create an input using parseMath() in jqmath - javascript

I’ve to create a custom text field which is support some of the mathematical expression also. So I thought of using JQMath.
I’ve to pass a expression with html input field using javascript. It’ll be added dynamically. So I put the expression in a string which is changeable anytime. But if I use the string, it didn’t give the positive output. I googled a lot about this, but I cant get it. Please help me on this.
Below is my code.
var string = "$x={-b±√{b^2-4ac}}/{2a\html'<input size=1 >'}$"
var di = document.createElement("div");
di.innerHTML = string//+textStr;

The \ in the javascript quoted string source needs to be doubled \\ to produce a \ in the actual string. Alternatively, jqMath also supports ` backquote for its macros, to avoid this annoyance.
Jan, the library does support mathematical Unicode characters, and the main jqMath page at has a table to help you find and type them.


How to filter emojis from string jquery/javascript?

I'm using the following to exclude emojis/emoticons from a string in php. How do I do the same with javascript or jQuery?
preg_replace('/([0-9|#][\x{20E3}])|[\x{00ae}|\x{00a9}|\x{203C}|\x{2047}|\x{2048}|\x{2049}|\x{3030}|\x{303D}|\x{2139}|\x{2122}|\x{3297}|\x{3299}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2190}-\x{21FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2300}-\x{23FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2460}-\x{24FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{25A0}-\x{25FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2600}-\x{27BF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2900}-\x{297F}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2B00}-\x{2BF0}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{1F000}-\x{1F6FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?/u', '', $text);
This is what I try to do
$('#edit.popup').live('click',function(e) {
var item_id = $(this).attr('id');
var edited_text = $('#edit.popup textarea').val().replace(/([0-9|#][\x{20E3}])|[\x{00ae}|\x{00a9}|\x{203C}|\x{2047}|\x{2048}|\x{2049}|\x{3030}|\x{303D}|\x{2139}|\x{2122}|\x{3297}|\x{3299}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2190}-\x{21FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2300}-\x{23FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2460}-\x{24FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{25A0}-\x{25FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2600}-\x{27BF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2900}-\x{297F}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{2B00}-\x{2BF0}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?|[\x{1F000}-\x{1F6FF}][\x{FE00}-\x{FEFF}]?/u, '');
$('#grid li.image#' + item_id + ' img').attr('data-text', edited_text);
I found this suggestion in another post on Stack Overflow, but it's not working. It's still allowing emojis from ex ios.
.replace(/([\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDDFF])/g, '')
What I try to achieve is to not allow emojis in textfield, and if an emoji is inserted (from ex ios keyboard) it will be replaced by nothing. It works with php. Someone here who can help me out with this?
Based on the answer from mb21, this regex did the job. No loop required!
As pointed out in this answer, JavaScript doesn't support Unicode code points outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (where iOS emojis lie).
I highly recommend reading The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!). Then you'll understand what was meant with:
So some indirect approach is needed. Cf. to JavaScript strings outside of the BMP.
For example, you could look for code points in the range [\uD800-\uDBFF] (high surrogates), and when you find one, check that the next code point in the string is in the range [\uDC00-\uDFFF] (if not, there is a serious data error), interpret the two as a Unicode character, and replace them by whatever you wish to put there. This looks like a job for a simple loop through the string, rather than a regular expression.

How do you define a string in JavaScript that could contain any character?

