Differences between function() and function($) in OO Javascript? - javascript

I like to create pretty OO javascript, sometimes with prototype and sometimes more native. In many cases I create javascript classes looking like this
var myObject = myObject || {};
myObject.Example1 = function () {
"use strict";
// ctor
function self() { }
// init
self.init = function () {
console.log("Example 1 did init");
return self;
myObject.Example2 = (function ($) {
"use strict";
// ctor
function self() { }
// init
self.init = function () {
console.log("Example 2 did init");
return self;
But I seem to have forgot why I can't create an instance of the function enclosed with () and $.
var obj1 = new myObject.Example1();
obj1.init(); // Does init
var obj2 = new myObject.Example2();
obj2.init(); // Does not init (obj2.init is not a function)
The myObject.Example1() works as expected but why can't I call the myObject.Example2()?

The correct way to use the pattern ‘make an object from a closure’ would be like this:
myObject.Example2 = (function ($) {
return function () {
"use strict";
// ctor
function self() { }
// init
self.init = function () {
console.log("Example 2 did init");
return self;

Example2 is the return value of a function that defines a function called self, adds a property to it, and then returns that function.
Example1 has an almost identical function, but since you don't have () at the end, it isn't called, so the value of Example1 is that function and not the function defined inside it.
This has nothing to do with the difference between function () { and function ($) { and everything to do with the difference between }; and })($).
The $ argument is entirely irrelevant since you don't use $ inside the function.


when calling a method in a object it's says it's not a function

foo.bar() bar() is not a function
I am trying to call a method on and object but it says the x is not a function
var UIController = (function () {
return {
getInput: function () {
return {
type: document.querySelector('.add__type').value,
description: document.querySelector('.add__description').value,
value: document.querySelector('.add__value').value
when I log it it says getInput() is not a functoin
var UIController is a function, not a object.
Look again, difference of function and object.
var UIController = {
key : value
Function :
var UIController = function (){
So youcan call with UIController().getInput()
You need to call your definition to get an instance of that inner object you return, which actually contains the getInput method, like so:
var UIController = (function () {
return {
getInput: function () {
var instance = UIController();
I found my answer the problem is with my IIFE function I shoud just add "()" this braces at the end of my function an it will work
var UIController = (function () {
return {
getInput: function () {
UIController is function as you asigned it so
Call like this console.log(UIController().getInput())
Because UIController is also returning a function.

Is it more efficient to use a common empty function instead of creating a new one in each class instance?

Let's say I have a class that is designed to have some callbacks added to it later on.
function myclass() {
this.onSomething = function () {};
this.onOtherThing = function () {};
this.something = function () {
// stuff
this.otherThing = function () {
// other stuff
I can't have this.onSomething and this.onOtherThing being undefined or null because when they are called in something() and otherThing(), an error will be thrown, stating that their type is not a function.
Since those empty functions are needed, but they use memory, is the class going to be more memory efficient if I did this?
function myclass() {
this.onSomething = empty;
this.onOtherThing = empty;
function empty() {
This way each class instance's properties point to the same empty function, instead of creating new functions every time. I assume defining an empty method doesn't take a lot of memory, but still... is this technically better?
You are right about the fact that a new function is created for every instance of your class. In order to have this shared across all instances you can declare it on the prototype of the class:
var MyClass = function() {
this.something = function () {
// stuff
this.otherThing = function () {
// other stuff
MyClass.prototype.onSomething = function() {};
MyClass.prototype.onOtherThing = function() {};
This way, the methods will be shared by all instances.
why don't you try to return true or return false instead of returning empty functions.
or best you can use :
function myclass() {
this.onSomething = false;
this.onOtherThing = false;
as per your comment you can try :
function myclass() {
this.onSomething = empty();
this.onOtherThing = empty();
... }
function empty() {
//return something
return true;

