Stop countdown on click - javascript

I want my countdown to stop on the click of a submit button, i searched in some pages,
but I didn't found anything.
Here is the code i want to stop on click
function countDown (count) {
if (count > 0) {
var d = document.getElementById("countDiv");
d.innerHTML = count;
setTimeout (function() { countDown(count-1); }, 1000);
document.getElementById('tiempo').value = count;
document.location = "timeover.php";

You have to save reference to timeout (actually return value of timeout will be number) and use it to cancel timeout.
var timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
// do something
}, 1000);
// clear timeout
You probably got the idea. By the way, you should probably look at setInterval method since it would be better in this situation. Interval will "tick" as long until you cancel it.

Try something like this:
var stopped = false;
function countDown (count) {
if (count > 0) {
var d = document.getElementById("countDiv");
d.innerHTML = count;
document.getElementById('tiempo').value = count;
if (!stopped) {
setTimeout (function() { countDown(count-1); }, 1000);
document.location = "timeover.php";
document.getElementById("mySubmitId").onclick = function () {
stopped = true;


Counter stop out of the window browser

im trying to create a counter, the problem is that im trying to make the counter run only if the user is in the window, if the user goes out of the window or to another separator the counter should stop untill he comes back.
Here is my code:
console.log("Counter Should Stop");
window.onload = function(){
var counter = 10;
setInterval(function() {
if (counter >= 0) {
span = document.getElementById("count");
span.innerHTML = counter;
// Display 'counter' wherever you want to display it.
if (counter === 0) {
alert('this is where it happens');
}, 1000);
You've got some scoping issues, as well as nested function issues. For readability, as well as helping you debug, I'd recommend refactoring it into separate function names for each event. This also helps promote reusability.
This should do what you're looking for:
// your global variables
var span = document.getElementById("count");
var counter = 10;
var timer;
// your helpers
var startTimer = function() {
// do nothing if timer is already running
if (timer) return;
timer = setInterval(function() {
if (counter >= 0) {
span.innerHTML = counter;
// Display 'counter' wherever you want to display it.
if (counter === 0) {
alert('this is where it happens');
}, 1000);
var stopTimer = function() {
timer = null;
// your handlers
var onBlur = function() {
var onFocus = function() {
var onLoad = function() {
// assign your handlers

Changer SetInterval Values After Interval

If I can try to make everyone understand what I am looking for, I am looking for the value of the interval to change to lets say "5000ms" after "1000ms" and then it would go on to the next value such as "2000ms" and repeat all over again! The current code I have is pretty much a stopwatch, It adds the number 1 to a paragraph every 1000ms. Any help is extremely appreciated!
function myFunction() {
clicks += 1;
setInterval(myFunction, 1000);
var clicks = 0;
function myFunction() {
clicks += 1;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = clicks;
// connects to paragraph id
<p id="demo"></p>
<!--connects to getElementById-->
Don't use setInterval - this functions will perform the action in any given interval, which you set once.
Use setTimeout instead. Which performs the action only once after given interval, and then call it again and again with different interval values.
what about this
var clicks = 0;
function myFunction( currentInterval ) {
clicks ++;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = clicks;
if ( currentInterval == 1000 )
currentInterval = 5000;
else if ( currentInterval == 5000 )
currentInterval = 2000;
currentInterval = 1000;
setTimeout( function(){ myFunction( currentInterval ) }, currentInterval );
<p id="demo"></p>
you should try using recursive timeout instead of interval
var timeout = 1000;
var timer;
function startTimer() {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, timeout);
// timeout = 2000
// timeout = 500
// clearTimeout(timer); to cancel
<script src=""></script>
This might look a little complicated but you can try something like this:
(function() {
var interval = null;
var limit = 5;
function initInterval(callback, index) {
var msToSec = 1000;
if (interval) {
console.log("Delay: ", index)
interval = setInterval(callback, index * msToSec);
function clearInterval() {
interval = null;
function resetInterval(callback, count) {
initInterval(callback, count);
function main() {
var count = 1;
var notify = function() {
console.log("Hello World: ", count);
var _nextCount = ((count++) % limit) + 1;
if (count < 10) {
resetInterval(notify, _nextCount);
} else {
console.log("Stoping loop...");
initInterval(notify, count);

