Reversal of the value of variable upon callback - javascript

How can I achieve this? Firstly the code...
function flutter() {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
var $obj = $('.bird');
$obj.animate({ top :'-=' + random + 'px' }, 20, flutter);
In the code above, when the callback is executed, I want to reverse the value of random. My goal is thus to move the Class bird up and down and try to see if it create fluttering effect.

You can use some closure like this:
$obj.animate({ top :'-=' + random + 'px' }, 20, function(){
And this is the full code:
function flutter(offset) {
var random = ( isNaN(offset) ) ? Math.floor(Math.random()*5) : (offset) ;
var $obj = $('.bird');
$obj.animate({ top :'-=' + random + 'px' }, 20, function(){
And first call will be simple: flutter();

I just tweaked flutter above to make it more efficient and convenient.
function flutter(distance, target) {
// you can call flutter without argument. And no repetitive element finding is needed
var random = distance || Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
var $obj = target || $('.bird');
$obj.animate({ top :'-=' + random + 'px' }, 20, function(){
flutter(-random, $obj);


Pass javascript variable data to MySQL database in this situation

I have followed a codepen project to build an animated form. May I know how can I store the answer to my SQL database? The answers are stored in the questions array with the key answer but I am not sure how to extract them. Thanks!
var questions = [
{question:"What's your first name?"},
{question:"What's your last name?"},
{question:"What's your email?", pattern: /^[^\s#]+#[^\s#]+\.[^\s#]+$/},
{question:"Create your password", type: "password"}
var onComplete = function() {
var h1 = document.createElement('h1')
h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Thanks ' + questions[0].answer + ' for checking this pen out!'))
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() { = 1 }, 50)
}, 1000)
;(function(questions, onComplete) {
var tTime = 100 // transition transform time from #register in ms
var wTime = 200 // transition width time from #register in ms
var eTime = 1000 // transition width time from inputLabel in ms
if (questions.length == 0) return
var position = 0
forwardButton.addEventListener('click', validate)
inputField.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
transform(0, 0) // ie hack to redraw
if (e.keyCode == 13) validate()
previousButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (position === 0) return
position -= 1
function putQuestion() {
inputLabel.innerHTML = questions[position].question
inputField.type = questions[position].type || 'text'
inputField.value = questions[position].answer || ''
inputField.focus() = position * 100 / questions.length + '%'
previousButton.className = position ? 'ion-android-arrow-back' : 'ion-person'
}(questions, onComplete))
In order for it to work you need jquery support for your website
Try doing following:
Assume you are storing your variables in JS array like
var numbers = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];
You can try using built-in JS funtion to cycle through the array like:
You define your function that you use in point 2, with ajax, smth like
// answers is used to indicate to your server side script type of operation to be performed to be use in isset(), as value is too general`
var datastring = 'answers' + '&value=' + value;
// in URL indicate path to your actual server side script that will put records in database
type: "POST",
url: "/app/server.php",
data: datastring,
success: function (html) {
}); //End of Ajax
return false;

Output of creating a new variable of two properties over one another?

I've been trying to make a very simple and basic game to improve my JavaScript skills. However, I've been having a problem with trying to have a 'ratio' that displays the health of a objects. Here's a similar code because the original code is too long:
function Person(health) {
this.initialHealth = health;
this.lostHealth = health;
var bob = new Person(100);
var enemy = new Person(100);
var bobAttack = function() {
enemy.lostHealth = enemy.lostHealth - 50;
var enemyHealth = enemy.lostHealth + '/' + enemy.initialHealth;
The output is:100/100 while I want it to be for example 50/100.
You probably expect 'lazy' evaluation, but you get the value of the expression immediately. That is, the expression var enemyHealth = enemy.lostHealth + '/' + enemy.initialHealth is fully evaluated before the enemy.lostHealth is changed, i.e. before the function bobAttack() is called. If you want delayed evaluation then you could use:
var enemyHealth = function() {
return enemy.lostHealth + '/' + enemy.initialHealth;

Use variables in other function jquery

function Main(BombPosTopr, BompPosLeftr){
if (CheckRight == false){
//$("#Main").prepend('<div class="Effect" style="absolute; top:' + BombPosTopr + 'px; left: '+ BombPosLeftr +'px;"></div>');
ArrayEffects.push(new EffectVoorBom(BombPosTopr,BombPosLeftr));
BombPosLeftr += 30;
this.explosionTime2 = setTimeout( function(){
function EffectBom(BombPosTopr, BompPosLeftr){
var self2 = this;
this.el = $('<div/>');
this.el.css({position : 'absolute', top : BombPosTopr + 'px', left : BompPosLeftr+'px'});
self2.removeEffect = function(){
I have 2 functions and in my main I need to add Effects, so I put them in an array and use the object EffectBom.
Now the big problem is that I need to use self2.removeEffect() in my other function but it can't find it!
Thnx for reading - helping!
You need to change the scope of the variable. Add
var self2;
to the top of the file and change
var self2 = this;
to be
self2 = this;

Javascript module pattern - what am I doing wrong?

