How do I empty global arrays used in a pop up slideshow? - javascript

I've created a program where you can choose a set of images by checking checkboxes. The image URL's and the alt-texts are stored in two arrays. When clicking av button on the HTML-page you open a new window that calls on the arrays with window.opener.
When closing the new window I would like to empty the arrays. Otherwise the pictures chosen in the first round are displayed in the slideshow when opening it the second time. I understand you can empty arrays by this method: array.length= 0;
But where do I add the code? I'm quite lost. I'm pasting the code, perhaps someone can give me a hand.
var imgUrlList = [], imgTextList = [], //These arrays need to be emptied
windVar = null;
function init() {
var tags, i, openWindow;
tags = document.getElementsByClassName("unmarkedImg");
openWindow = document.getElementById("slideShowBtn");
openWindow.onclick = savePicsForSlideshow;
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tags[i].parentNode.onmouseover = showLargePict;
tags[i].parentNode.onmouseout = hideLargePict;
window.onload = init;
function showLargePict() {
var largePictTagDiv = this.getElementsByClassName("innerBox")[0];
var largePictTagParentDiv = largePictTagDiv.parentNode;
var imgTag = largePictTagParentDiv.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
var checkBoxlargePict = largePictTagDiv.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if (checkBoxlargePict.checked)
imgTag.className = "markedImg";
else imgTag.className = "unmarkedImg"; = "visible";
} // End showLargePict
function hideLargePict() {
var largePictTag;
largePictTag = this.getElementsByClassName("innerBox")[0]; = "hidden";
function savePicsForSlideshow() {
var innerBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("innerBox");
for (i = 0; i < innerBoxes.length; i++) {
checkBoxlargePict = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if (checkBoxlargePict.checked) {
var imgTagSrc = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src;
var spanTagText = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML;
if (imgTextList.length > 0) {
newWindow(500, 600, "slideshow.htm");
function newWindow(width, height, filename) {
var windowProperties;
windowProperties = "top=100,left=100,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=" + width + ",height=" + height;
if (windVar != null) if (windVar.closed == false) windVar.close();
windVar =, "", windowProperties);
Please excuse my programming and English grammar shortcomings. I'm new to javascript.
//Henrik, Göteborg, Sweden.

At the beginning of the savePicsForSlideshow function, empty out each array.
imgUrlList.length = 0;
imgTextList.length = 0;

You can check if thw window is close with the property closed of the object window
array.length = 0;


Hide/Show div p5.js

I am using the p5.js library, and I am working on a speech recognition - text to speech project. Kind of a chatbot.
Input is voice input which becomes a string.
I am outputting the result from a txt file, using a markov chain. Output is a string contained in a div.
My question is:
Is there a way to hide/show the div containing my input/output (.myMessage and .robotMessage) in intervals?
I want the whole screen first showing only the input when I am talking, then input disappears and only output showing, then when the computer voice finishes speaking my input is shown in the screen and so on...
Here some parts of the code, let me know if it is clear enough.
function setup() {
//reads and checks into the text file
for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
var txt = names[j];
for (var i = 0; i <= txt.length - order; i++) {
var gram = txt.substring(i, i + order);
if (i == 0) {
if (!ngrams[gram]) {
ngrams[gram] = [];
ngrams[gram].push(txt.charAt(i + order));
//voice recognition
let lang = 'en-US';
let speechRec = new p5.SpeechRec(lang, gotSpeech);
let continuous = true;
let interim = false;
speechRec.start(continuous, interim);
speech = new p5.Speech();
speech.onLoad = voiceReady;
function voiceReady() {
console.log('voice ready');
function gotSpeech() {
if (speechRec.resultValue) {
var p = createP(speechRec.resultString);
function markovIt() {
var currentGram = random(beginnings);
var result = currentGram;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var possibilities = ngrams[currentGram];
if (!possibilities) {
var next = random(possibilities);
result += next;
var len = result.length;
currentGram = result.substring(len - order, len);
var answer = result;
window.answer = answer;
var p2 = createP(answer);
how the HTML looks
<div class="container">
<div class="myMessage"></div>
<div class="robotMessage"></div>
Use select() to get a document element by its id, class, or tag name. e.g:
let my_div = select("myMessage");
Change the style of an element by style().
e.g hide:"display", "none");
e.g. show:"display", "block");
See also Toggle Hide and Show

Updating value in for loop / Reseting a for loop?

