Android WebView: how to load page after javascript execution - javascript

Relating to this SO question,
I want to remove the notifications as well as the flicker that occurs when displaying TeX in a WebView in android.
I tried the AsyncTask method, to preload the page and then "download" it, before loading the data into the WebView but I'm stuck on an IllegalStateException: Target host must not be null, or set in parameters. This error is coming from the following code:
protected String doInBackground(String... url) {
String r = "";
try {
HttpClient hc = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(URLEncoder.encode(url[0], "UTF-8"));
// get.setHeader("host", "http://myapp");
HttpResponse hr = hc.execute(get);
The line commented out is what I had tried to fix this error, but never worked.
Now I'm thinking I can't get around this because the url[0] that I'm loading is in the form: javascript:somescript(input) executed from a JS file stored in my assets, and maybe HttpGet requires a web server?
How can I hide the notifications and finish the JavaScript before updating the WebView then?

The HttpGet class is for an HTTP request, so the URL must start with http://.
If you are using MathJax as the TeX viewer, then refering to this Stack Overflow question, you could add messageStyle: "none" to your MathJax configuration. This way can disable MathJax's loading notifications in any environments.


Silent Renewal in Ionic 3 with Identity Server 4

So I am trying to implement silent renewal in an ionic 3 application, I am still learning about the whole thing so I'll try to be as descriptive as possible please correct me if I am wrong.
I am using Implicit flow for my authentication using the In App Browser.
The user is redirected to the authentication server page
After a success authentication I retrieve the id-token & access-token
As I understand the id-token is for authentication and access-token is for authorization with the API.
I have followed this article to help me set this up (Particularly the "Deploy to Mobile Device" section) for my Identity Server.
As done in the article I am using angular-oauth2-oidc to assist me with storing information about redirect links, issuer, etc...
I have attempted to achieve this in 3 different ways, 2 of them work but I don't understand how to retrieve the new access-token and id-token, and the last one returns an error. each of them left me with questions.
First: oauthService
The angular-oauth2-oidc library has a silentRefresh() method, and this github MD describes how to use it using a hidden iframe very vaguely so I barely understand how this works. I have created a silent-refresh.html page in the same directory, but using http://localhost:8000/silent-refresh.html return's a 404. Calling the silentRefresh() method successfully re-authenticates on the server side but the request times-out on the client side, as said in the MD file, something is wrong with the iframe.
Question 1: Does the library create a new iframe and then waits for a response to the http://localhost:8000/silent-refresh.html page but is never found so I never get my response? How to proceed to retrieve my tokens?
Second: iframe
So here I follow this article where I create an iframe and add it to the body. I create my own url (similar to the one made by the silentRefresh() method), and assign it to the src of the iframe. Again on the server side everything is fine and it tries to return the tokens to http://localhost:8000.
public startRenew(url: string) {
this._sessionIframe.src = url;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this._sessionIframe.onload = () => {
Question 2: How to proceed to retrieve the tokens? as it doesn't update my tokens automatically, and I don't see how the code above can do it.
Third: In App Browser
I thought this would work fine as I already know how to process the request using the In App Browser. So I tried to use the same url that worked for the iframe in the 2nd part. However this returns an error: prompt=none was requested. But user is not authenticated. on the server side, which tells that the server can't find the session so it doesn't know who is requesting the token renewal.
Question 3: Is there a specific reason this won't work other than I made a mistake?
NOTE: Took longer than expected to write this will edit this in a bit.
So I looked in to the implementation of the silent refresh, to see what it does. It creates an iframe with a default id, unless you override it. That cleared up a lot of confusion as to what was actually happening.
The next mistake I did was placing the silent-refresh.html file in the src/ folder, that makes it inaccessible to the iframe. Instead the file should have been placed in the www/ folder.
Then inside the iframe I kept getting the net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error. This was due to CORS and is solved by editing the Client int the Config.cs file on the Authentication Server:
AllowedCorsOrigins = { "http://localhost:8100", "http://<ip>:8100/", "http://<ip>:8100/silent-refresh.html" },
WARNING: This didn't work once I wanted to take this outside serving in the browser (ionic serve) or emulating on my device with ionic cordova run android -c-l-s, these made the root url return something like http://<ip>/. But once ran with ionic cordova run android (without the flags), window.location.href would return file:///<example>/<something>/index.html, using this sort of path (file:///<example>/<something>/silent-refresh.html) as a redirect url caused an ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT error to display in the iframe.
Perhaps silentRefresh() is an Angular only solution?
In App Browser
The mistake that caused the original error was having clearsessioncache and clearcache set to yes when creating the browser, caused the session to be wiped so the authentication server didn't know who it was duh, now reduced to this:
const browser =, '_blank',
'location=no, hidden=yes'
Regular redirect url of http://localhost:8100 could be used to catch the request with the new tokens. And the silent-refresh.html page is not needed.
Here is the code for creating the oauthUrl:
buildOAuthRefreshUrl(nonce): string {
return this.oauthService.issuer + '/connect/authorize?' +
'response_type=id_token%20token' +
'&client_id=' + this.oauthService.clientId +
'&state=' + nonce +
'&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.oauthService.redirectUri) +
'&scope=' + encodeURI(this.oauthService.scope) +
'&nonce=' + nonce +
The rest of the code is pretty much identical to the originally mentioned article

