Base64 Image from encoding to display - javascript

I am trying to display an image on a web page that I get from Visual C++ via a pluggin.
std::string DIBtoURI(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmih){
int width = lpbmih->biWidth;
int height = lpbmih->biHeight; // height < 0 if bitmap is top-down
if (height < 0)
height = -height;
// Populate the pixels array.
unsigned char *bitmap = (unsigned char *) lpbmih +
HBITMAP f = CreateBitmap(width,height,1,24,bitmap);
GetObject(f, sizeof(BITMAP), &bit);
// Allocate memory.
BYTE* pBitmapData = new BYTE[ bit.bmWidth*bit.bmHeight ];
ZeroMemory( pBitmapData, bit.bmWidth*bit.bmHeight );
// Get bitmap data.
GetBitmapBits(f, bit.bmWidth*bit.bmHeight, pBitmapData );
std::string tee = base64_encode(pBitmapData,bit.bmWidth*bit.bmHeight);
return tee;
In my function, you can see I get a BITMAPINFOHEADER (from Twain), I create a BITMAP from it, and then I use a base64 encoder I have found on google :
I get a string I give to the web page and I'm trying to do
var src="image/jpeg;base64," + string_from_cpp
But it doesn't work !
I compared the string I get with my code, and what I get with a online encoder, and it's different, mine is very short.
What am I doing wrong? Header problem ? I don't know how to encode the header of my image ?

You calculated the image size in the wrong way. Please try:
((((bit.bmWidth * 24)+ 31)/32)*4)*bit.bmHeight


Why is the audio duration infinite after recording with a MediaRecorder? [duplicate]

I'm making a rhythm game and I need a quick way to get the length of an ogg file. The only way I could think would be to stream the file really fast without playing it but if I have hundreds of songs this would obviously not be practical. Another way would be to store the length of the file in some sort of properties file but I would like to avoid this. I know there must be some way to do this as most music players can tell you the length of a song.
The quickest way to do it is to seek to the end of the file, then back up to the last Ogg page header you find and read its granulePosition (which is the total number of samples per channel in the file). That's not foolproof (you might be looking at a chained file, in which case you're only getting the last stream's length), but should work for the vast majority of Ogg files out there.
If you need help with reading the Ogg page header, you can read the Jorbis source code... The short version is to look for "OggS", read a byte (should be 0), read a byte (only bit 3 should be set), then read a 64-bit little endian value.
I implemented the solution described by ioctlLR and it seems to work:
double calculateDuration(final File oggFile) throws IOException {
int rate = -1;
int length = -1;
int size = (int) oggFile.length();
byte[] t = new byte[size];
FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(oggFile);;
for (int i = size-1-8-2-4; i>=0 && length<0; i--) { //4 bytes for "OggS", 2 unused bytes, 8 bytes for length
// Looking for length (value after last "OggS")
if (
&& t[i+1]==(byte)'g'
&& t[i+2]==(byte)'g'
&& t[i+3]==(byte)'S'
) {
byte[] byteArray = new byte[]{t[i+6],t[i+7],t[i+8],t[i+9],t[i+10],t[i+11],t[i+12],t[i+13]};
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray);
length = bb.getInt(0);
for (int i = 0; i<size-8-2-4 && rate<0; i++) {
// Looking for rate (first value after "vorbis")
if (
&& t[i+1]==(byte)'o'
&& t[i+2]==(byte)'r'
&& t[i+3]==(byte)'b'
&& t[i+4]==(byte)'i'
&& t[i+5]==(byte)'s'
) {
byte[] byteArray = new byte[]{t[i+11],t[i+12],t[i+13],t[i+14]};
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray);
rate = bb.getInt(0);
double duration = (double) (length*1000) / (double) rate;
return duration;
Beware, finding the rate this way will work only for vorbis OGG!
Feel free to edit my answer, it may not be perfect.

compressing a string of 0's and 1's in js

I'm currently working on John Conway's Game of Life in js. I have the game working (view here) and i'm working on extra functionalities such as sharing your "grid / game" to your friends. To do this i'm extracting the value's of the grid (if the cell is alive or dead) into a long string of 0's and 1's.
This string has a variable length since the grid is not always the same size. for example:
grid 1 has a length and width of 30 => so the string's length is 900
grid 2 has a length and width of 50 => so the string's length is 2500
The problem
As you can see these string's of 0's and 1's are way too long to copy around and share.
