Return a value from JQuery Widget - javascript

I have created a JQuery Widget to pop-up a dialogue box and to alow values to be accepted from that dialogue box
My Function defining Dialogue close
_ebSaveDialogue: function () {
//Saving Dialogue
$('#ebDialogueClose').click(function () {
var text = $('#ebPlaceholder').val();
returnText = text;
How to get the returnText value in the html page at the time of closing dialogue?
I tried calling the variable in the html but it return null since the dialogue is nor opened or closed. I want to receive the data in Html at the time of dialogue close
$.widget('custom.DivPopUp', {
//Call Constructor
_create: function () {
var returnText;
_ebDefineDiv: function () {
if ($("#ebDialogue_div").length == 0) {
//Bringing Dialogue box
$("body").append("<div id='ebDialogue_div' title='Expression Builder'></div>");
var inDialogueDiv = "<div id='ebLeftPanel'></div><div id='ebRightPanel'></div>";
inDialogueDiv += "<div id='ebSample_div' title='Sample'></div>";
_ebSaveDialogue: function () {
//Saving Dialogue
$('#ebDialogueClose').click(function () {
var text = $('#ebPlaceholder').val();
returnText = text;

Using JQuery, you can trigger a custom event.
An example according to your code:
_ebSaveDialogue: function () {
//Saving Dialogue
$('#ebDialogueClose').click(function () {
var text = $('#ebPlaceholder').val();
returnText = text;
$('#ebDialogue_div').trigger('save_action', returnText);
Then, from any other point in your script, you set an event listener for that event
$('#ebDialogue_div').on('save_action', function(event, returnText){

You need to add a callback
$.widget('custom.DivPopUp', {
//Call Constructor
_create: function () {
var returnText;
_ebDefineDiv: function () {
if ($("#ebDialogue_div").length == 0) {
//Bringing Dialogue box
$("body").append("<div id='ebDialogue_div' title='Expression Builder'></div>");
var inDialogueDiv = "<div id='ebLeftPanel'></div><div id='ebRightPanel'></div>";
inDialogueDiv += "<div id='ebSample_div' title='Sample'></div>";
_ebSaveDialogue: function () {
//Saving Dialogue
$('#ebDialogueClose').click(function () {
var text = $('#ebPlaceholder').val();
returnText = text;
this._trigger( "complete", null, { value: 100 } );
$('#Id').DivPopUp({complete:function(event, data) {
var returnText = data.value;