Stopping a function from running

I have 3 sequential divs to display on a page, the page loads showing div 1, by going onto the 2nd it starts a timer, when that timer runs out it goes back to the first div. Navigating through to the next div should start the timer again. The timer function works OK on the first page but on the second page when it is called it is already running from the previous div and therefore ticks the time down twice as fast, and on the last div 3 times.
How can I get it to stop the currently running function then restart it?
$scope.timeLeft = 0;
var timeoutRunner = function (timerLength) {
$scope.timeLeft = timerLength;
var run = function () {
if ($scope.timeLeft >= 1) {
$timeout(run, 1000);
} else if ($scope.timeLeft == 0){
You need to add some logic that calls $timeout.cancel(timeoutRunner);.
Not sure where you want to cancel your timeout exactly (view change? when you end the transaction?) But here is how you would do it:
$scope.timeLeft = 0;
var timeoutPromise = false;
var timeoutRunner = function (timerLength) {
$scope.timeLeft = timerLength;
var run = function () {
if ($scope.timeLeft >= 1) {
timeoutPromise = $timeout(run, 1000);
} else if ($scope.timeLeft == 0){
Each time I called the function it created a new instance of it and I was unable to stop it on demand so I found a way to say which instance I want running:
$scope.timeLeft = 0;
var instanceRunning = 0;
var timeoutRunner = function (timerLength, instance) {
$scope.timeLeft = timerLength;
instanceRunning = instance;
var run = function () {
if (instanceRunning == instance){
if ($scope.timeLeft < 7 && $scope.timeLeft > 0){
} else {
if ($scope.timeLeft >= 1) {
$timeout(run, 1000);
} else if ($scope.timeLeft == 0){
timeoutRunner(20, 1);
timeoutRunner(20, 2);
timeoutRunner(20, 3);

javascript autoreload in infinite loop with time left till next reload

i need a JavaScript, that relaods a page every 30 seconds, and will show how much time there is until next reload at the ID time-to-update, Example:
<p>Refreshing in <span id="time-to-update" class="light-blue"></span> seconds.</p>
i also need it to repeat itself infinitely.
thank you for reading, i hope it helps not me but everyone else, and a real big thank you if you could make this script.
(function() {
var el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
var count = 30;
setInterval(function() {
count -= 1;
el.innerHTML = count;
if (count == 0) {
}, 1000);
A variation that uses setTimeout rather than setInterval, and uses the more cross-browser secure document.location.reload(true);.
var timer = 30;
var el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
(function loop(el) {
if (timer > 0) {
el.innerHTML = timer;
timer -= 1;
setTimeout(function () { loop(el); }, 1000);
} else {
var timer = {
interval: null,
seconds: 30,
start: function () {
var self = this,
el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
el.innerText = this.seconds; // Output initial value
this.interval = setInterval(function () {
if (self.seconds == 0)
el.innerText = self.seconds;
}, 1000);
stop: function () {

countdown timer stops at zero i want it to reset

I am trying to figure out a way to make my countdown timer restart at 25 all over again when it reaches 0. I dont know what I am getting wrong but it wont work.
window.onload = function() {
startCountDown(25, 1000, myFunction);
function startCountDown(i, p, f) {
var pause = p;
var fn = f;
var countDownObj = document.getElementById("countDown");
countDownObj.count = function(i) {
//write out count
countDownObj.innerHTML = i;
if (i == 0) {
//execute function
setTimeout(function() {
// repeat
countDownObj.count(i - 1);
//set it going
function myFunction(){};
<div id="countDown"></div>
try this, timer restarts after 0
Full code:
window.onload = function() {
startCountDown(25, 1000, myFunction);
function startCountDown(i, p, f) {
var pause = p;
var fn = f;
var countDownObj = document.getElementById("countDown");
countDownObj.count = function(i) {
// write out count
countDownObj.innerHTML = i;
if (i == 0) {
// execute function
startCountDown(25, 1000, myFunction);
// stop
setTimeout(function() {
// repeat
countDownObj.count(i - 1);
}, pause);
// set it going
function myFunction(){};
I don't see you resetting the counter. When your counter goes down to 0, it executes the function and return. Instead, you want to execute the function -> reset the counter -> return
You can do this by simply adding i = 25 under fn() :
function startCountDown(i, p, f) {
var pause = p;
var fn = f;
var countDownObj = document.getElementById("countDown");
countDownObj.count = function(i) {
// write out count
countDownObj.innerHTML = i;
if (i == 0) {
// execute function
i = 25;
// stop
setTimeout(function() {
// repeat
countDownObj.count(i - 1);
// set it going
in #Muthu Kumaran code is not showing zero after countdown 1 . you can update to this:
if (i < 0) {
// execute function
startCountDown(10, 1000, myFunction);
// stop
The main reason for using setInterval for a timer that runs continuously is to adjust the interval so that it updates as closely as possible to increments of the system clock, usually 1 second but maybe longer. In this case, that doesn't seem to be necessary, so just use setInterval.
Below is a function that doesn't add non–standard properties to the element, it could be called using a function expression from window.onload, so avoid global variables altogether (not that there is much point in that, but some like to minimise them).
var runTimer = (function() {
var element, count = 0;
return function(i, p, f) {
element = document.getElementById('countDown');
setInterval(function() {
element.innerHTML = i - (count % i);
if (count && !(count % i)) {
}, p);
function foo() {
window.onload = function() {
runTimer(25, 1000, foo);

