How do I use a variable in this function? - javascript

I've got this problem i can't solve.
I want to make the part that says "aboutMe" a variable called page_name (after the parameter), but I can't get it working...
$(document).ready(function(page_name) {
$.getJSON('../json/text.json', function(obj) {
// fill the title
for(i in obj.titles) {
var id1 = obj.titles[i].id;
var title1 = obj.titles[i].title;
// fill the rest of the page
for(i in obj.pages.aboutMe.page_element) {
var id = obj.pages.aboutMe.page_element[i].id;
var title = obj.pages.aboutMe.page_element[i].title;
var content = obj.pages.aboutMe.page_element[i].content;
var left_content = obj.pages.aboutMe.page_element[i].content_left;
var right_content = obj.pages.aboutMe.page_element[i].content_right;
for(var i in {
Does Anyone know how to solve this?
I would be very gratfull!

What is the error? Try using $(document).ready(function(){}); syntax. It may happen that there is a Jquery conflict. You can also resolve that by JQuery(document).ready(function(){});


Cannot read property 'enumNodeFragments' of undefined

I'm trying to change the color of elements in 3D Viewer using the Autodesk-forge platform, and for this I'm using this API by Daniel Du.
But the problem is when running I got this
The error Pict
And this the function :
Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D.prototype.setColorMaterial = function(objectIds, color) {
var material = addMaterial(color);
for (var i=0; i<objectIds.length; i++) {
var dbid = objectIds[i];
//from dbid to node, to fragid
viewer.addEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.GEOMETRY_LOADED_EVENT, function () {
var it = viewer.model.getData().instanceTree;
it.enumNodeFragments(dbid, function (fragId) {
var renderProxy = viewer.impl.getRenderProxy(viewer.model, fragId);
console.log("r prox : " + renderProxy);
renderProxy.meshProxy = new THREE.Mesh(renderProxy.geometry, renderProxy.material);
renderProxy.meshProxy.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
renderProxy.meshProxy.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
renderProxy.meshProxy.frustumCulled = false;
viewer.impl.addOverlay(overlayName, renderProxy.meshProxy);
}, false);
Hopefully, anyone has the solution to this problem...
Most likely you are running this code before the instance tree has been loaded, which provokes the error Cannot read property 'enumNodeFragments' of undefined on it variable. You would need to wait for the Autodesk.Viewing.OBJECT_TREE_CREATED_EVENT before running that code.
Take also a look at previous question about modifying materials in the viewer.

jQuery TypeError:function not found error

I want to get some properties of one of my div via following code
(function ($) {
function StickyNotes() {
this.getProperties = function (note) {
var properties = {};
properties['top'] = note.position().top;
properties['from_center'] = this.calcFromCenter(note.position().left);
properties['width'] = note.find(".resize").width();
properties['height'] = note.find(".resize").height();
return properties;
this.saveBoardAndNotes = function (board_id, board_name) {
var noteList = new Array();
// Replace plain urls with links and improve html
var note = $(this);
content = note.find(".textarea").html();
noteID = note.attr("id");
properties = JSON.stringify(this.getProperties(note));
var StickyNotes = new StickyNotes();
jQuery(document).ready(function (e) {
$('#sticky-notes-add-board').click(function (e) {
if(confirm('Do you want to save previous board?')) {
var board_id = $('.optimal-sticky-notes-board:last').attr('id');
var board_name = $('.optimal-sticky-notes-board:last').text();
StickyNotes.saveBoardAndNotes(board_id, board_name);
But I get following error..
TypeError: this.getProperties is not a function
I filtered all data like content and noteID. They are showing. But problem with this.getProperties. How can i solve the problem. Thanks in advance.
Inside each loop this points to current optimal-sticky-notes-sticker-note div. One of the several ways to reference correct scope is to use variable pointing to outer this:
this.saveBoardAndNotes = function (board_id, board_name) {
var noteList = new Array();
var self = this;
// Replace plain urls with links and improve html
var note = $(this);
content = note.find(".textarea").html();
noteID = note.attr("id");
properties = JSON.stringify(self.getProperties(note));

