How to stop jQuery converting html entities into valid HTML? - javascript

Weeding out a few issues with my site when I found this curious issue.
<img src=".." width="1200" height="1200" alt="<script>alert("foo");</script>" />
The CMS appears to have done it's jobs and converted <script>alert('foo')</script> into what you see above. I display the caption with the following code.
site.caption = {
container : $('#caption'),
set : function(str) {
if (str && str.length) {
this.container.html('<span>'+str+'</span>').show(); console.log(str);
} else {
The function is called like this.
When this line runs an alert box pop's up with the text 'foo'. When I do the following in the site.caption.set function it shows the valid html.
I am using jQuery 1.8.3. Does anyone know why this is happening? How do I show the text <script>alert('foo')</script> without it being run?

jQuery isn't converting it, the browser is when it parses the HTML.
If you want to treat a string as text instead of HTML, then use jQuery('foo').text(value) instead of jQuery('foo').html(value).

Never concatenate HTML strings. Let jQuery do it for you. Get into this habit and you won't run into this problem.


Write <script> or other tags as text in html [duplicate]

I want HTML, for example, <p>, to show show as just that, in plain text, and not interpreted by the browser as an actual tag.
I know JQuery has .html and .text, but how is this done in raw JS?
There are functions like encodeURIComponent that encodes <p> to %3Cp%3E but if I just put that into HTML, it interprets it literally as %3Cp%3E.
So there are also things like > and <, they work but I can't find any JavaScript functions that escapes & unescapes from this.
Is there a correct way to show HTML as text with raw JavaScript?
There's no need to escape the characters. Simply use createTextNode:
var text = document.createTextNode('<p>Stuff</p>');
See a working example here:
This is exactly how jQuery does it (line 43 of jQuery 1.5.2):
return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) );
The function used by Prototype looks like a good start:
function escapeHTML() {
return this.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>');
Version more suited to use outside Prototype:
function escapeHTML(html) {
return html.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>');
You can use aslo innerText from most of DOM elements:
document.getElementById('some').innerText = "There can be <b> even HTML tags </b>";
The tags will not be formatted. You can aslo use \n for new line and more codes (\t, \u2623...). If you want aslo to use fixed-size characters you can use easy <pre> tag.
This is a job for the method createTextNode
var target div = document.getElementById('div1');
i suggest to use pre tag of html
and you can convert your using this link
e.g if you copy
<p>Hi </p>
it will give you converted code as...
<p>Hi </p>
Just copy and paste above code in pre and it will work fine...

Inserting HTML character entities with JQuery

I'm trying to create a tool that allows me to insert different Spanish characters into a text box such as the inverted question mark. I've currently got the following, but this returns:
function (e){var n,r,i,o=this[0];{if(arguments.length)return i=x.isFunction(e),this.each(function(n){var o;1===this.nodeType&&(o=i?,n,x(this).val()):e,null==o?o="":"number"==typeof o?o+="":x.isArray(o)&&(,function(e){return null==e?"":e+""})),r=x.valHooks[this.type]||x.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()],r&&"set"in r&&r.set(this,o,"value")!==t||(this.value=o))});if(o)return r=x.valHooks[o.type]||x.valHooks[o.nodeName.toLowerCase()],r&&"get"in r&&(n=r.get(o,"value"))!==t?n:(n=o.value,"string"==typeof n?n.replace(V,""):null==n?"":n)}}¿
<div class="container">
<textarea id="text"></textarea>
<div id="one">¿</div>
$('document').ready(function() {
$('#one').click(function() {
$('#text').val($('#text').val + '¿');
Any ideas on why I'm receiving this output? Also do HTML entities work within textboxes, if not how would I do so? No errors appear in the console.
$("#text").val is a function, which you are supposed to call.
That said, jQuery is massive overkill for such a trivial task:
document.getElementById('one').onclick = function() {
document.getElementById('text').value += "\u00bf";
Note that \u00bf is the appropriate JavaScript escape sequence for ¿ - bf being 191 in hexadecimal.
EDIT: Alternatively, just hold Alt and type 0191 on your keypad. This will produce ¿ directly where you are typing, instead of at the end of the input which is what your JS does.
Try this one. Worked in your fiddle.
$(function() {
$('#one').on('click', function() {
$('#text').val($('#text').val() + "¿");
Update: I posted spanish sign of question instead of its ASCII, changed $(document).ready to a shorter way $(function(), and added brackets after val().