A working version of this is here:
I have the following function which I'm trying to convert into a module pattern, but when I try to use one of the function that I return at the bottom, for example:
I get an error that it's not a function. Is there something i'm doing wrong here?
var est_project = (function(){
// Setup functions
var flexDestroy,
// Destroy flexslider
flexDestroy = function($slider,$cleanSlider, $projBg) {
// Insert the clone of the un-initialized slide element, and remove the current flexslider
// Effectively "destroys" the current slider
var $curSlide = $slider.find('.flex-active-slide'),
// Get the zero based index of current slide
curSlideIndex = $curSlide.index() - 1,
curBg = $curSlide.find('img').attr('src'),
slideCount = $'count'),
i = 0,
$rearrange = $('');
// When you switch projects, the current slide should stay put
if(curSlideIndex !== 0 && slideCount > 1) {
// Cut from the current slide to the end, paste at the beginning
for(i = 0 ; i < slideCount; i += 1) {
if(curSlideIndex > i) {continue;}
$rearrange = $rearrange.add( $cleanSlider.find('li:eq(' + i + ')') );
$cleanSlider.css({'background-image' : 'url(' + curBg + ')'});
return {
// Clone current
cloneCurrent: function($el) {
var $clean,
slideCount = $el.find('li').length;
$clean = $el.clone();
return $clean;
// Set the clone position, for when we add it to the DOM or resize the window
clonePosition: function(slideheight) {
var n = $cleanSlider.index(),
$myBg = $cleanSlider.find('div'),
myPosition = n * slideheight;
// Set the position of the inserted clone
.css({height: slideheight, top: myPosition, position : 'absolute'});
.css({height: slideheight});
switchSlide: function($me, $slider) {
// Get rid of current flexslider
// Clone the unitialized slider so we can add it back in later when it gets destroyed
$cleanSlider = cloneCurrent($me);
animation: "slide",
animationSpeed: 500,
slideshow: false,
manualControls: '.dot-nav li a'
// After the flexslider initializes, slide the content
slidePos($me, $slidewrap, slideheight, $win);
// Custom "masonry" function, absolutely positions each project div according to the slide height
projectLayout: function(slideheight,$proj,$projBg) {
var n = 0;
var $me = $(this),
myPosition = n * slideheight;
// Set all the heights
.css({top: myPosition, position : 'absolute'})
.css({height: slideheight});
// Set slide wrapper height to window height
contentHeight: function($win, $slidewrap) {
var winHeight = $win.height();
$slidewrap.css({height: winHeight});
// Set slide wrapper position to slide to the clicked slide, and set content position
slidePos: function($me, $slidewrap, slideheight, $win) {
var $contentText = $('.project-content .text'),
projNavHeight = Math.round( $win.height() * .1 ),
curIndex = $me.index(),
curTop = 0 - (curIndex * slideheight) + projNavHeight;
$slidewrap.css({transform: 'translate(0,' + curTop.toString() + 'px)'});
$('.corner-btn').add($contentText).css({'padding-top' : projNavHeight});
$slidewrap.removeClass('tr-none movin').addClass('tr-all');
$('.project').css({opacity: .4})
}, 100);
// Click a project, slide to it
slideClick: function($proj) {
var $me = $(this),
myHref = $'href'),
myTitle = $'title'),
$slider = $('.flexslider'),
indexMy = $me.index(),
indexCur = $('.project-current').index(),
$me.css({opacity: 1});
// Stop here if we click on the current project
if($me.hasClass('project-current')) {
return false;
// Hide and show content
infoToggle: function() {
// Open content
if($('.project-content .text').height() <= $win.height()) {
$('.project-content-wrap').css({'z-index': 10});
// Close content
closeContent: function($html) {
$('.project-content-wrap').css({'z-index': -1});
$('#classy').animate({scrollTop: 0})
The problem is that you're not executing the anonymous function, your code is the equivalent of:
var est_project = function() {};
You need to execute the function if you want it to return the functions defined in it.
Just replace the last line:
Or you can keep your code and call the closeContent function like this:
But I guess that's not what you want :-) You'd instantiate a new object everytime you call the est_project function.
At the start and end of your file just attach the object to window with the executed function and wrap whole function inside a self executing function. like this
(function(global) {
//your code goes here
global.est_project = est_project();

Javascript & jQuery: how to make function infinite through animate callback?

have an object of a class Abon and then i want this object to move around the page.
a = new Abon();
the method move() contains:
function abon_move () {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var direction_x = Math.random()*5 - 5;
var direction_y = Math.random()*5 - 5;
var x_new = x + direction_x * this.movement_rate;
var y_new = y + direction_y * this.movement_rate;
console.log(x_new+" "+y_new)
$(".abonent." {
}, 'slow', "linear", function() { this.move() });
All i want is that the method move (represented as function abon_move()) repeated again and again, after the animate stops. But the problem is that this.move() shown in callback has no connection to my object, because this in that place points to the HTML element, selected by jQuery.
function Abon(id) {
this.move = abon_move;
Abon.prototype.move = abon_move;
And the actual method is the same, but with no callback in animate
then i try doing the following:
setInterval( a[0].move , 300); //doesn't work - says `this` members are undefined
setInterval( a[0].move() , 300); //works only one time and stops
Thank you for any help!
Try this :
function abon_move () {
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var class = this;
Then, inside your jQuery animate, your can refer to your class using the variable class
Wrap the function abon_move() in a setTimeout call, as such: setTimeout(abon_move, 300); so it will run every 300 ms.

