javascript, zooming in and out of a table - javascript

Basically what I want to do is when I scroll up, zoom into my table, making it larger and when I scroll down, zoom out of the table, making it smaller.
Here is the js
var mainGridW = $("#mainGrid").width();
var mainGridH = $("#mainGrid").height();
function setupMouseWheel(){
if (zoomContainer.addEventListener) {
zoomContainer.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheelSpin, false);
zoomContainer.addEventListener('mousewheel', onMouseWheelSpin, false); // Chrome
zoomContainer.onmousewheel= onMouseWheelSpin;
function onMouseWheelSpin(event) {
var nDelta = 0;
if (!event) { event = window.event; }
// cross-bowser handling of eventdata to boil-down delta (+1 or -1)
if ( event.wheelDelta ) { // IE and Opera
nDelta= event.wheelDelta;
if ( window.opera ) { // Opera has the values reversed
nDelta= -nDelta;
else if (event.detail) { // Mozilla FireFox
nDelta= -event.detail;
if (nDelta > 0) {
HandleMouseSpin( 1, event.clientX, event.clientY );
if (nDelta < 0) {
HandleMouseSpin( -1, event.clientX, event.clientY );
if ( event.preventDefault ) { // Mozilla FireFox
event.returnValue = false; // cancel default action
function HandleMouseSpin(delta, x, y) {
if (delta < 0){
mainGridW = mainGridW/1.10;
mainGridH = mainGridH/1.10;
if(delta > 0){
mainGridW = mainGridW*1.10;
mainGridH = mainGridH*1.10;
Here is the html
<body onload="setupMouseWheel();">
<div id="zoomContainer">
<table id="mainGrid" height="100%" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>
This all works, except one problem... In firefox there is a lag before it will work. When I try to scroll it says "not responding" for a few seconds then after it starts to respond again it will work but very slowly. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

There is lag because onMouseWheelSpin is called repeatedly and too fast. Firefox is not as powerful as webkit browser like Chrome, Safari. To resolve this, you can implement a timer to reduce the work.
var timer;
function onMouseWheelSpin(event) {
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(function(){
//your code here
}, 30); //delay
And also $("#mainGrid") can be converted to document.getElementById('mainGrid') and .width() with .style.width
When doing animation, native code is always faster than jQuery. By using jQuery, you are trading write less with performance.
I think the 2 events you attached above nearly execute at the same time, thus more lag. When you use a mouse wheel, your page is scrolled. Using a clearTimeout(timer) will prevent the previous call to be terminated


jQuery mouse scroll script speed will not change

had a google....
Tried changing my website scroll settings & nothing is happening.
Anyone have a write up or table on mouse scroll jQuery scripts and functions?
(Caches were cleared, cross browser test etc.)
if(checkBrowser() == 'Google Chrome' &&{
if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false);
window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = wheel;
var time = 330;
var distance = 300;
function wheel(event) {
if (event.wheelDelta) delta = event.wheelDelta / 90;
else if (event.detail) delta = -event.detail / 3;
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
event.returnValue = false;
function handle() {
jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: jQuery(window).scrollTop() - (distance * delta)
}, time);
function checkBrowser(){
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if ( > 0) return 'Internet Explorer';
if ( > 0) return 'Firefox';
if ( > 0) return 'Opera';
if ( > 0) return 'Google Chrome';
if ( > 0) return 'Safari';
if ( > 0) return 'Konqueror';
if ( > 0) return 'Debian Iceweasel';
if ( > 0) return 'SeaMonkey';
if ( > 0) return 'Gecko';
return 'Search Bot';
The script looks a bit outdated. The .load() function isn't used like that anymore and browser sniffing is deprecated as well. An approach with the mousewheel plugin (a real gem) would be more reliable and future proof. Here's a script that uses it, making the function itself quite compact :
jQuery(window).on('load', function() {
var time = 330;
var distance = 300;
jQuery(this).mousewheel(function(turn, delta) {
jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: jQuery(window).scrollTop()-(distance*delta)
}, time);
return false;
// mousewheel.js can be placed here, outside of function scope
It needs a bit of extra script with that plugin but it is well worth it. There also is a wheel event but unfortunately this is still not supported by Opera. In any case, more code would be needed to normalise the delta of the mousewheel turns (this is where mousewheel.js is at it's best).
I'm guessing the $ character is reserved on the web page but if not, the jQuery references could be replaced with it. By the way - you might want to check which version of jQuery is linked to on the site... if there are any other scripts depending on deprecated features (not that there are too many), some things might stop functioning correctly when it is updated. The .on method was introduced in version 1.8 - if you'd like to stick with an older version the above script would need a minor rewrite.
add this function in you script tag
and add data-scroll-speed="10" in your body tag. you can adjust the scroller speed of body
$(function () {
var boxes = $('[data-scroll-speed]'),
$window = $(window);
$window.on('scroll', function () {
var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
boxes.each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
scrollspeed = parseInt($'scroll-speed')),
val = -(scrollTop / scrollspeed);
$this.css('transform', 'translateY(' + val + 'px)');
example: fiddled here
check weather this is what you wanted

How to make ondblclick event works on phone?

