setInterval only working inside of if(){} block - javascript

So I think there is something key to be picked up from this situation I encountered and was hoping some experience could explain it.
When I run this code, it does NOT work:
t5 = "nikolas"+t4;
function adds(){
if (t4 < 100){
this does DOES work:
t5 = "nikolas"+t4;
function adds(a){
if (a < 100){
TL;DR: setInterval seems to work inside the if block but not outside. When it works it displays nikolast4 where t4 is an integer that 'ticks' from 1-100 (eg.strong text nikolas0 nikolas1 nikolas2 nikolas3 nikolas4)
Also this code (due to the application I am programming in) is supposed to refresh every 250ms (but take the whole refreshing part with a grain of salt, not totally 100% sure about that).

The code below is fully functionnal, and looks very much like your non-working example.
You can check here :
So i guess you have an issue with the scope of your variables.
window.onload = function() {
var myOutput = document.createElement("output");
var t4 = 0;
var helloInterval = setInterval(adds,250);
function adds(){
if (t4 < 10){
myOutput.value = "hello " + t4;
else {
myOutput.value = "goodbye" ;


Problem with infinite loop when manipulating DOM

I'm learning about DOM manipulation and, to practice, I'm trying to get the first 100 Twitter users who have twitted about #Javascript (see link). As, for now, Twitter doesn't allow you to use console.log() function in the browser console, I have managed to show any string visually in the HTML, in this case, under the search textbox.
This is my "custom" console.log()
function consoleLog(data) {
var searchTextBox = document.querySelector("#doc > div.topbar.js-topbar > div > div > div > div > div");
var p = document.createElement("p");
var innerText = document.createTextNode(data);
For getting the usernames, I keep scrolling the page every 4 seconds and looking for usernames until I have 100 or more of them in my usernames variable.
var scrollPage = setInterval(function() {
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
}, 4000);
var usernames = [];
while (true) { // <------ PROBLEM
if (usernames.length < 100) {
consoleLog("Getting usernames again");
usernames = getUsernames();
else {
consoleLog("We have ENOUGH usernames. BREAK");
function printUsernames() {
for(var user of usernames) {
function getUsernames() {
var results = [];
var usernameNodes = document.getElementsByClassName("username u-dir u-textTruncate");
var username = usernameNodes[0].textContent;
for(var node of usernameNodes) {
return results.filter(isUnique);
function isUnique(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
The problem is that the while loop enters in infinte loop and I don't know why. I think the logic of the code is correct. In fact, if I first copy and paste all the declared functions to the browser console, then start the scrollPage interval and, lastly, start the while loop, it works well. The problem comes when I copy and paste all the code at one time in the browser console. It is like the executions of the interval and the while loop conflict in some way. But I can't understand.
Its better to have while conditioned like this:
var usernames = [];
// This will automatically end when length is greater or equall 100
// no need to break
while (usernames.length < 100) {
consoleLog("Getting usernames again");
usernames = getUsernames();
consoleLog("We have ENOUGH usernames.");

