CodeMirror - Using RegEx with overlay - javascript

I can't seem to find an example of anyone using RegEx matches to create an overlay in CodeMirror. The Moustaches example matching one thing at a time seems simple enough, but in the API, it says that the RegEx match returns the array of matches and I can't figure out what to do with it in the context of the structure in the moustaches example.
I have a regular expression which finds all the elements I need to highlight: I've tested it and it works.
Should I be loading up the array outside of the token function and then matching each one? Or is there a way to work with the array?
The other issue is that I want to apply different styling depending on the (biz|cms) option in the regex - one for 'biz' and another for 'cms'. There will be others but I'm trying to keep it simple.
This is as far as I have got. The comments show my confusion.
CodeMirror.defineMode("tbs", function(config, parserConfig) {
var tbsOverlay = {
token: function(stream, state) {
tbsArray = match("^<(biz|cms).([a-zA-Z0-9.]*)(\s)?(\/)?>");
if (tbsArray != null) {
for (i = 0; i < tbsArray.length; i++) {
var result = tbsArray[i];
//Do I need to stream.match each element now to get hold of each bit of text?
//Or is there some way to identify and tag all the matches?
//Obviously this bit won't work either now - even with regex
while ( != null && !stream.match("<biz.", false)) {}
return null;
return CodeMirror.overlayMode(CodeMirror.getMode(config, parserConfig.backdrop || "text/html"), tbsOverlay);

It returns the array as produced by RegExp.exec or String.prototype.match (see for example, so you probably don't want to iterate through it, but rather pick out specific elements the correspond to groups in your regexp (if (result[1] == "biz") ...)

Look at implementation of Code Mirror method match() and you'll see, that it processes method parameter for two types: string and RegExp.
Your constant in
is of string type.
Define it in RegExp type:
tbsArray = /<biz./g
Thus, your stream will be matched with RegExp.


Create function REGEX for optimization

I've been asked to optimize the speed of my query. I currently have this regex in my query, which is checking for a pattern and returning substring within that pattern. To clarify I have a table with multiple columns that I have to look through to check for this value: [v= and return the numbers within that list.
This is looking through several 'name..' columns that look something like this: xyzzy [v=123] but I only want to return 123, the below works:
COALESCE(REGEXP_SUBSTR(NAME, '[[]v=([0-9]+)', 1, 1, 'ie'),
REGEXP_SUBSTR(NAME_5, '[[]v=([0-9]+)', 1, 1, 'ie'),
REGEXP_SUBSTR(NAME_4, '[[]v=([0-9]+)', 1, 1, 'ie')) as display_vertical_code
but to optimize this, I thought of maybe creating a function unfortunately I don't know javascript :/ and I don't know if the formatting is correct I'm having some difficulties creating it, this is what I've tried, can someone tell me if I'm missing something?
LANGUAGE javascript
return new RegExp(NAME,"[[]v=([0-9]+)",1 ,1,"ie")
When I try to use the above function in my below query:
) as display_vertical_code
I see this error:
error line 3 at position 8 not enough arguments for function
[GET(REGEX(Tablename.NAME))], expected 2, got 1
This should do it.
RETURNS string
LANGUAGE javascript
const regex = /[[]\s{0,5}v\s{0,5}=\s{0,5}([0-9]+)/i;
let s = NAME.match(regex);
if (s != null) {
return s[0].split('=')[1].trim();
} else {
return null;
select regex('xyzzy [v=123]');
-- Alternate permutation
select regex('xyzzy [ v = 123]');
You want to return a string, not an object. Adding the IMMUTABLE option tells Snowflake that the same input results in the same output every time. It can sometimes help with performance.
Edit... This one's a bit more fault tolerant and allows whitespace (if that could be a problem). If you want to get rid of allowing whitespace, delete the \s{0,5} expressions.

How to access the first two digits of a number

I want to access the first two digits of a number, and i have tried using substring, substr and slice but none of them work. It's throwing an error saying substring is not defined.
render() {
let trial123 = this.props.buildInfo["abc.version"];
var str = trial123.toString();
var strFirstThree = str.substring(0,3);
I have tried the above code
output of(above code)
I need only 19.0
How can i achieve this?
I would split it by dot and then take the first two elements:
const trial = ""
console.log(trial.split(".").slice(0, 2).join("."))
// 19.0
You could just split and then join:
const [ first, second ] = trial123.split('.');
const result = [ first, second ].join('.');
I have added a code snippet of the work: (explanation comes after it, line by line).
function getFakePropValue(){
return Math.round(Math.random()) == 0 ? "" : null;
let trial123 = getFakePropValue() || "";
//var str = trial123.toString();
// is the toString() really necessary? aren't you passing it along as a String already?
var strFirstThree = trial123.split('.');
//var strFirstThree = str.substring(0,3);
//I wouldn't use substring , what if the address ?
if(strFirstThree.length >= 2)
console.error("prop was empty");
Because you are using React, the props value was faked with the function getFakePropValue. The code inside is irrelevant, what I am doing is returning a String randomly, in case you have allowed in your React Component for the prop to be empty. This is to show how you an create minimal robust code to avoid having exceptions.
Moving on, the following is a safety net to make sure the variable trial123 always has a string value, even if it's "".
let trial123 = getFakePropValue() || "";
That means that if the function returns something like null , the boolean expression will execute the second apart, and return an empty string "" and that will be the value for trial123.
Moving on, the line where you convert to toString I have removed, I assume you are already getting the value in string format. Next.
var strFirstThree = trial123.split('.');
That creates an array where each position holds a part of the IP addrss. So would become [19,0,0,1] that's thanks to the split by the delimiter . . Next.
if(strFirstThree.length >= 2)
console.error("prop was empty");
This last piece of code uses the conditional if to make sure that my array has values before I try to splice it and join. The conditional is not to avoid an exception, since splice and join on empty arrays just returns an empty string. It's rather for you to be able to raise an error or something if needed. So if the array has values, I keep the first two positions with splice(0,2) and then join that array with a '.'. I recommend it more than the substr method you were going for because what if you get a number that's then the substr would return the wrong string back, but with splice and join that would never happen.
Things to improve
I would strongly suggest using more human comprehensible variables (reflect their use in the code)
The right path for prop value checking is through Prop.Types, super easy to use, very helpful.
Happy coding!