I want to achieve the double click event on a specific div like this:
<div id="divID" ondblclick = 'alert("double click!!");' >
it worked on the google chrome browser but when I open it with phone it didn't work, by the way the single click worked.
ps: i added this two things
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial scale=1,user-scalable=no">
and this
body {
-ms-touch-action: manipulation;
touch-action: manipulation;}
but it didnt work!
I got the same issue. On touch devices, if you want to detect a double-tap gesture and you use the ondblclick event in most cases it will not work and also the problem is it will also fire an onclick. One of the solution is to implement a double tap detection pattern using the following code sample:
var doubletapDeltaTime_ = 700;
var doubletap1Function_ = null;
var doubletap2Function_ = null;
var doubletapTimer = null;
function tap(singleTapFunc, doubleTapFunc) {
if (doubletapTimer==null) {
// First tap, we wait X ms to the second tap
doubletapTimer_ = setTimeout(doubletapTimeout_, doubletapDeltaTime_);
doubletap1Function_ = singleTapFunc;
doubletap2Function_ = doubleTapFunc;
} else {
// Second tap
doubletapTimer_ = null;
function doubletapTimeout() {
// Wait for second tap timeout
doubleTapTimer_ = null;
And you can call it like
<div id="divID" onclick="tap(tapOnce, tapTwice)" >
tapOnce and tapTwice are your functions which will be called in respective cases. This solution will work on browsers too.
Here is the external function 'doubletap' which can be helpful:
* jQuery Double Tap
* Developer: Sergey Margaritov (
* Date: 22.10.2013
* Based on jquery documentation
$.event.special.doubletap = {
bindType: 'touchend',
delegateType: 'touchend',
handle: function(event) {
var handleObj = event.handleObj,
targetData =,
now = new Date().getTime(),
delta = targetData.lastTouch ? now - targetData.lastTouch : 0,
delay = delay == null ? 300 : delay;
if (delta < delay && delta > 30) {
targetData.lastTouch = null;
event.type = handleObj.origType;
['clientX', 'clientY', 'pageX', 'pageY'].forEach(function(property) {
event[property] = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0][property];
// let jQuery handle the triggering of "doubletap" event handlers
handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
targetData.lastTouch = now;
Load jQuery Mobile into your project and try using taphold or some of the other mobile specific touch events that are available to you through that API.
Here's the jQuery Mobile documentation with all the events you can use:
Here is the snippet for TS React users. Pass in the click event, so that double click is only invoked if the same element is clicked twice
import React from "react";
type CallBack = () => any;
type TapParams = { onSingleTap?: CallBack; onDoubleTap?: CallBack };
var timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
var target: EventTarget;
export function tap(
e: React.MouseEvent,
{ onSingleTap, onDoubleTap }: TapParams
) {
if (timer == null) {
// First tap
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
} else {
// Second tap
if ( === target) {
timer = null;
target =;
onClick={(e) => tap(e, { onSingleTap, onDoubleTap })}
>Tap or doubletap</div>
Using only JavaScript
You can use "touchstart" event for a single touch,
but with calculating the time when he should click again
I used 400 (0.4s) as it's the longer duration between two touches
It's only an estimate, but it's still a reasonable time
let expired
let doubleClick = function () {
console.log('double click')
let doubleTouch = function (e) {
if (e.touches.length === 1) {
if (!expired) {
expired = e.timeStamp + 400
} else if (e.timeStamp <= expired) {
// remove the default of this event ( Zoom )
// then reset the variable for other "double Touches" event
expired = null
} else {
// if the second touch was expired, make it as it's the first
expired = e.timeStamp + 400
let element = document.getElementById('btn')
element.addEventListener('touchstart', doubleTouch)
element.addEventListener('dblclick', doubleClick)
In case of this error :
Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive.
event.preventDefault( ) not working if element = "document" or "document.body"
So the solution of that, you should have a full page div container :
let element = document.getElementById('container') = '100vw' = '100vh' = '0px'
element.addEventListener('touchstart', elementTouch)
element.addEventListener('dblclick', doubleClick)

