Knockout ViewModel base class, Javascript inheritance - javascript

I have been using Knockout.js for a lot of projects lately, and I am writing a lot of repetitive code. I would like to be able to define a BaseViewModel class and have my page-specific ViewModels inherit from it. I am a bit confused about how to do this is Javascript. Here is my basic BaseViewModel:
(function (ko, undefined) {
ko.BaseViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.items = ko.observable([]);
self.newItem = {};
self.dirtyItems = ko.computed(function () {
return self.items().filter(function (item) {
return item.dirtyFlag.isDirty();
self.isDirty = ko.computed(function () {
return self.dirtyItems().length > 0;
self.load = function () { }
I would like to be able to list signatures for methods like load in the BaseViewModel and then give them definitions in the inheriting ViewModel. Is any of this possible? I have found a few solutions online but they all rely on defining functions/classes to make the inheritance work.

Since your BaseViewModel is just adding all of the properties/methods to this (and not using prototype) then it is pretty easy:
In your new view models, just call BaseViewModel:
var MyVM = function () {
var self = this;;
self.somethingElse = ko.observable();
self.itemCount = ko.computed(function() { return self.items().length; });
self.items([1, 2, 3]);
// ...
var vm = new MyVM();

Javascript inheritance is done in two pieces. The first is in the constructor, and the second is on the prototype (which you aren't using, so you could skip).
var ViewModel = function(data) {;
//you only need to do this if you are adding prototype properties
ViewModel.prototype = new BaseViewModel();
To your last point, about overriding load, its no different that putting a load function on your viewmodel normally. Javascript allows you to override any objects properties with anything, there are no special steps here.
Here is a fiddle demonstrating the inheritance.


Javascript: Referencing object keys in nested prototype [duplicate]

I have built a large application using JavaScript prototype and inheritance.
But I am having a hard time organizing my code.
For example I have a class carousel which has many functions like this: = function () {...}
Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {..}
Carousel.prototype.bindControls = function () {..}
I would like to organize my code like this :
Carousel.prototype.controls = {
next: function () { ... } ,
prev: function() { ... },
bindControls: function () { .. }
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. I can keep track of it using a global instance but this will cause problems when the class is inherited for example In another file I have something like this to override parent class = function () {...}
My inheritance is done like this:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (parentClass) {
if (parentClass.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass.prototype;
else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype, parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass;
return this;
So I can do:
Does anyone know how can I work around the "this" value ?
You could make Controls a class of it's own:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controls = new Controls(this);
// ..
This doesn't allow you to override the implementation of Controls though. With more dependency injection you'd get something like:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controllers = [];
Carousel.prototype.addController = function (controller) {
// ..
var carousel = new Carousel();
carousel.addController(new Controls(carousel));
My inheritance is done like this:
$.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
Ouch. This is not inheritance (with new BigCarousel instanceof Carousel), but just copying properties. Maybe this is enough for you, but then you should call it mixin. Also, you should avoid using new for inheritance.
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. How can I work around that?
It's impossible to have this point to the parent object with nested properties (as long as you don't want to explicitly set it every time). You have only two choices:
Forget it, and organize your methods by prefixing them (controlNext, controlBind, …)
Give each of your carousels its own controls object. For inheritance, make them CarouselControls instances for example. This especially fits well if those controls are quite independent from the carousel, and don't need to access the carousel they're attached to everywhere. If they are not, you still can pass a reference to the parent carousel into their constructor for example:
this.controls = new CarouselControls(this);
Also, for customizing the controls in different carousels, you might have to subclass the CarouselControls as well - or you prepare your Controls object to serve for different carousels in general, so that from BigCarousel you can; // make this a carousel
this.controls.activate({big: true, fast: false}); // or something
You can use the .bind method of Function.
In Javascript Functions inherit from Object, so they have their own methods. One of those methods is .bind:
Also you are doing inheritance wrong, the right way with raw Javascript is:
ChildClass= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor
ChildClass.prototype= new ParentClass();
Then you can simply do this on your constructor:
Courossel= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor;
But I have to say that Frits suggestion is better, make the controls their own class and instantiate it on Carousel constructor passing a reference to your Carousel instance (the this keyword). Just don't call it ".ref", it's confusing.

