have a stray closing anchor </a> tag before the 'Here'.
Also i'd give the <p> your trying to hide an id eg. <p id="answer">.
Update the jQuery to this.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#toggle_this").click(function() {

click on a link using jQuery on page load

I have a link with a script in that opens a view of products. I don't have access to the html, and I need to have this view open on default. Until the behavior is fixed the correct way, which will take long time unfortunaly, I want to automatically make the link click on pageload.
I tried with the script below first - but since the link itself triggers a pageload, this obviously just keeps firing over and over again.
So how do I do this with jquery or vaniall JS, is this even possible?
$(document).ready(function () {
My link:
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$(document).ready(function () {
to manually trigger an event u need to use trigger() ,click is to only assign a handler
$(document).ready(function () {
... handler code
The click() method triggers the click event.
Syntax :
Trigger the click event for the selected elements:
$(selector).click(); (example)
In your case :
$(document).ready(function() {
<script src="//"></script>
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Edit :
If you don't want to trigger in a specific page. do like this.
$(document).ready(function () {
if (!location.href.indexOf("someurl") > -1)
Can you tell me why you add [0], if you need to add it for first element then use following code :-
$(document).ready(function () {
otherwise you can directly use these :-
$(document).ready(function () {
Change your link tag with following :-
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How do I use JQuery to hide a div on click again?

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#clicker").click(function() {
Using the script above I am able to show .show_this on clicking #clicker but on clicking #clicker again i want to hide it. How can I tweak my code to do that?
I did some research and it seemed that by using e.preventDefault(); I would be able to achieve that but it didn't work.
You can use toggle();
This will toggle every time, so if it is hidden it will show it and vice versa
Api Documentation:
Also event.preventDefault(); will not be able to do this, though it is useful if the .show-this is a anchor tag because it will prevent the default action and that is to follow the link.
Use .toggle() instead.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#clicker").click(function(e) {
jsFiddle example
You can do this using the .toggle() method like:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#clicker").click(function(e) { // call the event variable 'e' first here

Including both href and onclick to HTML <a> tag

If I have this element:
How can I make both href and onClick work, preferably with onClick running first?
You already have what you need, with a minor syntax change:
<script type="text/javascript">
function theFunction () {
// return true or false, depending on whether you want to allow the `href` property to follow through or not
The default behavior of the <a> tag's onclick and href properties is to execute the onclick, then follow the href as long as the onclick doesn't return false, canceling the event (or the event hasn't been prevented)
Use jQuery. You need to capture the click event and then go on to the website.
$("#myHref").on('click', function() {
alert("inside onclick");
window.location = "";
<script src=""></script>
Click me
To achieve this use following html:
function make(e) {
// ... your function code
// e.preventDefault(); // use this to NOT go to href site
Here is working example.
No jQuery needed.
Some people say using onclick is bad practice...
This example uses pure browser javascript. By default, it appears that the click handler will evaluate before the navigation, so you can cancel the navigation and do your own if you wish.
<a id="myButton" href="">Click me!</a>
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
document.querySelector("#myButton").addEventListener("click", e => {
// Can also cancel the event and manually navigate
// e.preventDefault();
// window.location =;
Use a <button> instead. In general, you should only use a hyperlink for navigation to a real URL.
We can style a button to look like an anchor element.
Anchor elements are often abused as fake buttons by setting their href to # or javascript:void(0) to prevent the page from refreshing, then listening for their click events .
These bogus href values cause unexpected behavior when copying/dragging links, opening links in a new tab/window, bookmarking, or when JavaScript is loading, errors, or is disabled. They also convey incorrect semantics to assistive technologies, like screen readers.
Use ng-click in place of onclick. and its as simple as that:
<script type="text/javascript">
function theFunction () {
// return true or false, depending on whether you want to allow
// the`href` property to follow through or not

Prevent icon inside disabled button from triggering click?

Trying to figure out proper way to make a click event not fire on the icon of a disabled link. The problem is when you click the Icon, it triggers the click event. I need the selector to include child objects(I think) so that clicking them triggers the event whenever the link is enabled, but it needs to exclude the children when the parent is disabled.
Links get disabled attribute set dynamically AFTER page load. That's why I'm using .on
Demo here:(New link, forgot to set link to disabled)
<div class="container">
<div class="hero-unit">
<h1>Bootstrap jsFiddle Skeleton</h1>
<p>Fork this fiddle to test your Bootstrap stuff.</p>
<a class="btn" disabled>
<i class="icon-file"></i>
$('.btn').on('click', ':not([disabled])', function () { alert("test"); });​
I feel like I'm not using .on right, because it doesn't take the $('.btn') into account, only searching child events. So I find myself doing things like $('someParentElement').on or $('body').on, one being more difficult to maintain because it assumes the elements appear in a certain context(someone moves the link and now the javascript breaks) and the second method I think is inefficient.
Here is a second example that works properly in both enabled/disabled scenarios, but I feel like having to first select the parent element is really bad, because the event will break if someone rearranges the page layout:
Don't use event delegation if you only want to listen for clicks on the .btn element itself:
$('.btn').on('click', function() {
if (!this.hasAttribute("disabled"))
If you'd use event delegation, the button would need to be the matching element:
$(someParent).on('click', '.btn:not([disabled])', function(e) {
Or use a true button, which can really be disabled:
<button class="btn" [disabled]><span class="file-icon" /> Test</button>
Demo, disabled.
Here, no click event will fire at all when disabled, because it's a proper form element instead of a simple anchor. Just use
$('.btn').on('click', function() {
if (!this.disabled) // check actually not needed
this.diabled = true;
var that = this;
// async action:
setTimeout(function() {
that.disabled = false;
}, 1000);
.on('click', ':not([disabled])'
^ This means that, since the icon is a child of the button ".btn", and it is not disabled, the function will execute.
Either disable the icon, also, or apply the event listener only to the <a> tag that is your button, or use e.stopPropagation();
I would suggest using e.stopPropagation();, this should prevent the icon from responding to the click.
That doesn't seem to work for me ^
Disabling the icon, however, does.
I would prefer to add the event using delegation here as you are trying to base the event based on the attributes of the element.
You can add a check condition to see if you want to run the code or not.
$('.container').on('click', '.btn', function() {
if( $(this).attr('disabled') !== 'disabled'){
Check Fiddle
You're not using the selector properly.
$('.btn').not('[disabled]').on('click', function () {
See it live here.
$('.container').on('click', '.btn:not([disabled])', function () {
I think what you need is:
Basically something like the following should work
$('.icon-file').on('click', function(event){event.stopPropagation();});
You may want to add some logic to only stop bubbling the event when the button ist disabled.
not sure, but this selector should work:
$('.btn:disabled .icon-file')

