Preventing / understanding xss with javascript encoding - javascript

I'm currently reading up on .net MVC and have just reached the security chapter of the book. I've known about xss, and I never trust any user input without sanitizing it first (usually with html encoding or even something like php's strip_tags). Up until this point I was not familiar with Javascript encoding strings for protection. One of the examples in the book had a user pass in a string like:
So naturally when I learn something new I want to test it. I created this:
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.test = "\x3cscript\x3e%20alert(\x27test\x27)\x3c/script\x3e";
return View("index");
and this view code that prints out the test string on the page:
However, I cannot get this alert box to show at all. When I view source on the page I get
I've tried playing with it a few different ways
Passing the #ViewBag from a query string
putting the viewbag print inside of existing script code (this is how the book had it)
Replacing the %20 with actual spaces
Using jquery to replace html with ViewBag.test:
Nothing I try will execute this code (which I guess is a good thing?). Now I know there wouldn't be a portion of this book dedicated to something that didn't work in the first place, so the problem must be on my end. I just don't know what it is. Any one have any ideas? MVC tries to take care of this issue for you. It automatically encodes output. You must go out of your way to print out a string without html encoding it.
There are places where you will end up doing this in an application. Ideally you would have templates that models are rendered into. But, in some cases you'll have sections of HTML that are dynamic and need to be printed as is. In those cases you'll use the Html.Raw and just need to be aware that you must validate the sanity of the content.


How to convert javascript to HTML

I'm completely new here and this is my first question. I'm scared.
I will be honest, I'm completely new at HTML and javascript, and my doubt is the following: I'm performing an HttpWebRequest in order to get a string with some text in html format. This text contains lots of javascript code, but what I actually need is to get a string containing the interpreted html (this means, what a browser would do when executing that source code after having entered the corresponding URL in the browse bar).
Is there any way to make such a conversion in C#?
Html.Raw() can be,
in ASP.NET MVC Razor view
For example: Html.Raw("<div>").

PHP / JAVASCRIPT / Mysql: Preventing javascript injections

This may be a possible duplicate of this question here, but it doesn´t really adress and answer my question in a way that I (stupid-head) can understand it.
Ok, I´ve got a webpage formular as seen in my previous question. Before using $txtpost for mysql query injection, I now added $ txtpost = htmlentities($txtpost, ENT_QUOTES);, which should protect me from XSS-attacks. But, as a user points out on, won´t protect me from javascript injections. That said, how can I prevent such javascript injections? As you can see in the code from the previous question, i don´t know what exactly will be entered into the text field, so I can´t only allow specific values. Note that all code from the previous question, which was wrong, is now repaired and it all works fine at the moment.
Well, it is true that you won't be protected from people putting HTML into your database.
First of all
$txtpost = htmlentities($txtpost, ENT_QUOTES);
Will escape quotes, rendering an SQL-injection less probable. But I can still do OR 1 = 1. Which renders every statement true. Modern technology relies on prepared statements (How to replace MySQL functions with PDO?)
If you read the above you'll see a PDO example of prepared statement. You can also do this with MySQLi. It prevents the fact that people can do SQL injection.
Yes, I can still put things like
Into your database. You should define the elements you like into your database by using a sanity function. PHP gives you several
filter_input: Allows you to filter and sanitize certain input.
strip_tags: allows you to strip all tags and/or use a white list of tags you do want to allow.
htmlspecialchars: converts all special characters into entities. Like " to &quot.
The conclusion is that you need to be in control. You decide what goes onto your page. So if you want to be safe you can filter everything and put it on your page as plain text. For safety I recommend sanitizing three times. Before the stuff is posted, when it is passed onto the database and again when it is put onto the page. This way you minimalize the danger of having an injection.

Chars sanitization and XSS

I was doing the Google's XSS game ( and I managed to solve the 4th level. I didn't completely undestand how, though.
I don't understand why if I inject the encoding version of a char (let's say %3B) this is translated into the char itself (that is ';') inside the final HTML page. I mean who does this, the browser? Why?
Furthermore, I don't understand where in the code the the injected chars are checked. I made some tests and I've seen that if I try to inject strings like '()';"' whatever comes after the ; is cut out! Where does this happen in the code?
Finally, if I inject a tag like <asd> it is encoded within the <div> (that is <asd>) but it does not in the onload attribute of the <img> tag, where in the code this stuff is performed?
(This answer makes a number of assumptions because I don't have access to Google's client side or server side code (the link goes to an error page because I haven't played the game to reach the level)).
The ((probably) server side) URL parser (which will be part of the server side code) is responsible for converting percent-encoded data in URLs into characters.
; is a key/value separator in form encoding syntax. The URL parser will cut off data at that point.
Responsibility for converting text into HTML is usually given to the template engine, but might be done in some general server side code before data gets to the template (assuming there is a template, the general server side code might just smash strings together).
In order to manage level 4 just enter

