Using JQuery MaskInput Plugin with a SSN Field - javascript

I am trying to use the JQuery MaskInput plugin on a SSN field but I dont see anyway to make it display "***-**-****" after the user leaves the fields.
Did anyone get this working>

I havent tested this, but it may get you headed in the right direction. The masked input plugin has a completed function that can be called when the user has finished entering their value. You can use it to grab the value and store it in a hidden field to retain it and replace the current text with whatever you desire.
var $txt_SNN = $("#txt_SSN");
$txt_SNN.mask("999-99-9999", {
completed: function() {

$txt_SNN.mask("999-99-9999").blur(function() {
$(this).attr('type', 'password');
This should do it. Although I didn't test it.


jquery change function does not work when fill input from cache

I try do form validator using jquery. Generally everything works except one situation.
I want in any change in input my function checkEmail check is everything is ok. If not color of input is change on red. When i write or paste to input it works but when i choose value from cache (browser give me list of value to choose) my input do not change color.
const checkEmail = () => {
if (!validator.isEmail(emailInput.val())) {
return false
} else {
return true
emailInput.change('input', checkEmail);
Is any way to trigger a function on really any change? I event try setTimeOut but then it looks like jquery do not see value in my Input.
PS. Im new here please be patience :)
emailInput.on('input', checkEmail);
here the demo

Configuration form with a custom control in leaflet

I'm trying to create a custom control using leaflet; here you can see the jsfiddle:
When the user clicks on the submit button, i need to read the value from the dropdown and the one from the text field.
L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'click', this._doSomething, this); predictable, doesn't work.. and I can't read the values from the input fields. How can I do this?
The main issue you are having is that you are just alerting the string 'clicked' in your _doSomething() function. You need to look up all the values and then you can do what ever you want with those values. Here is some quick code that will at least get you going in the right direction.
_doSomething: function(event){
if( === 'leaflet-control-opt-submit') {
var select = document.querySelector('.leaflet-control-opt-dropdown');
var input = document.querySelector('.leaflet-control-opt-input');
console.log(select.value, input.value)
it first checks to make sure the is the submit button if it is it looks up the values from the inputs and for now we just console.log() them you can do whatever you want from then on with the values.

Hiding a Section on Dynamics 365 using JS

I'm trying to take a field value (that's a two option check box) and if it is checked then set the visibility on a section to be true, and if it's not checked then to set the visibility to false. I have it set on the field to call the function on an on change event.
When I go into the form and either check the box or uncheck the box it gives me a script error.
This is the function I'm using:
function SetProductVisible(){
if (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("ee_productspecific").getValue()){
Thank you for your help.
The fields default value is also set to "No"
Ensure that you are using the right quotation marks by replacing “ and ” with ".
As mentioned in the comments, also ensure that you are using the right name for your tab and section, and check the developer console for more information about the error.
here is your solution...
I created a new field on the CRM form called "log_showhide" which is a two option field. You need to edit the code below to match your Section name and field name with the correct values...
Furthermore, I would set the code to run on load of the form as well as on change of your field.
This method is applicable to Microsoft Dynamics 365 v9.x
function hideOrShow(executionContext){
var a = executionContext.getFormContext().getAttribute("log_showhide").getValue();
if (a == 0) {
} else {
Rather than doing a custom web resource to show/hide a field or section, I would recommend you go with a Business Rule. With a Business Rule you can set up a simple check of the value of one field and hide other fields based on that.
Another way to hide a section by field's parent. Just refer a field on that section:
function SetProductVisible()
var some_section = Xrm.Page.getControl("new_field_on_that_section_name").getParent();

Unable to change minLength dynamically

I have a dropdown which has countries and in the same form on 2nd line I have ZipCode texbox. I want to limit the minLenght of the zipcode field dynamically. For example If US is slected zipcode should not be less than 5 and for other countries some other minLength Limit. My form uses a parsley validator
I wrote below function onChange event of my country dropdown
function setZipLimit() {
alert("in Zip limit" + document.getElementById("billingCountry").value);
if (document.getElementById("billingCountry").value == "US") {
alert("I am in US");
$('#billingPostalCode').data('minlength', 3);
} else {
$('#billingPostalCode').data('minlength', 10);
But this doesnt seem to be helping. Can you please help me?
You cant just edit the Attribute, because parsley.js initially Reads the form and gets its Values. Changing them Afterwards shouldnt have any Effect.
However you can use the Parsley.js API for Javascript functions to Edit the constraints. You already used them to destroy and Build Parsley. Parsley got the following Function:
$( '#field' ).parsley( 'updateConstraint', { minlength: 6 } );
There are also some with addConstraint and removeConstraint in the Documentation:
If your Form gets more complex and you have several of those dynamic cases, i recommend to only Destroy and Rebuild specific Parts of your Form. The Reason is (from an issue I had recently):
If you Destroy Parsley, change some Fields, build Parsley and then Destroy it again because another if Statement takes place, your previous Changes get thrown away, because Build only reads the js inbetween the Destroy and Build and reads the Form.

