How to know if all javascript object values are true? - javascript

In JavaScript, I need to know if all object items are set to true.
If I have the following object:
var myObj = {title:true, name:true, email:false};
I could write something like this :
if(myObj.title && &&{
/*Some code */
But I am looking for the simplest way to write it. eg :
if(myObj all is true){
/*Some code */
I might have another object with 10-20 items inside it, and will need to know if all are true.

With ES2017 Object.values() life's even simpler.
Object.values(yourTestObject).every(item => item)
Even shorter version with Boolean() function [thanks to xab]
Or with stricter true checks
.every(item => item === true)

In modern browsers:
var allTrue = Object.keys(myObj).every(function(k){ return myObj[k] });
If you really want to check for true rather than just a truthy value:
var allTrue = Object.keys(myObj).every(function(k){ return myObj[k] === true });

How about something like:
function allTrue(obj)
for(var o in obj)
if(!obj[o]) return false;
return true;
var myObj1 = {title:true, name:true, email:false};
var myObj2 = {title:true, name:true, email:true};
document.write('<br />myObj1 all true: ' + allTrue(myObj1));
document.write('<br />myObj2 all true: ' + allTrue(myObj2));
A few disclaimers: This will return true if all values are true-ish, not necessarily exactly equal to the Boolean value of True. Also, it will scan all properties of the passed in object, including its prototype. This may or may not be what you need, however it should work fine on a simple object literal like the one you provided.

Quickest way is a loop
for(var index in myObj){
if(!myObj[index]){ //check if it is truly false
var fail = true
//test failed
This will loop all values in the array then check if the value is false and if it is then it will set the fail variable, witch will tell you that the test failed.

You can use every from lodash
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: true };
const obj2 = { a: true, b: true, c: true };
_.every(obj1, true); // false
_.every(obj2, true); // true


What is the difference between ` if (key in obj) ` and ' if (obj[key]) '? [duplicate]