I'm working on my first school project so I don't have much experience in doing such web applications, that's why I decided to ask here.
How can I update the value in the for loop syntax or reset it entirely, so it iterates again, like I just reloaded it? I have another function that I decided not to show, simply because it would be useless to. What it does in the end is increments the taskCount.length by one. This part technically works but problem is, the function I'm going to show you now, once iterated, will always keep the default taskCount.length value, once the page is loaded, it never changes there. Is there any way I can update it?
Here's an example: The function above makes taskCount.length = '5' but when the page started it was taskCount.length = 4, and when I do alert(taskCount.length) from the console, I get 5. But the for loop doesn't want to change.
for (var i = 0; i < taskCount.length; i++) {
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[i].addEventListener('click', ((j) => {
return function() {
var shadow = document.createElement('div');
// Styling
var changingWindow = document.createElement('div');
// Styling
var changingTitle = document.createElement('p');
// Styling
var changingText = document.createElement('p');
// Styling
var changingTitleNode = document.createTextNode('Промяна');
var changingTextNode = document.createTextNode('Моля, изберете действие.');
var deleteTask = document.createElement('button');
var goUp = document.createElement('button');
var goDown = document.createElement('button');
var unchange = document.createElement('button');
// Styling
var deleteElementNode = document.createTextNode('Премахни задачата');
var goUpNode = document.createTextNode('Премести нагоре');
var goDownNode = document.createTextNode('Премести надолу');
var unchangeNode = document.createTextNode('Отказ');
var justBreak = document.createElement('br');
var justBreakAgain = document.createElement('br');
var justBreakOneMoreTime = document.createElement('br');
deleteTask.onclick = function() {
localStorage.setItem("listContent", document.getElementById('list').innerHTML);
goUp.onclick = function() {
if (j !== 0) {
var saveThisTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML;
var savePreviousTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j - 1].innerHTML;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML = savePreviousTaskValue;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j - 1].innerHTML = saveThisTaskValue;
localStorage.setItem("listContent", document.getElementById('list').innerHTML);
goDown.onclick = function() {
if (j !== document.getElementsByClassName('task').length - 1) {
var saveThisTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML;
var saveNextTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j + 1].innerHTML;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML = saveNextTaskValue;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j + 1].innerHTML = saveThisTaskValue;
localStorage.setItem("listContent", document.getElementById('list').innerHTML);
unchange.onclick = function() {
As a matter of the page reloading, you can always save the value as a cookie and reuse it again and again. You can update it whenever you want.
I don't fully understand you question, but maybe some recursion is what you need. Something along the lines of:
function loop(xTimes) {
for (var i = 0; i < xTimes; i++) {
if (newXTimes !== xTimes) {
Maybe set newxTimes as a global variable that can be accessed inside loop.
In case someone "from the future" reads this question and it doesn't have any answers, I came up with the solution to reload the page everytime you change the value. Still, I'd like to do it without reloading.

Is there possible to add a moreLink to display all events in a popup regardless the space available in the dayCell?