However hard i try I don't seem to be able to come up with a code that would compress a string this long to a easy to handle one.
Any ideas on how to compress (and decompress) this?
I have considered simply writing down every possible grid option for the gird sizes 1x1 to 100x100 and giving them a key/reference to use as sharable code. Doing that by hand would be madness but maybe any of you has an idea on how to create an algorithm that can do this?
GitHub repository
In case it wasn't already obvious, the string you're trying to store looks like a binary string.
Counting systems
Binary is a number in base-2. This essentially means that there are two characters being used to keep count. Normally we are used to count with base-10 (decimal characters). In computer science the hexadecimal system (base-16) is also widely being used.
Since you're not storing the bits as bits but as bytes (use var a = 0b1100001; if you ever wish to store them like bits) the 'binary' you wish to store just takes as much space as any other random string with the same length.
Since you're using the binary system each position just has 2 possible values. When using the hexadecimal value a single position can hold up to 16 possible values. This is already a big improvement when it comes to storing the data compactly. As an example 0b11111111 and 0xff both represents the decimal number 255.
In your situation that'd shave 6 bytes of every 8 bytes you have to store. In the end you'd be stuck with a string just 1/4th of the length of the original string.
Javascript implementation
Essentially what we want to do is to interpret the string you store as binary and retrieve the hexadecimal value. Luckily JavaScript has built in functionality to achieve stuff like this:
var bin =
'1110101110100011' +
'0000101111100001' +
'1010010101011010' +
'0000110111011111' +
'1111111001010101' +
'0111000011100001' +
'1011010100110001' +
'0111111110010100' +
'0111110110100101' +
'0000111101100111' +
'1100001111011100' +
'0101011100001111' +
'0110011011001101' +
'1000110010001001' +
'1010100010000011' +
var returnValue = '';
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(bin.length / 8); i++) {
returnValue += parseInt(bin.substr(i*8, 8), 2).toString(16);
console.log(bin.length); // Will return 265
console.log(returnValue.length); // Will return 64
We're saying "parse this string and interpret it like a base-2 number and store it as a hexadecimal string".
Decoding is practically the same. Replace all occurrences of the number 8 in the example above with 2 and vice versa.
Please note
A prerequisite for this code to work correctly is that the binary length is dividable by 8. See the following example:
parseInt('00011110', 2).toString(16); // returns '1e'
parseInt('1e', 16).toString(2); // returns '11110'
// Technically both representations still have the same decimal value
When decoding you should add leading zeros until you have a full byte (8 bits).
In case the positions you have to store are not dividable by 8 you can, for example, add padding and add a number to the front of the output string to identify how much positions to strip.
Wait, there's more
To get even shorter strings you can build a lookup table with 265 characters in which you search for the character associated with the specific position. (This works because you're still storing the hexadecimal value as a string.) Sadly neither the ASCII nor the UTF-8 encodings are suited for this as there are blocks with values which have no characters defined.
It may look like:
// Go fill this array until you have 265 values within it.
var lookup = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
var smallerValue = lookup[0x00];
This way you can have 265 possible values at a single position, AND you have used your byte to the fullest.
Please note that no real compression is happening here. We're rather utilising data types to be used more efficiently for your current use case.
If we make the assumption than the grid contains much more 0's than 1's, you may want to try this simple compression scheme:
convert the binary string to an hexadecimal string
convert '00' sub-strings to 'z' symbol
convert 'zz' sub-strings to 'Z' symbol
we could go further, but let's stop here for the demo
Below is an example with a 16x16 grid:
var bin =
'0000000000000000' +
'0000001000000000' +
'0000011100000000' +
'0000001000000000' +
'0000000000000000' +
'0000000000111000' +
'0000100000111000' +
'0000000000111000' +
'0000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000' +
'0000000010000000' +
'0000000101000000' +
'0000000010000000' +
'0000000000000000' +
'0000100000000000' +
var packed = bin
.map(function(x) {
return parseInt(x, 2).toString(16);
.replace(/00/g, 'z')
.replace(/zz/g, 'Z');
This will produce the string "Z02z07z02ZZ380838z38ZZz8z14z08Zz8Zz".
The unpacking process is doing the exact opposite:
var bin = packed
.replace(/Z/g, 'zz')
.replace(/z/g, '00')
.map(function(x) {
return ('000' + parseInt(x, 16).toString(2)).substr(-4, 4);
Note that this code will only work correctly if the length of the input string is a multiple of 4. If it's not the case, you'll have to pad the input and crop the output.
