unable to get array length of object property in javascript - javascript

defined a simple javascript object and assigned array to one property but not able to get the length of the array. returning 2 rather than 1 for below code.
//activity object
var activity={
questions_completed:new Array(2),
return timer;
alert(activity.questions_completed.length); //getting 2?

new Array with a single parameters passed to it as number, will create an array with specific length:
var arr = new Array(2);
// -> [undefined, undefined]
// -> 2
Instead use [] notation:
var arr = [2];
// -> [2]
// -> 1
var activity = {
questions_completed: [2],
return timer;
// 1

The below line defines the length of your array which is 2, however you have not pushed any item in your array the length will show 2, which is absolutely correct..!
questions_completed:new Array(2)


Why are the outputs of the following two functions different? [duplicate]

I've observed this in Firefox-3.5.7/Firebug-1.5.3 and Firefox-3.6.16/Firebug-1.6.2
When I fire up Firebug:
var x = new Array(3)
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
var y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
console.log( x.constructor == y.constructor) // true
x.map(function() { return 0; })
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
y.map(function() { return 0; })
// [0, 0, 0]
What's going on here? Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how to use new Array(3)?
I had a task that I only knew the length of the array and needed to transform the items.
I wanted to do something like this:
let arr = new Array(10).map((val,idx) => idx);
To quickly create an array like this:
But it didn't work because:
(see Jonathan Lonowski's answer)
The solution could be to fill up the array items with any value (even with undefined) using Array.prototype.fill()
let arr = new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val,idx) => idx);
console.log(new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val, idx) => idx));
Another solution could be:
let arr = Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx);
console.log(Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx));
It appears that the first example
x = new Array(3);
Creates an array with a length of 3 but without any elements, so the indices [0], [1] and [2] is not created.
And the second creates an array with the 3 undefined objects, in this case the indices/properties them self are created but the objects they refer to are undefined.
y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// The following is not equivalent to the above, it's the same as new Array(3)
y = [,,,];
As map runs on the list of indices/properties, not on the set length, so if no indices/properties is created, it will not run.
With ES6, you can do [...Array(10)].map((a, b) => a) , quick and easy!
From the MDC page for map:
[...] callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned value; [...]
[undefined] actually applies the setter on the index(es) so that map will iterate, whereas new Array(1) just initializes the index(es) with a default value of undefined so map skips it.
I believe this is the same for all iteration methods.
ES6 solution:
Doesn't work on typescript (2.3), though
The arrays are different. The difference is that new Array(3) creates an array with a length of three but no properties, while [undefined, undefined, undefined] creates an array with a length of three and three properties called "0", "1" and "2", each with a value of undefined. You can see the difference using the in operator:
"0" in new Array(3); // false
"0" in [undefined, undefined, undefined]; // true
This stems from the slightly confusing fact that if you try to get the value of a non-existent property of any native object in JavaScript, it returns undefined (rather than throwing an error, as happens when you try to refer to a non-existent variable), which is the same as what you get if the property has previously been explictly set to undefined.
For reasons thoroughly explained in other answers, Array(n).map doesn't work. However, in ES2015 Array.from accepts a map function:
let array1 = Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i + 1)
console.log('array1', JSON.stringify(array1)) // 1,2,3,4,5
let array2 = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, i) => (i + 1) * 2)
console.log('array2', JSON.stringify(array2)) // 2,4,6,8,10
In ECMAScript 6th edition specification.
new Array(3) only define property length and do not define index properties like {length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array-len Step 9.
[undefined, undefined, undefined] will define index properties and length property like {0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-runtime-semantics-arrayaccumulation ElementList Step 5.
methods map, every, some, forEach, slice, reduce, reduceRight, filter of Array will check the index property by HasProperty internal method, so new Array(3).map(v => 1) will not invoke the callback.