How do I check if a particular key exists in a JavaScript object or array?
If a key doesn't exist, and I try to access it, will it return false? Or throw an error?
Checking for undefined-ness is not an accurate way of testing whether a key exists. What if the key exists but the value is actually undefined?
var obj = { key: undefined };
console.log(obj["key"] !== undefined); // false, but the key exists!
You should instead use the in operator:
var obj = { key: undefined };
console.log("key" in obj); // true, regardless of the actual value
If you want to check if a key doesn't exist, remember to use parenthesis:
var obj = { not_key: undefined };
console.log(!("key" in obj)); // true if "key" doesn't exist in object
console.log(!"key" in obj); // Do not do this! It is equivalent to "false in obj"
Or, if you want to particularly test for properties of the object instance (and not inherited properties), use hasOwnProperty:
var obj = { key: undefined };
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty("key")); // true
For performance comparison between the methods that are in, hasOwnProperty and key is undefined, see this benchmark:
Quick Answer
How do I check if a particular key exists in a JavaScript object or array?
If a key doesn't exist and I try to access it, will it return false? Or throw an error?
Accessing directly a missing property using (associative) array style or object style will return an undefined constant.
The slow and reliable in operator and hasOwnProperty method
As people have already mentioned here, you could have an object with a property associated with an "undefined" constant.
var bizzareObj = {valid_key: undefined};
In that case, you will have to use hasOwnProperty or in operator to know if the key is really there. But, but at what price?
so, I tell you...
in operator and hasOwnProperty are "methods" that use the Property Descriptor mechanism in Javascript (similar to Java reflection in the Java language).
The Property Descriptor type is used to explain the manipulation and reification of named property attributes. Values of the Property Descriptor type are records composed of named fields where each field’s name is an attribute name and its value is a corresponding attribute value as specified in 8.6.1. In addition, any field may be present or absent.
On the other hand, calling an object method or key will use Javascript [[Get]] mechanism. That is a far way faster!
Using in operator
var result = "Impression" in array;
The result was
12,931,832 ±0.21% ops/sec 92% slower
Using hasOwnProperty
var result = array.hasOwnProperty("Impression")
The result was
16,021,758 ±0.45% ops/sec 91% slower
Accessing elements directly (brackets style)
var result = array["Impression"] === undefined
The result was
168,270,439 ±0.13 ops/sec 0.02% slower
Accessing elements directly (object style)
var result = array.Impression === undefined;
The result was
168,303,172 ±0.20% fastest
EDIT: What is the reason to assign to a property the undefined value?
That question puzzles me. In Javascript, there are at least two references for absent objects to avoid problems like this: null and undefined.
null is the primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value, or in short terms, the confirmed lack of value. On the other hand, undefined is an unknown value (not defined). If there is a property that will be used later with a proper value consider use null reference instead of undefined because in the initial moment the property is confirmed to lack value.
var a = {1: null};
console.log(a[1] === undefined); // output: false. I know the value at position 1 of a[] is absent and this was by design, i.e.: the value is defined.
console.log(a[0] === undefined); // output: true. I cannot say anything about a[0] value. In this case, the key 0 was not in a[].
Avoid objects with undefined values. Check directly whenever possible and use null to initialize property values. Otherwise, use the slow in operator or hasOwnProperty() method.
As people have commented, modern versions of the Javascript engines (with firefox exception) have changed the approach for access properties. The current implementation is slower than the previous one for this particular case but the difference between access key and object is neglectable.
It will return undefined.
var aa = {hello: "world"};
alert( aa["hello"] ); // popup box with "world"
alert( aa["goodbye"] ); // popup box with "undefined"
undefined is a special constant value. So you can say, e.g.
// note the three equal signs so that null won't be equal to undefined
if( aa["goodbye"] === undefined ) {
// do something
This is probably the best way to check for missing keys. However, as is pointed out in a comment below, it's theoretically possible that you'd want to have the actual value be undefined. I've never needed to do this and can't think of a reason offhand why I'd ever want to, but just for the sake of completeness, you can use the in operator
// this works even if you have {"goodbye": undefined}
if( "goodbye" in aa ) {
// do something
"key" in obj
Is likely testing only object attribute values that are very different from array keys
Checking for properties of the object including inherited properties
Could be determined using the in operator which returns true if the specified property is in the specified object or its prototype chain, false otherwise
const person = { name: 'dan' };
console.log('name' in person); // true
console.log('age' in person); // false
Checking for properties of the object instance (not including inherited properties)
*2021 - Using the new method ***Object.hasOwn() as a replacement for Object.hasOwnProperty()
Object.hasOwn() is intended as a replacement for Object.hasOwnProperty() and is a new method available to use (yet still not fully supported by all browsers like safari yet but soon will be)
Object.hasOwn() is a static method which returns true if the specified object has the specified property as its own property. If the property is inherited, or does not exist, the method returns false.
const person = { name: 'dan' };
console.log(Object.hasOwn(person, 'name'));// true
console.log(Object.hasOwn(person, 'age'));// false
const person2 = Object.create({gender: 'male'});
console.log(Object.hasOwn(person2, 'gender'));// false
What is the motivation to use it over Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty? - It is recommended to this method use over the Object.hasOwnProperty() because it also works for objects created by using Object.create(null) and for objects that have overridden the inherited hasOwnProperty() method. Although it's possible to solve these kind of problems by calling Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() on an external object, Object.hasOwn() overcome these problems, hence is preferred (see examples below)
let person = {
hasOwnProperty: function() {
return false;
age: 35
if (Object.hasOwn(person, 'age')) {
console.log(person.age); // true - the remplementation of hasOwnProperty() did not affect the Object
let person = Object.create(null);
person.age = 35;
if (Object.hasOwn(person, 'age')) {
console.log(person.age); // true - works regardless of how the object was created
More about Object.hasOwn can be found here :
Browser compatibility for Object.hasOwn -
The accepted answer refers to Object. Beware using the in operator on Array to find data instead of keys:
("true" in ["true", "false"])
// -> false (Because the keys of the above Array are actually 0 and 1)
To test existing elements in an Array: Best way to find if an item is in a JavaScript array?
Three ways to check if a property is present in a javascript object:
Will convert value to bool. returns true for all but the false value
'theProperty' in obj
Will return true if the property exists, no matter its value (even empty)
Does not check the prototype chain. (since all objects have the toString method, 1 and 2 will return true on it, while 3 can return false on it.)
If you are using underscore.js library then object/array operations become simple.
In your case _.has method can be used. Example:
yourArray = {age: "10"}
_.has(yourArray, "age")
returns true
_.has(yourArray, "invalidKey")
returns false
if ("key" in myObj)
console.log("key exists!");
console.log("key doesn't exist!");
The in operator will check if the key exists in the object. If you checked if the value was undefined: if (myObj["key"] === 'undefined'), you could run into problems because a key could possibly exist in your object with the undefined value.
For that reason, it is much better practice to first use the in operator and then compare the value that is inside the key once you already know it exists.
Here's a helper function I find quite useful
This keyExists(key, search) can be used to easily lookup a key within objects or arrays!
Just pass it the key you want to find, and search obj (the object or array) you want to find it in.
function keyExists(key, search) {
if (!search || (search.constructor !== Array && search.constructor !== Object)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
if (search[i] === key) {
return true;
return key in search;
// How to use it:
// Searching for keys in Arrays
