Endless scrolling will_paginate is not working in ruby on rails - javascript
I am following this railcasts to integrate endless scrolling in my rails application. Here i am doing like this..
static_pages_controller.rb --
def home
#posts = Post.paginate(page: params[:page],:per_page => 10)
home.html.erb --
<div id="posts_list" style="height:300px; overflow:scroll">
<%= render :partial => "posts/posts" %>
<p id="loading">Loading more page results... </p>
Partial posts/posts ---
<% if #posts.any? %>
<div id="postlist">
<%= render partial: 'posts/posts_item', collection: #posts %>
<% end %>
Partial posts/posts_item --
<li><%= posts_item.title %></li>
<li><%= posts_item.content %></li>
my static_pages/home.js.erb--
page.insert_html :bottom, :posts, :partial => #posts
if #posts.total_pages > #posts.current_page
page.call 'checkScroll'
and my assets/javascripts/endless_page.js --
var currentPage = 1;
function checkScroll() {
if (nearBottomOfPage()) {
new Ajax.Request('/?page=' + currentPage, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get'});
} else {
setTimeout("checkScroll()", 250);
function nearBottomOfPage() {
return scrollDistanceFromBottom() < 150;
function scrollDistanceFromBottom(argument) {
return pageHeight() - (window.pageYOffset + self.innerHeight);
function pageHeight() {
return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight);
document.observe('dom:loaded', checkScroll);
But my endless scrolling is not working. I don't know where i am doing wrong. Please help.
How to convert object to list in javascript?
I need to convert this object into list in expressJS view (using EJS): {https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB12Xa4ipGWBuNjy0Fbq6z4sXXa3/Mickey-Mouse-Microwave-Glove-Potholder-Bakeware-Blue-and-White-100-Cotton-Oven-Mitts-and-Potholder-mat.jpg,https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB10xfciv9TBuNjy1zbq6xpepXaG/Mickey-Mouse-Microwave-Glove-Potholder-Bakeware-Blue-and-White-100-Cotton-Oven-Mitts-and-Potholder-mat.jpg,https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB13AHqcfiSBuNkSnhJq6zDcpXav/Mickey-Mouse-Microwave-Glove-Potholder-Bakeware-Blue-and-White-100-Cotton-Oven-Mitts-and-Potholder-mat.jpg} I've tried : <% const xx = result.data[0].galleryimages.replace('{',"['").replace('}',"']").split(',') %> <% for (let j=0; j<xx.length; j++) { %> <%= xx[j]%> <% } %> but it returns : ['https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB12Xa4ipGWBuNjy0Fbq6z4sXXa3/Mickey-Mouse-Microwave-Glove-Potholder-Bakeware-Blue-and-White-100-Cotton-Oven-Mitts-and-Potholder-mat.jpg https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB10xfciv9TBuNjy1zbq6xpepXaG/Mickey-Mouse-Microwave-Glove-Potholder-Bakeware-Blue-and-White-100-Cotton-Oven-Mitts-and-Potholder-mat.jpg https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB13AHqcfiSBuNkSnhJq6zDcpXav/Mickey-Mouse-Microwave-Glove-Potholder-Bakeware-Blue-and-White-100-Cotton-Oven-Mitts-and-Potholder-mat.jpg']
What you posted is not an object, it's a string - try: const xx = result.data[0].galleryimages.replace(/[{}]/, '').split(',')
problem solved <% let xx = result.data[0].galleryimages.slice(1,-1).split(",") %> <% for (let j=0; j<xx.length; j++) { %> <% let ha = xx[j].slice(1,-1); %> <img src=<%= ha.replace("'","") %> width="10%"/> <% } %>
Dynamically insert content for a full text user search with JS and Rails
I have a search input-field and I want to display content dynamically depending on what the User types in it. The Database hast 1,5k slots and I can allready search by giving a parameter ?search_for=SOMETHING_TO_SEARCH_FOR where SOMETHING_TO_SEARCH_FOR is just a string. It does a full text search over the database and gives me the results. I would like to replace the search results with the current shown elements inside <div class = 'slots-container' id = 'dynamic'>...</div> index.html.erb <div class = "index-body"> <%= link_to 'home', root_path, id: 'home', hidden: true %> <div class = "search_bar" id = 'search'> <input type="text" placeholder="Search.."