for more detail, see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array.prototype.map
How to fix?
let a = new Array(3);
a.join('.').split('.').map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
let a = new Array(3);
a.fill(undefined).map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
[...a].map(v => 1);
I think the best way to explain this is to look at the way that Chrome handles it.
>>> x = new Array(3)
>>> x.length
So what is actually happening is that new Array() is returning an empty array that has a length of 3, but no values. Therefore, when you run x.map on a technically empty array, there is nothing to be set.
Firefox just 'fills in' those empty slots with undefined even though it has no values.
I don't think this is explicitly a bug, just a poor way of representing what is going on. I suppose Chrome's is "more correct" because it shows that there isn't actually anything in the array.
Not a bug. That's how the Array constructor is defined to work.
From MDC:
When you specify a single numeric parameter with the Array constructor, you specify the initial length of the array. The following code creates an array of five elements:
var billingMethod = new Array(5);
The behavior of the Array constructor depends on whether the single parameter is a number.
The .map() method only includes in the iteration elements of the array that have explicitly had values assigned. Even an explicit assignment of undefined will cause a value to be considered eligible for inclusion in the iteration. That seems odd, but it's essentially the difference between an explicit undefined property on an object and a missing property:
var x = { }, y = { z: undefined };
if (x.z === y.z) // true
The object x does not have a property called "z", and the object y does. However, in both cases it appears that the "value" of the property is undefined. In an array, the situation is similar: the value of length does implicitly perform a value assignment to all the elements from zero through length - 1. The .map() function therefore won't do anything (won't call the callback) when called on an array newly constructed with the Array constructor and a numeric argument.
Just ran into this. It sure would be convenient to be able to use Array(n).map.
Array(3) yields roughly {length: 3}
[undefined, undefined, undefined] creates the numbered properties:
{0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}.
The map() implementation only acts on defined properties.
If you are doing this in order to easily fill up an array with values, can't use fill for browser support reasons and really don't want to do a for-loop, you can also do x = new Array(3).join(".").split(".").map(... which will give you an array of empty strings.
Quite ugly I have to say, but at least the problem and intention are quite clearly communicated.
Since the question is why, this has to do with how JS was designed.
There are 2 main reasons I can think of to explain this behavior:
Performance: Given x = 10000 and new Array(x) it is wise for the constructor to avoid looping from 0 to 10000 to fill the array with undefined values.
Implicitly "undefined": Give a = [undefined, undefined] and b = new Array(2), a[1] and b[1] will both return undefined, but a[8] and b[8] will also return undefined even if they're out of range.
Ultimately, the notation empty x 3 is a shortcut to avoid setting and displaying a long list of undefined values that are undefined anyway because they are not declared explicitly.
Note: Given array a = [0] and a[9] = 9, console.log(a) will return (10) [0, empty x 8, 9], filling the gap automatically by returning the difference between the two values declared explicitly.
Here's a simple utility method as a workaround:
Simple mapFor
function mapFor(toExclusive, callback) {
callback = callback || function(){};
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < toExclusive; i++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(3, function(i){ return i; });
console.log(arr); // [0, 1, 2]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Complete Example
Here's a more complete example (with sanity checks) which also allows specifying an optional starting index:
function mapFor() {
var from, toExclusive, callback;
if (arguments.length == 3) {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
} else {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = callback || function () {};
var arr = [];
for (; from < toExclusive; from++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(1, 3, function (i) { return i; });
console.log(arr); // [1, 2]
arr = mapFor(1, 3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Counting Down
Manipulating the index passed to the callback allows counting backwards:
var count = 3;
var arr = arrayUtil.mapFor(count, function (i) {
return count - 1 - i;
// arr = [2, 1, 0]