console.log(keyExists('apple', ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'])); // true
console.log(keyExists('fruit', ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'])); // false
// Searching for keys in Objects
console.log(keyExists('age', {'name': 'Bill', 'age': 29 })); // true
console.log(keyExists('title', {'name': 'Jason', 'age': 29 })); // false
It's been pretty reliable and works well cross-browser.
vanila js
yourObjName.hasOwnProperty(key) : true ? false;
If you want to check if the object has at least one property in es2015
Object.keys(yourObjName).length : true ? false
ES6 solution
using Array#some and Object.keys. It will return true if given key exists in the object or false if it doesn't.
var obj = {foo: 'one', bar: 'two'};
function isKeyInObject(obj, key) {
var res = Object.keys(obj).some(v => v == key);
isKeyInObject(obj, 'foo');
isKeyInObject(obj, 'something');
One-line example.
console.log(Object.keys({foo: 'one', bar: 'two'}).some(v => v == 'foo'));
Optional chaining operator:
const invoice = {customer: {address: {city: "foo"}}}
console.log( invoice?.customer?.address?.city )
console.log( invoice?.customer?.address?.street )
console.log( invoice?.xyz?.address?.city )
See supported browsers list
For those which have lodash included in their project:There is a lodash _.get method which tries to get "deep" keys:
Gets the value at path of object. If the resolved value is undefined,
the defaultValue is returned in its place.
var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };
_.get(object, 'a[0].b.c'), // => 3
_.get(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']), // => 3
_.get(object, 'a.b.c'), // => undefined
_.get(object, 'a.b.c', 'default') // => 'default'
<script src=""></script>
This will effectively check if that key, however deep, is defined and will not throw an error which might harm the flow of your program if that key is not defined.
To find if a key exists in an object, use
The ES7 includes method checks if an Array includes an item or not, & is a simpler alternative to indexOf.
The easiest way to check is
"key" in object
for example:
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
"a" in obj // true
"c" in obj // false
Return value as true implies that key exists in the object.
Optional Chaining (?.) operator can also be used for this
Source: MDN/Operators/Optional_chaining
const adventurer = {
name: 'Alice',
cat: {
name: 'Dinah'
console.log( // undefined
console.log( // Dinah
An alternate approach using "Reflect"
As per MDN
Reflect is a built-in object that provides methods for interceptable
JavaScript operations.
The static Reflect.has() method works like the in operator as a
var obj = {
a: undefined,
b: 1,
c: "hello world"
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'a'))
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'b'))
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'c'))
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'd'))
Should I use it ?
It depends.
Reflect.has() is slower than the other methods mentioned on the accepted answer (as per my benchmark test). But, if you are using it only a few times in your code, I don't see much issues with this approach.
We can use -, key);
The underscore.js way -
if(_.has(this.options, 'login')){
//key 'login' exists in this.options
_.has = function(obj, key) {
return, key);
If you want to check for any key at any depth on an object and account for falsey values consider this line for a utility function:
var keyExistsOn = (o, k) => k.split(".").reduce((a, c) => a.hasOwnProperty(c) ? a[c] || 1 : false, Object.assign({}, o)) === false ? false : true;
var obj = {
test: "",
locals: {
test: "",
test2: false,
test3: NaN,
test4: 0,
test5: undefined,
auth: {
user: "hw"
keyExistsOn(obj, "")
> false
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test2")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test3")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test4")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test5")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "sdsdf")
keyExistsOn(obj, "sdsdf.rtsd")
keyExistsOn(obj, "sdsdf.234d")
keyExistsOn(obj, "2134.sdsdf.234d")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.autht")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.user")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.userr")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.user.")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.user")
Also see this NPM package:
While this doesn't necessarily check if a key exists, it does check for the truthiness of a value. Which undefined and null fall under.
This solution works best for me because I use typescript, and using strings like so 'foo' in obj or obj.hasOwnProperty('foo')
to check whether a key exists or not does not provide me with intellisense.
const object1 = {
a: 'something',
b: 'something',
c: 'something'
const key = 's';
// Object.keys(object1) will return array of the object keys ['a', 'b', 'c']
Object.keys(object1).indexOf(key) === -1 ? 'the key is not there' : 'yep the key is exist';
In 'array' world we can look on indexes as some kind of keys. What is surprising the in operator (which is good choice for object) also works with arrays. The returned value for non-existed key is undefined
let arr = ["a","b","c"]; // we have indexes: 0,1,2
delete arr[1]; // set 'empty' at index 1
arr.pop(); // remove last item
console.log(0 in arr, arr[0]);
console.log(1 in arr, arr[1]);
console.log(2 in arr, arr[2]);
Worth noting that since the introduction of ES11 you can use the nullish coalescing operator, which simplifies things a lot:
const obj = {foo: 'one', bar: 'two'};
const result = ?? "Not found";
The code above will return "Not found" for any "falsy" values in foo. Otherwise it will return
See Combining with the nullish coalescing operator
JS Double Exclamation !! sign may help in this case.
const cars = {
price: 5000
Suppose we have the object above and If you try to log car with petrol price.
=> console.log(cars.petrol.price);
=> 5000
You'll definitely get 5000 out of it. But what if you try to get an
electric car which does not exist then you'll get undefine
=> console.log(cars.electric);
=> undefine
But using !! which is its short way to cast a variable to be a
Boolean (true or false) value.
=> console.log(!!cars.electric);
=> false
In my case, I wanted to check an NLP metadata returned by LUIS which is an object. I wanted to check if a key which is a string "FinancialRiskIntent" exists as a key inside that metadata object.
I tried to target the nested object I needed to check -> data.meta.prediction.intents (for my own purposes only, yours could be any object)
I used below code to check if the key exists:
const hasKey = 'FinancialRiskIntent' in data.meta.prediction.intents;
if(hasKey) {
console.log('The key exists.');
else {
console.log('The key does not exist.');
This is checking for a specific key which I was initially looking for.
Hope this bit helps someone.
yourArray.indexOf(yourArrayKeyName) > -1
fruit = ['apple', 'grapes', 'banana']
fruit.indexOf('apple') > -1
fruit = ['apple', 'grapes', 'banana']
fruit.indexOf('apple1') > -1
for strict object keys checking:
const object1 = {};
object1.stackoverflow = 51;
output: true
These example can demonstrate the differences between defferent ways. Hope it will help you to pick the right one for your needs:
// Lets create object `a` using create function `A`
function A(){};
var a=new A();
a.ownProp = 3;
a.ownPropUndef = undefined;
// Let's try different methods:
a.onProtDef; // 2
a.onProtUndef; // undefined
a.ownProp; // 3
a.ownPropUndef; // undefined
a.whatEver; // undefined
a.valueOf; // ƒ valueOf() { [native code] }
a.hasOwnProperty('onProtDef'); // false
a.hasOwnProperty('onProtUndef'); // false
a.hasOwnProperty('ownProp'); // true
a.hasOwnProperty('ownPropUndef'); // true
a.hasOwnProperty('whatEver'); // false
a.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'); // false
'onProtDef' in a; // true
'onProtUndef' in a; // true
'ownProp' in a; // true
'ownPropUndef' in a; // true
'whatEver' in a; // false
'valueOf' in a; // true (on the prototype chain - Object.valueOf)
Object.keys(a); // ["ownProp", "ownPropUndef"]
const rawObject = {};
rawObject.propertyKey = 'somethingValue';
// expected output: true
checking particular key present in given object, hasOwnProperty will works here.
If you have ESLint configured in your project follows ESLint rule no-prototype-builtins. The reason why has been described in the following link:
// bad
// good
console.log(, key));
// best
const has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // cache the lookup once, in module scope.
console.log(, key));
/* or */
import has from 'has'; //
console.log(has(object, key));
New awesome solution with JavaScript Destructuring:
let obj = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3",
let {key1, key2, key3, key4} = obj;
// key1 = "value1"
// key2 = "value2"
// key3 = "value3"
// key4 = undefined
// Can easily use `if` here on key4
if(!key4) { console.log("key not present"); } // Key not present
Do check other use of JavaScript Destructuring