EDIT : 2nd method
If the input is completely random -- with roughly as many 0's as 1's and no specific repeating patterns -- the best you can do is probably to convert the binary string to a BASE64 string. It will be significantly shorter (this time with a fixed compression ratio of about 17%) and can still be copied/pasted by the user.
var bin =
'1110101110100011' +
'0000101111100001' +
'1010010101011010' +
'0000110111011111' +
'1111111001010101' +
'0111000011100001' +
'1011010100110001' +
'0111111110010100' +
'0111110110100101' +
'0000111101100111' +
'1100001111011100' +
'0101011100001111' +
'0110011011001101' +
'1000110010001001' +
'1010100010000011' +
var packed =
.map(function(x) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(x, 2));
Will produce the string "66ML4aVaDd/+VXDhtTF/lH2lD2fD3FcPZs2MiaiDPAA=".
var bin =
.map(function(x) {
return ('0000000' + x.charCodeAt(0).toString(2)).substr(-8, 8);
Or if you want to go a step further, you can consider using something like base91 instead, for a reduced encoding overhead.
Using LZ-string I was able to compress the "code" quite a bit.
By simply compressing it to base64 like this:
var compressed = LZString.compressToBase64(string)
Decompressing is also just as simple as this:
var decompressed = LZString.decompressFromBase64(compressed)
However the length of this compressed string is still pretty long given that you have about as many 0s as 1s (not given in the example)
But the compression does work.
For any of you who are wondering how exactly I ended up doing it, here's how:
First I made sure every string passed in would be padded with leading 0s untill it was devidable by 8. (saving the amount of 0s used to pad, since they're needed while decompressing)
I used Corstian's answer and functions to compress my string (interpreted as binary) into a hexadecimal string. Although i had to make one slight alteration.
Not every binary substring with a lenght of 8 will return exactly 2 hex characters. so for those cases i ended up just adding a 0 in front of the substring. The hex substring will have the same value but it's length will now be 2.
Next up i used a functionality from Arnaulds answer. Taking every double character and replacing it with a single character (one not used in the hexadecimal alphabet to avoid conflict). I did this twice for every hexadecimal character.
For example:
the hex string 11 will become h and hh will become H
01101111 will become 0h0H
Since most grids are gonna have more dead cells then alive ones, I made sure the 0s would be able to compress even further, using Arnaulds method again but going a step further.
00 -> g | gg -> G | GG -> w | ww -> W | WW -> x | xx -> X | XX-> y | yy -> Y | YY -> z | zz -> Z
This resulted in Z representing 4096 (binary) 0s
The last step of the compression was adding the amount of leading 0s in front of the compressed string, so we can shave those off at the end of decompressing.
This is how the returned string looks in the end.
amount of leading 0s-compressed string so a 64*64 empty grid, will result in 0-Z
Decompressing is practically doing everything the other way around.
Firstly splitting the number that represents how many leading 0s we've used as padding from the compressed string.
Then using Arnaulds functionality, turning the further "compressed" characters back into hexadecimal code.
Taking this hex string and turning it back into binary code. Making sure, as Corstian pointed out, that every binary substring will have a length of 8. (ifnot we pad the substrings with leading 0s untill the do, exactly, have a length of 8)
And then the last step is to shave off the leading 0s we've used as padding to make the begin string devidable by 8.
The functions
Function I use to compress:
* Compresses the a binary string into a compressed string.
* Returns the compressed string.
Codes.compress = function(bin) {
bin = bin.toString(); // To make sure the binary is a string;
var returnValue = ''; // Empty string to add our data to later on.
// If the lenght of the binary string is not devidable by 8 the compression
// won't work correctly. So we add leading 0s to the string and store the amount
// of leading 0s in a variable.
// Determining the amount of 'padding' needed.
var padding = ((Math.ceil(bin.length/8))*8)-bin.length;
// Adding the leading 0s to the binary string.
for (var i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
bin = '0'+bin;
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(bin.length / 8); i++) {
// Determining the substring.
var substring = bin.substr(i*8, 8)
// Determining the hexValue of this binary substring.
var hexValue = parseInt(substring, 2).toString(16);
// Not all binary values produce two hex numbers. For example:
// '00000011' gives just a '3' while what we wand would be '03'. So we add a 0 in front.
if(hexValue.length == 1) hexValue = '0'+hexValue;
// Adding this hexValue to the end string which we will return.
returnValue += hexValue;
// Compressing the hex string even further.
