How to create a dynamic fixed div - javascript

I need your help, i want to create a dynamic fixed DIV
That means it a fixed div but it cant override header (or other div's above it) and footer (or other div's below it). Example when scroll on top it below other div but when scroll down enough it will be in top, and when scroll to bottom of pages it stand above other div. I don't know the key for this div is, so i call it "dynamic fixed div".
An example here: I want to create a div like as "Select category" div.

You can use the css property "position: fixed;" to do it, and with Jquery you can do some effects interesting.
So, look this tutorial, I believe it'll help you.


JS: Move a div outside his parent element

i am testing this table and i wanted to know if is possible to move the
<div id="tablepress-9_paginate">...</div> outside the parent element.
I am asking this because on mobile, when you scroll the table horizontally that div is fixed and is not visible anymore.
Is possible to move it at the bottom of the table div?
PS: i am using Wordpress
i think it will be easier with JQuery.remove().
pure js will be hard time to achieve this.
also sounds like you should just render the div outside the table and use CSS position:fixed

How to make div change to fixed position when all content is visible in browser window?

Not sure if the title made sense, but I noticed in the wordpress 3.8.1 admin panel, If you resize your window to where the sidebar has menu items blocked from view, it is normal positioning, which allows the sidebar to scroll.
If all the items are visible, then the sidebar has fixed positioning so that only the content to the right of the sidebar will scroll.
Neat little effect.
I was thinking it requires jQuery to add a class or change css. Maybe if the last item in the sidebar is visible then add the class, else leave it alone.
Not sure how to actually code that though.
Can someone help out, maybe even a basic fiddle?
You can do this with simple CSS.
.div_name {
check W3schools Position fixed property for tags

Tool Tip jQuery to appear outside slide element

I have a jQuery conundrum that I'm not sure can be resolved. Inside a content slider I have absolutely positioned divs creating a tool-tip style pop-up on hover. Because the containing content slider overflow must be set to hidden, the tool-tip pop-up gets cut off where it overflows. I would like the pop-up to display in full when overlapping the slider it is contained within. If anyone has a workaround for this I'd be very appreciative!
Here's a link to my working file from which you can see the problem and the code.
Many thanks for any advice.
Your animation inside 'slidesContainer' relies on overflow:hidden so the large image doesn't stick out of the div and the only way for you to get the balloons pop out is to remove that overflow:hidden and make it visible
I don't think you can have the two at the same time
Right, so I don't think there was a straight forward solution so what I did was change the script to refer to div IDs instead of referring to the 'next' div. I moved the pop-up div's outside the slide element and absolutely positioned them relative to the page rather than the link. It's more long winded but works fine! Just means you need to refer individually to each pop-up div in the script. Thanks for you help anyway!

Javascript?/CSS - Drop Down Menu

I was looking for some kind of code similar to Gmail's Chat on Gmail's Page: a drop-down menu that pushes everything else that is down to the chat, but for some reason I couldn't see the page's source and I haven't found the same code in any other page. Does anybody know some page with similar code?
You can use jQuery's native slideDown function to show hidden elements that will push content down below them, depending on your slideDown element's CSS positioning and float.
You can have a which height is set to 0px or auto to make it expand/collapse.
You can also give a sliding effect by gradually increasing/decreasing the height of the div.
As long as it's not positioned absolute, it will push the content below.

Figuring out if overflow:auto would have been triggered on a div

// Major edit, sorry in bed with back pain, screwed up post
One of the ad agencies I code for had me set up an alternate scrolling solution because you know how designers hate things that just work but aren't beautiful.
The scrolling solution is applied to divs with overflow:hidden and uses jQuery's scrollTo(). It's a set of buttons top and bottom that handle moving the content.
So, this is married in places to their CMS. What I have not been able to sort yet is how to hide the scrolling UI when overflow:auto would not have been triggered by the CMS content and the buttons are not needed.
The divs have set heights and widths. Can i detect hidden content? Or measure the div contents' height?
Any ideas?
So you want to get the height of a hidden element? I found this post maybe it is what you are looking for.
Its using jQuery, but the concept is the same. Hope this helps!
I hope i am mistaken, but you would need to emulate overflow by setting properties using some js, then you can get these values using getAttribute or your own method. Otherwise when you set overflow to auto, then the browser will be doing its own thing and the only value returned as a property of overflow would be a string like 'auto'.
Can you explain this better? You want to hide the scrollbar of a div set to overflow:auto when it doesnt have enough text to overflow? Browser does this for you.
You want to hide the scrollbar of a div set to overflow auto when it is scrolled down to some point, but you arent looking at it or hovering or something? That will be sort of complicated.
If you want to know if a div has overflow set to something, you just do:
and it will give you a string.
possible values:
you can set overflow the same way
from what i understand now is you have these divs with hidden scroll, but some graphic designer custom scroll bar and you use scrollTo to do the actual scrolling. BUT you problem lies when you dont have enough data to actuall need a scrollbar, but your graphic stuff shows up anyway, so you want to hide it.
so the real question here is how do you get the height of content? you want the property offsetHeight, but im pretty sure its still IE only.
What do you mean by CMS?
Yes you can access the div's content height, since you can access all of the div's children in JavaScript. (Sorry for not including example. I haven't work with pure JS in a while now so I don't want to point you in the wrong direction.)
Doing this, you'll kind of be able to "detect hidden content" and then be able to do what you actually want to do.
About your first question, I doubt you can control scroll bars once you've set overflow to auto.
Using jQuery height() on a div containing the content I am able to show/hide the user interface as needed based on whether height exceeds the CSS height of the div with overflow:hidden.