Continuous/Infinite scrolling

I have looked for a plugin/script that continues to scroll a website from the start when the bottom is reached, like a continuous loop.
Examples: and
I have tried reversed engineering but have not gotten to a conclusion.
Can anyone lead me in the right direction what to look for to find a plugin like this?
I only tend to find scripts that are continuously expanding the page/adding content on scroll-down.
It is just a if statement that tells the document if at x amount of pixels go to top y.
The code from:
var mov = 0;
function handle(delta) {
/*Scroll Action*/
if (delta < 0){
Plus the moverUp/moverDown functions which make the scrolling seamless:
/*Scroll Top*/
function moverUp(){
$('.layout').css( "top", mov+=30 );
/*Scroll Down*/
function moverDown(){
$('.layout').css( "top", mov-=30 );
/*Function Scroll*/
function wheel(event){
var delta = 0;
if (!event) event = window.event;
if (event.wheelDelta) {
delta = event.wheelDelta/120;
if (window.opera) delta = -delta;
} else if (event.detail) {
delta = -event.detail/3;
if (delta)
if (event.preventDefault)
event.returnValue = false;
Hope that helps.
Try using this script:
This is what you want to achieve written in JS using JQuery framework.

Adding listener for position on screen

I'd like to set something up on my site where when you scroll within 15% of the bottom of the page an element flyouts from the side... I'm not sure how to get started here... should I add a listener for a scroll function or something?
I'm trying to recreate the effect at the bottom of this page:
I have this code....
console.log(document.body.scrollTop); //shows 0
console.log(document.body.scrollHeight * 0.85); //shows 1038.7
if (document.body.scrollTop > document.body.scrollHeight * 0.85) {
right: '0'
function() {
the console.log() values aren't changing when I scroll to the bottom of the page. The page is twice as long as my viewport.
[Working Demo]
$(document).ready(function () {
var ROOT = (function () {
var html = document.documentElement;
var htmlScrollTop = html.scrollTop++;
var root = html.scrollTop == htmlScrollTop + 1 ? html : document.body;
html.scrollTop = htmlScrollTop;
return root;
// may be recalculated on resize
var limit = (document.body.scrollHeight - $(window).height()) * 0.85;
var visible = false;
var last = +new Date;
$(window).scroll(function () {
if (+new Date - last > 30) { // more than 30 ms elapsed
if (visible && ROOT.scrollTop < limit) {
setTimeout(function () { hide(); visible = false; }, 1);
} else if (!visible && ROOT.scrollTop > limit) {
setTimeout(function () { show(); visible = true; }, 1);
last = +new Date;
I know this is an old topic, but the above code that received the check mark was also triggering the $(window).scroll() event listener too many times.
I guess twitter had this same issue at one point. John Resig blogged about it here:
var ROOT = (function () {
var html = document.documentElement;
var htmlScrollTop = html.scrollTop++;
var root = html.scrollTop == htmlScrollTop + 1 ? html : document.body;
html.scrollTop = htmlScrollTop;
return root;
// may be recalculated on resize
var limit = (document.body.scrollHeight - $(window).height()) * 0.85;
var visible = false;
var last = +new Date;
var didScroll = false;
didScroll = true;
didScroll = false;
if (visible && ROOT.scrollTop < limit) {
visible = false;
} else if (!visible && ROOT.scrollTop > limit) {
visible = true;
}, 30);
function hideCredit(){
console.log('The hideCredit function has been called.');
function showCredit(){
console.log('The showCredit function has been called.');
So the difference between the two blocks of code is when and how the timer is called. In this code the timer is called off the bat. So every 30 millaseconds, it checks to see if the page has been scrolled. if it's been scrolled, then it checks to see if we've passed the point on the page where we want to show the hidden content. Then, if that checks true, the actual function then gets called to show the content. (In my case I've just got a console.log print out in there right now.
This seems to be better to me than the other solution because the final function only gets called once per iteration. With the other solution, the final function was being called between 4 and 5 times. That's got to be saving resources. But maybe I'm missing something.
bad idea to capture the scroll event, best to use a timer and every few milliseconds check the scroll position and if in the range you need then execute the necessary code for what you need
Update: in the past few years the best practice is to subscribe to the event and use a throttle avoiding excessive processing
Something like this should work:
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (document.body.scrollTop > document.body.scrollHeight * 0.85) {
// flyout
document.body.scrollTop may not work equally well on all browsers (it actually depends on browser and doctype); so we need to abstract that in a function.
Also, we need to flyout only one time. So we can unbind the event handler after having flyed out.
And we don't want the flyout effect to slow down scrolling, so we will run our flytout function out of the event loop (by using setTimeout()).
Here is the final code:
// we bind the scroll event, with the 'flyout' namespace
// so we can unbind easily
$(window).bind('scroll.flyout', (function() {
// this function is defined only once
// it is private to our event handler
function getScrollTop() {
// if one of these values evaluates to false, this picks the other
return (document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop);
// this is the actual event handler
// it has the getScrollTop() in its scope
return function() {
if (getScrollTop() > (document.body.scrollHeight-$(window).height()) * 0.85) {
// flyout
// out of the event loop
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
// unbind the event handler
// so that it's not call anymore
So in the end, only getScrollTop() > document.body.scrollHeight * 0.85 is executed at each scroll event, which is acceptable.
The flyout effect is ran only one time, and after the event has returned, so it won't affect scrolling.