// If there's any double hex chars in the string it will take those and compress those into 1 char.
// Then if we have multiple of those chars these are compressed into 1 char again.
// For example: the hex string "ff will result in a "v" and "ffff" will result in a "V".
// Also: "11" will result in a "h" and "1111" will result in a "H"
// For the 0s this process is repeated a few times.
// (string with 4096 0s) (this would represent a 64*64 EMPTY grid)
// will result in a "Z".
var returnValue = returnValue.replace(/00/g, 'g')
.replace(/gg/g, 'G')
// Since 0s are probably more likely to exist in our binary and hex, we go a step further compressing them like this:
.replace(/GG/g, 'w')
.replace(/ww/g, 'W')
.replace(/WW/g, 'x')
.replace(/xx/g, 'X')
.replace(/XX/g, 'y')
.replace(/yy/g, 'Y')
.replace(/YY/g, 'z')
.replace(/zz/g, 'Z')
//Rest of the chars...
.replace(/11/g, 'h')
.replace(/hh/g, 'H')
.replace(/22/g, 'i')
.replace(/ii/g, 'I')
.replace(/33/g, 'j')
.replace(/jj/g, 'J')
.replace(/44/g, 'k')
.replace(/kk/g, 'K')
.replace(/55/g, 'l')
.replace(/ll/g, 'L')
.replace(/66/g, 'm')
.replace(/mm/g, 'M')
.replace(/77/g, 'n')
.replace(/nn/g, 'N')
.replace(/88/g, 'o')
.replace(/oo/g, 'O')
.replace(/99/g, 'p')
.replace(/pp/g, 'P')
.replace(/aa/g, 'q')
.replace(/qq/g, 'Q')
.replace(/bb/g, 'r')
.replace(/rr/g, 'R')
.replace(/cc/g, 's')
.replace(/ss/g, 'S')
.replace(/dd/g, 't')
.replace(/tt/g, 'T')
.replace(/ee/g, 'u')
.replace(/uu/g, 'U')
.replace(/ff/g, 'v')
.replace(/vv/g, 'V');
// Adding the number of leading 0s that need to be ignored when decompressing to the string.
returnValue = padding+'-'+returnValue;
// Returning the compressed string.
return returnValue;
The function I use to decompress:
* Decompresses the compressed string back into a binary string.
* Returns the decompressed string.
Codes.decompress = function(compressed) {
var returnValue = ''; // Empty string to add our data to later on.
// Splitting the input on '-' to seperate the number of paddin 0s and the actual hex code.
var compressedArr = compressed.split('-');
var paddingAmount = compressedArr[0]; // Setting a variable equal to the amount of leading 0s used while compressing.
compressed = compressedArr[1]; // Setting the compressed variable to the actual hex code.
// Decompressing further compressed characters.
compressed = compressed// Decompressing the further compressed 0s. (even further then the rest of the chars.)
.replace(/Z/g, 'zz')
.replace(/z/g, 'YY')
.replace(/Y/g, 'yy')
.replace(/y/g, 'XX')
.replace(/X/g, 'xx')
.replace(/x/g, 'WW')
.replace(/W/g, 'ww')
.replace(/w/g, 'GG')
.replace(/G/g, 'gg')
.replace(/g/g, '00')
// Rest of chars...
.replace(/H/g, 'hh')
.replace(/h/g, '11')
.replace(/I/g, 'ii')
.replace(/i/g, '22')
.replace(/J/g, 'jj')
.replace(/j/g, '33')
.replace(/K/g, 'kk')
.replace(/k/g, '44')
.replace(/L/g, 'll')
.replace(/l/g, '55')
.replace(/M/g, 'mm')
.replace(/m/g, '66')
.replace(/N/g, 'nn')
.replace(/n/g, '77')
.replace(/O/g, 'oo')
.replace(/o/g, '88')
.replace(/P/g, 'pp')
.replace(/p/g, '99')
.replace(/Q/g, 'qq')
.replace(/q/g, 'aa')
.replace(/R/g, 'rr')
.replace(/r/g, 'bb')
.replace(/S/g, 'ss')
.replace(/s/g, 'cc')
.replace(/T/g, 'tt')
.replace(/t/g, 'dd')
.replace(/U/g, 'uu')
.replace(/u/g, 'ee')
.replace(/V/g, 'vv')
.replace(/v/g, 'ff');
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(compressed.length / 2); i++) {
// Determining the substring.