If object array has x parameter [duplicate]

How do I check if a particular key exists in a JavaScript object or array?
If a key doesn't exist, and I try to access it, will it return false? Or throw an error?
Checking for undefined-ness is not an accurate way of testing whether a key exists. What if the key exists but the value is actually undefined?
var obj = { key: undefined };
console.log(obj["key"] !== undefined); // false, but the key exists!
You should instead use the in operator:
var obj = { key: undefined };
console.log("key" in obj); // true, regardless of the actual value
If you want to check if a key doesn't exist, remember to use parenthesis:
var obj = { not_key: undefined };
console.log(!("key" in obj)); // true if "key" doesn't exist in object
console.log(!"key" in obj); // Do not do this! It is equivalent to "false in obj"
Or, if you want to particularly test for properties of the object instance (and not inherited properties), use hasOwnProperty:
var obj = { key: undefined };
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty("key")); // true
For performance comparison between the methods that are in, hasOwnProperty and key is undefined, see this benchmark:
Quick Answer
How do I check if a particular key exists in a JavaScript object or array?
If a key doesn't exist and I try to access it, will it return false? Or throw an error?
Accessing directly a missing property using (associative) array style or object style will return an undefined constant.
The slow and reliable in operator and hasOwnProperty method
As people have already mentioned here, you could have an object with a property associated with an "undefined" constant.
var bizzareObj = {valid_key: undefined};
In that case, you will have to use hasOwnProperty or in operator to know if the key is really there. But, but at what price?
so, I tell you...
in operator and hasOwnProperty are "methods" that use the Property Descriptor mechanism in Javascript (similar to Java reflection in the Java language).
The Property Descriptor type is used to explain the manipulation and reification of named property attributes. Values of the Property Descriptor type are records composed of named fields where each field’s name is an attribute name and its value is a corresponding attribute value as specified in 8.6.1. In addition, any field may be present or absent.
On the other hand, calling an object method or key will use Javascript [[Get]] mechanism. That is a far way faster!
Using in operator
var result = "Impression" in array;
The result was
12,931,832 ±0.21% ops/sec 92% slower
Using hasOwnProperty
var result = array.hasOwnProperty("Impression")
The result was
16,021,758 ±0.45% ops/sec 91% slower
Accessing elements directly (brackets style)
var result = array["Impression"] === undefined
The result was
168,270,439 ±0.13 ops/sec 0.02% slower
Accessing elements directly (object style)
var result = array.Impression === undefined;
The result was
168,303,172 ±0.20% fastest
EDIT: What is the reason to assign to a property the undefined value?
That question puzzles me. In Javascript, there are at least two references for absent objects to avoid problems like this: null and undefined.
null is the primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value, or in short terms, the confirmed lack of value. On the other hand, undefined is an unknown value (not defined). If there is a property that will be used later with a proper value consider use null reference instead of undefined because in the initial moment the property is confirmed to lack value.
var a = {1: null};
console.log(a[1] === undefined); // output: false. I know the value at position 1 of a[] is absent and this was by design, i.e.: the value is defined.
console.log(a[0] === undefined); // output: true. I cannot say anything about a[0] value. In this case, the key 0 was not in a[].
Avoid objects with undefined values. Check directly whenever possible and use null to initialize property values. Otherwise, use the slow in operator or hasOwnProperty() method.
As people have commented, modern versions of the Javascript engines (with firefox exception) have changed the approach for access properties. The current implementation is slower than the previous one for this particular case but the difference between access key and object is neglectable.
It will return undefined.
var aa = {hello: "world"};
alert( aa["hello"] ); // popup box with "world"
alert( aa["goodbye"] ); // popup box with "undefined"
undefined is a special constant value. So you can say, e.g.
// note the three equal signs so that null won't be equal to undefined
if( aa["goodbye"] === undefined ) {
// do something
This is probably the best way to check for missing keys. However, as is pointed out in a comment below, it's theoretically possible that you'd want to have the actual value be undefined. I've never needed to do this and can't think of a reason offhand why I'd ever want to, but just for the sake of completeness, you can use the in operator
// this works even if you have {"goodbye": undefined}
if( "goodbye" in aa ) {
// do something
"key" in obj
Is likely testing only object attribute values that are very different from array keys
Checking for properties of the object including inherited properties
Could be determined using the in operator which returns true if the specified property is in the specified object or its prototype chain, false otherwise
const person = { name: 'dan' };
console.log('name' in person); // true
console.log('age' in person); // false
Checking for properties of the object instance (not including inherited properties)
*2021 - Using the new method ***Object.hasOwn() as a replacement for Object.hasOwnProperty()
Object.hasOwn() is intended as a replacement for Object.hasOwnProperty() and is a new method available to use (yet still not fully supported by all browsers like safari yet but soon will be)
Object.hasOwn() is a static method which returns true if the specified object has the specified property as its own property. If the property is inherited, or does not exist, the method returns false.
const person = { name: 'dan' };
