Make a DIV act as an INPUT field - javascript

I am currently using a bunch of input textfields and I want to change it to a DIV, but most of my JS functions use document.getElementById("inputField1").value whenever the value of the input field is set like this:
<input contenteditable="false" id="inputField1" type="text" size="12" style="background:#09F;color:#FFF;text-align:center" value="Hello World!"/>
That would return just Hello World! if I were to display the value in an alert
How would I get the value of the text in between if I were to use DIVs?
For example <div id="inField001">Hello World</div>

In that case you can use:
Also (if you want to use jQuery):

You would just do
var value = document.getElementById('inField001').innerHTML);
But if your DIV has some html this will grab that too.
You can also use document.getElementById('inField001').textContent) to grab just the text nodes from the element ignoring any element wrappers.
But support for textContent is not as good as innerHTML.
See doc for info and support.
Another way is using innerText. alert(document.getElementById('inField001').innerText); but not supported in FF.
See Doc for support.

Use the innerHTML property.
BTW this kind of thing is way better to do with jQuery.

For just text content:
var value = document.getElementById('inputField1').textContent;
For the more verbose version, see here.

or just do
x = document.getElementById("inField001");


In jQuery textarea result value showing like [object HTMLTextAreaElement]

In my program, I have written a script and form like this:
jQuery :
var message1 = $('#message').val();
Form :
<textarea rows="4" name="message" id="message" class="required"></textarea>
I am getting the var message1 result is [object HTMLTextAreaElement]
Whats wrong in my code?
You are getting the textarea element itself. To get its value, add .value
You might try to use
var message1 = $('#message').html();
I'm pretty sure the .val() function gets the value attribute and the textarea doesn't use this attribute.
It may that you haven't used any jQuery library to use jQuery syntax? although this syntax
var message1 = $('#message').val();
is correct, I have checked this.
In jQuery when the content is enclosed within the tags like div, span or textarea then you have to find the value of content using .html() or .text()
Difference between these two is that .html() returns the full html content of that element whereas .text() returns the exact text value of the content excluding the html tags.

Javascript get inner HTML text for span by class name

This is the basic format of the code the table is contained within a div named
<div class="leftCol">
<tr id="my_cd">
<td><span class="agt_span">My Code</span></td>
I need to be able to get whatever text is contained within the span class, in this case I need to pull the text "My Code" and then add that into an array. Adding the text into an array is not the issue that's easy but I can't figure out how to pull the text. No matter what I try I can't get anything but an 'undefined' value.
How do I get the Inner HTML text value for a span by class name?
First Question solved thanks!!
Second question expand on first:
<div class="leftCol">
<tr id="my_cd">
<td><span class="agt_span">My Code</span></td>
<select name="agt_drp" id="agt_drp" class="agt_drp">...</select>
Let's say I have the select id "agt_drp" and I want to get the span class text. Is there any way to do that?
var test = $("span.agt_span").text();
in vanilla javascript, you can use getElementsByClassName():
var htmlString = document.getElementsByClassName('agt_span')[0].innerHTML;
Notice the index behind the method.
Pure JavaScript (you need to specify the position of your class element: [0] to get the first one):
If you have multiples elements with this class, you can loop on it:
var elts = document.getElementsByClassName('agt_span');
for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; ++i) {
Though getElementsByClassName seems to be supported by all major browser, that is now argument to use it. To keep your code compatible and usefull, better use the W3C Standard DOM Level 3 Core. The Document IDL does not describe such a method there!
So please use
var table = document.getElementById("my_cd"); /* id is unique by definition! */
var spans = table.getElementsByTagName("span");
var txt;
for(i in spans) {
txt = spans[i].firstChild; /* a span should have only one child node, that contains the text */
return txt;
This method isn't perfect, as you actually need to split the spans[i].getAttribute("class").split(" ") on space chars and check if this array contains "agt_span".
By the way: innerHTML is no DOM Attribute too. But you can implement anything in a compatible and flexible way using W3C DOM and you will be sure to write effective and compatible code.
If the js programmers had used the W3C Documents and if there weren't no Internet Explorer to break all those ECMAScript and W3C rules, there would never have been that many incompatibilities between all those browser versions.