> </div> <div id = 'slots'> <div class = 'slots-container' id = 'dynamic'> <%= render #slots %> </div> </div> <%= will_paginate #slots, hidden: true %> </div> index.js.erb appends the next elements to the div with the id: dynamic and removes the .pagination div which is included by will_paginate statement if we have no more pages so that my script for loading more pages gets a null reference $('#dynamic').append('<%= j render #slots %>'); <% unless #slots.next_page %> $('.pagination').remove(); <% end %> main.js Loads a new page if User is only 100px away from the end of the document, with the url: next_page from the link with the .next class var ready = true; $( document ).on('turbolinks:load', function() { $("img").lazyload(); document.onscroll = function(){loadNextPage()}; }) function loadNextPage(){ var window_top = $(window).scrollTop(); var doc_height = $(document).height(); var window_height = $(window).height(); var window_bottom = window_top + window_height; var should_scroll = doc_height - window_bottom < 100; var next_page = $('.next_page').attr('href'); if (ready && should_scroll && next_page) { ready = false; $.getScript(next_page).done(function() { $("img").lazyload(); ready = true; }); } } function loadSearch(){ var root_page = $('#home').attr('href'); ... } As you see my loadSearch() function should set the param search_for and append it to my root_page url and my index.js.erb should replace the current content of the document with the search results and also being able to still do infinite scrolling feature. I think the controller is of no interest jsut be sure that #slots has the right paginated slot elements that needs to be drawn
I solved it now as follows: index.html.erb <div class = "index-body"> <%= link_to 'home', root_path, id: 'home', hidden: true %> <div class = "search-bar"> <input class = "search-input" type="text" placeholder="Search..." id = "search-input"> </div> <div id = 'slots-container'> <div class = 'slots-container' id = 'slots'> <%= render #slots %> <%= will_paginate #slots, hidden: true,id: "paginate" %> </div> </div> </div> index.js.erb #identical_search indicates that last search result is the same as the current one so dont do anything <% unless #identical_search %> if (dirty) { dirty = false; $('#slots').empty(); } $('#slots').append('<%= j render #slots %>'); <% if #slots.next_page %> if(document.getElementById("paginate") === null) $('#slots').append('<%= j will_paginate #slots, hidden: true, id: "paginate" %>'); $('#paginate').replaceWith('<%= j will_paginate #slots, hidden: true, id: "paginate" %>'); <% else %> $('#paginate').remove(); <% end %> <% end %> main.js var documentLoaded = false; var dirty = false; var pending = false; var loadSearchTimer = null; $( document ).on('turbolinks:load', function() { ... documentLoaded = true; document.getElementById("search-input").addEventListener("input", startTimerForUserInput); }) ... function startTimerForUserInput(){ if (loadSearchTimer !==null) clearTimeout(loadSearchTimer); loadSearchTimer = setTimeout(loadSearch, 300); } function loadSearch(){ if (documentLoaded){ documentLoaded = false; dirty=true; var search_input = document.getElementById("search-input"); var search_for = search_input.value; var root_page = $('#home').attr('href'); if(search_for && search_for !== '') root_page += "?search_for=" + search_for; $.getScript(root_page).done(function() { $("img").lazyload(); documentLoaded = true; if(pending){ pending = false; loadSearch(); } }); } else pending = true; } In main.js I use a Timer to only search 300 ms after last user input to limit the calls so that it doesnt search after every input. When the getScript returns success I am checking if a search request was submitted while the current request was processed to send a new request via pending variable. dirty is set to true when the user search so that the index.js.erb knows to empty out the div containing the elements. This runs smooth and I like it how it is. I hope this will help someone in the future... If it helps to udnerstand the whole picture, here is the controller: class SlotsController < ApplicationController