I am trying to add a moreLink in full calendar on each day i have events and in the more link i want to force displaying all the events on that day!
this is the solutin i choose because the title of the events are very long and do not fit in a tablet or phone screen!
so far i am unsuccesfull on the days i have one single event because the function computeRowLevelLimit returns false!
i am open to any crazy idea that helps me but keep in mind that i am a java dev with minimal kowledge of js and add some extra info if possible
since i was under presure i took the matter in my own hands so here is the resolve
here i added the last else in order to be able to execute 2 methods when levelLimit is false
limitRows: function (levelLimit) {
var rowStructs = this.eventRenderer.rowStructs || [];
var row; // row #
var rowLevelLimit;
for (row = 0; row < rowStructs.length; row++) {
if (!levelLimit) {
rowLevelLimit = false;
else if (typeof levelLimit === 'number') {
rowLevelLimit = levelLimit;
else {
rowLevelLimit = this.computeRowLevelLimit(row);
if (rowLevelLimit !== false) {
this.limitRow(row, rowLevelLimit);
} else {
The added metod are:
- one for clearing the existing links
- second for adding new links - remember this is for days with only one event
the methods are the following:
unlimitRow2: function (row) {
var rowStruct = this.eventRenderer.rowStructs[row];
var cellMatrix;
var oneDayCell;
cellMatrix = rowStruct.cellMatrix;
var _this = this;
for (i = 0; i < cellMatrix.length; i++) {
// console.log("celmatrix ", cellMatrix[i]);
oneDayCell = cellMatrix[i];
console.log("outati", oneDayCell)
if (oneDayCell.moreEls) {
oneDayCell.moreEls = null;
if (oneDayCell.limitedEls) {
oneDayCell.limitedEls = null;
addMoreLink: function (row) {
// console.log("inside addMoreMethod", row);
var rowStruct = this.eventRenderer.rowStructs[row];
var cellMatrix;
var oneDayCell;
var coloana;
var nrCol;
var td, moreWrap, moreLink;
var moreNodes = [];
var segsBelow;
// console.log ("structura randului", rowStruct);
cellMatrix = rowStruct.cellMatrix;
var _this = this;
for (i = 0; i < cellMatrix.length; i++) {
// console.log("celmatrix ", cellMatrix[i]);
oneDayCell = cellMatrix[i];
for (j = 0; j < oneDayCell.length; j++) {
coloana = oneDayCell[j];
nrCol = j;
segsBelow = _this.getCellSegs(row, nrCol);
moreLink = _this.renderMoreLink(row, nrCol, segsBelow);
moreWrap = $('<div/>').append(moreLink);
// rowStruct.limitedEls = $(limitedNodes);
rowStruct.moreEls = $(moreNodes); // for easy undoing later
and for the rest i manipulated a litle bit limitRow: function (row, levelLimit)
also i had to hide the text and i choose a nasty method, not proud of it but ...
in getMoreLinkText(num) i added a last else if
else if (num === 0 ){
return '';

sharepoint javascript on click shape

I need to add an onclick event to shapes from Visio in SharePoint, with JavaScript, like the vwaControl handler shapeselectionchanged but on click, is there any way I could do that?
I'm sorry about my English is not my native language.
I hope you can understand me.
I just did something similar.
You can use the shapeSelectionChangedHandler to handle clicks to. As far as I know there is no onClick functionality, but shapeSelectionChangedHandler works fine for me.
Programming with Visio in SharePoint, create new Outlook meeting in ?Javascript?
See: for guide to set it up with Content WebPart and so on.
Code I use, just add what you want in shapeSelectionChangedHandler = function(source, args) {}
<script language="javascript">
var app = Sys.Application;
// hold an instance of the Visio VWA control
var vwaControl;
var shapeSelectionChangedHandler = null;
function onApplicationLoad()
vwaControl= new Vwa.VwaControl("WebPartWPQ4");
vwaControl.addHandler("diagramcomplete", onDiagramComplete);
vwaControl.addHandler("shapeselectionchanged", shapeSelectionChangedHandler);
function onDiagramComplete()
var vwaPage = vwaControl.getActivePage();
vwaPage.setZoom(35); // force the initial zoom level
shapeSelectionChangedHandler = function(source, args)
// get the selected shape from the shapes on the page
var vwaPage = vwaControl.getActivePage();
var vwaShapes = vwaPage.getShapes();
var shape = vwaShapes.getItemById(args);
// get the data to display for the selected shape
var data = shape.getShapeData();
var strRoomName = "";
var strFloorNumber = "";
var strCapacity = "";
var strStatus = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++)
if (data[j].label == "RoomName")
strRoomName = data[j].value;
if (data[j].label == "FloorNumber")
strFloorNumber = data[j].value;
if (data[j].label == "Capacity")
strCapacity = data[j].value;
if (data[j].label == "RoomStatus")
strStatus = data[j].value;
// get the selected state input and set its value
var inputRoomName = document.getElementById('strRoomName');
inputRoomName.value = strRoomName;
var inputFloorNumber = document.getElementById('strFloorNumber');
inputFloorNumber.value = strFloorNumber;
var inputCapacity = document.getElementById('strCapacity');
inputCapacity.value = strCapacity;
var inputStatus = document.getElementById('strStatus');
inputStatus.value = strStatus;