Local variables giving global trouble

I'm a JS super n00b.
I asked about an aspect of this problem in this post (Puzzling behavior from IF ( ) statement) on IF statements but it looks like the actual issue is related to the scope of a variable I've created. It seems that after declaring (what I think is) a global variable, other functions in the code cannot access the variable.
I'm doing JS project/program that prompts a user to input a word and the program reverses the word input.
In the previous post (PP) a user correctly determined that I was getting the 'false' console message (see code) no matter what the length of the word input because I was assigning value the variable when the page loads but not reading it again when the user clicks the button on the page.
If the variable 'word' is local I'm only able to get a 'false' console message and when the variable 'word' is global I'm only able to get a 'ReferenceError.'
Any ideas anyone has are greatly appreciated.
See JS code below:
var word = document.getElementById('wordChoice').value;
var lttrs = [];
function flipFail () {
alert("Please enter a word of at least two characters.");
var inputErrArr = ['has-error', 'has-feedback'];
var inputErrFdbk = ['glyphicon', 'glyphicon-remove']; = "#FFDBAA";
for (var i = 0; i < inputErrArr.length; i ++) {
addClass(wordInput, inputErrArr[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < inputErrFdbk.length; i ++) {
addClass(glyph, inputErrFdbk[i]);
document.getElementById('wordChoice').value = " ";
} // END flipFail()
function flipSuccess (){
for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i ++) {
var reversedWord = lttrs.join('')
alert("Your reversed word is: " + reversedWord);
document.getElementById("flip").innerHTML = "Flip Again!";
document.getElementById('wordChoice').value = " ";
} // EN flipSuccess ()
function flipChk () {
if (word.length < 2) {
flipFail ();
} else {
flipSuccess ();
See fully implemented code here:
You need to set word in flipChk(). You're setting it when the page is first loaded, before the user has entered anything into the form, not when the user clicks on the Flip button.
Then, instead of using a global variable, pass it as an argument to the function. In general, avoid using global variables unless you really have to.
function flipChk () {
var word = document.getElementById('wordChoice').value;
if (word.length < 2) {
flipFail ();
} else {
flipSuccess (word);
function flipSuccess (word){
var lttrs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i ++) {
var reversedWord = lttrs.join('')
alert("Your reversed word is: " + reversedWord);
document.getElementById("flip").innerHTML = "Flip Again!";
document.getElementById('wordChoice').value = " ";
} // EN flipSuccess ()

JavaScript exercise issue

i'm a novice in this trying to begin, I started with an online tutorial. The exercise it's simple, but i can´t get the "empate" text on screen if the condition exists. Can you help me to know whats wrong?:
var usuarioElige = prompt("piedra, papel o tijera?");
var computadoraElige = Math.random();
if (computadoraElige <= 0.34) {
computadoraElige = "piedra";
} else if(computadoraElige <= 0.67) {
computadoraElige = "papel";
} else {
computadoraElige = "tijera";
var comparar = function (usuarioElige,computadoraElige) {
if (usuarioElige === computadoraElige) {
return "¡Es un empate!";
You never call the function that prints out the "enpate" message. Try this version:
var usuarioElige = prompt("piedra, papel o tijera?");
var computadoraElige;
var d = Math.random();
if (d <=0.34){
computadoraElige = "piedra";
}else if(d <=0.67){
computadoraElige = "papel";
computadoraElige = "tijera";
var comparar = function (x,y){
if (x===y){
alert("¡Es un empate!");
comparar(usuarioElige, computadoraElige)
Note the added call to the function at the end and that I renamed the parameters of the comparar function to "x" and "y" to avoid confusion (it also works if you stay with the old name).
Another thing is that I put the random number for the computer in a separate variable. It can be confusing if the same variable means two different things depending on what part of the program you are on.
I also improved the whitespace indentation of your program. Programs are easier to understand if they are well indented :)
You're missing:
comparar(usuarioElige, computadoraElige);
At the end of the code

