Dynamically assign variable to jquery autocomplete query string - javascript

I'm coding form where a user can submit playlists. There is an 'artist' field and a 'song' field. Both are input type 'text'.
I'm attempting to use jquery's autocomplete functionality in both fields. Autocomplete results for the artist are functions of user-keystrokes and autocomplete results for songs are functions of user-keystrokes AND the value of the artist input field.
Autocomplete seems to work to populate a list of suggestions under the artist input field. search.php is the script reading the query string.
$(".artist").autocomplete("searchDev.php?type=artist&"+mydate.getTime(), {
width: 180,
selectFirst: false
In search.php, a var_export of $_GET in searchDev.php after an a keystroke yields
array (
'type' => 'artist',
1367531572213 => '',
'q' => 'a',
'limit' => '10',
'timestamp' => '1367531576911',
This is just fine.
However, when I try to supply a variable to the query string(here window.sartist) in autocomplete(for the song input field),
$(".song").autocomplete("search.php?type=song&sartist="+window.sartist+"&"+mydate.getTime(), {
width: 180,
selectFirst: false
sartist is not defined correctly, ie var_export($_GET) in search.php yields
array (
'type' => 'song',
'sartist' => '[object HTMLInputElement]',
1367525807081 => '',
'q' => 'a',
'limit' => '10',
'timestamp' => '1367526169637',
if a global variable, not attached to the window is used in place of window.sartist in the query string, var_export($_GET) yields
array (
'type' => 'song',
'sartist' => '',
1367528252501 => '',
'q' => 'a',
'limit' => '10',
'timestamp' => '1367528260585',
So I suspect that the query string cannot be modified after it is loaded. Does anyone have a viable workaround to allow variables to be dynamically assigned to the autocomplete query string? Basically I need the 'song' autocomplete suggestions contingent upon the value of the 'artist' field.

You just need to use a function as source to pass multiple dynamics params to the query :
var value = $(this).val();
source:function( request, response ) {
$.getJSON( "searchDev.php", {
term: value ,
}, response );
In this example, if current input .song have value 'high hope' and the #myparam field have value "pink" the query will looks like : searchDev.php?term=high+hope&type=song&myparam=pink
Fiddle (no real data source, just see the console) : http://jsfiddle.net/RfuBP/3/
Doc for the source option of jquery autocomplete : http://api.jqueryui.com/autocomplete/#option-source
PS : In your code, are you sure that window.sartist returns a value and not the element ?


Sequelize "WHERE" Clause in subqueries

I'am trying to build my query using sequelize, in the where clause I need to give the conditional value from my front-end so i did it like this :
getResults(req) {
return parm
attributes: [
sequelize.literal('DISTINCT "id"')
where : {
name: req.query.parm.replace(/"/g, '').split(',')
} ,
raw: true
and it's working!
but now I need to write a subquery including where clause:
something like this :
SELECT tab1.name FROM
WHERE id = (value from the front-end) AND name IN (values from front-end)
) as tab1
Here is what i have tried :
getTest(req) {
if (req.query.parm != null) {
return parm .sequelize.query('SELECT id FROM "table_base" where id = $mid ); ',
{ type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT ,
bind: { mid: [req.query.parm.replace(/"/g, '').split(',')] }} );
i tried to use raw query and i tested the binding parameters but i get this error when i execute this testing query :
Executing (default): SELECT id FROM "table_base" where id = $1 );
The answer to your question is YES it is indeed possible! SQL can pretty much do anything even if you are using sequelize. If you write the subquery and it doesn't work just post it back here so people can take a look and debug. Thanks

Priority-Web-SDK: Filtering a form

I am trying to understand how to use the setSearchFilter function in the Priority Web SDK. I can run formStart() followed by form.getRows(1) to get the entire form, but I only need ~5 of the over 100 rows.
.then(() => formStart('ORDERS', null, null, 'demo',1))
.then(form => form.setSearchFilter({
or: 0,
ignorecase: 1,
QueryValues: [{
field: 'TOTPRICE',
fromval: '100',
op: '>'
.then(filter => filter.getRows(1))
.then(rows => console.log(rows))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
If I comment out the then-setSearchFilter line, I get the entire form. With it in, I get filter undefined.
This is for a phone app so how much data I download seems important.
As you can see in the documentation setSearchFilter doesn't return a filter object. After defining the filter each call to getRows will return rows according to the filter. You should call it like this: form.getRows not filter.getRows.
In addition, when defining a Filter you must define all of its members.