concatenate problems with concat function

In this case of concat() function, i don't get why the value of the length property is not concatenated to array. Also when i change the value of length property to some random value, the first two properties are ignored as well when i concatenate them.
1st case:
let arr = [1, 2];
let arrayLike = {
0: "something",
1: "else",
[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: true,
length: 2
alert( arr.concat(arrayLike) ); // 1,2,something,else
2nd case:
let arr = [1, 2];
let arrayLike = {
0: "something",
1: "else",
[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: true,
length: "random",
console.log( arr.concat(arrayLike) ); // 1,2
Your arrayLike object is sort of mimicking being an array like arr. So if you're treating it like a normal array, then why would you expect the value of length to be counted as a value in the array?
In your actual array, arr, you would have arr.length == 2. But 2 is not a value in the array, it just tells you how many values are in the array (two values, 1 and 2). This is how JavaScript knows how many values to look for. If you were to set arr.length = 1, suddenly JavaScript would only show one value instead of two. See here:
let arr = [1, 2];
console.log(arr); //[1, 2]
arr.length = 1;
console.log(arr) //[1]
Similarly, your length: 2 property in your arrayLike object is being used to represent an array with 2 elements. If you set it to something that isn't a number, JavaScript no longer knows how many values could be in the "array", so it apparently simply counts it as 0 - an empty array.