Why can't i access the x variable of the bitmap? (javascript)

I'm trying to loop through 3 images in my array and add it to the stage (using easelJS). I want to position it as well. When I try to access the images in the array i get an error saying that the I can't set x of undefined. Why can't the x variable of the easeljs Bitmap be accessed?
function displayPosters() {
getPosters(); //get all images and assign it to designated array
if(currentCat == Category.HOME) { //if current category is HOME
for(var i = 0; i < frontPosters.length; i++) { //loop through posters
frontPosters[i].x = 40; //set x position for testing, also where error occurs
stage.addChild(frontPosters[i]); //add poster to stage
here is the code for loading and pushing those images into the frontPosters arrray.
var frontPosters = new Array(3);
function getPosters() {
var games = new Image(); //create 3 images
var apps = new Image();
var aboutme = new Image();
games.onload = function() { //add image to frontImages array on load
var gamesPost = new createjs.Bitmap(games);
frontPosters[0] = gamesPost;
apps.onload = function() {
var appPost = new createjs.Bitmap(apps);
frontPosters[1] = appPost;
aboutme.onload = function() {
var amPost = new createjs.Bitmap(aboutme);
frontPosters[2] = amPost;
games.src = "images/assets/posters/games_poster.jpg";
apps.src = "images/assets/posters/apps_poster.jpg";
aboutme.src = "images/assets/posters/aboutme_poster.jpg";
Using for(poster in frontPosters) is bad practice, because you're actually iterating over the Array Object and not the values (a.k.a. the Array itself). Use for(var i=0; i<frontPosters.length; i++) instead. It's the easiest solution, IMO.
for(var i = 0; i < frontPosters.length; i++) { //loop through posters
frontPosters[i].x = 40; //set x position for testing, also where error occurs
stage.addChild(frontPosters[i]); //add poster to stage
I think you are dealing with a race-condition. You are going over your array before all images were loaded. By setting var frontPosters = new Array(3); you automatically set three values to undefined which are pushed into the new array.
You should check that all images were loaded before proceeding with the script.
Here's an idea for you. Set a callback that will run only after the third image was loaded.
var frontPosters = new Array(3);
function getPosters(callback) {
var games = new Image(),
apps = new Image(),
aboutme = new Image(),
loaded = 0;
games.onload = function() {
frontPosters[0] = new createjs.Bitmap(this);
if (++loaded === 3) callback();
apps.onload = function() {
frontPosters[1] = new createjs.Bitmap(this);
if (++loaded === 3) callback();
aboutme.onload = function() {
frontPosters[2] = new createjs.Bitmap(this);
if (++loaded === 3) callback();
games.src = "images/assets/posters/games_poster.jpg";
apps.src = "images/assets/posters/apps_poster.jpg";
aboutme.src = "images/assets/posters/aboutme_poster.jpg";
function displayPosters() {
getPosters(function() {
if(currentCat == Category.HOME) { //if current category is HOME
for(var i = 0; i < frontPosters.length; i++) { //loop through posters
frontPosters[i].x = 40; //set x position for testing, also where error occurs
stage.addChild(frontPosters[i]); //add poster to stage
}); //get all images and assign it to designated array, only after all images were loaded

