List disappears when PullRefresh plugin in Sencha Touch 2.2 - javascript

I added the pullRefresh plugin to my list and the list doesn't display anymore. No errors or warnings in the console. Is there sth I should do when I add a plugin?
{ xtype:'list',
plugins: [
{ xclass: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
pullRefreshText: '...',
refreshFn: function(plugin) {
console.log('I am pulled');
grouper: {
groupFn: function(record) {

When plugging the pullRefresh the list width must be specified in order to display properly. I added width:'100%' and it worked fine.


Jquery Vegas Plugin overlay not working

I am using the plugin off of
The backgrounds are changing fine, but the overlay image is not working or rendering.
Here is my code I have in the head of the page:
$.vegas('slideshow', {
{ src:'/../../images/backdrop.png' },
{ src:'/../../images/backdrop_yellow_trees.png' },
{ src:'/../../images/backdrop.png' }
})('overlay', {
Same problem here, but based on the #pawel reply over I came to this
$(function() {
$.vegas('slideshow', {
{ src:'images/pic1.jpg', fade:800 },
{ src:'images/pic2.jpg', fade:800 },
{ src:'images/pic3.jpg', fade:800 },
{ src:'images/pic4.jpg', fade:800 }
})('overlay', {
We probably made the same mistake, just copy paste from the documentation...

aurigma uploader context menu not showing

How to add a context menu in aurigma uploader. I want to add select all and deselect all option.
I have read this documentation ($au_contextMenu.htm ) and I have tried this below coding. But, nothing appear in aurigma uploader plugin?
<script type="text/javascript">
var uploader = $au.uploader({
id: 'Uploader1',
width: '950px',
height: '500px',
enableDescriptionEditor: false,
enableRotation: false,
activeXControl: {
codeBase: 'Scripts/',
codeBase64: 'Scripts/'
javaControl: {
codeBase: 'Scripts/Uploader8.jar'
uploadSettings: {
actionUrl: 'upload.php',
//redirectUrl: 'gallery.php',
filesPerPackage: 1
converters: [
{ mode: '*.*=SourceFile' }
folderPane: {
height: 370
uploadPane: {
viewMode: 'List'
contextMenu: {
addFilesText: "Add files",
uncheckAllText: "Uncheck all"
detailsViewColumns: {
infoText: ''
paneItem: {
showFileNameInThumbnailsView: true
imageEditor: {
enableCrop: false
var ip = $au.installationProgress(uploader);
Disclaimer: I work for Aurigma.
The “check all” feature is enabled by default. If you open a folder in the folder view and expand the context menu, you will see this option there. It allows you to add all files in the folder to the upload list. The property ContextMenu.CheckAllText is used to change caption for the menu item.
Are you expecting some other behavior for this menu item or you don’t see it in the context menu?

