JavaScript Ajax LIstener - javascript

I am looking for a listener to receive ajax events before any Ajax method is invoked.
I see there is an ajaxLIstsner in JQuery which would work if all my ajax requests were coming from JQuery. But there are not. So, question is how would I implement such a listener in core JavaScript.

You can override the xhr prototype, see


ASP.NET How to reuse jQuery event handlers across more than one cshtml file

I have this method for adding a global event handler, so I can check on each ajax request whether a response header has been added and how to respond to that.
This works absolutely fine, but I need it in more than one view (cshtml). So rather than duplicating it in every file, is there a way I could extract this out so I can call it from other files or apply this globally to all my views?
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, request, settings) {
if (request.getResponseHeader('ResponseHeader') === '1') {
window.location.href = '#Url.Action("Action", "Controller")';
The code itself isn't super important, just more about whether it's possible to reuse these across all my views without duplicating it. I was also thinking about creating a global event handler that would check the http status code response from all ajax requests, then respond to the codes appropriately i.e. redirect any 404 codes to a not found page for example. There must be a way to achieve this or something similar rather than copying this across every single ajax call?
The main language I use is C# and I'm a beginner with using JavaScript / jQuery, so any extra explanations would be greatly appreciated.
jQuery version: 1.10.2

Post/Get handler in Jquery/Javascript

I am doing a web application,
which creates a lot of post & get requests.
I can see all the requests using Develop Tools in Mozilla/Chrome, and also in Charles (application).
Is it possible to create a jquery/javascript function which will listen for all requests on current page, and will alert each request to me?
Something similiar to Jquery .click() function.
$('body').post(function() {
alert(this.Url + this.Parameters);
I googled, and couldn't find, hope there is a way.
Yes,in Jquery you have Global Ajax Event Handlers
These methods register handlers to be called when certain events, such
as initialization or completion, take place for any Ajax request on
the page
refer the Documentation

How to parse an html table after being constucted by an ajax request without using done method

In my situation there is no way I can add code to done statement after the ajax call has finished. So I need some way to parse a table after an ajax request is finished.
Is there any way I can listen to the dom, so when a control is constructed or added on the page, to execute some other code?
Is there something like this?
$("#table_id").live('load', function(){
Thank you
Is there any way I can listen to the dom
There are mutation events but these are inconsistently supported across browsers and generally not recommended.
How about a simple .ajaxComplete()-provided complete handler for all ajax requests? That seems to be pretty close to your code example:
$("#table_id").ajaxComplete(function () {
// ...

Javascript Bind function to Ajax load event

I am trying to write an chrome extension that interacts with Twitter pages however I am having a hard time firing off the function when the twitter stream is ready because it is dynamically loaded after the document is ready.
How can I bind a function to the element being loaded or some sort of generic ajax success response for the element.
current code.
You can look at .ajaxSuccess, which is a global handler that is executed when an ajax call is successful (provided the ajax call was done through .ajax).

How to call a .cs method from a JavaScript function?

I need to call a .cs method from JavaScript function; how can I do that?
You need to do post back to the server then catch this post back on Pageload event then execute the cs function.
check the following article:
Understanding the JavaScript __doPostBack Function
You need to postback to the server by either submitting an HTML form or using JavaScript. If you're not in a browser, it might be more of a challenge because I don't think the Windows Scripting Host includes anything that can call the web by default. In which case you could use something like cURL instead.