Quill.js add a custom javascript function into the editor

I am using Quill.js to have users create custom user designed pages off the main web page. I have a custom slider that I have written in javascript that will take images and rotate through them. I have the toolbar in quill setup to be able to click on the toolbar to setup the slider in a modal window.
When the user clicks to close the modal slider setup window, I'm trying to insert an edit button in the html editor where the cursor sits so the user can edit the information that was just entered or possible delete the button by removing all the information in the slider modal window.
I have written custom blots, followed all the examples I could find and nothing worked. I did get a custom html tag to show, but not a button. When I requested the html from quill when I setup the custom html tag in the editor, all I get is "" from quill.root.innerHTML none of the custom tag or the information in it even though I see it correctly in the editor.
I would like a button in the editor to make it easy to edit the slider data, as there could be more than one. I am not going to limit the number of sliders. It is up to the user to ruin their own page.
I will not be rendering the slider in the edit html window, just trying to display a button to click on. I do give the user a preview button on the modal window to view the slider if they so choose.
I also would like to store the setup information of the slider in a data tag in json format in the button and change that html button to a tag along with the json data when rendering the html in the browser window.
Can this be done in Quill.js?
I did this by using the import blots embed. I don't register as a button but clicking on the blot I do get a link to the embedded data and trigger the edit of the carousel data on that click.
var Quill;
const BlockEmbed = Quill.import("blots/block/embed");
const Link = Quill.import('formats/link');
class Carousel extends BlockEmbed {
static create(value) {
var self = this;
const node = super.create(value);
node.dataset.carousel = JSON.stringify(value);
value.file.frames.forEach(frame => {
const frameDiv = document.createElement("div");
frameDiv.innerText = frame.title;
frameDiv.className += "previewDiv";
node.onclick = function () {
if (Carousel.onClick) {
Carousel.onClick(self, node);
return node;
static value(domNode) {
return JSON.parse(domNode.dataset.carousel);
static onClick: any;
static blotName = "carousel";
static className = "ql-carousel";
static tagName = "DIV";
Quill.register("formats/carousel", Carousel);
I then include this as a script on the page where quill is editing the HTML
<script src="~/js/quilljs-carousel.js"></script>
And then this is the custom javascript to handle the events of the blot displayed in a custom modal dialog in a hidden div tag
function CarouselClicked(blot, node) {
editCarousel(JSON.parse(node.dataset.carousel), node);
var Carousel = Quill.import("formats/carousel");
Carousel.onClick = CarouselClicked;
function carouselToolbarClickHandler() {
var Toolbar = Quill.import("modules/toolbar");
Toolbar.DEFAULTS.handlers.carousel = carouselToolbarClickHandler;
$(document).ready(function() {
var div = $("#editor-container");
var Image = Quill.import('formats/image');
Image.className = "img-fluid";
Quill.register(Image, true);
var quill = new Quill(div.get(0),
modules: {
syntax: true,
toolbar: '#toolbar-container'
theme: 'snow'
});'quill', quill);
// Only show the toolbar when quill is ready to go
$('#toolbar-container').css('display', 'block');
div.css('display', 'block');
$('#editor-loading').css('display', 'none');
// Override the quill Image handler and create our own.
quill.getModule("toolbar").addHandler("image", imageHandler);
function createCarousel() {
.data("state", "unsaved")
function() {
var data = getCarouselData();
var carouselData = {};
carouselData['file'] = data;
carouselData['speed'] = $('#time').val();
carouselData['height'] = $('#height').val();
carouselData['width'] = $('#width').val();
var quill = $("#editor-container").data().quill;
var range = quill.getSelection(true);
if (range != null) {
quill.setSelection(range.index + 2, Quill.sources.USER);
$('#title').get(0).outerText = "Create Carousel";
function editCarousel(value, node) {
var elem = $("#carouselModalList").empty();
function(i, data) {
$("<option>").appendTo(elem).text(data.title).data("frame", data);
var modal = $("#carouselModal");
.data("state", "unsaved")
function() {
if ($("#carouselModal").data("state") !== "saved")
var data = getCarouselData();
var carouselData = {};
carouselData['file'] = data;
carouselData['speed'] = $('#time').val();
carouselData['height'] = $('#height').val();
carouselData['width'] = $('#width').val();
var carousel = Quill.find(node, true);
carousel.replaceWith("carousel", carouselData);
$('#title').get(0).outerText = "Edit Carousel";
function getCarouselData() {
var options = $("#carouselModalList").find("option");
var frames = $.map(options,
function(domNode) {
return $(domNode).data("frame");
return {
frames : frames
function getCarouselFrameFormData() {
// Get data from frame
function objectifyForm(formArray) { //serialize data function
var returnArray = {};
for (var i = 0; i < formArray.length; i++) {
returnArray[formArray[i]['name']] = formArray[i]['value'];
return returnArray;
return objectifyForm($("#carouselFrameModalForm").serializeArray());
$("#carouselModalNewFrame").click(function() {
$("#backgroundPreview").attr("src", "");
$("#mainPreview").attr("src", "");
.data("state", "unsaved")
function() {
if ($("#carouselFrameModal").data("state") == "saved") {
var data = getCarouselFrameFormData();
$("<option>").appendTo($("#carouselModalList")).text(data.title).data("frame", data);
// Fetch all the forms we want to apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to
$("#carouselModalEditFrame").click(function () {
var form = $("#carouselFrameModalForm");
var selected = $("#carouselModalList option:selected");
var frame ="frame");
function (i, e) {
$("input[name=" + e + "]", form).val(frame[e]);
$("#backgroundPreview").attr("src", frame.backgroundImg);
$("#mainPreview").attr("src", frame.mainImg);
.data("state", "unsaved")
function() {
if ($("#carouselFrameModal").data("state") == "saved") {
var data = getCarouselFrameFormData();
selected.text(data.title).data("frame", data);
$("#carouselModalRemoveFrame").click(function () {
$("#carouselFrameModalForm").find("input:file").change(function() {
var elem = $(this);
var target ="target");
var preview ="preview");
FiletoBase64(this, preview, target);
$("#carouselModalList").change(function() {
var selected = $("option:selected", this);
$("#carouselModalEditFrame,#carouselModalRemoveFrame").prop("disabled", !selected.length);
$("#carouselModalSave").click(function() {
// Validate frameset
var form = $("#carouselModalForm").get(0);
var select = $("#carouselModalList");
if (select.find("option").length == 0) {
select.get(0).setCustomValidity("Need at least one frame");
} else {
if (form.checkValidity()) {
$("#carouselModal").data("state", "saved");
else {
$("#carouselFrameModalSave").click(function() {
// Validate frame
if ($("#carouselFrameModalForm").get(0).checkValidity()) {
$("#carouselFrameModal").data("state", "saved");
else {
$('#confirm-delete-delete').click(function () {
$("#carouselModalList option:selected").remove();
// #region Image FileExplorer Handler
function insertImageToEditor(url) {
var div = $("#editor-container");
var quill ='quill');
var range = quill.getSelection();
quill.insertEmbed(range.index, 'image', url);
function CarouselMainimageHandler() {
directoryListUrl: '#Url.Action("DirectoryList", "FileTree")',
fileListUrl: '#Url.Action("FileList", "FileTree")'
function() {
$("#CarouselMainimageSelectSelectButton").click(function() {
var id = $("#CarouselMainimageSelectFileExplorer").fileExplorer("getSelectedFileId");
if (id == null) {
alert("Please select a file");
var imageName = $("#CarouselMainimageSelectFileExplorer").fileExplorer("getSelectedFileName");
var imageLink = "#Url.Action("Render", "FileTree")?id=" + id;
function CarouselBackgroundimageHandler() {
directoryListUrl: '#Url.Action("DirectoryList", "FileTree")',
fileListUrl: '#Url.Action("FileList", "FileTree")'
function() {
$("#CarouselBackgroundimageSelectSelectButton").click(function() {
var id = $("#CarouselBackgroundimageSelectFileExplorer").fileExplorer("getSelectedFileId");
if (id == null) {
alert("Please select a file");
var imageName = $("#CarouselBackgroundimageSelectFileExplorer").fileExplorer("getSelectedFileName");
var imageLink = "#Url.Action("Render", "FileTree")?id=" + id;
function imageHandler() {
directoryListUrl: '#Url.Action("DirectoryList", "FileTree")',
fileListUrl: '#Url.Action("FileList", "FileTree")'
function() {
$("#imageSelectSelectButton").click(function() {
var id = $("#imageSelectFileExplorer").fileExplorer("getSelectedFileId");
if (id == null) {
alert("Please select a file");
insertImageToEditor("#Url.Action("Render", "FileTree")?id=" + id);
// #endregion
function Save() {
var div = $("#editor-container");
var quill ='quill');
url: '#Url.Action("Save")',
data: { BodyHtml: quill.root.innerHTML, locationId: #(Model.LocationId?.ToString() ?? "null") },
headers: {
'#Xsrf.HeaderName': '#Xsrf.RequestToken'
}).done(function() {
setTimeout(function() { $('#alertSuccess').hide(); }, 5000);
}).fail(function(jqXhr, error) {
var alert = $('#alertFailure');
var text = $("#alertFailureText");
function FiletoBase64(input, imgName, Base64TextName) {
var preview = document.getElementById(imgName);
var file = input.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
function() {
preview.src = reader.result;
document.getElementById(Base64TextName).value = reader.result;
if (file) {