var substring = compressed.substr(i*2, 2);
// Determining the binValue of this hex substring.
var binValue = parseInt(substring, 16).toString(2);
// If the length of the binary value is not equal to 8 we add leading 0s (js deletes the leading 0s)
// For instance the binary number 00011110 is equal to the hex number 1e,
// but simply running the code above will return 11110. So we have to add the leading 0s back.
if (binValue.length != 8) {
// Determining how many 0s to add:
var diffrence = 8 - binValue.length;
// Adding the 0s:
for (var j = 0; j < diffrence; j++) {
binValue = '0'+binValue;
// Adding the binValue to the end string which we will return.
returnValue += binValue
var decompressedArr = returnValue.split('');
returnValue = ''; // Emptying the return variable.
// Deleting the not needed leading 0s used as padding.
for (var i = paddingAmount; i < decompressedArr.length; i++) {
returnValue += decompressedArr[i];
// Returning the decompressed string.
return returnValue;
URL shortener
I still found the "compressed" strings a little long for sharing / pasting around. So i used a simple URL shortener (view here) to make this process a little easier for the user.
Now you might ask, then why did you need to compress this string anyway?
Here's why:
First of all, my project is hosted on github pages (gh-pages). The info page of gh-pages tells us that the url can't be any longer than 2000 chars. This would mean that the max grid size would be the square root of 2000 - length of the base url, which isn't that big. By using this "compression" we are able to share much larger grids.
Now the second reason why is that, it's a challange. I find dealing with problems like these fun and also helpfull since you learn a lot.
You can view the live version of my project here. and/or find the github repository here.
I want to thank everyone who helped me with this problem. Especially Corstian and Arnauld, since i ended up using their answers to reach my final functions.
Sooooo.... thanks guys! apriciate it!
In the Game of Life there is a board of ones and zeros. I want to back up to previous generation - size 4800 - save each 16 cells as hexadecimal = 1/4 the size. [g = Go] [b = Backup]
function drawGen(n) {
stop(); var i = clamp(n,0,brw*brh-1), hex = gensave[i].toString();
echo(":",i, n,nGEN); nGEN = i; var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(hex.length / 4); i++)
str = str + pad(parseInt(hex.substr(i*4,4), 16).toString(2),16,'0');
for (var j=0;j<Board.length;j++) Board[j] = intr(str.substr(j,1));
function Bin2Hex(n) {
var i = n.indexOf("1"); /// leading Zeros = NAN
if (i == -1) return "0000";
i = right(n,i*-1);
return pad(parseInt(i,2).toString(16),4,'0');
function saveGen(n) {
var b = Board.join(''), str = ''; /// concat array to string 10101
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(b.length / 16); i++)
str = str + Bin2Hex(b.substr(i*16,16));
gensave[n] = str;
function right(st,n) {
var s = st.toString();
if (!n) return s;
if (n < 0) return s.substr(n * -1,s.length + n);
return s.substr(s.length - n,n);
function pad(str, l, padwith) {
var s = str;
while (s.length < l) s = padwith + s;
return s;

Retrieving binary data in Javascript (Ajax)

Im trying to get this remote binary file to read the bytes, which (of course) are supossed to come in the range 0..255. Since the response is given as a string, I need to use charCodeAt to get the numeric values for every character. I have come across the problem that charCodeAt returns the value in UTF8 (if im not mistaken), so for example the ASCII value 139 gets converted to 8249. This messes up my whole application cause I need to get those value as they are sent from the server.
The immediate solution is to create a big switch that, for every given UTF8 code will return the corresponding ASCII. But i was wondering if there is a more elegant and simpler solution. Thanks in advance.
The following code has been extracted from an answer to this StackOverflow question and should help you work around your issue.
function stringToBytesFaster ( str ) {
var ch, st, re = [], j=0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
if(ch < 127)
re[j++] = ch & 0xFF;
st = []; // clear stack
do {
st.push( ch & 0xFF ); // push byte to stack
ch = ch >> 8; // shift value down by 1 byte
while ( ch );
// add stack contents to result
// done because chars have "wrong" endianness
st = st.reverse();
for(var k=0;k<st.length; ++k)
re[j++] = st[k];
// return an array of bytes
return re;
var str = "\x8b\x00\x01\x41A\u1242B\u4123C";
alert(stringToBytesFaster(str)); // 139,0,1,65,65,18,66,66,65,35,67
I would recommend encoding the binary data is some character-encoding independent format like base64

Minimizing canvas "bitmap" data size

Context: multi-user app (node.js) - 1 painter, n clients
Canvas size: 650x400 px (= 260,000 px)
For the canvas to be updated frequently (I'm thinking about 10 times a second), I need to keep the data size as small as possible, especially when thinking about upload rates.