unable to execute javascript code in Android WebView from Service

I'm attempting to create and Android service that performs a task using JavaScript. I came across this post which describes how to run JavaScript code inside of a WebView within a Service using the WindowManager. I am able to create a WebView with an .html and .js file with no problem. It is once I try to pass data from the android .java service to the WebView that I run into an issue.
I have tried doing so in this fashion:
final WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
wv = new WebView(this);
wv.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
windowManager.addView(wv, params); // params set using method from linked post above
wv.evaluateJavascript("console.log('hello');", null);
Neither the call to evaluateJavascript() nor loadUrl() appear to have any effect on the WebView (I access the console using the chrome developer tools).
I have tested that in test.html I can add a <script> tag and output text to the console with no issue.
I've also tried calling the functions before adding the view to no avail.
What kind of data you want to pass to Javascript? You could use the WebView.addJavascriptInterface() to "Plant" methods on the HTML document so you can call them from Javascript, invoke in native and return data back to Javascript. Will that help?
If you're trying to execute this from a Service, you'll need to post a Runnable on the UI thread. Read the doc for evaluateJavascript()
It explicitly says it must be called on the UI thread. I think you can just do: Runnable(){
#Override public void run()
Other than that, should you include tags?

Selenium Webdriver Automatic Redirecting

Problem Description:
I am currently trying to set up a Selenium webdriver in Java.
However every time I try to load this specific webpage: Expected Website I end up with this Unintentional Website. No matter which driver I use (Firefox,Chrome,Edge), I somehow always get redirected and I did not find any solution to overcome this. Please note that the page loads some JS during the page loading process. This might be causing this redirection.
However if I use a standard browser I get the Expected Website as wished.
Load this website with a Selenium webdriver: Expected Website
Additional Information:
The code I am using so far:
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "E:/Downloads/geckodriver.exe");
File pathToBinary = new File(
"C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe");
FirefoxBinary ffBinary = new FirefoxBinary(pathToBinary);
FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile();
driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffBinary,firefoxProfile);
try {
}catch (InterruptedException e) {}
The reason why this happens is the following:
If you want to open this page you have to have granted access. To have so you have to first login on the main webpage.
For other people having a similar issues of getting redirected:
Use a different user agent when you set up your Webdriver and switch to a either mobile or PC/MAC, depending on your needs.
Have you seen that /featured is redirecting to the root site literally?
I would go for that first. Probably is something related with it and you will end with the same result if you connect to in the first place.

How do I run a function cordova if the command embedded in external sites?

I want to run a function to open the link in the android browser system. Here is an illustration of my questions. See the illustration What should I do? I only use javascript not java. Please help
Some time ago I encountered the same problem. To do this I modified the InAppBrowser source code.
you should override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method in the InAppBrowserClient class found in
This will allow you to hook in to the request before the url is being loaded and choose an alternate behavior. In your case loading the URL in the system browser.
Your code will look something like this:
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, String url){
if(url.equals("Your URL to be loaded")){
return true;
return false;

Implement cross extension message passing in chrome extension and app

I am trying to do cross extension message passing between chrome extension and chrome app according to this article. But I am not sure that how to do it correctly. I used background js to receive and send messages. But no clue whether it is working or not. Actually I want to save file from chrome extension, since it cannot be done I thought this could work. So any idea or suggestion or example is highly welcome.
I have go through many alternatives as also appears in this question. Then one of answer points this example. I found that this example is works fine. I hope that I could use this mechanism to save file using Chrome App's fileSystem API.
The Chrome messaging APIs can only transfer JSON-serializable values. If the files are small, then you could just read the file content using FileReader in the extension, send the message over the external messaging channel to the Chrome App, then save the data using the FileWriter API.
When the files are big, read the file in chunks using file.slice(start, end) then follow the same method as for small files.
var app_id = '.... ID of app (32 lowercase a-p characters) ....';
var file = ...; // File or Blob object, e.g. from an <input type=file>
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function() {
var message = {
blob: fr.result,
filetype: file.type
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(app_id, message, function(result) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// Handle error, e.g. app not installed
console.warn('Error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
} else {
// Handle success
console.log('Reply from app: ', result);
fr.onerror = function() { /* handle error */ };
// file or sliced file.
function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// TODO: Validate that is allowed to invoke the app!
// Do something, e.g. convert back to Blob and do whatever you want.
var blob = new Blob([message.blob], {type: message.filetype});
console.log('TODO: Do something with ' + message.filename + ':', blob);
// Do something, e.g. reply to message
sendResponse('Processed file');
// if you want to send a reply asynchronously, uncomment the next line.
// return true;
EDIT: Although the following method using sounded nice in theory, it does not work in practice because a separate SharedWorker process is created for the app / extension.
If you want to send huge files (e.g. Files), then you could implement the following:
Extension: Create proxy.html (content = <script src=proxy.js></script>). (feel free to pick any other name).
Extension: Put proxy.html in web_accessible_resources.
App: Bind a window.onmessage event listener. This event listener will receive messages from the frame you're going to load in the next step.
App: Load chrome-extension://[EXTENSIONID]/proxy.html in a frame within your app. This extension ID can either be hard-coded (see Obtaining Chrome Extension ID for development) or exchanged via the external extension message passing API (make sure that you validate the source - hardcoding the ID would be the best way).
Extension: When proxy.html is loaded, check whether location.ancestorOrigins[0] == 'chrome-extension://[APPID]' to avoid a security leak. Terminate all steps if this condition fails.
Extension: When you want to pass a File or Blob to the app, use parent.postMessage(blob, 'chrome-extension://[APPID]');
App: When it receives the blob from the extension frame, save it to the FileSystem that you obtained through the chrome.fileSystem API.
The last task to solve is getting a file from the extension to the extension frame (proxy.html) that is embedded in the app. This can be done via a SharedWorker, see this answer for an example (you can skip the part that creates a new frame because the extension frame is already created in one of the previous steps).
Note that at the moment (Chrome 35), Files can only be sent with a work-around due to a bug.