Event when user stops scrolling

I'd like to do some fancy jQuery stuff when the user scrolls the page. But I have no idea how to tackle this problem, since there is only the scroll() method.
Any ideas?
You can make the scroll() have a time-out that gets overwritten each times the user scrolls. That way, when he stops after a certain amount of milliseconds your script is run, but if he scrolls in the meantime the counter will start over again and the script will wait until he is done scrolling again.
Because this question got some action again I figured I might as well update it with a jQuery extension that adds a scrollEnd event
// extension:
$.fn.scrollEnd = function(callback, timeout) {
$(this).on('scroll', function(){
var $this = $(this);
if ($'scrollTimeout')) {
$'scrollTimeout', setTimeout(callback,timeout));
// how to call it (with a 1000ms timeout):
alert('stopped scrolling');
}, 1000);
<script src="" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div style="height: 200vh">
Long div
Here is a simple example using setTimeout to fire a function when the user stops scrolling:
(function() {
var timer;
$(window).bind('scroll',function () {
timer = setTimeout( refresh , 150 );
var refresh = function () {
// do stuff
console.log('Stopped Scrolling');
The timer is cleared while the scroll event is firing. Once scrolling stops, the refresh function is fired.
Or as a plugin:
$.fn.afterwards = function (event, callback, timeout) {
var self = $(this), delay = timeout || 16;
self.each(function () {
var $t = $(this);
$t.on(event, function(){
if ($'-timeout')) {
$ + '-timeout', setTimeout(function () { callback.apply($t); },delay));
return this;
To fire callback after 100ms of the last scroll event on a div (with namespace):
$('div.mydiv').afterwards('scroll.mynamespace', function(e) {
// do stuff when stops scrolling
}, 100
I use this for scroll and resize.
Here is another more generic solution based on the same ideas mentioned:
var delayedExec = function(after, fn) {
var timer;
return function() {
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(fn, after);
var scrollStopper = delayedExec(500, function() {
console.log('stopped it');
document.getElementById('box').addEventListener('scroll', scrollStopper);
I had the need to implement onScrollEnd event discussed hear as well.
The idea of using timer works for me.
I implement this using JavaScript Module Pattern:
var WindowCustomEventsModule = (function(){
var _scrollEndTimeout = 30;
var _delayedExec = function(callback){
var timer;
return function(){
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(callback, _scrollEndTimeout);
var onScrollEnd = function(callback) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', _delayedExec(callback), false);
return {
onScrollEnd: onScrollEnd
// usage example
// do stuff
Hope this will help / inspire someone
Why so complicated? As the documentation points out, this works!
$('.frame').scroll(function() {
Note: The scroll event on Windows Chrome is differently to all others. You need to scroll fast to get the same as result as in e.g. FF. Look at the "X" function.
Some findings from my how many ms a scroll event test:
Safari, Mac FF, Mac Chrome: ~16ms an event.
Windows FF: ~19ms an event.
Windows Chrome: up to ~130ms an event, when scrolling slow.
Internet Explorer: up to ~110ms an event.
There is no such event as 'scrollEnd'. I recommend that you check the value returned by scroll() every once in a while (say, 200ms) using setInterval, and record the delta between the current and the previous value. If the delta becomes zero, you can use it as your event.
There are scrollstart and scrollstop functions that are part of jquery mobile.
Example using scrollstop:
alert("Stopped scrolling!");
Hope this helps someone.
The scrollEnd event is coming. It's currently experimental and is only supported by Firefox. See the Mozilla documentation here -
Once it's supported by more browsers, you can use it like this...
document.onscrollend = (event) => {
console.log('Document scrollend event fired!');
I pulled some code out of a quick piece I cobbled together that does this as an example (note that scroll.chain is an object containing two arrays start and end that are containers for the callback functions). Also note that I am using jQuery and underscore here.
$('body').on('scroll', scrollCall);
scrollBind('end', callbackFunction);
scrollBind('start', callbackFunction);
var scrollCall = function(e) {
if (scroll.last === false || ( - scroll.last) <= 500) {
scroll.last =;
if (scroll.timeout !== false) {
} else {
_(scroll.chain.start).each(function(f){, {type: 'start'}, e.event);
scroll.timeout = window.setTimeout(self.scrollCall, 550, {callback: true, event: e});
if (e.callback !== undefined) {
_(scroll.chain.end).each(function(f){, {type: 'end'}, e.event);
scroll.last = false;
scroll.timeout = false;
var scrollBind = function(type, func) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
if (_(scroll.chain).has(type)) {
if (_(scroll.chain[type]).indexOf(func) === -1) {
return true;
return false;
return false;