Call a function whose name is stored in a variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string
(36 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have the following script:
(function () {
var Module = (function () {
var fctToCall = function () {
return {
fctToCall: fctToCall
var Module2 = (function () {
var init = function () {
var str = 'fctToCall';
Module.str(); // here
return {
init: init
So I want to call this fctToCall method by its name - how can I do that? So far I know 3 methods:
by attaching the function to the window object, but then it wouldn't be local and in closure, and I wouldn't have the access to other local variables
eval, the best options as far as I see it, but it's still eval, so I don't wanna use it
this, but it's another architecture, I don't wanna change it
How can I solve this?
To call function use
As Module is an object, you can access the dynamic properties and methods of it by using the bracket notation.
(function() {
var Module = (function() {
var fctToCall = function() {
return {
fctToCall: fctToCall
var Module2 = (function() {
var init = function() {
var str = 'fctToCall';
// Call as
return {
init: init
var init = function () {
var str = 'fctToCall';
Module.str(); // here
var init = function () {
var str = 'fctToCall';
Module[str](); // here
Here, str is used as key to access the fctToCall function on Module.
Then you can call Module2.init(), in your IIFE:
(function() {
var Module = (function() {
var fctToCall = function() {
document.write('Foo'); // (alert is broken in snippets)
return {
fctToCall: fctToCall
var Module2 = (function() {
var init = function() {
var str = 'fctToCall';
Module[str](); // Access & call `fctToCall`.
return {
init: init
Module2.init(); // Call `init`.
Since everything in JS is object you can use the object notation.
You can just invoke the function like this:

Check if a private function exists inside an object in JavaScript

How can I check if a private function exist inside an object?
var myObj = function(){
var myFunc = function(){};
var init = function(){
//has myFunc been defined?
I know that I can do this:
if (typeof myFunc == 'function') {
//myFunc exist
But this is checking the global scope.
How can I limit this to my objects scope?
Here is the most simplified case that i need:
var myComponent = function () {
var exportExcel = function () {
this.export = function (type) {
if('export'+type is a private function in this scope){
window["export"+type]()//but in local scope;
And here is my work around for now :
var myComponent = function () {
var Exports = {
Excel: function () {
this.export = function (type) {
if (Exports.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
} else {
alert('This Export type has not been implemented Yet ! or it never will ... how knows? well i don\'t ...');
As you probably noticed:
function myFunc () {};
function myObj () {
function init () {
if (myFunc) // passes
You could cheat a bit :-|
function myObj () {
var isdef = { myFunc: true };
function myFunc () {};
function init () {
if (isdef.myFunc) // do something
I wonder why one would do that though.
Bases on the extra information given, the most practical pattern is what you're calling the "temporary workaround": keeping your functions in a private object, keyed by type.
var myComponent = function () {
var exporters = Object.create(null, {
"Excel": function () {
// do magic export here
this.export = function (type) {
if (type in exporters) {
// defined locally
return exporters[type].call(this); // binding is optional
} else {
// no export for you!
This prevents two things:
Referencing the function via string composition,
Querying the global scope (or, actually, any scope in between your component and the global scope).
This may not be your design principle, you could further extend this code to allow for adding / removing exporters.

Function is undefined in JS object

I create object var myObj = new functon () {...}.
In that object i add functions like :
var myObj = new function () {
this.func1 = function() {
this.func2 = function() {
As you can see in func1 I try to call func2 but it is always undefined. Why? Cause everything is in one object.
Change your scripts to
var myObj = function () {
var self = this;
this.func1 = function () {
this.func2 = function () {
On top of solutions provided by others. If you are going to call a javascript function that is defined like this
var func = function(){}
the function definition needs to come before the function call.
In the other way of defining a function this does not matter.
function func(){}
So Overall Code should be
var myObj = function(){
this.func2 = function(){
this.func1 = function(){
It's undefined because you don't have local variable func2. So correct reference should be this.func2().
However even in this case your code is not ideal construction object like this (mixing constructor and anonymous function) (although correct). In this case it's better to use object literal in the first place rather then create constructor function for just creating one single object instance:
var myObj = {
func1: function () {
func2: function () {}
You should call func2 like this
var myObj = new function () {
this.func1 = function () {
this.func2 = function () {
if you want call func2 with this. and without, you can do it like this
var myObj = new function () {
function func2() {
this.func1 = function() {
this.func2 = func2;
you can call like this.
Calling func2() directly, searches the function of window object.
var myObj = functon(){
var current = this;
this.func1 = function(){
this.func2 = function(){