How to show confirmation pop up when changing page in DataTable

I am landing on the first page of DataTable, make some changes.
Then I move to the second page.
Actually, confirmation popup is shown but it navigate to the second page.
Expected: confirm pop is shown but it still landing on the first.
Here is my code:
$('#dataTable-id').on( 'page.dt', function (event) {
if( change ){
title: "Confirmation",
message : "Discard changes?",
buttons :{
main: {
label : "Leave",
className : "btn-primary",
callback: function (){
// To avoid broking page/length controller
// move to other pages
return true; // cancel draw
cancel: {
label : "Stay",
className : "btn-default",
callback : function() {
// stay at current page.
return true;
},onEscape: function () {return true;}
How to show confirmation popup before page change?
The page.dt event is only informational, it can not be canceled.
You can workaround that restriction by writing a custom preDrawCallback like discussed here:
EDIT: You have to cancel the redraw generally and do the paging manually in the bootbox callback (as it does not work as a real modal dialog like the native javascript confirm()). I modified the above example to incorporate a bootbox confirm dialog on paging:
$(document).ready(function () {
var pageLen = 10;
var originalPage = 0;
var originalPageLen = pageLen;
var gotoPage = 0;
var gotoPageLen = originalPageLen;
var fromBootbox = false;
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
"pageLength": pageLen,
"preDrawCallback": function (settings) {
if(table){ // ignore first draw
if (!fromBootbox) {
// To avoid broking page/length controller, we have to reset the paging information
gotoPage = settings._iDisplayStart;
gotoPageLen = settings._iDisplayLength;
bootbox.confirm("Are you sure?", function(result) {
console.log("goto page" + gotoPage + " (result: " + result + ")");
if (result) {
fromBootbox = true;; / gotoPageLen).draw(false);
fromBootbox = false;
settings._iDisplayStart = originalPage;
settings._iDisplayLength = originalPageLen;
return false; // cancel draw
originalPage = settings._iDisplayStart;
originalPageLen = settings._iDisplayLength;

