JS: Convert XML or JSON to XML/RDF - javascript

In JavaScript, what's the easiest way to convert a String that holds XML or JSON into an XML/RDF file? I know I will probably have to use String parsing, but has this already been done or is there an easier way? I can find resources online on how to convert to RDF, but nothing about how to do it within JavaScript (IE: http://www.gac-grid.de/project-products/Software/XML2RDF.html) Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

See if rdfquery or rdfparser fits your need, I did not use them and seem very old.
On the client side, we use json-ld


XML parsing using Jquery where format is unknown

I dont know the XML format. but i want to parse it from a given XMLObject using Jquery. Is it possible if yes then how to do that.
You can do this using JSONP to convert your XML to a JSON object.
This blog posts covers it nicely and saves me rewriting the code.

How to do Javascript access a local database in txt format

I am newbie working on a 100% js prototype. It consist of 3 docs: an html page full of xml tags, a small dictionary in a text file format, and a js file with jquery.
The js needs to parse the xml tags (no problem here) and look into the mini-dictionary list for available translations.
Which is the best way to implement the mini-dictionary list. (No more than 50.000 records). Is there a way to load the list into a memory database and access it from js? Which is the usual path to take in this case? What is the simplest and machine-independent way to do this?
Any directions as to where should I research are greatly appreciated.
I would suggest encoding mini-dictionary with JSON data format, and then using AJAX to get that file and parse it. But then you are risking someone will just copy whole dictionary and steal your work.
That is, if you are not using server side language, like PHP. If you are using it, then just store everything into database and request just specific words with AJAX.

Where to start with JSON? (Closed)

I'm trying to get started with JSON. I've set the link to the JSON.js file using a script link, and I've set my objects using JSON, but it returns no results at all when I try to refer to the object. The JSON doesn't seem to be working at all. If anyone could point me in the right direction it'd be appreciated. I've looked all over the internet and haven't found much to help me.
Thanks guys. The JSON website helped me figure it out
Get Firefox, get Firebug, learn to use it to see what javascript is being loaded, and where the errors are.
Oh, and post some code.
Take a look-see at this
basically you need to understand that json is a way to stream javascript object literals and arrays from a server to the client (and vice-versa). Open up firebug/webkit and in the console try
var obj = JSON.parse('{"test": 1}')
and you will see that obj is an object literal with a test property.
edit -- note that the link I provided mentions that json is a "is a lightweight data-interchange format" -- so its does not need to be javascript specific. But I think in practice you will get the most mileage using json in conjunction with javascript.
Here's a couple of links that might help:

Javascript library for exporting XML

I'm currently using couchdb to store documents as JSON. One of my clients needs to grab XML (for now). Anyone know any good javascript libraries that can take a javascript object (or json string) and export valid xml?
json2xml.js: http://goessner.net/download/prj/jsonxml/

Converting XML-RPC to JSON in JavaScript

Can anyone recommend a lightweight JavaScript XML-RPC library?
After researching this a while ago, I couldn't find anything I was comfortable with, so I kinda ended up writing my own.
However, maybe that was stupid, as there must be something suitable out there!?
My own pseudo-library is mainly missing a way to turn an XML-RPC response into JSON - or rather, converting the respective responseXML to a JavaScript object (converting the data types as needed).
This isn't hard to do, but why reinvent the wheel...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I know this two libraries, that you can basically use to convert your XML-RPC responses to JSON:
XML to JSON Converter
This seems to do what you (and I) want:
Another small XML to JSON (and vice versa) JavaScript library is here -> http://code.google.com/p/x2js/
I could use this too. Generic XML to Json is rather unconvenient for XML-RPC.