The toDataURL() method returning a base64 string is fine but it contains masses of data I don't even need (23 bit per pixel). Its length is 8,088 (without the preceding MIME information), and assuming the JavaScript strings have 8-bit encoding that would be 8.1 kilobytes of data, 10 times per second.
My next try was using JS objects for the different context actions like moveTo(x, y) or lineTo(x, y), sending them to the server and have the clients receive the data in delta updates (via timestamps). However, this turned out to be even less efficient than the base64 string.
"timestamp": 0,
"what": {
"name": LINE_TO,
"args": {"x": x, "y": y}
It doesn't work fluently nor precisely because there are nearly 300 lineTo commands already when you swipe your brush shortly. Sometimes there's a part of the movement missing (making a line straight instead of rounded), sometimes the events aren't even recognized by the script client-side because it seems to be "overwhelmed" by the mass of events triggered already.
So I have to end up using the base64 string with its 8.1 KB. I don't want to worry about this much - but even if done asynchronously with delta updates, there will be major lags on a real server, let alone the occasional bandwidth overrun.
The only colors I am using are #000 and #FFF, so I was thinking about a 1-bit data structure with delta updates only. This would basically suffice and I wouldn't mind any "color" precision losses (it is black after all).
With most of the canvas being white, you could think of additional Huffman run-length encoding to reduce size even further, too. Like a canvas with a size of 50x2 px and a single black pixel at (26, 2) would return the following string: 75W1B74W (50 + 25 white pixels, then 1 black pixel, then 24 more white pixels)
It would even help if the canvas consisted of a 1-bit string like this:
That would help a lot already.
My first question is: How to write an algorithm to get this data efficiently?
The second is: How could I pass the pure binary canvas data to the clients (via node server)? How do I even send a 1-bit data structure to the server? Would I have to convert my bits to a hexadecimal (or more) number and re-parse?
Would it be possible to use this as a data structure?
Thanks in advance,
I need to keep the data size as small as possible
Then don't send the entire data. Send only the changes, close to what you propose yourself.
Make the framework such that every user can only do "actions" such as "draw black strokeWidth 2 from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2".
I wouldn't bother with some pure binary thing. If there's only two colors then that's easy to send as the string "1,2,x,y,x2,y2", which the other people will parse precisely the same way the local client will, and it will get drawn the same way.
I wouldn't overthink this. Get it working with simple strings before you worry about any clever encoding. It's worth trying the simple thing first. Maybe the performance will be quite good without going through a lot of trouble!
I sorted it out, finally. I used an algorithm to get the image data within a specified area (i.e. the area currently drawn on), and then paste the image data to the same coordinates.
While drawing, I keep my application informed about how big the modified area is and where it starts (stored in currentDrawingCoords).
pixels is an ImageData Array obtained by calling context.getImageData(left, top, width, height) with the stored drawing coordinates.
getDeltaUpdate is called upon onmouseup (yeah, that's the drawback of the area idea):
getDeltaUpdate = function(pixels, currentDrawingCoords) {
var image = "" +
currentDrawingCoords.left + "," + // x + "," + // y
(currentDrawingCoords.right - currentDrawingCoords.left) + "," + // width
(currentDrawingCoords.bottom - + ""; // height
var blk = 0, wht = 0, d = "|";
for (var i=0, n=pixels.length; i < n; i += 4) {
pixels[i] > 0 ||
pixels[i+1] > 0 ||
pixels[i+2] > 0 ||
pixels[i+3] > 0
) {
// pixel is black
if(wht > 0 || (i == 0 && wht == 0)) {
image = image + d + wht;
wht = 0;
d = ",";
//console.log("Pixel " + i + " is BLACK (" + blk + "-th in a row)");
} else {
// pixel is white
if(blk > 0) {
image = image + d + blk;
blk = 0;
d = ",";
//console.log("Pixel " + i + " is WHITE (" + blk + "-th in a row)");
return image;
image is a string with a header part (x,y,width,height|...) and a data body part (...|w,b,w,b,w,[...])