console.log(Object.hasOwn(person, 'name'));// true
console.log(Object.hasOwn(person, 'age'));// false
const person2 = Object.create({gender: 'male'});
console.log(Object.hasOwn(person2, 'gender'));// false
What is the motivation to use it over Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty? - It is recommended to this method use over the Object.hasOwnProperty() because it also works for objects created by using Object.create(null) and for objects that have overridden the inherited hasOwnProperty() method. Although it's possible to solve these kind of problems by calling Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() on an external object, Object.hasOwn() overcome these problems, hence is preferred (see examples below)
let person = {
hasOwnProperty: function() {
return false;
age: 35
if (Object.hasOwn(person, 'age')) {
console.log(person.age); // true - the remplementation of hasOwnProperty() did not affect the Object
let person = Object.create(null);
person.age = 35;
if (Object.hasOwn(person, 'age')) {
console.log(person.age); // true - works regardless of how the object was created
More about Object.hasOwn can be found here :
Browser compatibility for Object.hasOwn -
The accepted answer refers to Object. Beware using the in operator on Array to find data instead of keys:
("true" in ["true", "false"])
// -> false (Because the keys of the above Array are actually 0 and 1)
To test existing elements in an Array: Best way to find if an item is in a JavaScript array?
Three ways to check if a property is present in a javascript object:
Will convert value to bool. returns true for all but the false value
'theProperty' in obj
Will return true if the property exists, no matter its value (even empty)
Does not check the prototype chain. (since all objects have the toString method, 1 and 2 will return true on it, while 3 can return false on it.)
If you are using underscore.js library then object/array operations become simple.
In your case _.has method can be used. Example:
yourArray = {age: "10"}
_.has(yourArray, "age")
returns true
_.has(yourArray, "invalidKey")
returns false
if ("key" in myObj)
console.log("key exists!");
console.log("key doesn't exist!");
The in operator will check if the key exists in the object. If you checked if the value was undefined: if (myObj["key"] === 'undefined'), you could run into problems because a key could possibly exist in your object with the undefined value.
For that reason, it is much better practice to first use the in operator and then compare the value that is inside the key once you already know it exists.
Here's a helper function I find quite useful
This keyExists(key, search) can be used to easily lookup a key within objects or arrays!
Just pass it the key you want to find, and search obj (the object or array) you want to find it in.
function keyExists(key, search) {
if (!search || (search.constructor !== Array && search.constructor !== Object)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
if (search[i] === key) {
return true;
return key in search;
// How to use it:
// Searching for keys in Arrays
console.log(keyExists('apple', ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'])); // true
console.log(keyExists('fruit', ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'])); // false
// Searching for keys in Objects
console.log(keyExists('age', {'name': 'Bill', 'age': 29 })); // true
console.log(keyExists('title', {'name': 'Jason', 'age': 29 })); // false
It's been pretty reliable and works well cross-browser.
vanila js
yourObjName.hasOwnProperty(key) : true ? false;
If you want to check if the object has at least one property in es2015
Object.keys(yourObjName).length : true ? false
ES6 solution
using Array#some and Object.keys. It will return true if given key exists in the object or false if it doesn't.
var obj = {foo: 'one', bar: 'two'};
function isKeyInObject(obj, key) {
var res = Object.keys(obj).some(v => v == key);
isKeyInObject(obj, 'foo');
isKeyInObject(obj, 'something');
One-line example.
console.log(Object.keys({foo: 'one', bar: 'two'}).some(v => v == 'foo'));
Optional chaining operator:
const invoice = {customer: {address: {city: "foo"}}}
console.log( invoice?.customer?.address?.city )
console.log( invoice?.customer?.address?.street )
console.log( invoice?.xyz?.address?.city )
See supported browsers list
For those which have lodash included in their project:There is a lodash _.get method which tries to get "deep" keys:
Gets the value at path of object. If the resolved value is undefined,
the defaultValue is returned in its place.
var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };
_.get(object, 'a[0].b.c'), // => 3
_.get(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']), // => 3
_.get(object, 'a.b.c'), // => undefined
_.get(object, 'a.b.c', 'default') // => 'default'
<script src=""></script>
This will effectively check if that key, however deep, is defined and will not throw an error which might harm the flow of your program if that key is not defined.
To find if a key exists in an object, use
The ES7 includes method checks if an Array includes an item or not, & is a simpler alternative to indexOf.
The easiest way to check is
"key" in object
for example:
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
"a" in obj // true
"c" in obj // false
Return value as true implies that key exists in the object.
Optional Chaining (?.) operator can also be used for this
Source: MDN/Operators/Optional_chaining
const adventurer = {
name: 'Alice',
cat: {
name: 'Dinah'
console.log( // undefined
console.log( // Dinah
An alternate approach using "Reflect"
As per MDN
Reflect is a built-in object that provides methods for interceptable
JavaScript operations.
The static Reflect.has() method works like the in operator as a
var obj = {
a: undefined,
b: 1,
c: "hello world"
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'a'))
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'b'))
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'c'))
console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'd'))
Should I use it ?
It depends.