Why: Array(4).map(() => 'foo') yields 4 empty items, not [foo, foo, foo, foo] [duplicate]

I've observed this in Firefox-3.5.7/Firebug-1.5.3 and Firefox-3.6.16/Firebug-1.6.2
When I fire up Firebug:
var x = new Array(3)
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
var y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
console.log( x.constructor == y.constructor) // true
x.map(function() { return 0; })
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
y.map(function() { return 0; })
// [0, 0, 0]
What's going on here? Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how to use new Array(3)?
I had a task that I only knew the length of the array and needed to transform the items.
I wanted to do something like this:
let arr = new Array(10).map((val,idx) => idx);
To quickly create an array like this:
But it didn't work because:
(see Jonathan Lonowski's answer)
The solution could be to fill up the array items with any value (even with undefined) using Array.prototype.fill()
let arr = new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val,idx) => idx);
console.log(new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val, idx) => idx));
Another solution could be:
let arr = Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx);
console.log(Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx));
It appears that the first example
x = new Array(3);
Creates an array with a length of 3 but without any elements, so the indices [0], [1] and [2] is not created.
And the second creates an array with the 3 undefined objects, in this case the indices/properties them self are created but the objects they refer to are undefined.
y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// The following is not equivalent to the above, it's the same as new Array(3)
y = [,,,];
As map runs on the list of indices/properties, not on the set length, so if no indices/properties is created, it will not run.
With ES6, you can do [...Array(10)].map((a, b) => a) , quick and easy!
From the MDC page for map:
[...] callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned value; [...]
[undefined] actually applies the setter on the index(es) so that map will iterate, whereas new Array(1) just initializes the index(es) with a default value of undefined so map skips it.
I believe this is the same for all iteration methods.
ES6 solution:
Doesn't work on typescript (2.3), though
The arrays are different. The difference is that new Array(3) creates an array with a length of three but no properties, while [undefined, undefined, undefined] creates an array with a length of three and three properties called "0", "1" and "2", each with a value of undefined. You can see the difference using the in operator:
"0" in new Array(3); // false
"0" in [undefined, undefined, undefined]; // true
This stems from the slightly confusing fact that if you try to get the value of a non-existent property of any native object in JavaScript, it returns undefined (rather than throwing an error, as happens when you try to refer to a non-existent variable), which is the same as what you get if the property has previously been explictly set to undefined.
For reasons thoroughly explained in other answers, Array(n).map doesn't work. However, in ES2015 Array.from accepts a map function:
let array1 = Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i + 1)
console.log('array1', JSON.stringify(array1)) // 1,2,3,4,5
let array2 = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, i) => (i + 1) * 2)
console.log('array2', JSON.stringify(array2)) // 2,4,6,8,10
In ECMAScript 6th edition specification.
new Array(3) only define property length and do not define index properties like {length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array-len Step 9.
[undefined, undefined, undefined] will define index properties and length property like {0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-runtime-semantics-arrayaccumulation ElementList Step 5.
methods map, every, some, forEach, slice, reduce, reduceRight, filter of Array will check the index property by HasProperty internal method, so new Array(3).map(v => 1) will not invoke the callback.
for more detail, see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array.prototype.map
How to fix?
let a = new Array(3);
a.join('.').split('.').map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
let a = new Array(3);
a.fill(undefined).map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
[...a].map(v => 1);
I think the best way to explain this is to look at the way that Chrome handles it.
>>> x = new Array(3)
>>> x.length
So what is actually happening is that new Array() is returning an empty array that has a length of 3, but no values. Therefore, when you run x.map on a technically empty array, there is nothing to be set.
Firefox just 'fills in' those empty slots with undefined even though it has no values.
I don't think this is explicitly a bug, just a poor way of representing what is going on. I suppose Chrome's is "more correct" because it shows that there isn't actually anything in the array.
Not a bug. That's how the Array constructor is defined to work.
From MDC:
When you specify a single numeric parameter with the Array constructor, you specify the initial length of the array. The following code creates an array of five elements:
var billingMethod = new Array(5);
The behavior of the Array constructor depends on whether the single parameter is a number.
The .map() method only includes in the iteration elements of the array that have explicitly had values assigned. Even an explicit assignment of undefined will cause a value to be considered eligible for inclusion in the iteration. That seems odd, but it's essentially the difference between an explicit undefined property on an object and a missing property:
var x = { }, y = { z: undefined };
if (x.z === y.z) // true
The object x does not have a property called "z", and the object y does. However, in both cases it appears that the "value" of the property is undefined. In an array, the situation is similar: the value of length does implicitly perform a value assignment to all the elements from zero through length - 1. The .map() function therefore won't do anything (won't call the callback) when called on an array newly constructed with the Array constructor and a numeric argument.
Just ran into this. It sure would be convenient to be able to use Array(n).map.
Array(3) yields roughly {length: 3}
[undefined, undefined, undefined] creates the numbered properties:
{0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}.
The map() implementation only acts on defined properties.
If you are doing this in order to easily fill up an array with values, can't use fill for browser support reasons and really don't want to do a for-loop, you can also do x = new Array(3).join(".").split(".").map(... which will give you an array of empty strings.
Quite ugly I have to say, but at least the problem and intention are quite clearly communicated.
Since the question is why, this has to do with how JS was designed.
There are 2 main reasons I can think of to explain this behavior:
Performance: Given x = 10000 and new Array(x) it is wise for the constructor to avoid looping from 0 to 10000 to fill the array with undefined values.
Implicitly "undefined": Give a = [undefined, undefined] and b = new Array(2), a[1] and b[1] will both return undefined, but a[8] and b[8] will also return undefined even if they're out of range.
Ultimately, the notation empty x 3 is a shortcut to avoid setting and displaying a long list of undefined values that are undefined anyway because they are not declared explicitly.
Note: Given array a = [0] and a[9] = 9, console.log(a) will return (10) [0, empty x 8, 9], filling the gap automatically by returning the difference between the two values declared explicitly.
Here's a simple utility method as a workaround:
Simple mapFor
function mapFor(toExclusive, callback) {
callback = callback || function(){};
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < toExclusive; i++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(3, function(i){ return i; });
console.log(arr); // [0, 1, 2]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Complete Example
Here's a more complete example (with sanity checks) which also allows specifying an optional starting index:
function mapFor() {
var from, toExclusive, callback;
if (arguments.length == 3) {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
} else {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = callback || function () {};
var arr = [];
for (; from < toExclusive; from++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(1, 3, function (i) { return i; });
console.log(arr); // [1, 2]
arr = mapFor(1, 3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Counting Down
Manipulating the index passed to the callback allows counting backwards:
var count = 3;
var arr = arrayUtil.mapFor(count, function (i) {
return count - 1 - i;
// arr = [2, 1, 0]