Get a value from URL and create a Javascript function

I am new on this website, and I am also new at Javascript.
What I would do is get a value from a link, eg:
I need to take this value: O=107905, if it is only one code I need to run a file (file A),
if it look like this: O=107905~107906, then I need to run a different file (file B).
What I thought is create a function with javascript where if it is (~) is missing, then will be used the file A, if there is one or more than one of (~) then the file B will start to work.
Many thanks in advance!
Well. We really do encourage you to provide your own code first before providing solutions, but this is a fairly simple problem in javascript. Here's my take on it.
The first problem you have to solve is actually getting the query string parameters in a meaningful format. Here I create an object that uses the query string keys as the object keys (IE 9+ only because of the forEach)
var tmpObject = {}'&').forEach(function(item){
var o = item.split('=');
tmpObject[o.shift()] = o.shift();
Then it's just a matter of making sure the query string contained the target object (in this case "O") and determine if there is more than one.
if(tmpObject.hasOwnProperty('O') && tmpObject.O.split('~').length > 1) {
console.log('return multiple files');
} else {
console.log('return one file');
Try this
var url = "";
var search = url.substring(url.indexOf("?")+1);
var map={};
search.forEach(function(val){var items=val.split("="); map[items[0]]=items[1];});
if (map["O"].indexOf("~") != -1)
//O value has ~ in it
//O has no ~ in it
Possible solution to get the paramter would be there : How to get the value from the GET parameters?
Once you have the parameter value, you can for sure look if you find '~' with String.prototype.indexOf.
String.prototype.indexOf returns the position of the string in the other string. If not found, it will return -1.

Match a specific syntax with regex

I need to break this text and grab objects in a separated form.
object {
child {
object {
I am no regex expert, but after attempting, the best pattern I got to was something like so:
But when applying it to the above text, it'll match it all, I can see why, but I don't know what else I could do to actually make it break the results into separate sections.
To be more clear, in the text I provided, I'd like to have matched groups, from 'object {' to the closing '}', while including everything inside of it.
And to visualize it:
Matched group #1:
object {
child {
Matched group #2:
object {
*Just to clarify, 'object' and 'child' are only examples, and I want the pattern to match any names, with an option to have a child with an identical name as it's parent
If I understand your question correctly, you want to match this:
object {
child {
and this:
object {
as two separate matches. In that case, you just need to make your quantifier non-greedy:
The ? makes the * non-greedy, so instead of taking as much as possible, it'll take as little as possible.
Your original matches everything from the first { to the last } because it's greedy and that, of course, ends up grabbing everything.
The problem with the above is that it misses the last closing bracket on the first object because of nesting. You can fix this for the first level of nesting like this:
By adding the clause {(.|\n)*?} as another alternative you now match the nested child correctly. But of course, the problem is that if you have another nested object then it'll be broken again!
Unfortunately, javascript's regex engine doesn't support recursion (some do), so you might need to take a different approach.
Try this.See demo.
var re = /object\s*{(?:(?!\bobject\b)[\s\S])*}/g;
var str = 'object {\n child {\n\n }\n}\nobject {\n\n}';
var m;
while ((m = re.exec(str)) != null) {
if (m.index === re.lastIndex) {
// View your result using the m-variable.
// eg m[0] etc.

What unicode character I can use to "flag" a string?

I want to represent an object that has several text properties, every one representing the same text value but in different languages. In case the user modifies a single field, the other fields should be revised, and I'm thinking on adding a single Unicode character at the beginning of the string of the other fields, and then to check for fields that need attention, I just have to check the value at obj.text_prop[0].
Which Unicode character can I use for this purpose? Ideally, it would be non-printable, supported in JS and JSON.
Such flagging should be done some other way, at a protocol level other than character level. For example, consider as making each language version an object rather than just a string; the object could then have properties such as needsAttention in addition to the property that contains the string.
But in case you need to embed such information into a string, then you could use ZERO WIDTH SPACE U+200B. As such it means line break opportunity, but this should not disturb here. The main problem is probably that old versions of IE may display it as a small rectangle.
Alternatively, you could use a noncharacter code point such as U+FFFF, if you can make sure that the string is never sent anywhere from the program without removing this code point. As described in Ch. 16 of the Unicode Standard, Special Areas and Format Characters, noncharacter code points are reserved for internal use in an application and should never be used in text interchange.
I would suggest you not to use strange characters in the beginning of the line. You can implement something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function LocalizationSet(){};
LocalizationSet.prototype.localizationItems = [];
LocalizationSet.prototype.itemsNeedAttention = [];
LocalizationSet.prototype.setLocalization = function(langId, text)
this.localizationItems[langId] = text;
this.itemsNeedAttention[langId] = true;
LocalizationSet.prototype.getLocalization = function(langId)
return this.localizationItems[langId];
LocalizationSet.prototype.needsAttention = function(langId)
if(this.itemsNeedAttention[langId] == null)
return false;
return this.itemsNeedAttention[langId];
LocalizationSet.prototype.unsetAttentionFlags = function()
for(var it in this.itemsNeedAttention)
this.itemsNeedAttention[it] = false;
var set = new LocalizationSet();
//Shows true,true,false,true