Using one onchange javascript function for all div

I have multiple <textarea>, sometime they are blank and sometime they are filled with text.
I want to insert a simple text code such as "<check>" which will automatically change to a check (\u2713).
Presently, my code is like this:
<textarea name="1-S" onchange="check(this.value)">
<check> //an input written by a user
<textarea name="1-NI" onchange="check(this.value)">
<check> //an input written by a user
<textarea name="1-C" onchange="check(this.value)">
<check> //an input written by a user
(This block of <textarea> gets repeated, but of course, with different name in each one.)
<script type="text/javascript">
function check(str){
var res = str.replace("<check>", "\u2713");
The output will then replace <check> into actual check symbol (\u2713)
The challenge is, I don't want to have to add ID to every <textarea> and then write a script for each one. So is there a way for me to use this one script to apply to all <textarea>???
Many thanks in advance!
You could use the getElementsByTagName method to create an array of your text area tags.
Since you're using jQuery:
$("textarea").each(function(index, textarea) {
// do replacement here
Note that you need to use HTML entities to put <check> into a textarea: <check>
Also, you can put a checkmark in without any Javascript like this: ✓
Yes. You can bind an event handler to all elements of a type using jquery.
$('textarea').on('change', function() {
var text = $(this).val();
if (text.match(/\<check\>/)) {
$(this).val(text.replace(/\<check\>/, "\u2713"));
The benefit of doing it this way is that you can remove your inline 'onchange' handlers from the html and consolidate your validation logic strictly to JavaScript.
To replace the actual textarea content you need to update the value of the textarea with the result of your String-replace regexp. var text = $(this).val() is just assigning the content of the textarea to the variable text, it's not a reference to the innerHTML portion of your textarea.
On a sidenote if you'd like to allow users to use shortcodes in a form, prefer square bracket syntax, e.g., [check].

select() a textarea within an iframe

I have a textarea within an iframe. I want to select the textarea text with an onclick event in JavaScript.
I have an iframe.
The inner content of the iframe is this:
<textarea id="textarea" disabled onclick="selectthis()">
"content of textarea"
I want to select the text so the user can copy it:
I put this at the head of my page:
function selectthis() {
But when I click on the textarea, it's not selected.
          You typed getElementById wrong.
Change getelementById to getElementById. JavaScript is case-sensitive.
<textarea id="textarea" onclick="selectthis"> <!--Nope-->
<textarea id="textarea" onclick="selectthis();"> <!--Yup!-->
I see what you did there. You can not select text within a disabled <textarea>.
According to Francisc's comment, using readonly will solve the problem.
You need this:
Functions are case-sensitive in Javascript, so make sure you capitalize everything properly (I capitalized the e of getElementById.
The function selectthis probably generates an ecception since it can't find any element with textarea as id. The problem is that you use document.getElementById (I fixed the typo), but the textarea doesn't belong to document.
You have to access to the iframe own document object, usually with something like this:
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
var ifrDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
var textarea = ifrDoc.getElementById("textarea");;
Note: in IE8 you have to specify a doctype, while in earlier versions you can use iframe.contentWindow.document instead.

How do I change the text of a span element using JavaScript?