Why is `Array(3).map(k=>5)` empty, but `Array(3).fill(null).map(k=>5)` works? [duplicate]

I've observed this in Firefox-3.5.7/Firebug-1.5.3 and Firefox-3.6.16/Firebug-1.6.2
When I fire up Firebug:
var x = new Array(3)
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
var y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
console.log( x.constructor == y.constructor) // true
x.map(function() { return 0; })
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
y.map(function() { return 0; })
// [0, 0, 0]
What's going on here? Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how to use new Array(3)?
I had a task that I only knew the length of the array and needed to transform the items.
I wanted to do something like this:
let arr = new Array(10).map((val,idx) => idx);
To quickly create an array like this:
But it didn't work because:
(see Jonathan Lonowski's answer)
The solution could be to fill up the array items with any value (even with undefined) using Array.prototype.fill()
let arr = new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val,idx) => idx);
console.log(new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val, idx) => idx));
Another solution could be:
let arr = Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx);
console.log(Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx));
It appears that the first example
x = new Array(3);
Creates an array with a length of 3 but without any elements, so the indices [0], [1] and [2] is not created.
And the second creates an array with the 3 undefined objects, in this case the indices/properties them self are created but the objects they refer to are undefined.
y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// The following is not equivalent to the above, it's the same as new Array(3)
y = [,,,];
As map runs on the list of indices/properties, not on the set length, so if no indices/properties is created, it will not run.
With ES6, you can do [...Array(10)].map((a, b) => a) , quick and easy!
From the MDC page for map:
[...] callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned value; [...]
[undefined] actually applies the setter on the index(es) so that map will iterate, whereas new Array(1) just initializes the index(es) with a default value of undefined so map skips it.
I believe this is the same for all iteration methods.
ES6 solution:
Doesn't work on typescript (2.3), though
The arrays are different. The difference is that new Array(3) creates an array with a length of three but no properties, while [undefined, undefined, undefined] creates an array with a length of three and three properties called "0", "1" and "2", each with a value of undefined. You can see the difference using the in operator:
"0" in new Array(3); // false
"0" in [undefined, undefined, undefined]; // true
This stems from the slightly confusing fact that if you try to get the value of a non-existent property of any native object in JavaScript, it returns undefined (rather than throwing an error, as happens when you try to refer to a non-existent variable), which is the same as what you get if the property has previously been explictly set to undefined.
For reasons thoroughly explained in other answers, Array(n).map doesn't work. However, in ES2015 Array.from accepts a map function:
let array1 = Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i + 1)
console.log('array1', JSON.stringify(array1)) // 1,2,3,4,5
let array2 = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, i) => (i + 1) * 2)
console.log('array2', JSON.stringify(array2)) // 2,4,6,8,10
In ECMAScript 6th edition specification.
new Array(3) only define property length and do not define index properties like {length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array-len Step 9.
[undefined, undefined, undefined] will define index properties and length property like {0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-runtime-semantics-arrayaccumulation ElementList Step 5.
methods map, every, some, forEach, slice, reduce, reduceRight, filter of Array will check the index property by HasProperty internal method, so new Array(3).map(v => 1) will not invoke the callback.
for more detail, see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array.prototype.map
How to fix?
let a = new Array(3);
a.join('.').split('.').map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
let a = new Array(3);
a.fill(undefined).map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
[...a].map(v => 1);
I think the best way to explain this is to look at the way that Chrome handles it.
>>> x = new Array(3)
>>> x.length
So what is actually happening is that new Array() is returning an empty array that has a length of 3, but no values. Therefore, when you run x.map on a technically empty array, there is nothing to be set.
Firefox just 'fills in' those empty slots with undefined even though it has no values.
I don't think this is explicitly a bug, just a poor way of representing what is going on. I suppose Chrome's is "more correct" because it shows that there isn't actually anything in the array.
Not a bug. That's how the Array constructor is defined to work.
From MDC:
When you specify a single numeric parameter with the Array constructor, you specify the initial length of the array. The following code creates an array of five elements:
var billingMethod = new Array(5);
The behavior of the Array constructor depends on whether the single parameter is a number.
The .map() method only includes in the iteration elements of the array that have explicitly had values assigned. Even an explicit assignment of undefined will cause a value to be considered eligible for inclusion in the iteration. That seems odd, but it's essentially the difference between an explicit undefined property on an object and a missing property:
var x = { }, y = { z: undefined };
if (x.z === y.z) // true
The object x does not have a property called "z", and the object y does. However, in both cases it appears that the "value" of the property is undefined. In an array, the situation is similar: the value of length does implicitly perform a value assignment to all the elements from zero through length - 1. The .map() function therefore won't do anything (won't call the callback) when called on an array newly constructed with the Array constructor and a numeric argument.
Just ran into this. It sure would be convenient to be able to use Array(n).map.
Array(3) yields roughly {length: 3}
[undefined, undefined, undefined] creates the numbered properties:
{0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}.
The map() implementation only acts on defined properties.
If you are doing this in order to easily fill up an array with values, can't use fill for browser support reasons and really don't want to do a for-loop, you can also do x = new Array(3).join(".").split(".").map(... which will give you an array of empty strings.
Quite ugly I have to say, but at least the problem and intention are quite clearly communicated.
Since the question is why, this has to do with how JS was designed.
There are 2 main reasons I can think of to explain this behavior:
Performance: Given x = 10000 and new Array(x) it is wise for the constructor to avoid looping from 0 to 10000 to fill the array with undefined values.
Implicitly "undefined": Give a = [undefined, undefined] and b = new Array(2), a[1] and b[1] will both return undefined, but a[8] and b[8] will also return undefined even if they're out of range.
Ultimately, the notation empty x 3 is a shortcut to avoid setting and displaying a long list of undefined values that are undefined anyway because they are not declared explicitly.
Note: Given array a = [0] and a[9] = 9, console.log(a) will return (10) [0, empty x 8, 9], filling the gap automatically by returning the difference between the two values declared explicitly.
Here's a simple utility method as a workaround:
Simple mapFor
function mapFor(toExclusive, callback) {
callback = callback || function(){};
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < toExclusive; i++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(3, function(i){ return i; });
console.log(arr); // [0, 1, 2]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Complete Example
Here's a more complete example (with sanity checks) which also allows specifying an optional starting index:
function mapFor() {
var from, toExclusive, callback;
if (arguments.length == 3) {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
} else {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = callback || function () {};
var arr = [];
for (; from < toExclusive; from++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(1, 3, function (i) { return i; });
console.log(arr); // [1, 2]
arr = mapFor(1, 3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Counting Down
Manipulating the index passed to the callback allows counting backwards:
var count = 3;
var arr = arrayUtil.mapFor(count, function (i) {
return count - 1 - i;
// arr = [2, 1, 0]