Reference instance of parent class in prototype extension [duplicate]

I have built a large application using JavaScript prototype and inheritance.
But I am having a hard time organizing my code.
For example I have a class carousel which has many functions like this: = function () {...}
Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {..}
Carousel.prototype.bindControls = function () {..}
I would like to organize my code like this :
Carousel.prototype.controls = {
next: function () { ... } ,
prev: function() { ... },
bindControls: function () { .. }
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. I can keep track of it using a global instance but this will cause problems when the class is inherited for example In another file I have something like this to override parent class = function () {...}
My inheritance is done like this:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (parentClass) {
if (parentClass.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass.prototype;
else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = $.extend(this.prototype, parentClass);
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClass;
return this;
So I can do:
Does anyone know how can I work around the "this" value ?
You could make Controls a class of it's own:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controls = new Controls(this);
// ..
This doesn't allow you to override the implementation of Controls though. With more dependency injection you'd get something like:
var Controls = function (controllable_object) {
this.ref = controllable_object;
}; = function () {;
// ..
var Carousel = function () {
this.controllers = [];
Carousel.prototype.addController = function (controller) {
// ..
var carousel = new Carousel();
carousel.addController(new Controls(carousel));
My inheritance is done like this:
$.extend(this.prototype , new parentClass);
Ouch. This is not inheritance (with new BigCarousel instanceof Carousel), but just copying properties. Maybe this is enough for you, but then you should call it mixin. Also, you should avoid using new for inheritance.
But this will cause the value of "this" being lost. How can I work around that?
It's impossible to have this point to the parent object with nested properties (as long as you don't want to explicitly set it every time). You have only two choices:
Forget it, and organize your methods by prefixing them (controlNext, controlBind, …)
Give each of your carousels its own controls object. For inheritance, make them CarouselControls instances for example. This especially fits well if those controls are quite independent from the carousel, and don't need to access the carousel they're attached to everywhere. If they are not, you still can pass a reference to the parent carousel into their constructor for example:
this.controls = new CarouselControls(this);
Also, for customizing the controls in different carousels, you might have to subclass the CarouselControls as well - or you prepare your Controls object to serve for different carousels in general, so that from BigCarousel you can; // make this a carousel
this.controls.activate({big: true, fast: false}); // or something
You can use the .bind method of Function.
In Javascript Functions inherit from Object, so they have their own methods. One of those methods is .bind:
Also you are doing inheritance wrong, the right way with raw Javascript is:
ChildClass= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor
ChildClass.prototype= new ParentClass();
Then you can simply do this on your constructor:
Courossel= function() {
ParentClass.apply(this, arguments); //calling parent constructor;
But I have to say that Frits suggestion is better, make the controls their own class and instantiate it on Carousel constructor passing a reference to your Carousel instance (the this keyword). Just don't call it ".ref", it's confusing.

JavaScript Class Best Practice?

I'm currently looking into different patterns for building classes in JavaScript. But no matther what pattern I see, there are still some things I am not really sure about.
var ItemManager = (function()
var p = function()
this.items= [];
p.prototype.addItem = function(item)
var self = this;
return p;
I create the simple class ItemManager, this class got the function addItem for adding any item to the collection. Now I don't really want the variable items, which represents the collection, to be public, this variable should be private, but I don't see any possible way to use a prototyped method to access private variables.
So what's the best practice in this case? Simply don't use private variables?
var ItemManager = function() {
var items = [];
return {
addItem : function(item) {
removeItem : function() {
return items.pop();
var myItemManager = new ItemManager();
items variable becomes hidden after the execution of ItemManager function, but addItem and removeItem still share the access to items. See the Douglas Crockford's article on private variables in JavaScript for further investigation.
There are several ways to have private variables:
Closures, as in aga's example, which uses the Revealing Module Pattern. If you're using ES6 classes, you can hide private data in the constructor, though it looks pretty ugly to me.
[ES6] Symbols
[ES6] WeakMap
I favor Symbols, though they can still be found using reflection (i.e. not completely private). Example:
var Person = (function() {
var nameSymbol = Symbol('name');
function Person(name) {
this[nameSymbol] = name;
Person.prototype.getName = function() {
return this[nameSymbol];
return Person;
So it's possible to have (reasonably) private variables, but unfortunately none of the solutions are as elegant as you'd like.
as GoldenerAal mentioned, they are not called classes, but functions
you have
var ItemManager = function (){
you could have:
function ItemManager(){
this.items = [];
function addItem(item){
you can then create an instance of ItemManager, only when you need to :
var itemManager = new ItemManager();
itemManager.addItem(<something here>);
variables inside a function only have the scope of that function, that variable is not a global variable (static variable).