If I have a span, say:
<span id="myspan"> hereismytext </span>
How do I use JavaScript to change "hereismytext" to "newtext"?
For modern browsers you should use:
While older browsers may not know textContent, it is not recommended to use innerHTML as it introduces an XSS vulnerability when the new text is user input (see other answers below for a more detailed discussion):
Instead, you should create a textNode. This way, you are "binding" your text and you are not, at least in this case, vulnerable to an XSS attack.
document.getElementById("myspan").innerHTML = "sometext"; //INSECURE!!
The right way:
span = document.getElementById("myspan");
txt = document.createTextNode("your cool text");
For more information about this vulnerability:
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - OWASP
Edited nov 4th 2017:
Modified third line of code according to #mumush suggestion: "use appendChild(); instead".
Btw, according to #Jimbo Jonny I think everything should be treated as user input by applying Security by layers principle. That way you won't encounter any surprises.
EDIT: This was written in 2014. A lot has changed. You probably don't care about IE8 anymore. And Firefox now supports innerText.
If you are the one supplying the text and no part of the text is supplied by the user (or some other source that you don't control), then setting innerHTML might be acceptable:
// * Fine for hardcoded text strings like this one or strings you otherwise
// control.
// * Not OK for user-supplied input or strings you don't control unless
// you know what you are doing and have sanitized the string first.
document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = 'newtext';
However, as others note, if you are not the source for any part of the text string, using innerHTML can subject you to content injection attacks like XSS if you're not careful to properly sanitize the text first.
If you are using input from the user, here is one way to do it securely while also maintaining cross-browser compatibility:
var span = document.getElementById('myspan');
span.innerText = span.textContent = 'newtext';
Firefox doesn't support innerText and IE8 doesn't support textContent so you need to use both if you want to maintain cross-browser compatibility.
And if you want to avoid reflows (caused by innerText) where possible:
var span = document.getElementById('myspan');
if ('textContent' in span) {
span.textContent = 'newtext';
} else {
span.innerText = 'newtext';
document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = 'newtext';
I use Jquery and none of the above helped, I don't know why but this worked:
Here's another way:
var myspan = document.getElementById('myspan');
if (myspan.innerText) {
myspan.innerText = "newtext";
if (myspan.textContent) {
myspan.textContent = "newtext";
The innerText property will be detected by Safari, Google Chrome and MSIE. For Firefox, the standard way of doing things was to use textContent but since version 45 it too has an innerText property, as someone kindly apprised me recently. This solution tests to see if a browser supports either of these properties and if so, assigns the "newtext".
Live demo: here
In addition to the pure javascript answers above, You can use jQuery text method as following:
If you need to extend the answer to get/change html content of a span or div elements, you can do this:
$('#mydiv').html('<strong>new text</strong>');
You may also use the querySelector() method, assuming the 'myspan' id is unique as the method returns the first element with the specified selector:
document.querySelector('#myspan').textContent = 'newtext';
Many people still come across this question (in 2022) and the available answers are not really up to date.
Use innerText is the best method
As you can see in the MDM Docs innerText is the best way to retrieve and change the text of a <span> HTML element via Javascript.
The innerText property is VERY well supported (97.53% of all web users according to Caniuse)
How to use
Simple retrieve and set new text with the property like this:
let mySpan = document.getElementById("myspan");
mySpan.innerText = "Setting a new text content into the span element.";
Why better than innerHTML ?
Don't use innerHTML to updating the content with user inputs, this can lead to major vulnerability since the string content you will set will be interpreted and converted into HTML tags.
This means users can insert script(s) into your site, this is known as XSS attacks/vulnerabilities (Cross-site scripting).
Why better than textContent ?
First point textContent isn't supported by IE8 (but I think in 2022 nobody cares anymore).
But the main element is the true difference of result you can get using textContent instead of innerText.
The example from the MDM documentation is perfect to illustrate that, so we have the following setup:
<p id="source">
<style>#source { color: red; } #text { text-transform: uppercase; }</style>
<span id=text>Take a look at<br>how this text<br>is interpreted
<span style="display:none">HIDDEN TEXT</span>
If you use innerText to retrieve the text content of <p id="source"> we get:
This is perfectly what we wanted.
Now using textContent we get:
#source { color: red; } #text { text-transform: uppercase; }
Take a look athow this textis interpreted
Not exactly what you expected...
This is why using textContent isn't the correct way.
Last point
If you goal is only to append text to a <p> or <span> HTML element, the answer from nicooo. is right you can create a new text node and append it to you existing element like this:
let mySpan = document.getElementById("myspan");
const newTextNode = document.createTextNode("Youhou!"),
Like in other answer, innerHTML and innerText are not recommended, it's better use textContent. This attribute is well supported, you can check it this:
this will select dom-node with id myspan and change it text content to new text
You can do document.querySelector("[Span]").textContent = "content_to_display";
Can't be used with HTML code insertion, something like:
var a = "get the file <a href='url'>the link</a>"
var b = "get the file <a href='url'>another link</a>"
var c = "get the file <a href='url'>last link</a>"
<span id="myspan">first text</span>
with a timer but it just shows the reference target as text not runing the code, even tho it does shows correctly on the source code. If the jquery approch is not really a solution, the use of:
document.getElementById("myspan").innerHTML = a to c;
is the best way to make it work.
const span = document.querySelector("#span");
const btn = document.querySelector("#changeBtn");
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
span.innerText = "text changed"
<span id="span">Sample Text</span>
<button id="changeBtn">Change Text</button>
For this span
<span id="name">sdfsdf</span>
You can go like this :-
$("name").firstChild.nodeValue = "Hello" + "World";
(function ($) {
$("#myspan").text("This is span");
<script src=""></script>
<span id="myspan"> hereismytext </span>
user text() to change span text.
I used this one document.querySelector('ElementClass').innerText = 'newtext';
Appears to work with span, texts within classes/buttons
For some reason, it seems that using "text" attribute is the way to go with most browsers.
It worked for me
$("#span_id").text("text value to assign");