Delete empty values from form's params before submitting it

I have some javascript which catches changes to a form then calls the form's regular submit function. The form is a GET form (for a search) and i have lots of empty attributes come through in the params. What i'd like to do is to delete any empty attributes before submitting, to get a cleaner url: for example, if someone changes the 'subject' select to 'english' i want their search url to be
rather than
as it is at the moment. This is just purely for the purpose of having a cleaner and more meaningful url to link to and for people's bookmarks etc. So, what i need is something along these lines, but this isn't right as i'm not editing the actual form but a js object made from the form's params:
quizSearchForm = jQuery("#searchForm");
formParams = quizSearchForm.serializeArray();
//remove any empty fields from the form params before submitting, for a cleaner url
//this won't work as we're not changing the form, just an object made from it.
for (i in formParams) {
if (formParams[i] === null || formParams[i] === "") {
delete formParams[i];
//submit the form
I think i'm close with this, but i'm missing the step of how to edit the actual form's attributes rather than make another object and edit that.
grateful for any advice - max
EDIT - SOLVED - thanks to the many people who posted about this. Here's what i have, which seems to work perfectly.
function submitSearchForm(){
quizSearchForm = jQuery("#searchForm");
//disable empty fields so they don't clutter up the url
quizSearchForm.find(':input[value=""]').attr('disabled', true);
The inputs with attribute disabled set to true won't be submitted with the form. So in one jQuery line:
$(':input[value=""]').attr('disabled', true);
$('form#searchForm').submit(function() {
$(':input', this).each(function() {
this.disabled = !($(this).val());
You can't do it that way if you call the form's submit method; that will submit the entire form, not the array you've had jQuery create for you.
What you can do is disable the form fields that are empty prior to submitting the form; disabled fields are omitted from form submission. So walk through the form's elements and for each one that's empty, disable it, and then call the submit method on the form. (If its target is another window, you'll then want to go back and re-enable the fields. If its target is the current window, it doesn't matter, the page will be replaced anyway.)
Well one thing you could do would be to disable the empty inputs before calling "serializeArray"
$('#searchForm').find('input, textarea, select').each(function(_, inp) {
if ($(inp).val() === '' || $(inp).val() === null)
inp.disabled = true;
The "serializeArray()" routine will not include those in its results. Now, you may need to go back and re-enable those if the form post is not going to result in a completely refreshed page.
Maybe some of the proposed solutions worked at the moment the question was made (March 2010) but today, August 2014, the solution of disabling empty inputs is just not working. The disabled fields are sended too in my Google Chrome. However, I tried removing the "name" attribute and it worked fine!
$(this).find('input[name], select[name]').each(function(){
if (!$(this).val()){
Ok, probably the reason because disabling fields doesn't worked to me is not that something changed since 2010. But still not working in my Google Chrome. I don't know, maybe is just in the linux version. Anyway, I think that removing the name attr is better since, despite what policy takes the browser about disabled fields, there is no way to send the parameters if the name attr is missing. Another advantage is that usually disabling fields implies some style changes, and is not nice to see a style change in the form a second before the form is finally submited.
There is also a drawback, as Max Williams mentioned in the comments, since the remove name attr solution is not toggleable. Here is a way to avoid this problem:
$(this).find('input[name], select[name]').each(function(){
if (!$(this).val()){
$(this).data('name', $(this).attr('name'));
function recoverNames(){
$(this).find('input[name], select[name]').each(function(){
if ($(this).data('name')){
$(this).attr('name', $(this).data('name'));
However, I think this is not a very common case since we are submitting the form so it is assumed that there is no need to recover the missing name attrs.
Your problem helped me figure out my situation, which is a bit different - so maybe someone else can benefit from it. Instead of directly submitting a form, I needed to prevent empty form elements from being collected into a serialized array which is then posted via AJAX.
In my case, I simply needed to loop through the form elements and disable all that were empty, and then collect the leftovers into an array like so:
// Loop through empty fields and disable them to prevent inclusion in array
$('#OptionB input, select').each(function(){
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
// Collect active fields into array to submit
var updateData = $('#OptionB input, select').serializeArray();
Or serialize, clear empty key=value pairs with regex and call window.location:
$("#form").submit( function(e){
//convert form to query string, i.e. a=1&b=&c=, then cleanup with regex
var q = $(this).serialize().replace(/&?[\w\-\d_]+=&|&?[\w\-\d_]+=$/gi,""),
url = this.getAttribute('action')+ (q.length > 0 ? "?"+q : "");
window.location.href = url;
Another approach I always recommend is to do that on server side, so you are able to:
Validate the input data correctly
Set default values
Change input values if needed
Have a clean URL or a friendly URL such as "/quizzes/english/level-1/"
Otherwise you will have to deal with text input, select, radio etc...