Reflect.has() is slower than the other methods mentioned on the accepted answer (as per my benchmark test). But, if you are using it only a few times in your code, I don't see much issues with this approach.
We can use -, key);
The underscore.js way -
if(_.has(this.options, 'login')){
//key 'login' exists in this.options
_.has = function(obj, key) {
return, key);
If you want to check for any key at any depth on an object and account for falsey values consider this line for a utility function:
var keyExistsOn = (o, k) => k.split(".").reduce((a, c) => a.hasOwnProperty(c) ? a[c] || 1 : false, Object.assign({}, o)) === false ? false : true;
var obj = {
test: "",
locals: {
test: "",
test2: false,
test3: NaN,
test4: 0,
test5: undefined,
auth: {
user: "hw"
keyExistsOn(obj, "")
> false
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test2")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test3")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test4")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.test5")
> true
keyExistsOn(obj, "sdsdf")
keyExistsOn(obj, "sdsdf.rtsd")
keyExistsOn(obj, "sdsdf.234d")
keyExistsOn(obj, "2134.sdsdf.234d")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.autht")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.user")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.userr")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.user.")
keyExistsOn(obj, "locals.auth.user")
Also see this NPM package:
While this doesn't necessarily check if a key exists, it does check for the truthiness of a value. Which undefined and null fall under.
This solution works best for me because I use typescript, and using strings like so 'foo' in obj or obj.hasOwnProperty('foo')
to check whether a key exists or not does not provide me with intellisense.
const object1 = {
a: 'something',
b: 'something',
c: 'something'
const key = 's';
// Object.keys(object1) will return array of the object keys ['a', 'b', 'c']
Object.keys(object1).indexOf(key) === -1 ? 'the key is not there' : 'yep the key is exist';
In 'array' world we can look on indexes as some kind of keys. What is surprising the in operator (which is good choice for object) also works with arrays. The returned value for non-existed key is undefined
let arr = ["a","b","c"]; // we have indexes: 0,1,2
delete arr[1]; // set 'empty' at index 1
arr.pop(); // remove last item
console.log(0 in arr, arr[0]);
console.log(1 in arr, arr[1]);
console.log(2 in arr, arr[2]);
Worth noting that since the introduction of ES11 you can use the nullish coalescing operator, which simplifies things a lot:
const obj = {foo: 'one', bar: 'two'};
const result = ?? "Not found";
The code above will return "Not found" for any "falsy" values in foo. Otherwise it will return
See Combining with the nullish coalescing operator
JS Double Exclamation !! sign may help in this case.
const cars = {
price: 5000
Suppose we have the object above and If you try to log car with petrol price.
=> console.log(cars.petrol.price);
=> 5000
You'll definitely get 5000 out of it. But what if you try to get an
electric car which does not exist then you'll get undefine
=> console.log(cars.electric);
=> undefine
But using !! which is its short way to cast a variable to be a
Boolean (true or false) value.
=> console.log(!!cars.electric);
=> false
In my case, I wanted to check an NLP metadata returned by LUIS which is an object. I wanted to check if a key which is a string "FinancialRiskIntent" exists as a key inside that metadata object.
I tried to target the nested object I needed to check -> data.meta.prediction.intents (for my own purposes only, yours could be any object)
I used below code to check if the key exists:
const hasKey = 'FinancialRiskIntent' in data.meta.prediction.intents;
if(hasKey) {
console.log('The key exists.');
else {
console.log('The key does not exist.');
This is checking for a specific key which I was initially looking for.
Hope this bit helps someone.
yourArray.indexOf(yourArrayKeyName) > -1
fruit = ['apple', 'grapes', 'banana']
fruit.indexOf('apple') > -1
fruit = ['apple', 'grapes', 'banana']
fruit.indexOf('apple1') > -1
for strict object keys checking:
const object1 = {};
object1.stackoverflow = 51;
output: true
These example can demonstrate the differences between defferent ways. Hope it will help you to pick the right one for your needs:
// Lets create object `a` using create function `A`
function A(){};
var a=new A();
a.ownProp = 3;
a.ownPropUndef = undefined;
// Let's try different methods:
a.onProtDef; // 2
a.onProtUndef; // undefined
a.ownProp; // 3
a.ownPropUndef; // undefined
a.whatEver; // undefined
a.valueOf; // ƒ valueOf() { [native code] }
a.hasOwnProperty('onProtDef'); // false
a.hasOwnProperty('onProtUndef'); // false
a.hasOwnProperty('ownProp'); // true
a.hasOwnProperty('ownPropUndef'); // true
a.hasOwnProperty('whatEver'); // false
a.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'); // false
'onProtDef' in a; // true
'onProtUndef' in a; // true
'ownProp' in a; // true
'ownPropUndef' in a; // true
'whatEver' in a; // false
'valueOf' in a; // true (on the prototype chain - Object.valueOf)
Object.keys(a); // ["ownProp", "ownPropUndef"]
const rawObject = {};
rawObject.propertyKey = 'somethingValue';
// expected output: true
checking particular key present in given object, hasOwnProperty will works here.
If you have ESLint configured in your project follows ESLint rule no-prototype-builtins. The reason why has been described in the following link:
// bad
// good
console.log(, key));
// best
const has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // cache the lookup once, in module scope.
console.log(, key));
/* or */
import has from 'has'; //
console.log(has(object, key));
New awesome solution with JavaScript Destructuring:
let obj = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3",
let {key1, key2, key3, key4} = obj;
// key1 = "value1"
// key2 = "value2"
// key3 = "value3"
// key4 = undefined
// Can easily use `if` here on key4
if(!key4) { console.log("key not present"); } // Key not present
Do check other use of JavaScript Destructuring