require 'will_paginate/array' ##last_search_content = nil def index #identical_search = false #hashtags = Hashtag.all if params[:search_for] search_str = params[:search_for].gsub(/\s\s+/, ' ').strip #slots = Slot.where("LOWER(slot_name) LIKE LOWER('%#{search_str}%') ") if ##last_search_content.to_set == #slots.to_set && (params[:page] == nil || params[:page] == 1) #identical_search = true end elsif params[:hashtags] #slots = slotsWithAtLeastOneOfThose(params[:hashtags]) else #slots = Slot.all end ##last_search_content = #slots unless #identical_search #slots = #slots.paginate(page: params[:page]) end respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end def show #slot = Slot.find(params[:id]) end private def slotsWithAtLeastOneOfThose(hashtags) slots=[] hashtags.split(' ').each do |h| slots += Slot.joins(:hashtags).where("hashtags.value LIKE ?", "%#{h}%") end return slots.uniq end end
function to get position in two arrays
In javascript or EJS Hi, I have the followings arrays ID totales: 76,76,76,78,17,37,30,177,30,177,1,2,3,5,64,30,31,35,36,17,17,37,76,1,2,3,5,35,37,33,30,31,35,36,17,17,37,17,37,35,37,80,35,37,1,2,3,5,1,2,3,5,1,2,3,5,81,76,30,31,35,36,17,1,2,3,5,81,0,76,64,61,21,22,18,24,19,26,35,37,17,37,17,37,17,37 Porcantes Totales: 70,70,100,100,70,70,85,60,100,100,66.7,100,100,50,100,70,80,70,50,90,90,40,100,66.7,100,100,50,70,90,60,30,90,60,50,60,80,40,60,60,40,60,11.1,80,80,66.7,100,100,50,66.7,100,100,50,66.7,100,100,50,0,100,40,60,40,50,70,66.7,100,100,50,100,60,0,0,50,70,70,100,70,80,60,80,80,20,50,50,70,60,50 ID propios: 30,177 I need to get the position in "ID totales" where are "ID propios" that is to say 30 and 177, with the purpose of get the same position in "Porcantes Totales" and may to make a sum with the values in the position of 30 and position of 177, this by separate parts and store them in a variable thanks In javascript or EJS the code is result.forEach(function(results){ %> <%long=(results.category_results.length) for(i=0; i<long; i++){ %> <%results.category_results[i].category_id%> <%listRP.push(results.category_results[i].category_id)%> <%listResPropio=listRP%> <br><br><br> <% } %> <% }) %> <% listR=[] listP=[] allResult.forEach(function(allR){ %> <%long=(allR.category_results.length) for(i=0; i<long; i++){ %> <%allR.category_results[i].category_id%> <%listR.push(allR.category_results[i].category_id)%> <%listP.push(allR.category_results[i].percentage)%> <%listaResultados=listR%> <%listaPorcentajes=listP%> <% } %> <% }) %> <%aaaa = [] var a var b %> ID totales: <%=listaResultados%><br> Porcantes Totales: <%=listaPorcentajes%><br> ID propios: <%=listResPropio%><br> <% for(i=0; i<listaResultados.length; i++){ %> <% for(a=0; a<listResPropio.length; a++){ %> <% if(listaResultados[i]==listResPropio[a]){ %> <% a=listaResultados[i] %> <%= a %> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %>
This should do the work var ID_totales = [76,76,76,78,17,37,30,177,30,177,1,2,3,5,64,30,31,35,36,17,17,37,76,1,2,3,5,35,37,33,30,31,35,36,17,17,37,17,37,35,37,80,35,37,1,2,3,5,1,2,3,5,1,2,3,5,81,76,30,31,35,36,17,1,2,3,5,81,0,76,64,61,21,22,18,24,19,26,35,37,17,37,17,37,17,37] var Porcantes_Totales = [70,70,100,100,70,70,85,60,100,100,66.7,100,100,50,100,70,80,70,50,90,90,40,100,66.7,100,100,50,70,90,60,30,90,60,50,60,80,40,60,60,40,60,11.1,80,80,66.7,100,100,50,66.7,100,100,50,66.7,100,100,50,0,100,40,60,40,50,70,66.7,100,100,50,100,60,0,0,50,70,70,100,70,80,60,80,80,20,50,50,70,60,50] function ID_propios(ID){ return ID.map(a=>Porcantes_Totales[ID_totales.indexOf(a)]).reduce((a,b)=>a+b) } console.log( ID_propios([30, 177]) )
How to call a JS function from rails form submit