Even though I'm using a Salesforce variable in my JavaScript, it is not necessary to know Salesforce to answer my question. There's a password field I want to access. I can do this by using the Salesforce variable, {!Account.Password__c}, inside my JavaScript like so:
var p = '{!Account.Password__c}';
I've been using this for a long time, but there are some instances where it doesn't work. The only problem is that the password could contain any character (as a good password should). So if it contains a single quote, then this JavaScript will not run. I could write it with double quotes:
var p = "{!Account.Password__c}";
But it could contain a double quote also. It could also contain forward slashes and/or back slashes.
The password string needs to be able to take any of these:
This is my code:
var u = '{!Account.Email_Address__c}';
var p = escape(encodeURIComponent('{!Account.Password__c}'));'' + u + '&p=' + p,'_blank');
What you're looking for is the JSENCODE function. It will escape quotes, backslashes, and anything else that might mess up your Javascript string.
var p = '{!JSENCODE(Account.Password__c)}';
If your Javascript is inside an HTML tag (eg: in an 'onclick' attribute) then use the JSINHTMLENCODE function, which will html-encode the characters <&> .
These are documented in the Visualforce Functions reference.
Your problem is that of escaping. You can backslash any character in a string - so if you have, say, owowow"'!thisishard as a password, to assign it straight up to a JS var, you would do this:
var p = "owowow\"\'!thisishard";
Which deals with the escaping. You do not need to do this if you have acquired the variable from another source (say, a text element through element.value).
This does not reove a couple of issues:
Passing passwords through GET params is pretty high up on the OWASP guidelines of things not to do. The reason being that they will show up on server logs in addition to being sniffable through conventional means.
Why on earth are you doing this?

Converting special characters in c# string to html special characters

I am using .Net:
fulltext = File.ReadAllText(#location);
to read text anyfile content at given locatin.
I got result as:
fulltext="# vdk10.syx\t1.1 - 3/15/94\r# #(#)Copyright (C) 1987-1993 Verity, Inc.\r#\r# Synonym-list Database Descriptor\r#\r$control: 1\rdescriptor:\r{\r data-table: syu\r {\r worm:\tTHDSTAMP\t\tdate\r worm:\tQPARSER\t\t\ttext\r\t/_hexdata = yes\r varwidth:\tWORD\t\tsyv\r fixwidth:\tEXPLEN\t\t\t2 unsigned-integer\r varwidth:\tEXPLIST\t\tsyx\r\t/_hexdata = yes\r }\r data-table: syw\r {\r varwidth:\tSYNONYMS\tsyz\r }\r}\r\r ";
Now, I want this fulltext to be displayed in html page so that special characters are recognized in html properly. For examples: \r should be replaced by line break tag
so that they are properly formatted in html page display.
Is there any .net class to do this? I am looking for universal method since i am reading file and I can have any special characters. Thanks in advance for help or just direction.
You're trying to solve two problems:
Ensure special characters are properly encoded
Pretty-print your text
Solve them in this order:
First, encode the text, by importing the System.Web namespace and using HttpUtility (asked on StackOverflow). Use the result in step 2.
Pretty-printing is trickier, depending on the amount of pretty-printing that you want. Here are a few approaches, in increasing order of difficulty:
Put the text in a pre element. This should preserve newlines, tabs, spaces. You can still adjust the font used using CSS if you first slap a CSS class on the pre.
Replace all \r, \r\n and remaining \n with <br/>.
Study the structure of your text, parse it according to this structure, and provide specific tags in specific contexts. For example, the tab characters in your example may be indicative of a list of items. HTML provides the ol and ul elements for lists. Similarly, consecutive line breaks may indicate paragraphs, for which HTML provides the well known p element.
Thanks Everyone here for your valuable comment. I solved my formatting problem in client side with following code.
document.getElementById('textView').innerText = fulltext;
Here textview is the div where i want to display my fulltext . I don't think i need to replace special characters in string fulltext. I output as shown in the figure.

Is it enough to use HTMLEncode to display uploaded text?