What is the equivalent of Array.any? in JavaScript?

I'm looking for a method for JavaScript that returns true or false when it's empty... something like Ruby any? or empty?
[].any? #=> false
[].empty? #=> true
The JavaScript native .some() method does exactly what you're looking for:
function isBiggerThan10(element, index, array) {
return element > 10;
[2, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBiggerThan10); // false
[12, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBiggerThan10); // true
JavaScript has the Array.prototype.some() method:
[1, 2, 3].some((num) => num % 2 === 0);
returns true because there's (at least) one even number in the array.
In general, the Array class in JavaScript's standard library is quite poor compared to Ruby's Enumerable. There's no isEmpty method and .some() requires that you pass in a function or you'll get an undefined is not a function error. You can define your own .isEmpty() as well as a .any() that is closer to Ruby's like this:
Array.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.length === 0;
Array.prototype.any = function(func) {
return this.some(func || function(x) { return x });
Libraries like underscore.js and lodash provide helper methods like these, if you're used to Ruby's collection methods, it might make sense to include them in your project.
I'm a little late to the party, but...
[].some(x => !!x)
var a = [];
a.length > 0
I would just check the length. You could potentially wrap it in a helper method if you like.
I believe this to be the cleanest and readable option:
var empty = [];
empty.some(x => x); //returns false
JavaScript arrays can be "empty", in a sense, even if the length of the array is non-zero. For example:
var empty = new Array(10);
var howMany = empty.reduce(function(count, e) { return count + 1; }, 0);
The variable "howMany" will be set to 0, even though the array was initialized to have a length of 10.
Thus because many of the Array iteration functions only pay attention to elements of the array that have actually been assigned values, you can use something like this call to .some() to see if an array has anything actually in it:
var hasSome = empty.some(function(e) { return true; });
The callback passed to .some() will return true whenever it's called, so if the iteration mechanism finds an element of the array that's worthy of inspection, the result will be true.
Just use Array.length:
var arr = [];
if (arr.length)
console.log('not empty');
If you really want to got nuts, add a new method to the prototype:
if (!('empty' in Array.prototype)) {
Array.prototype.empty = function () {
return this.length === 0;
[1, 2].empty() // false
[].empty() // true
What you want is .empty not .empty() to fully mimics Ruby :
Object.defineProperty( Array.prototype, 'empty', {
get: function ( ) { return this.length===0 }
} );
[].empty //true
[3,2,8].empty //false
For any , see my answer here
Array has a length property :
[].length // 0
[0].length // 1
[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42].length // 6
polyfill* :
return (this.some)?this.some(...arguments):this.filter(...arguments).reduce((a,b)=> a || b)
If you want to call it as Ruby , that it means .any not .any(), use :
Object.defineProperty( Array.prototype, 'any', {
get: function ( ) { return (this.some)?this.some(function(e){return e}):this.filter(function(e){return e}).reduce((a,b)=> a || b) }
} );
`* :

