I feel like it should be obvious doing this from reading the documentation, but maybe somebody can save me some time. We are using Ruby's CookieStore, and we want to share the cookie with another server that is part of our website which is using WCF. We're already b64-decoding the cookie and we are able to validate the signature (by means of sharing the secret token), all of that is great... but of course the session object is marshalled as a Ruby object, and it's not clear what is the best way to proceed. We could probably have the WCF application make a call to Ruby and have it unmarshal the object and write it out as JSON, but that seems like it will add an unnecessary layer of complexity to the WCF server.
What I'd really like to do is maybe subclass CookieStore, so that instead of just b64 encoding the session object, it writes the object to JSON and then b64's it. (And does the reverse on the way back in, of course) That way, the session token is completely portable, I don't have to worry about Ruby version mismatches, etc. But I'm having trouble figuring out where to do that. I thought it would be obvious if I pulled up the source for cookie_store.rb, but it's not (at least not to me). Anybody want to point me in the right direction?
(Anticipating a related objection: Why the hell do we have two separate servers that need to be so intimately coordinated that they share the session cookie? The short answer: Deadlines.)
Update: So from reading the code, I found that when the MessageVerifier class gets initialized, it looks to see if there is an option for :serializer, and if not it uses Marshal by default. There is already a class called JSON that fulfills the same contract, so if I could just pass that in, I'd be golden.
Unfortunately, the initialize function for CookieStore very specifically only grabs the :digest option to pass along as the options to MessageVerifier. I don't see an easy way around this... If I could get it to just pass along that :serializer option to the verifier_for call, then achieving what I want would literally be as simple as adding :serializer => JSON to my session_store.rb.
Update 2: A co-worker found this, which appears to be exactly what I want. I haven't gotten it to work yet, though... getting a (bah-dump) stack overflow. Will update once again if I find anything worthy of note, but I think that link solves my problem.
I'm working on a vue app that uses vuex and gets objects from an api. The tables have paging and fetch batches of objects from the api, sometimes including related entities as nested objects. The UI allows some editing via inputs in a table, and adds via modals.
When the user wants to save all changes, I have a problem: how do I know what to patch via the api?
Idea 1: capture every change on every input and mark the object being edited as dirty
Idea 2: make a deep copy of the data after the fetch, and do a deep comparison to find out what's dirty
Idea 3: this is my question: please tell me that idea 3 exists and it's better than 1 or 2!
If the answer isn't idea 3, I'm really hoping it's not idea 1. There are so many inputs to attach change handlers to, and if the user edits something, then re-edits back to its original value, I'll have marked something dirty that really isn't.
The deep copy / deep compare at least isolates the problem to two places in code, but my sense is that there must be a better way. If this is the answer (also hoping not), do I build the deep copy / deep compare myself, or is there a package for it?
It looks like you have the final state on the UI and want to persist it on the server. Instead of sending over the delta - I would just send over the full final state and overwrite whatever there was on server side
So if you have user settings - instead of sending what settings were toggled - just send over the "this is what the new set of settings is"
Heavy stuff needs to be done on the server rather than the client most of the time. So I'll follow the answer given by Asad. You're not supposed to make huge objects diffs, it's 2022 so we need to think about performance.
Of course, it also depends of your app, what this is all about. Maybe your API guy is opposed to it for a specific reason (not only related to performance). Setup a meeting with your team/PO and check what is feasible.
You can always make something on your side too, looping on all inputs should be feasible without manually doing that yourself.
TLDR: this needs to be a discussion in your company with your very specific constrains/limitations. All "reasonable solutions" are already listed and you will probably not be able to go further because those kind of "opinion based" questions are not allowed anyway on SO.
The question may seem voluminous - but in order to understand the essence in a different way, it seems extremely difficult to formulate it.
While reading the documentation and some other sources, I encountered a certain misunderstanding related to the variety of file types for interaction when working with the database:
How do these types of files differ conceptually in terms of functionality?
(If anyone has a detailed video or article on this topic, I will also be grateful for the link.)
There is also this microproject (working code) taken from the docks:
What should the code for entering values into the database look like?
(what should be the name of this file, where should it be located from the point of view of the approach, and what specific code should be written there?)
For example, if I need to parse data (as I understand it from another service, it is correct to do this in this framework) and then put it in the database without a request via HTTP, then how to do it most correctly from the point of view of the approach?
P.S. I would be grateful for any constructive advice ..
.dao, .repo, and .entity are all pretty much the same thing. They're the ways that you define to talk with your database. There's a little give and take on the definition of the file, .entity is more of defining the table/entity in the database, but with something like TypeORM the entity becomes a method to talk to the database as well (either through the entity class or the Repository class).
DAO stands for Data Access Object, by the way, and you can read more about it and patterns around it on Wikipedia.