Mapping Using New Array() Syntax [duplicate]

I've observed this in Firefox-3.5.7/Firebug-1.5.3 and Firefox-3.6.16/Firebug-1.6.2
When I fire up Firebug:
var x = new Array(3)
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
var y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
console.log( x.constructor == y.constructor) // true
x.map(function() { return 0; })
// [undefined, undefined, undefined]
y.map(function() { return 0; })
// [0, 0, 0]
What's going on here? Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how to use new Array(3)?
I had a task that I only knew the length of the array and needed to transform the items.
I wanted to do something like this:
let arr = new Array(10).map((val,idx) => idx);
To quickly create an array like this:
But it didn't work because:
(see Jonathan Lonowski's answer)
The solution could be to fill up the array items with any value (even with undefined) using Array.prototype.fill()
let arr = new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val,idx) => idx);
console.log(new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((val, idx) => idx));
Another solution could be:
let arr = Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx);
console.log(Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map((val, idx) => idx));
It appears that the first example
x = new Array(3);
Creates an array with a length of 3 but without any elements, so the indices [0], [1] and [2] is not created.
And the second creates an array with the 3 undefined objects, in this case the indices/properties them self are created but the objects they refer to are undefined.
y = [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// The following is not equivalent to the above, it's the same as new Array(3)
y = [,,,];
As map runs on the list of indices/properties, not on the set length, so if no indices/properties is created, it will not run.
With ES6, you can do [...Array(10)].map((a, b) => a) , quick and easy!
From the MDC page for map:
[...] callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned value; [...]
[undefined] actually applies the setter on the index(es) so that map will iterate, whereas new Array(1) just initializes the index(es) with a default value of undefined so map skips it.
I believe this is the same for all iteration methods.
ES6 solution:
Doesn't work on typescript (2.3), though
The arrays are different. The difference is that new Array(3) creates an array with a length of three but no properties, while [undefined, undefined, undefined] creates an array with a length of three and three properties called "0", "1" and "2", each with a value of undefined. You can see the difference using the in operator:
"0" in new Array(3); // false
"0" in [undefined, undefined, undefined]; // true
This stems from the slightly confusing fact that if you try to get the value of a non-existent property of any native object in JavaScript, it returns undefined (rather than throwing an error, as happens when you try to refer to a non-existent variable), which is the same as what you get if the property has previously been explictly set to undefined.
For reasons thoroughly explained in other answers, Array(n).map doesn't work. However, in ES2015 Array.from accepts a map function:
let array1 = Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i + 1)
console.log('array1', JSON.stringify(array1)) // 1,2,3,4,5
let array2 = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, i) => (i + 1) * 2)
console.log('array2', JSON.stringify(array2)) // 2,4,6,8,10
In ECMAScript 6th edition specification.
new Array(3) only define property length and do not define index properties like {length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array-len Step 9.
[undefined, undefined, undefined] will define index properties and length property like {0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}. see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-runtime-semantics-arrayaccumulation ElementList Step 5.
methods map, every, some, forEach, slice, reduce, reduceRight, filter of Array will check the index property by HasProperty internal method, so new Array(3).map(v => 1) will not invoke the callback.
for more detail, see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html#sec-array.prototype.map
How to fix?
let a = new Array(3);
a.join('.').split('.').map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
let a = new Array(3);
a.fill(undefined).map(v => 1);
let a = new Array(3);
[...a].map(v => 1);
I think the best way to explain this is to look at the way that Chrome handles it.
>>> x = new Array(3)