What Chrome does instantly, Firefox takes 30 seconds

Currently, I am creating a program that will turn source code into highlighted HTML-like text. When I tested it, though, I found some strange results. On Chrome, the program will parse 1000 lines of source almost instantaneously. Firefox, however, takes 30 seconds to parse the same 1000 lines. And, ironically enough, IE10 only takes 18 seconds.
Now, I understand that different browsers implement javascript differently and that Chrome tends to be faster, but I do not understand why it is taking Firefox over 30 times longer. I ran a raw while-loop test of 10,000,000,000 operations on each, and it took FF 14 seconds and Chrome 12. Therefore, I am inclined to believe that somewhere in my code is something that takes Firefox an abnormally long time to accomplish; I've done research, but nothing I've found so far would indicate the large discrepancy I am seeing.
So, does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be causing this? I've posted the problem area of the code below (commenting this portion out causes both browsers to parse instantaneously). start and end are both regular expressions; istream is where the source code is coming from, and ostream is where parsed code goes to. calls the String slice() method. Finally, this function is called many many times throughout the program.
function(buffer, istream, ostream){
buffer =;
ostream.write('[[span class="' + type + '"]]' + buffer);
/* Special Cases */
if(end.test(ostream.content + istream.peek()) && (istream.peek() == "\n" || istream.peek() == " " || istream.peek() == "\t")){
include = true;
else if(istream.peek() == "\n"){;
ostream.write('[[/span]][[/span]]\n[[span class="line"]][[span class="' + type + '"]]');
else if(istream.peek() == "\t"){;
ostream.write("#<    >#");
else if(istream.peek() == " "){;
ostream.write("#< >#");
} while(!istream.isEmpty() && !end.test(ostream.content));
if(include || istream.isEmpty())
var ending = ostream.content.length-1;
istream.content = ostream.content.substr(ending) + istream.content;
ostream.content = ostream.content.substring(0, ending) + '[[/span]]';
return true;
return false;
Any insight would be greatly appreciated, and if you have any queries as to how certain aspects of this are implemented, I will oblige. Thanks in advance.
Definition of istream and ostream objects:
function IOstream(init){
this.content = init; = function(){
var tmp = this.content.charAt(0);
this.content = this.content.slice(1);
return tmp;
this.peek = function(){ return this.content.charAt(0); };
this.write = function(str){ this.content += str; };
this.isEmpty = function(){ return this.content.length == 0; }
I think it is because on every .read() call you make content.slice(1) and every time it copies the entire string but first character and can take a lot of time.
Try modifyin your IOStream class like this:
function IOstream(init){
this.content = init;
this.cursor = 0; = function(){
var tmp = this.content.charAt(this.cursor);
return tmp;
this.peek = function(){ return this.content.charAt(this.cursor); };
this.write = function(str){ this.content += str; };
this.isEmpty = function(){ return this.cursor>=this.content.length; }
I think it will solve your speed problem in all browsers.
Noticed you're using loose equality. I would start there and change the == to === and see if it makes a difference.
Here is a jsperf of loose vs strict:

Print function log /stack trace for entire program using firebug

Firebug has the ability to log calls to a particular function name. I'm looking for a bug that sometimes stops a page from rendering, but doesn't cause any errors or warnings. The bug only appears about half the time. So how do I get a list of all the function calls for the entire program, or some kind of stack trace for the execution of the entire program?
Firefox provides console.trace() which is very handy to print the call stack. It is also available in Chrome and IE 11.
Alternatively try something like this:
function print_call_stack() {
var stack = new Error().stack;
console.log("PRINTING CALL STACK");
console.log( stack );
When i need a stack trace i do the following, maybe you can draw some inspiration from it:
function logStackTrace(levels) {
var callstack = [];
var isCallstackPopulated = false;
try {
i.dont.exist += 0; //doesn't exist- that's the point
} catch (e) {
if (e.stack) { //Firefox / chrome
var lines = e.stack.split('\n');
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
//Remove call to logStackTrace()
isCallstackPopulated = true;
else if (window.opera && e.message) { //Opera
var lines = e.message.split('\n');
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) {
var entry = lines[i];
//Append next line also since it has the file info
if (lines[i + 1]) {
entry += " at " + lines[i + 1];
//Remove call to logStackTrace()
isCallstackPopulated = true;
if (!isCallstackPopulated) { //IE and Safari
var currentFunction = arguments.callee.caller;
while (currentFunction) {
var fn = currentFunction.toString();
var fname = fn.substring(fn.indexOf("function") + 8, fn.indexOf("(")) || "anonymous";
currentFunction = currentFunction.caller;
if (levels) {
console.log(callstack.slice(0, levels).join('\n'));
else {
Moderator's note: The code in this answer seems to also appear in this post from Eric Wenderlin's blog. The author of this answer claims it as his own code, though, written prior to the blog post linked here. Just for purposes of good-faith, I've added the link to the post and this note.
I accomplished this without firebug. Tested in both chrome and firefox:
console.error("I'm debugging this code.");
Once your program prints that to the console, you can click the little arrow to it to expand the call stack.
Try stepping through your code one line or one function at a time to determine where it stops working correctly. Or make some reasonable guesses and scatter logging statements through your code.
Try this:
I don't know if it's supported on all browsers, so I would check if it exists first.