How to determine if any values in an object are non-null?

In Javascript, I am processing some JSON data that takes the form:
o = {
a: null,
b: null,
c: 1,
d: null
// ... 10 or so other properties that are either null or numerical
I'm trying to write a quick function that will process the whole object to determine if there are any non-null values for any of the keys. Any suggestions to do this efficiently and with just a few lines of code? My project already uses underscore.js, so if that can speed things up or make it briefer, all the better.
What about the one-liner,
_.any(_.values(a), function (v) { return !_.isNull(v) });
which will return true if there is at least one non-null value.
var hasVal = false;
for (var prop in obj) {
hasVal = obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop] !== null;
if (hasVal) break;
You could use _.find in combination with _.isNull:
var has_a_null = _.chain(o).find(_.isNull).isNull().value();
or similarly:
var has_a_null = _(o).find(_.isNull) === null

Javascript trivia: check for equality against the empty object

Probably a duplicate of this question.
Silly javascript question: I want to check if an object is the emtpy object.
I call empty object the object that results from using the empty object literal, as in:
var o = {};
As expected, neither == nor === work, as the two following statements
give false.
Examples of expressions that do not evaluate to the empty object:
new function(){}
So what is the shortest way to evaluate for the empty object?
You can also use Object.keys() to test if an object is "empty":
if (Object.keys(obj).length === 0) {
// "empty" object
} else {
// not empty
function isEmpty(o){
for(var i in o){
return false;
return true;
You can use this syntax
if (a.toSource() === "({})")
but this doesn't work in IE. As an alternative to the "toSource()" method encode to JSON of the ajax libraries can be used:
For example,
var o = {};
alert($.toJSON(o)=='{}'); // true
var o = {a:1};
alert($.toJSON(o)=='{}'); // false
jquery + jquery.json
There is not really a short way to determine if an object is empty has Javascript creates an object and internally adds constructor and prototype properties of Object automatically.
You can create your own isEmpty() method like this:
var obj={}
Object.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
for (var prop in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) return false;
return true;
So, if any object has any property, then the object is not empty else return true.
cs = 'MTobj={ }; JSON.stringify(MTobj)=="{}"';
alert(cs+' is '+eval(cs));
cs = 'MTnot={a:2}; JSON.stringify(MTnot)=="{}"';
alert(cs+' is '+eval(cs));
MTobj={ }; JSON.stringify(MTobj)=="{}" is true
MTnot={a:2}; JSON.stringify(MTnot)=="{}" is false
Caveat! Beware! there can be false positives!
cs = 'MTobj={ f:function(){} }; JSON.stringify(MTobj)=="{}"';
alert(cs+' is '+eval(cs));
alert("The answer is wrong!!\n\n"+
(cs="JSON.stringify({ f:function(){} })")+
"\n\n returns\n\n"+eval(cs));