.dto is for Data Transfer Object which is usually the definition of how data is passed between services, or over the wire (incoming request, outgoing response, microservice body, etc). In NestJS we use DTO's for incoming request deserialization and validation, along with outgoing response serialization on occasion.
I'm using jasmine-node to test my API, and it has worked great for my GET routes. Now, however, I need to test some POSTs and I'm not sure how to go about this without changing my database.
One thought I had was to reset whatever value I change at the end of each spec.
Is this reasonable or is there a better way to go about testing POST requests to my API?
Wrap anything that modifies your database into a transaction. You can have your database changes and then rollback after each test.
usually you are supposed to have a test database, so modify that one is not a big issue. also, a general approach would be not to rely on predefined values on the database (i.e, the GET always request the SAME object..) but try with different objects each time. (using predefined objects may hide problems when the data is slighty different..).
in order to implement the second strategy, you can execute a test with a POST with pseudo-random data to create a new object, and use the returned ID to feed the following GET, UPDATE and finally the DELETE tests.
Just make a duplicate processing page/function and send the data to that for debugging. Comment out anything that makes changes to the database.
Alternatively, pass a variable in your call such as "debug" and have an if/else section in your original function for debugging, ignoring the rest of the function.
Another alternative still is to duplicate your database table and name it debug table. It will have the same structure as your original. Send the test data to it instead and it won't change your original database tables.
I'm pretty sure that you've come up with some solution for your problem already.
BUT, if you don't, the Angular $httpBackend will solve your problem. It is a
Fake HTTP backend implementation suitable for unit testing applications that use the $http service.
Database access is often the slowest part of an application, so to accommodate that are there any techniques to respond to a request by:
sending a static HTML structure
running a query on the data store
once the data returns from the query, then push the data to the client (perhaps in JSON)
use JavaScript to update the HTML by adding text or changing value attributes
First, is this a bad idea? Having not found anything resembling this in my research over the last couple days I assume it is a bad one. However, if it is not, is it possible? And are there established techniques for doing this?
As has already been said, this is basically what an "ajax application" is. They are very easy to write nowadays, mostly because of the number of frameworks out there.
Check out http://sproutcore.com, http://javascriptmvc.com/ and http://cappuccino.org/ Those are "heavyweight" solutions, but depending on what you are building, that may suit your needs perfectly.
If those don't look like the sort of thing you want, I would take a look at http://dojotoolkit.org It is a javascript framework that pretty much handles everything you could imagine wanting to do in an integrated sort of way.
If you are already using jquery, the best bet may be something like http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/, or http://knockoutjs.com/, or http://sammyjs.org/.
I'm looking for (arguably) the correct way to return data from a XmlHttpRequest. Options I see are:
Plain HTML. Let the request format the data and return it in a usable format.
Advantage: easy to consume by the calling page.Disadvantage: Very rigid, stuck with a fixed layout.
XML. Let the request return XML, format it using XSLT on the calling page.Advantage: the requested service is easily consumed by other sources.Disadvantage: Is browser support for XSLT good enough?
JSON. Let the request return JSON, consume it using javascript, render HTML accordingly.Advantage: easier to 'OO-ify' the javascript making the request. Disadvantage: Probably not as easy to use as the previous two options.
I've also thought about going for option one while abstracting the view logic in the called service in such a way that switching in and out different layouts would be trivial. Personally I think this option is the best out of three, for compatibility reasons.
While typing this, I got another insight. Would it be a good idea to allow all three response formats, based on a parameter added to the request?
If you're looking for a quick solution that should work with most available frameworks, I'd go for JSON. It's easy to start with and works.
If you're trying to build a larger application that you're going to extend (in terms of size or maybe your own API for 3rd party extensions) I'd go for XML. You could write a proxy to provide the information in JSON or HTML too, but having XML as the main source is definitly worth the time and effort while building the app.
Like #John Topley said: it depends.
I'd agree with John Topley - it depends on the application. There's a good article on quirksmode that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each format that you might want to read: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/12/the_ajax_respon.html
I think this sort of depends on the level of "ajaxyness" your app is going to have. If your front end is a "rich client", al'a gmail, I'd go with the JSON solution, as you'd have to solve the problem of having client side view generation anyway. If you're using ajax sparingly, to provide simple messages to the user, update a few fields now and then, etc, then I'd go with option 1, since most of your view logic is already on the server.
I think trying to use XmlHttpRequest will be a huge headache, unless its the type of headache you don't mind - to do it properly you're almost reinventing the wheel. Then again, people like to reinvent wheels in their spare time, just to say, "Hey, I did it". Not me...
I would get a framework like prototype or Extjs, that has alot of data loading functions built in for XML and JSON, plus you'll get more predictable results, as the frameworks have event handlers to make sure your XmlHttpRequest succeeded or failed. Plus you get support for all the various browsers.
Different response format shouldn't be difficult to produce.
JSON works best for me, i like to keep OO in js, and don't know how to parse XML well :)