How to add/remove a value from stored html

According to the user navigation to pages, i would like to show appropriate side bars. so I am basically getting html of side bar and putting in empty.
and i am storing the sidebar to object. before i add to object i would like to add an id to side bar. i am trying but not working;
here is my try:
var ob = {};
var catcheBars = {};
var sidebar = $('div.sidebar');
var catchedBar = sidebar;
for(i=1; i <= 5; i++) {
if(!ob.hasOwnProperty(i+'page')) {
ob[i+'page'] = catchedBar;
console.log($(ob[i+'page']).find('button').addClass('sidebar'+i)); //not able to add class
$("#sideBar").html(ob['1page']); //nothing append to live..
my try is not working. when i do the mistake, or what is the correct way?
thanks in advance
Live Demo
I removed the empty() function. it works fine.
here is he updated result
var ob = {};
var catcheBars = {};
var sidebar = $('div.sidebar');
var catchedBar = sidebar;
for(i=1; i <= 5; i++) {
if(!ob.hasOwnProperty(i+'page')) {
ob[i+'page'] = catchedBar;
console.log($(ob[i+'page']).find('button').addClass('sidebar'+i)); //not able to add class
$("#sideBar").html(ob['1page']); //nothing append to live..

How do I generate HTML output from a meteor template for a given contextual data object (version 0.8+)

I am trying to integrate meteor with another JS framework. I had things working fairly well prior to the latest Blaze upgrade (i.e. pre-version 0.8). In order to get this to work, I need to render a meteor template as an HTML string. Moreover, I need to be able to supply a data object to provide the values for the variables included in the template.
Pre 0.8, I could simply do the following:
var myTemplateName = 'someTemplateName';
var myTemplateVariableData = {myTemplateVariableData: {'xxx': 'some data}};
var myTemplateHTML = Template[myTemplateName].render(myTemplateVariableData);
Of course, that no longer works. However, I have to think there is some way to do this still even post-0.8. I have gotten fairly close with the following:
var myTemplateVariableData = {'xxx': 'some data};
var templateName = 'someTemplateName';
var myTemplateHTML = "";
var dr = new UI.DomRange; // domain range
var loadedTemplate = Template[templateName].extend(
data: function () {
return { myTemplateVariableData: myTemplateVariableData }
var renderedTemplate = loadedTemplate.render();
UI.materialize(renderedTemplate, dr, null, dr.component);
for (var member in dr.members) {
if (dr.members.hasOwnProperty(member)) {
var testHTML = dr.members[member].innerHTML;
if (testHTML) {
myTemplateHTML = myTemplateHTML + testHTML
} else {
myTemplateHTML = myTemplateHTML + dr.members[member].textContent
The problem with the result of this attempt is that if I try something like this:
{{#if}}<span> {{}}</span>{{/if}}
I will get the span showing up but no content other than the &nbsp. It seems as though when inside of an if block, it loses the context and can't see the myTemplateVariableData attribute on the 'this' object any longer.
I suspect there is an easier way to accomplish what I am trying to do here but I am out of ideas at present so I thought I'd post this here to see if anyone else had tried to do something similar.
My solution I think is a little more straight forward:
function html(contextObject, templateName) {
return Blaze.toHTML(Blaze.With(contextObject, function() { return Template[templateName]; }));
template file
<template name="myTemplate">
<div id="{{myid}}"></div>
in some JS file
var myhtml = html({myid : 11}, "myTemplate") //<div id="1"></div>
To answer your question in the title, you could do it like this:
var templateName = 'myTemplate'
var context = {randomNumber: 527}
var div = document.createElement('div')
var component = UI.renderWithData(Template[templateName], context)
UI.insert(component, div)
var htmlString = div.innerHTML // <-- What you want.
But that's maybe not what you want?

Executing Javascript code after loading refreshed page

I have a Javascript file that is split into to two parts. The first part of the code ends by refreshing the current page. I would like to try to get the second part of the code to execute as soon as the page reloads, but I am having trouble finding a way to implement this. I pretty much want a way to do
window.onload = someFunction()
except that it activates the function after reloading the page due to the first part of the Javascript. Is there an effective way to do this?
You could do that using Jquery.
This is executed on page loading
$(function() {
document.onload = somefunction()
Instead . This will get executed immediately after the DOM loads .
You can also use the jQuery to do the same like
The only way I can think of is to add query string value when refreshing, then read that value and act upon it.
You can use such code:
function ParseQueryString() {
var result = [];
var strQS = window.location.href;
var index = strQS.indexOf("?");
if (index > 0) {
var temp = strQS.split("?");
var arrData = temp[1].split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < arrData.length; i++) {
temp = arrData[i].split("=");
var key = temp[0];
var value = temp.length > 0 ? temp[1] : "";
result[key] = value;
return result;
window.onload = function WindowLoad() {
var QS = ParseQueryString();
var reloaded = QS["reloaded"];
if (reloaded === "1") {
//execute second part of code
Then when reloading, redirect to same page adding ?reloaded=1 otherwise (if this flag is already raised) don't refresh the page again to avoid infinite loop.