Add code examples on your page with Javascript

I have a html code inside string
string_eng += '<b>Year Bonus</b> - bonus for each year</br></br>';
And I want to put this inside textarea, but when I do it, the result is:
- bonus for each year
It simply deletes all things inside the html tags. I just want to show all the code inside the string. I already tried <xmp>,<pre>, but none of them worked.
Thanks for any help.
Code with which I input data from the array to the textarea/code.
$('body').append('<code class="code_text"></code>');
for(var i=0; i<tag_list.length; i++){
var string='';
string+='tag: '+tag_list[i][0]+'\n';
string+='nazwa_pl '+tag_list[i][1]+'\n';
string+='nazwa_eng '+tag_list[i][2]+'\n';
string+='tekst_pl '+tag_list[i][3]+'\n';
string+='tekst_eng '+tag_list[i][4]+'\n';
I tried this using jsfiddle:
<textarea id="code"></textarea>
$(document).ready(function() {
var string_eng = '';
string_eng += '<b>Year Bonus</b> - bonus for each year</br></br>';
Output (contained in textarea)
<b>Year Bonus</b> - bonus for each year</br></br>
Try it here:
It does not omit values held within tags, however if you were expecting the <b></b> tags to render as bold within the textarea, or the <br /> tags to render as line breaks, this wont happen either. textarea does not support formatting.
See this question for more information: HTML : How to retain formatting in textarea?
It's because you're using the jQuery .append method which seems to parse the string and insert it afterwards. I don't know jQuery at all, so there might be another special jQuery method, but here is a simple fix:
I just read and tried the answer of Salman A. The "special jQuery method" exists and he used it. You can use this:

removing html tags from string

I am trying to remove the HTML tags from a string. Right now I am able to remove the complete HTML tags like for example <div class="test">dadsasdsad</div> gives me the output dadsasdsad.
But I'm unable to remove partial tags like class="test">dadsasdsad</div> or testing<div class=
The regular expression that Ive used is
strippedText[i] = fragments[i]
.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '')
.replace(replaceAT, '<span style=font-weight:800>')
.replace(replaceET, '</span>');
Here fragments[i] contains the input <div class="test">dadsasdsad</div>;
strippedText[i] = fragments[i]
// full tags
.replace(/<[^>]+>/gm, '')
// partial tags
.replace(/^[^>]+>/gm, '')
.replace(/<[^>]+$/gm, '');
Note that ^ has different meanings: "not" within brackets, "start" outside brackets.
/gm should not be necessary for partial tags, but I left them as I don't know your context and how you're getting partial tags.
my simple JavaScript library has a function called "strip_tags()" which does the long work for you.
Just say that you have a sentence loaded with HTML formatting tags, and you want to remove them, simply do it like this:
strip_tags("<p>This <em>sentence</em> contains <strong>a lot</strong> of tags!</p>");
This will output "This sentence contains a lot of tags!" (tested on the documentation website).
To read more about this function, please read the documentation at and if possible, leave feedback through the Feedback Form on the website.
Hope this helps you and anyone else with the same problem! :)
Using javascript you can do this:
function removeHTMLTags(htmlString) {
if(!htmlString) { return; }
var mydiv = document.createElement("div");
mydiv.innerHTML = htmlString;
return mydiv.textContent || mydiv.innerText || '';

Replace a empty space with " " using Jquery

I am looking around on the web but I am not finding anything useful. :(
I am having a problem that I don't understand. I am sure that I am doing something wrong, but I don't know well the syntax of jQuery to understand what is that I am not doing right.
I am using animations with JS and CSS 3, and I am having troubles with empty spaces between the words, and to solve this problems I have to find a way to substitute chars inside a string of text with something else. Like an empty space with a , or as a test that I was trying to do a "n" with a "xxxxx".
What I think that I am doing is:
when the page is loaded
Modify the string of any paragraph with the class .fancy-title that contains "n" with a text "xxxxx"
for(i=0; i< myLength+1; i++){
var charCheck = $(".fancy-title").text()[i];
if(charCheck == "n"){
charCheck.replace("n", "xxxxxxxx");
But I receive an error that it said:
charCheck.replace("n", "xxxxxxxx"); it is not a function
I am using jquery
and other scripts that are based on jquery to make animations, rotation and scaling... and they are all in the HEAD with jquery first to load.
What am I doing wrong? Manipulation in jQuery does it need a specific .js extension? I understood that was in the basic capability of jQuery, and looking at other examples all creates me the same kind of error.
I even tried
if(charCheck == "n"){
$(".fancy-title").text()[i] == " "
But simply the modification it is not applied on the page. I tried with innerHTML as well :(
I feel so incompetent...
Thank you in advance for any help.
var text = $(this).html();
$(this).html(text.replace(/ /g, " "));
You have no problem with the replace part :).
$(".fancy-title").each(function () { //for all the elements with class 'fancy-title'
var s=$(this).text(); //get text
$(this).text(s.replace(/n/g, 'xxxxxxxx')); //set text to the replaced version
Just a quick example, hope it works.
Have you tried the css style white-space:pre instead of replacing ' ' with ' '?
It seems you are trying to replace a single character with a new string.
You might be able to get the right result by dropping the iteration and simply call .replace on the jQuery-object.