>>> x.length
So what is actually happening is that new Array() is returning an empty array that has a length of 3, but no values. Therefore, when you run x.map on a technically empty array, there is nothing to be set.
Firefox just 'fills in' those empty slots with undefined even though it has no values.
I don't think this is explicitly a bug, just a poor way of representing what is going on. I suppose Chrome's is "more correct" because it shows that there isn't actually anything in the array.
Not a bug. That's how the Array constructor is defined to work.
From MDC:
When you specify a single numeric parameter with the Array constructor, you specify the initial length of the array. The following code creates an array of five elements:
var billingMethod = new Array(5);
The behavior of the Array constructor depends on whether the single parameter is a number.
The .map() method only includes in the iteration elements of the array that have explicitly had values assigned. Even an explicit assignment of undefined will cause a value to be considered eligible for inclusion in the iteration. That seems odd, but it's essentially the difference between an explicit undefined property on an object and a missing property:
var x = { }, y = { z: undefined };
if (x.z === y.z) // true
The object x does not have a property called "z", and the object y does. However, in both cases it appears that the "value" of the property is undefined. In an array, the situation is similar: the value of length does implicitly perform a value assignment to all the elements from zero through length - 1. The .map() function therefore won't do anything (won't call the callback) when called on an array newly constructed with the Array constructor and a numeric argument.
Just ran into this. It sure would be convenient to be able to use Array(n).map.
Array(3) yields roughly {length: 3}
[undefined, undefined, undefined] creates the numbered properties:
{0: undefined, 1: undefined, 2: undefined, length: 3}.
The map() implementation only acts on defined properties.
If you are doing this in order to easily fill up an array with values, can't use fill for browser support reasons and really don't want to do a for-loop, you can also do x = new Array(3).join(".").split(".").map(... which will give you an array of empty strings.
Quite ugly I have to say, but at least the problem and intention are quite clearly communicated.
Since the question is why, this has to do with how JS was designed.
There are 2 main reasons I can think of to explain this behavior:
Performance: Given x = 10000 and new Array(x) it is wise for the constructor to avoid looping from 0 to 10000 to fill the array with undefined values.
Implicitly "undefined": Give a = [undefined, undefined] and b = new Array(2), a[1] and b[1] will both return undefined, but a[8] and b[8] will also return undefined even if they're out of range.
Ultimately, the notation empty x 3 is a shortcut to avoid setting and displaying a long list of undefined values that are undefined anyway because they are not declared explicitly.
Note: Given array a = [0] and a[9] = 9, console.log(a) will return (10) [0, empty x 8, 9], filling the gap automatically by returning the difference between the two values declared explicitly.
Here's a simple utility method as a workaround:
Simple mapFor
function mapFor(toExclusive, callback) {
callback = callback || function(){};
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < toExclusive; i++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(3, function(i){ return i; });
console.log(arr); // [0, 1, 2]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Complete Example
Here's a more complete example (with sanity checks) which also allows specifying an optional starting index:
function mapFor() {
var from, toExclusive, callback;
if (arguments.length == 3) {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
} else {
from = arguments[0];
toExclusive = arguments[1];
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
from = 0;
toExclusive = arguments[0];
callback = callback || function () {};
var arr = [];
for (; from < toExclusive; from++) {
return arr;
var arr = mapFor(1, 3, function (i) { return i; });
console.log(arr); // [1, 2]
arr = mapFor(1, 3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined]
arr = mapFor(3);
console.log(arr); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Counting Down
Manipulating the index passed to the callback allows counting backwards:
var count = 3;
var arr = arrayUtil.mapFor(count, function (i) {
return count - 1 - i;
// arr = [2, 1, 0]

