Ignoring line breaks in Javascript regex [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript regex multiline text between two tags
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Even if I use the m flag, javascript regex seems to isolate regex matching by lines.
=> null
I want this to match. How do I get around this?

You actually want s (a.k.a. "dotall"), not m, but javascript doesn't support that. A workaround:


Regex. Escape group? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a RegExp.escape function in JavaScript?
(18 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there any way to make something.+()[]* matching literally 'something.+()[]*'? I'm using regex builder so manual escaping is not allowed. Sure, i can add hardcoded checks if (char === '+') return '\+' but i'm looking for native solution or better way
I'm sorry. I forgot to add that matching should be in given order with moving forward but not back. So [+.] will not fit my requirements because it will match both +. and .+. I need only first case (In definition order)
You don't need to escape them if within square brackets.. I just tested and works for me, but maybe not what you are looking for?

How does JS regex non-capturing group work? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?
(23 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
This isn't so much about how to achieve what is explained in the example, there are plenty of easy ways to do it. The question is WHY does the example not behave as expected?
1. If I have the following string
2. And I'm trying to get [foo, bar] with the following regex in JavaScript
3. It returns
Array [ "#foo", "#bar" ]
Ignoring the non-capturing group (?:#)
It works as I first expected in here https://regex101.com/r/zI0wH9/1
So why is this? Do JS regexes behave somehow differently?
simply try
"#foo#bar".match(/[a-zA-Z]+/gi); //outputs ["foo", "bar"]

Developing a Regex pattern for an email [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I validate an email address using a regular expression?
(79 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have no experience with regular expressions in java script, but I need to derive a pattern for
FMLast1234#ung.edu. There only needs to be a pattern for FMLast1234 because #ung.edu needs to remain the same. I am not sure if I just do this \b[a-z][a-z][a-z][0-9] or what.
Does there need to be a range for each character in the pattern? I need to check for variations of the pattern FMLast1234 not just a random assortment of characters and numbers.
/[a-zA-Z0-9]#ung.edu/.test("123#ung.edu") or
if(emailString.split('#')[1] === "ung.edu")
Edit : As per plalx comment here is my answer

new Regexp doesn't work [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why do regex constructors need to be double escaped?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm trying to convert following expression to "new Regexp()" style:
var Wyrazenie = /\btest[a-z]*/g;
I'm really confused with it and have no idea how to fix it. Below is what I've done but obviously it doesn't work.
var Wyraznie = new RegExp("\btest[a-z]*","g");
Also have a question how would it look if instead of "test" I would use variable?
You should use this instead...
new RegExp("\\btest[a-z]*", "g");
... as \b will be interpolated into a single (slashless) character when JavaScript parser works through the corresponding string literal. The solution is to escape slash itself.
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/HDWBZ/1/

Text between two dollar signs JavaScript Regex [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
My regex is matching too much. How do I make it stop? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to use RegEx to select all strings between two dollar signs.
text = text.replace(/\$.*\$/g, "meow");
I'm trying to turn all text between two dollar signs into "meow" (placeholder).
Original question changed because the solution was too localized, but the accepted answer is useful information.
That's pretty close to what you want, but it will fail if you have multiple pairs of $text$ in your string. If you make your .* repeater lazy, it will fix that. E.g.,
text = text.replace(/\$.*?\$/g, "meow");
I see one problem: if you have more than one "template" like
aasdasdsadsdsa $a$ dasdasdsd $b$ asdasdasdsa
your regular expression will consider '$a$ dasdasdsd $b$' as a text between two dolar signals. you can use a less specific regular expression like
to consider two strings in this example