function object inheritance using jquery's extend

I'm trying to simulate inheritance using jquery extend but as far as I could test, it works only with objects.
What I'm trying to accomplish is:
var baseDefinition = function() {
var self = this;
self.calc1 = function() {
return "something1";
self.calc2 = function() {
return "something2";
self.myObject = {
propA = 100;
propB = 200;
var derivedDefinition = function() {
var self = this;
self.calc2 = function() {
return "something different from base";
self.myObject = {
propB = 400;
var instance = $.extend(true, {}, baseDefinition, derivedDefinition);
So I would hope to create a new instance from base definition where the derived definitions would be applied to the base ones but neither definitions would be "touched". Is it possible?
I was hoping to avoid any prototype so basicaly I would like to call instance.calc1 or instance.calc2 without knowing wether it was overriten or not.
In my example I didn't include any object properties which was what led me to use jquery's extend function. Although both answers solve inner functions "inheritance", it doesn't (obviously) merge object properties like extend does. As a possible solution I'm thinking after I create my instance to loop through the properties of the instance and apply jquery's extend on them. Although this seems inefficient to me, I don't know if you can advise me on another course of action.
JQuery extend does not create an inheritance hierarchy, so changes you make to base definition AFTER you extend would not be reflected in derived definition. Here's how you can extend the base definition in a way that does reflect later changes down the inheritance hierarchy using Javascript prototypal inheritance:
var baseDefinition = function() {};
baseDefinition.prototype.calc1 = function() {
return "something1";
baseDefinition.prototype.calc2 = function() {
return "something2";
var derivedDefinition = function() {};
derivedDefinition.prototype = Object.create(baseDefinition.prototype);
derivedDefinition.prototype.calc2 = function() {
return "something different from base";
var instance = new derivedDefinition();
instance.calc1(); // something1
instance.calc2(); // something different from base
$.extend only works on already existing objects, not on function which will instantiate objects in the (far?) future:
var instance = $.extend(true, {}, new baseDefinition(), new derivedDefinition());
However, you could of course design an extend function that works for constructors and that returns a function:
function extendConstr() {
var fns = arguments;
return function newConstr(){
var self = {};
for (var i=0; i<fns.length; i++)
fns[i].apply(self, arguments);
return self;
var extendedFunction = extendConstr(baseDefinition, derivedDefinition);
var instance = extendedFunction();
console.log(instance); // has `calc1` and overwritten `calc2`
Btw, without an extend function you could've done that already manually in the derived constructor:
function derivedDefinition() {*, arguments */);
this.calc2 = function() {
return "something different from base";
console.log(new derivedDefinition) // has a `calc1` as well

Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions

In knockout js I see View Models declared as either:
var viewModel = {
firstname: ko.observable("Bob")
ko.applyBindings(viewModel );
var viewModel = function() {
this.firstname= ko.observable("Bob");
ko.applyBindings(new viewModel ());
What's the difference between the two, if any?
I did find this discussion on the knockoutjs google group but it didn't really give me a satisfactory answer.
I can see a reason if I wanted to initialise the model with some data, for example:
var viewModel = function(person) {
this.firstname= ko.observable(person.firstname);
var person = ... ;
ko.applyBindings(new viewModel(person));
But if I'm not doing that does it matter which style I choose?
There are a couple of advantages to using a function to define your view model.
The main advantage is that you have immediate access to a value of this that equals the instance being created. This means that you can do:
var ViewModel = function(first, last) {
this.first = ko.observable(first);
this.last = ko.observable(last);
this.full = ko.computed(function() {
return this.first() + " " + this.last();
}, this);
So, your computed observable can be bound to the appropriate value of this, even if called from a different scope.
With an object literal, you would have to do:
var viewModel = {
first: ko.observable("Bob"),
last: ko.observable("Smith"),
viewModel.full = ko.computed(function() {
return this.first() + " " + this.last();
}, viewModel);
In that case, you could use viewModel directly in the computed observable, but it does get evaluated immediate (by default) so you could not define it within the object literal, as viewModel is not defined until after the object literal closed. Many people don't like that the creation of your view model is not encapsulated into one call.
Another pattern that you can use to ensure that this is always appropriate is to set a variable in the function equal to the appropriate value of this and use it instead. This would be like:
var ViewModel = function() {
var self = this;
this.items = ko.observableArray();
this.removeItem = function(item) {
Now, if you are in the scope of an individual item and call $root.removeItem, the value of this will actually be the data being bound at that level (which would be the item). By using self in this case, you can ensure that it is being removed from the overall view model.
Another option is using bind, which is supported by modern browsers and added by KO, if it is not supported. In that case, it would look like:
var ViewModel = function() {
this.items = ko.observableArray();
this.removeItem = function(item) {
There is much more that could be said on this topic and many patterns that you could explore (like module pattern and revealing module pattern), but basically using a function gives you more flexibility and control over how the object gets created and the ability to reference variables that are private to the instance.
I use a different method, though similar:
var viewModel = (function () {
var obj = {};
obj.myVariable = ko.observable();
obj.myComputed = ko.computed(function () { return "hello" + obj.myVariable() });
return obj;
Couple of reasons:
Not using this, which can confusion when used within ko.computeds etc
My viewModel is a singleton, I don't need to create multiple instances (i.e. new viewModel())