The result is a string with less characters than the base64 string has (as opposed to the 8k characters string, the delta updates have 1k-6k characters, depending on how many things have been drawn into the modification area)
That string is sent to the server, pushed to all the other clients and reverted to ImageData by using getImageData:
getImageData = function(imagestring) {
var data = imagestring.split("|");
var header = data[0].split(",");
var body = data[1].split(",");
var where = {"x": header[0], "y": header[1]};
var image = context.createImageData(header[2], header[3]); // create ImageData object (width, height)
var currentpixel = 0,
pos = 0,
until = 0,
alpha = 0,
white = true;
for(var i=0, n=body.length; i < n; i++) {
var pixelamount = parseInt(body[i]); // amount of pixels with the same color in a row
if(pixelamount > 0) {
pos = (currentpixel * 4);
until = pos + (pixelamount * 4); // exclude
if(white) alpha = 0;
else alpha = 255;
while(pos < until) {[pos] = 0;[pos+1] = 0;[pos+2] = 0;[pos+3] = alpha;
pos += 4;
currentpixel += pixelamount;
white = (white ? false : true);
} else {
white = false;
return {"image": image, "where": where};
Call context.putImageData(data.image, data.where.x, data.where.y); to put the area on top of everything there is!
As previously mentioned, this may not be the perfect suit for every kind of monochrome canvas drawing application since the modification area is only submit onmouseup. However, I can live with this trade-off because it's far less stressful for the server than all the other methods presented in the question.
I hope I was able to help the people to follow this question.

Decrypting images using JavaScript within browser

I have a web based application that requires images to be encrypted before they are sent to server, and decrypted after loaded into the browser from the server, when the correct key was given by a user.
[Edit: The goal is that the original image and the key never leaves the user's computer so that he/she is not required to trust the server.]
My first approach was to encrypt the image pixels using AES and leave the image headers untouched. I had to save the encrypted image in lossless format such as png. Lossy format such as jpg would alter the AES encrypted bits and make them impossible to be decrypted.
Now the encrypted images can be loaded into the browser, with a expected completely scrambled look. Here I have JavaScript code to read in the image data as RGB pixels using Image.canvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(), get the key form the user, decrypt the pixels using AES, redraw the canvas and show the decrypted image to the user.
This approach works but suffers two major problems.
The first problem is that saving the completely scrambled image in lossless format takes a lot of bytes, close to 3 bytes per pixel.
The second problem is that decrypting large images in the browser takes a long time.
This invokes the second approach, which is to encrypt the image headers instead of the actual pixels. But I haven't found any way to read in the image headers in JavaScript in order to decrypt them. The Canvas gives only the already decompressed pixel data. In fact, the browser shows the image with altered header as invalid.
Any suggestions for improving the first approach or making the second approach possible, or providing other approaches are much appreciated.
Sorry for the long post.
You inspired me to give this a try. I blogged about it and you can find a demo here.
I used Crypto-JS to encrypt and decrypt with AES and Rabbit.
First I get the CanvasPixelArray from the ImageData object.
var ctx = document.getElementById('leif')
var imgd = ctx.getImageData(0,0,width,height);
var pixelArray =;
The pixel array has four bytes for each pixel as RGBA but Crypto-JS encrypts a string, not an array. At first I used .join() and .split(",") to get from array to string and back. It was slow and the string got much longer than it had to be. Actually four times longer. To save even more space I decided to discard the alpha channel.
function canvasArrToString(a) {
var s="";
// Removes alpha to save space.
for (var i=0; i<pix.length; i+=4) {
+ String.fromCharCode(pix[i+1])
+ String.fromCharCode(pix[i+2]));
return s;
That string is what I then encrypt. I sticked to += after reading String Performance an Analysis.
var encrypted = Crypto.Rabbit.encrypt(imageString, password);
I used a small 160x120 pixels image. With four bytes for each pixels that gives 76800 bytes. Even though I stripped the alpha channel the encrypted image still takes up 124680 bytes, 1.62 times bigger. Using .join() it was 384736 bytes, 5 times bigger. One cause for it still being larger than the original image is that Crypto-JS returns a Base64 encoded string and that adds something like 37%.
Before I could write it back to the canvas I had to convert it to an array again.
function canvasStringToArr(s) {
var arr=[];
for (var i=0; i<s.length; i+=3) {
for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
arr.push(255); // Hardcodes alpha to 255.
return arr;
Decryption is simple.
var arr=canvasStringToArr(
Crypto.Rabbit.decrypt(encryptedString, password));;
Tested in Firefox, Google Chrome, WebKit3.1 (Android 2.2), iOS 4.1, and a very recent release of Opera.