I want to call a JS function when a button in my Rails form is clicked. The function is defined in the .js.erb file found below. When I click the button, Chrome's JS console throws the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: logTime is not defined I know this means it can't find the function, but I don't see why. Especially since I added <%= javascript_include_tag "track.js.erb" %> to the file. Any ideas? Apologies up-front, but my Google-fu yielded no results. _track_time_form.html.erb <div id="countdown-timer"></div> <div id="playback-button">►</div> <div id="track-time-form"> <%= form_for #project, :url => { :action => "log_time" }, remote: true do |p| %> <ul> <li><%= p.label :project, "Project:"%><br> <%= p.collection_select(:id, current_user.projects, :id, :name) %></li> <%= p.hidden_field :time_logged, :value => 0 %> <!-- value set by script in log_time.js.erb --> <li><%= p.submit "Log time", id: "log-time-button", :onclick => "logTime()" %></li> </ul> <% end %> </div> The function the handler is calling can be found here: track.js.erb //initialise form timeTrackingForm = window.open("", "", "height=700,width=500"); $(timeTrackingForm.document.body).html("<%= j render( :partial => 'track_time_form' ) %>"); //assign variables var timer = $("#countdown-timer", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); var playbackControls = $("#playback-button", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); var form = $("#track-time-form", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); var formUl = $("#track-time-form ul", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); var formLi = $("#track-time-form li", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); var logTimeButton = $("#log-time-button", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); var timerPaused; //initialise timer $(timeTrackingForm.document).ready(function(){ initialiseTimer(); style(); $(playbackControls).click(function() { playOrPause(); }); }); function initialiseTimer() { $(timer).timer({ format: '%H:%M:%S' }); $(timer).timer('pause'); timerPaused = true; } function style() { $(timer).css({'color':'black','font-size':'50px', 'margin':'auto', 'width':'180px'}); $(playbackControls).css({'color':'#290052', 'font-size':'50px', 'margin':'auto', 'width':'55px'}); $(form).css({'width':'300px','margin':'auto'}); $(formUl).css({'list-style-type':'none'}); $(formLi).css({'margin':'0 0 25px 0','font-sizeL':'18px','font-family':'Arial'}); $(logTimeButton).css({'width':'180px','font-size':'18px','background-color':'green','color':'white','margin-top':'15px'}); } function playOrPause() { if (timerPaused == true) { $(timer).timer('resume'); timerPaused = false; } else { $(timer).timer('pause') timerPaused = true; } } function logTime() { $(timer).timer('pause'); var secondsTracked = $(timer).data('seconds'); $('input:hidden').val(secondsTracked); $('#countdown-timer').timer('reset'); }
For any future readers interested in the solution, here's how I got around the issue (huge thanks to the helpful commenters above). I added an event listener to the form in track.js.erb, which is triggered when the button is clicked (but before the form actually submits and sends data to the controller). Here it is: var actual_form = $("#new_project", $(timeTrackingForm.document)); $(actual_form).submit(function(){ $(timer).timer('pause'); timerPaused = true; var secondsTracked = $(timer).data('seconds'); $(hidden).val(secondsTracked); resetTimerDisplay(); });
Select All/Deselect All checkboxes in a page by id
I have two blocks with checkboxes. I'm trying to check this particular checkboxes with JS. <%= hidden_field_tag "user[roles][]" %> <% User.valid_roles.map{|c| {name: c, id: User.mask_for(c)} }.each do |role| %> <%= check_box_tag "user[roles][]", role[:name], user.has_role?(role[:name]), id: "user_role_#{role[:id]}" %> <%= label_tag "user_role_#{role[:id]}", role[:name].to_s.titleize %><br/> <% end %> $('#selectAll').click(function() { if(this.checked) { $(':checkbox').each(function() { this.checked = true; }); } else { $(':checkbox').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); } });
Something like this should work: $('#selectAll').on('change', function(){ var checkboxes = $('input[id^="employer_"]'); var checkedValue = !!this.checked; checkboxes.prop('checked', checkedValue); }); Here is a fiddle to demonstrate: http://jsfiddle.net/f5nx0czv/ With jQuery you can set a property/attribute en masse, no need to iterate over the collection.