Add onLoad Listener to Sencha Touch List

I want to perform selection operation on List after the data has been loaded, because based on the data which I received I have to select one cell in that list and also need to update the detail view base on that.
Ext.define('WaxiApp.view.ProductViews.ProductList', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
alias: "widget.ProductList",
requires: [
config: {
layout: Ext.os.deviceType == 'Phone' ? 'fit' : {
type: 'hbox',
cls: 'product-list',
items: [{
xtype: 'list',
width: '100%',
store: 'ProductsList',
infinite: true,
plugins: 'sortablelist',
itemCls: 'productList',
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="list-content-div ',
'<tpl if="this.needSortable(isNeedInventry)">',
Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'list-sortablehandle',
'<b>{UpcCode} {Name}</b>',
'<tpl if="isActive">',
// XTemplate configuration:
compiled: true,
// member functions:
needSortable: function (isneedInventry) {
return !isneedInventry;
masked: { xtype: 'loadmask',message: 'loading' },
onLoad: function (store) {
console.log('list loaded');
this.fireEvent("productListLoadedCommand", this,store);
listeners: [
delegate: "#product-list-view",
event: "itemtap",
fn: function (list, index, target, record) {
console.log('list selection command fired');
this.fireEvent("productListSelectedCommand", this,index,record);
style: 'background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0, #FDFDFD), color-stop(1, #DBDBDB));background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #FDFDFD 0%, #DBDBDB 100%);'
}//End of config
});//End of Define
Above this actual view I used to display the list. My problem is I tried onLoad() method it work but i want do everything in my Controller to make it more clear.
As you saw my itemTap event has been handled in Controller by firing event. But same is not working for load event.
As mentioned by #Jimmy there is no onLoad method on list. However there are a few ways to work around it. My understanding of what you want to achieve is that when the store backing the list is loaded, you want an event to be fired from the ProductList instance (not the list) such that in the controller you can configure the control to be:
control: {
ProductList: {
productListSelectedCommand: 'productListSelectCommand',
productListLoadedCommand: 'productListLoadedCommand'
If so then we can modify the listeners in your existing ProductList class to do the following:
listeners: [
delegate: "#product-list-view",
event: "itemtap",
fn: function (list, index, target, record) {
console.log('list selection command fired');
this.fireEvent("productListSelectedCommand", this,index,record);
delegate: "#product-list-view",
event: "show",
fn: function (list) {
var store = list.getStore();
var handler = function() {
console.log('list loaded');
this.fireEvent("productListLoadedCommand", this, store);
if (store.isLoaded()) {
} else {
list.getStore().on('load', handler, this);
What this is does is to what for the list to be shown and then get it's store, if the store has loaded then invoke the handler, otherwise register a load listener directly on it. Note that the this object here will be the ProductList not the product-list-view.
Per the Sencha Touch documentation, I do not see an onLoad function for Ext.dataview.List. However, there is a load event listener for the, which the list contains. So, your event listener should probably be on the data store, not necessarily the list itself.
Inside your controller's launch method, you could setup a listener for the Store's load event like so:
launch: function () {
// your store should be setup in your Ext.application
Ext.getStore('NameOfStore').on('load', this.productListLoadedCommand);
productListLoadedCommand: function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) {
// do some after load logic
You should set up your event listener for your list in the controller as well. There should be no need for you to create a listener in the view config only to call a fireEvent method in the Controller. Instead, do all event handling in the controller. To get a handle on your list in the Controller, add a xtype: 'productlist' inside the Ext.define for your WaxiApp.view.ProductViews.ProductList. Then, add your list to the Controller's config as a ref and attach the itemtap event for the list in the control like so:
config: {
ref: {
productList: 'productlist'
control: {
productList: {
itemtap: 'productListSelectCommand'
productListSelectCommand: function (list, index, target, record, e, eOpts) {
// do some itemtap functionality
In the end, your controller might look something like this:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Controller', {
extend: '',
requires: [
// what is required
config: {
ref: {
productList: 'productlist'
control: {
productList: {
itemtap: 'productListSelectCommand'
launch: function () {
// your store should be setup in your Ext.application
Ext.getStore('NameOfStore').on('load', this.productListLoadedCommand);
productListLoadedCommand: function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) {
// do some after load logic
// this.getProductList() will give you handle of productlist
productListSelectCommand: function (list, index, target, record, e, eOpts) {
// do some itemtap functionality
Finally, don't forget to add a xtype: 'productlist' inside the Ext.define for your WaxiApp.view.ProductViews.ProductList. I'm not sure of your overall experience with Sencha Touch application design, but here is a good reference for understanding their view, model, store, controller structure.
I found the solution exactly how to handle this scenario and posted my
own solution.
Ext.define('WaxiApp.view.ProductViews.ProductList', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
alias: "widget.ProductList",
requires: [
initialize: function () {
xtype: 'list',
id: 'product-list-view',
store: 'ProductsList',
masked: { xtype: 'loadmask', message: 'loading' },
//onLoad is not a listener it's private sencha touch method used to unmask the screen after the store loaded
onLoad: function (store) {
this.unmask();//I manually unmask, because I override this method to do additional task.
console.log('list loaded');
this.fireEvent("productListLoadedCommand", this, store);
//Painted is event so added it to listener, I saw fee document state that, add event like Painted and show should to added to the
//Component itslef is best practice.
listeners: {
order: 'after',
painted: function () {
console.log("Painted Event");
this.fireEvent("ProductListPaintedCommand", this);
scope: this
//This is also very important, because if we using this in card layout
//and changing the active view in layout cause this event to failed, so
//setting scope to this will help to receive the defined view instead of this list component.
config: {
listeners: [
delegate: "#product-list-view",
event: "itemtap",
fn: function (list, index, target, record) {
console.log('list selection command fired');
this.fireEvent("productListSelectedCommand", this, index, record);
}//End of config
});//End of Define
/// <reference path="../../touch/sencha-touch-all-debug.js" />
Ext.define("WaxiApp.controller.ProductsViewController", {
extend: "",
config: {
refs: {
ProductContainer: "ProductList",
ProductList: "#product-list-view",
control: {
productListSelectedCommand: "onProductListSelected",
ProductListPaintedCommand: "onProductListPainted"
productListLoadedCommand: "onProductListLoaded"
}//End of control
},//End of config
// Transitions
return Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#product-list-view')[0].getStore();
//Check for if need to load store because painted event called every time your view is painted on screen
if (this.listStoreNeedLoad) {
var store = this.getstore();
this.listStoreNeedLoad = false;
var index = 0;
//Iterate through record and set my select Index
if (record.get("isNeedInventry")) {
return false;
console.log('list load event fired');
})//End of define