We're allowing users to upload pictures and provide a text description. Users can view this through a pop up box (actually a div ) via javascript. The uploaded text is a parameter to a javascript function. I 'm worried about XSS and also finding issues with HTMLEncode().
We're using HTMLEncode to guard against XSS. Unfortunately, we're finding that HTMLEncode() only replaces '<' and '>'. We also need to replace single and double quotes that people may include. Is there a single function that will do all these special type characters or must we do that manually via .NET string.Replace()?
Unfortunately, we're finding that HTMLEncode() only replaces '<' and '>'.
Assuming you are talking about HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode, that does encode the double-quote character. It also encodes as character references the range U+0080 to U+00FF, for some reason.
What it doesn't encode is the single quote. Bit of a shame but you can usually work around it by using only double quotes as attribute value delimiters in your HTML/XML. In that case, HtmlEncode is enough to prevent HTML-injection.
However, javascript is in your tags, and HtmlEncode is decidedly not enough to escape content to go in a JavaScript string literal. JavaScript-encoding is a different thing to HTML-encoding, so if that's the reason you're worried about the single quote then you need to employ a JS string encoder instead.
(A JSON encoder is a good start for that, but you would want to ensure it encodes the U+2028 and U+2029 characters which are, annoyingly, valid in JSON but not in JavaScript. Also you might well need some variety of HTML-escaping on top of that, if you have JavaScript in an HTML context. This can get hairy; it's usually better to avoid these problems by hiding the content you want in plain HTML, for example in a hidden input or custom attribute, where you can use standard HTML-escaping, and then read that data from the DOM in JS.)
If the text description is embedded inside a JavaScript string literal, then to prevent XSS, you will need to escape special characters such as quotes, backslashes, and newlines. The HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method is not suitable for this task.
If the JavaScript string literal is in turn embedded inside HTML (for example, in an attribute), then you will need to apply HTML encoding as well, on top of the JavaScript escaping.
You can use Microsoft's Anti-Cross Site Scripting library to perform the necessary escaping and encoding, but I recommend that you try to avoid doing this yourself. For example, if you're using WebForms, consider using an <asp:HiddenField> control: Set its Value property (which will be HTML-encoded automatically) in your server-side code, and access its value property from client-side code.
how about you htmlencode all of the input with this extended function:
private string HtmlEncode(string text)
char[] chars = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text).ToCharArray();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(text.Length + (int)(text.Length * 0.1));
foreach (char c in chars)
int value = Convert.ToInt32(c);
if (value > 127)
result.AppendFormat("&#{0};", value);
return result.ToString();
this function will convert all non-english characters, symbols, quotes, etc to html-entities..
try it out and let me know if this helps..
If you're using ASP.NET MVC2 or ASP.NET 4 you can replace <%= with <%: to encode your output. It's safe to use for everything it seems (like HTML Helpers).
There is a good write up of this here: New <%: %> Syntax for HTML Encoding Output in ASP.NET 4 (and ASP.NET MVC 2)

How do I extract the title value from a string using Javascript regexp?

I have a string variable which I would like to extract the title value in id="resultcount" element. The output should be 2.
var str = '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="99%" id="addrResults"><tr></tr></table><span id="resultcount" title="2" style="display:none;">2</span><span style="font-size: 10pt">2 matching results. Please select your address to proceed, or refine your search.</span>';
I tried the following regex but it is not working:
/id=\"resultcount\" title=['\"][^'\"](+['\"][^>]*)>/
Since var str = ... is Javascript syntax, I assume you need a Javascript solution. As Peter Corlett said, you can't parse HTML using regular expressions, but if you are using jQuery you can use it to take advantage of browser own parser without effort using this:
$('#resultcount', '<div>'+str+'</div>').attr('title')
It will return undefined if resultcount is not found or it has not a title attribute.
To make sure it doesn't matter which attribute (id or title) comes first in a string, take entire html element with required id:
var tag = str.replace(/^.*(<[^<]+?id=\"resultcount\".+?\/.+?>).*$/, "$1")
Then find title from previous string:
var res = tag.replace(/^.*title=\"(\d+)\".*$/, "$1");
// res is 2
But, as people have previously mentioned it is unreliable to use RegEx for parsing html, something as trivial as different quote (single instead of double quote) or space in "wrong" place will brake it.
Please see this earlier response, entitled "You can't parse [X]HTML with regex":
RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
Well, since no one else is jumping in on this and I'm assuming you're just looking for a value and not trying to create a parser, I'll give you what works for me with PCRE. I'm not sure how to put it into the java format for you but I think you'll be able to do that.
span id="resultcount" title="(\d+)"
The part you're looking to get is the non-passive group $1 which is the '\d+' part. It will get one or more digits between the quote marks.