using decodeURIComponent within

I encoded an html text property using javascript and pass it into my database as such.
I mean
the javascript for string like "Wales&PALS"
converted to "Wales%20PALS"
I want to convert it back to "Wales&PALS" from Any idea on how to embed
in my function to return the desired text?
As a prevention for SQL injection we use parametrized queries or stored procedures. Encoding isn't really suitable for that. Html encoding is nice if you expect your users to add stuff to your website and you want to prevent them injecting malicious javascript for instance. By encoding the string the browser would just print out the contents. What you're doing is that you encode the string, add it to the database, but then you try to decode it back to the original state and display it for the clients. That way you're vulnerable to many kinds of javascript injections..
If that's what you intended, no problem, just be aware of the consequences. Know "why" and "how" every time you make a decision like this. It's kinda dangerous.
For instance, if you wanted to enable your users to add html tags as a means of enhancing the inserted content, a more secure alternative for this would be to create your own set of tags (or use an existing one like BBCode), so the input never contains any html markup and when you insert it into the database, simply parse it first to switch to real html tags. engine will never allow malicious input during a request (unless you voluntarily force it do so) and because you already control parsing the input, you can be sure it's secure when you output it, so there's no need for some additional processing.
Just an idea for you :)
If you really insist on doing it your way (encode -> db -> decode -> output), we have some options how to do that. I'll show you one example:
For instance you could create a new get-only property, that would return your decoded data. (you will still maintain the original encoded data if you need to). Something like this:
public string DecodedData
return HttpUtility.UrlDecode(originalData);
If you're trying to encode a html input, maybe you'd be better off with a different encoding mechanism. Not sure if javascripts encodeURIComponent can correctly parse out html.
Try UrlDecode in HttpServerUtility. API page for it

Is there any alternative to obfuscation to make it harder to get any string in javascript?

I use DropBox and I've had some trouble reaching to my files from other computers:
I not always want to login to anything when I'm in a public computer, but I like being able to reach my stuff from wherever I am.
So I've made a simple application that when put in the public folder, ran and given the right UID, creates (still in your public folder) an HTML of all the content in the folder (including subfolders) as a tree of links.
But I didn't risk loading it anywhere, since there are slightly private things in there (yes, I know that the folder's name is "PUBLIC").
So I've came up with the idea to make it a simple login page, given the right password, the rest of the page should load. brilliant!, but how?
If I did this by redirecting to other HTML on the same folder, I'd still put the html link in the web history and the "url's accessed" history of the administrator. So I should generate itin the same page.
I've done it:
alt text
And currently the page is a textbox and a button, and only if you type in the right password (defined in the generator) the rest of the page (with the link-tree) loads. The fault is that everything (password, URL's) is easily reachable through the source code.
Now, assuming I only want to avoid silly people to get it all too easily, not make a bulletproof all-content-holding NSA certified website, I though about some ways to make these information a bit harder to get.
As you may have already figured, I use a streamwritter to write an html file (head, loop through links, bottom), then it's extremely configurable, and I can come up with a pretty messy-but-working c# code, though my javascript knowledge is not that good.
Public links in DropBox look like this:
Summarizing: How do I hide the URL's ande the password to show them (MAINLY the password, of course) in my source-code so that no that it should require some effort on reading ?
P.S.: It's not that personal, if someone REALLY wants it, it could never be 100% protected, and if it was that important, I wouldnt put it in the public folder, also, if the dude really wants to get it that hard, he should deserve it.
P.S. 2.: "Use the ultra-3000'tron obfuscator!!11" is not a real answer, since my javascript is GENERATED by my c# program.
P.S. 3.: I don't want other solutions as "use a serverside application and host it somewhere to redirect and bla bla" or "compress the links in a .RAR file and put a password in it" since I'm doing this ALSO to learn, and I want the thrill of it =)
Update 1:
The one answer so far gives a perfect way (according to this question) to hide my password.
Now I want a good way to hide the URL's, maby a code snippet of the example URL I gave being composed, and if it's too tricky, maby how to generate it in C#, or anything ?
Update 2:
I thought about maybe making three "obfuscating methods" and choosing them randomly in the runtime. So anyone who figures out how to read one XML, could only read about one third of them, and maybe having a hard time finding the other rest of this third..
Update 3:
Just thought about REGEX, the URL could be neatly crowded by dummy not-url-allowed characters added randomly that would be removed by something like:
regex.replace(url, ^[^\w\d/:-\.%]+$,"")
So the nosy dude should have to be pretty advanced into programming somehow, eh? could anyone tell me if it would work or not ?
Well, as it seems you already know, this is a rather poor choice of security mechanism, but if you insist...
Don't store the actual string in the source. Store, for example, its MD5 hash. Then, when the user types in a password, compute its MD5 hash and compare it with the expected one.
Check out:
MD5 in JavaScript
MD5 in C#
To elaborate on miorel's idea, you can also encrypt the whole page, using password as a key. Basically, encode all content into one big string, ask for the password and decrypt that string. If the password is wrong, it will show loads of rubbish, that is it. Like
content = "encrypted string"
function decrypt(str, key) { your algorithm of choice here }
document.write(decrypt(content, prompt('Password?')))
The only thing you need is a decrypt implementation in javascript - but that's easy to google out, for example here or here.
This also renders the separate 'login' page useless.
Granted, this is akin to asking how you can strip in public without people seeing you, but given that, I'm assuming that the password you are trying to store is the one to DropBox. I suppose you could obfuscate the password and store it in a cookie. That would at least prevent someone from simply viewing the source to see the password, but obviously wouldn't stop someone running something like Fiddler and seeing it.
[snipped server side suggestion]
EDIT: To munge the Urls, why don't you simply build the urls on the fly and have the links call a javascript function to get the url? Your server-side code would populate an array in this function with obfuscated urls and the calling code would simply pass an index into the array. Thus, on viewing the source, there would be no instances of "http" anywhere other than static unsecure links.
ADDITION Ok. now that I have a better bead on the problem, it is easier to devise solution. There are libraries for doing encryption on the net in javascript (e.g. but the problem comes down to key management. Since its javascript, it is going to be public but there are hoops you can devise to make it harder to determine the key. In general, those tricks involve indirection. For example, store a lengthy stream of random characters (e.g. 40-50 or more) that is generated by your C# code and stored in the HTM file. In addition, the C# code would would store into your javascript function an array numeric values that represent pointers into the long stream of text that were used by the C# code to encrypt the passwords (or just the whole url).