Encrypt and Base64 encode the image's raw data when it is saved. (You can only do that on a web browser that supports the HTML5 File API unless you use a Java applet). When the image is downloaded, unencode it, decrypt it, and create a data URI for the browser to use (or again, use a Java applet to display the image).
You cannot, however, remove the need for the user to trust the server because the server can send whatever JavaScript code it wants to to the client, which can send a copy of the image to anyone when it is decrypted. This is a concern some have with encrypted e-mail service Hushmail – that the government could force the company to deliver a malicious Java applet. This isn't an impossible scenario; telecommunications company Etisalat attempted to intercept BlackBerry communications by installing spyware onto the device remotely (
If your web site is one used by the public, you have no control over your users' software configurations, so their computers could even already be infected with spyware.
I wanted to do something similar: On the server is an encrypted gif and I want to download, decrypt, and display it in javascript. I was able to get it working and the file stored on the server is the same size as the original plus a few bytes (maybe up to 32 bytes). This is the code that performs AES encryption of the file calendar.gif and makes calendar.gif.enc, written in VB.Net.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim AES As New System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged
Dim encryption_key As String = "603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4"
AES.Key = HexStringToBytes(encryption_key)
Dim iv_string As String = "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F"
'Dim test_string As String = "6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a"
AES.Mode = Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.CBC
AES.IV = HexStringToBytes(iv_string)
Dim Encrypter As System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform = AES.CreateEncryptor
Dim b() As Byte = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("calendar.gif")
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("calendar.gif.enc", (Encrypter.TransformFinalBlock(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("calendar.gif"), 0, b.Length)))
End Sub
This is the javascript code that downloads calendar.gif.enc as binary, decrypts, and makes an image:
function wordArrayToBase64(wordArray) {
var words = wordArray.words;
var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes;
// Convert
var output = "";
var chr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) {
chr.push((words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);
if(chr.length == 3) {
var enc = [
(chr[0] & 0xff) >> 2,
((chr[0] & 3) << 4) | ((chr[1] & 0xff) >> 4),
((chr[1] & 15) << 2) | ((chr[2] & 0xff) >> 6),
chr[2] & 63
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
output += Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc[j]);
chr = [];
if(chr.length == 1) {
var enc = [
(chr[0] & 0xff) >> 2,
((chr[0] & 3) << 4) | ((chr[1] & 0xff) >> 4),
((chr[1] & 15) << 2) | ((chr[2] & 0xff) >> 6),
chr[2] & 63
enc[2] = enc[3] = 64;
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
output += Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc[j]);
} else if(chr.length == 2) {
var enc = [
(chr[0] & 0xff) >> 2,
((chr[0] & 3) << 4) | ((chr[1] & 0xff) >> 4),
((chr[1] & 15) << 2) | ((chr[2] & 0xff) >> 6),
chr[2] & 63
enc[3] = 64;
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
output += Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc[j]);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.overrideMimeType('image/gif; charset=x-user-defined');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4');
var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F');
var aesEncryptor = CryptoJS.algo.AES.createDecryptor(key, { iv: iv });
var words = [];
for(var i=0; i < (xhr.response.length+3)/4; i++) {
var newWord = (xhr.response.charCodeAt(i*4+0)&0xff) << 24;
newWord += (xhr.response.charCodeAt(i*4+1)&0xff) << 16;
newWord += (xhr.response.charCodeAt(i*4+2)&0xff) << 8;
newWord += (xhr.response.charCodeAt(i*4+3)&0xff) << 0;
var inputWordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(words, xhr.response.length);
var ciphertext0 = aesEncryptor.process(inputWordArray);
var ciphertext1 = aesEncryptor.finalize();
$('body').append('<img src="data:image/gif;base64,' + wordArrayToBase64(ciphertext0.concat(ciphertext1)) + '">');
$('body').append('<p>' + wordArrayToBase64(ciphertext0.concat(ciphertext1)) + '</p>');
I used a fixed IV and fixed password. You should modify the code to generate a random IV during encryption and prepend them as the first bytes of the output file. The javascript needs to be modified, too, to extract these bytes.
The password length should be fixed: 256-bits for AES-256. If the password isn't 256 bytes, one possibility is to use AES hashing to hash the password to 256 bits in length in both encryption and decryption.
You'll need crypto-js.
overrideMimeType might not work on older browsers. You need this so that the binary data will get downloaded properly.