Cannot select a dynamically added list item until it is clicked

I have written a small JQuery plugin that creates a dropdown box based on bootstrap. I have written it to where a data attribute supplies a url that produces the list items. After the ajax call, Jquery loops through the list items and inserts them into the dropdown menu. Here is what I do not understand, the plugin takes a div with the class of .combobox and appends the required html to make the combobox. It uses two functions, _create() and _listItems(). _create() actually adds the html and calls on _listItems() to make the ajax call and it returns the list items to be appended. Looks like this:
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var Combobox = function(element,options) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.$options = $.extend({}, $.fn.combobox.defaults, options);
this.$html = {
input: $('<input type="text" placeholder="[SELECT]" />').addClass('form-control'),
button: $('<div id="test"/>').addClass('input-group-btn')
.append($('<button />')
.addClass('btn btn-default input-sm')
.append('<span class="caret"></span>'))
this.$list_type = this.$element.attr('data-type');
this.$url = this.$element.attr('data-url');
this.$defaultValue = this.$element.attr('data-default');
this.$input = this.$element.find('input');
this.$button = this.$element.find('button');
this.$list = this.$element.find('ul')
if(this.$defaultValue) {
Combobox.prototype = {
constructor: Combobox,
_create: function() {
this.$element.addClass('input-group input-group-sm')
_itemClicked: function(e){
this.$selectedItem = $(;
_listItems: function() {
var list = $('<ul />').addClass('dropdown-menu');
url: this.$url,
type: 'POST',
data: {opt: this.$list_type},
list.append($('<li class="listObjItem" data-value="''">'+text.value+'</li>'));
return list
selectedItem: function() {
var item = this.$selectedItem;
var data = {};
if (item) {
var txt = this.$selectedItem.text();
data = $.extend({ text: txt }, this.$;
else {
data = { text: this.$input.val()};
return data;
selectByValue: function(value) {
var selector = '[data-value="'+value+'"]';
selectBySelector: function (selector) {
var $item = this.$element.find(selector);
if (typeof $item[0] !== 'undefined') {
this.$selectedItem = $item;
else {
this.$selectedItem = null;
enable: function () {
disable: function () {
this.$input.attr('disabled', true);
_toggleList: function(e) {
if(e.type == 'mouseleave') {
if(this.$':hidden')) {
return false;
} else {
} else {
$.fn.combobox = function (option) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'combobox')) {
$.data(this, 'combobox',
new Combobox( this, option ));
$.fn.combobox.defaults = {};
$.fn.combobox.Constructor = Combobox;
})( jQuery, window, document );
The problem is that after the items are appended to the DOM, everything is selectable accept the list items. I currently have an .on() statement that binds the click event with the list item. To test this out I have used console.log(this.$element.find('[data-value="W"]') and it does not return an element, however if I place that same console log in the click callback of the list item it will return the element and it is selectable. Am I doing something wrong?
I have pasted the entire plugin to save on confusion.

Prompt popup in bootbox is not closing

The prompt popup that occurs when I click the button with class 'alert3' does not close.
and this is the function that I am invoking:
$(document).on("click", ".alert3", function(e) {
bootbox.prompt("What is your name?", function(result) {
if (result === null) {"Prompt dismissed");
} else {"Hi <b>"+result+"</b>");
The popup does not close because you have an error in the callback function, so it crashes before bootbox can make the popup disappear.
The best guess is that Example is not defined in your code. Maybe you took it on the Bootbox website, they are using a javascript object called Example.
If you want to show the result with your callback function, you can add this to your html:
<p id='result'></p>
And then change your javascript:
$(document).on("click", ".alert3", function(e) {
bootbox.prompt("What is your name?", function(result) {
if (result === null) {
$('#result').html("Prompt dismissed");
} else {
$('#result').html("Hi <b>"+result+"</b>");
Prompt popup in bootbox.js
That is not working because Example function is not defined there.We need to first defined them that using current selector value and text associated with $("#result") is used to show error message in particular div.
html code:
<p>Click here-><a class="alert" href=#>Alert!</a></p><p id='result'</p>
var Example = (
"use strict";
var elem,
that = {};
that.init = function(options) {
elem = $(options.selector);
}; = function(text) {
hideHandler = setTimeout(function() {
}, 4000);
that.hide = function() {
return that;

JQuery UI - "dialog is not a function" Hunh?

I get the error message shown below when I click the button: ($'#billing_button_addTime')
is not a function
billingController is created in $(document).ready.
function BillingController() {
BillingController.prototype.dialogAddTime = $(document.createElement('div'));
BillingController.prototype.loadBillingContent = function () {
//Load the main content
$("#content_area").load('/Content/HTML/billing.html', null, mainController.attachScrollBarsToCPOTable);
//Pre-Load the Add Time Dialog
$(billingController.dialogAddTime).load('/Content/HTML/billing_dialog_addTime.html', null, billingController.bindButtonAddTimeToHandler );
BillingController.prototype.bindButtonAddTimeToHandler = function () {
$('#billing_button_addTime').bind('click', billingController.buttonHanderAddTime);
BillingController.prototype.buttonHanderAddTime = function () {
billingController.dialogAddTime.dialog({ modal: true });