Is there any viewWillAppear like-function in Sencha Touch

I am trying to call a function every time when a view shows up. but it only gets called for first time and thenafter it doesn't. Is there any event-function like viewWillAppear of iOS. I am using 'initialize' event function and it gets called only once. Please help.
Ext.define('', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'runningList',
requires: ['','',],
config: {
title: 'Running',
id: 'instanceList',/*
itemTpl: '<div class="serached_listview">'+
'<div>{key} {key} </div>' +
'<div><b>{key}</b> </div>' +
'<div> {key}</div>' +
store: 'RunningInstanceStore',
listeners: [{
fn: 'initialize',
event: 'initialize'
Ext.define("Abc.controller.InstancesController", {
extend: '',
requires: [ '','Ext.device.Connection'],
config: {
refs: {
main: 'mainpanel',
Instances: '#instanceList',
ListView: 'runningList'
control: {
Instances: {
initialize: 'initializePanel',
"runningInstancesList": {
disclose: 'listViewAccessoryTapped',
itemtap: 'listViewTapped'
listViewAccessoryTapped: function(view, index, item, e) {
console.log('Internet connection is available.');
console.log('Internet connection is not available.');
listViewTapped: function(view, index, item, e) {
initializePanel: function() {
console.log('Hi'); **////////////////Called only once...**
In ExtJS there is component.beforeactivate, which fires each time before a component is activated!/api/Ext.AbstractComponent-event-beforeactivate
However, in Touch, there appears to be only container.activate, which looks like it is fired after a child component is activated!/api/Ext.Container-event-activate
One of these event handlers (instead of initialize) should help you:
Ideally these events should be handled in controller like this(one of many ways)
'#instanceList': {
show : 'onListShow'
but you can alternatively add listener to your view like this:
Ext.define('', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'runningList',
requires: ['','',],
config: {
title: 'Running',
id: 'instanceList',
store: 'RunningInstanceStore',
listeners: {
show : function(me, opts){
// Do whatever you want here

How to catch tree node clicks from a (MVC) controller in ExtJs 4?

In my ExtJS 4 controllers I can catch events on certain elements on the page.
For example, to catche menu items clicks I can do:
init: function() {
'maintoolbar menuitem[action=contacts]': {
click: function() {
// do something ;
How do I do the same to catch tree node clicks? I pretty much want the same effect as the menu item (the tree has the id of settingstree).
EDIT: here's the tree code:
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
requires: [
title: MyApp.locale.T('settings'),
defaults: {
store: Ext.create(''),
alias: 'widget.settingstree',
rootVisible: false,
useArrows: true,
/*listeners: {
itemclick: function(view, record, el, index, ev, options ) {
Note that I intentionally commented out the itemclick listener. While this does report me on ll nodes clicked, I prefer to catch that in the controller, as I should...
Any ideas?
You can put:
'settingstree': {
itemclick: function() {
// do something ;
in appropriate controller