Google Maps API MissingKeyMapError via Magento Plugin

I've had a look through the forum already, but can't seem to find an answer for my specific problem.
So, I've installed a third party 'store locator' plugin on my Magento store but I keep getting a js error message about MissingKeyMapError. I've already applied for an API key - but my problem is I'm not sure where in the code I should put this key.
I'm in Googlemap.php in the app folder for this particular plugin and I think it should go in here somewhere but not entirely sure.
This is what's contained in Googlemap.php:
class Clarion_Storelocator_Block_Adminhtml_Storelocator_Edit_Tab_Googlemap extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form
protected function _prepareForm()
$model = Mage::registry('storelocator_data');
$form = new Varien_Data_Form();
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset('form_General_Googlemap', array('legend'=>Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Google Map')));
$radiusConfigValue = Mage::getStoreConfig('clarion_storelocator_general_setting/clarion_storelocator_display_setting/default_radius');
$fieldset->addField('radius', 'text', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Radius'),
'note' => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Radius is in miles. If kept blank then default configured radius will be used (System > Configuration > Store Locator)'),
'name' => 'radius',
'value' => $radiusConfigValue,
$fieldset->addField('latitude', 'text', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Latitude'),
'class' => 'validate-number',
'required' => true,
'name' => 'latitude',
$fieldset->addField('longitude', 'text', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Longitude'),
'class' => 'validate-number',
'required' => true,
'name' => 'longitude',
$zoomLevelConfigValue = Mage::getStoreConfig('clarion_storelocator_general_setting/clarion_storelocator_display_setting/zoom_level');
$fieldset->addField('zoom_level', 'text', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('Zoom Level '),
'note' => Mage::helper('clarion_storelocator')->__('If kept blank then default configured zoom level will be used (System > Configuration > Store Locator)'),
'name' => 'zoom_level',
'value' => $zoomLevelConfigValue,
$data = $model->getData();
if(!empty($data)) {
return parent::_prepareForm();
Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
I also had same issue with this extension just find the xml file under your theme layout mainly named with clarion_storelocator.xml in this find google api path under script tag in line no #32 replace with src="//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&key=YOUR_API_KEY" async="" defer="defer" type="text/javascript"> under script tag
Remember to put your api key.
Enjoy Coding :)

serializing form values where name is blah[email]

If I have an html form where the name values are:
How would I go about getting all the values of the array in the form of:
main : { name : 'value', email : 'value', info : 'value' }
I've tried jquery's serialize() from an older stack (Obtain form input fields using jQuery?) question but that solution gives me an array along the lines of
{ 'main[email]' : 'value', 'main[email]' : 'value', 'main[info]' : 'value' }
EDIT: reason i'm doing the main[email] format is because I have an extra input there for csrf which I need to differentiate from the actual input values, the final array is gonna be something like:
[ csrf: '', main : { name : 'value', email : 'value', info : 'value' } ]
this way I can just use main values.
Why not just set your fields like this?

ExtJS 3: form load with several items with identical names

I have an ExtJS form which contains several items that have the same name. I expect that when the form is loaded with the values from server-side all of those equally named components will get assigned the same relevant value.
Apparently, what happens is that only the first element from the group of equally named gets the value, others are skipped.
Is there an easy way to alter this observed behavior?
Below is the code of the form:
var productionRunAdvancedParametersForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
region : 'center',
name : 'productionRunAdvancedParametersCommand',
border : false,
autoScroll : true,
buttonAlign : 'left',
defaults : {
msgTarget : 'side'
layoutConfig : {
trackLabels : true
labelWidth : 200,
items : [
xtype : 'fieldset',
title : 'ASE',
collapsible : true,
autoHeight : true,
items : [ {
xtype : 'hidden',
name : 'genScens'
}, {
xtype : 'checkbox',
name : 'genScens',
fieldLabel : 'GEN_SCENS',
disabled : true
listeners : {
beforerender : function(formPanel) {
url : BASE_URL + 'get-data-from-server.json',
method : 'GET',
success : function(form, action) {
var responseData = Ext.util.JSON.decode(action.response.responseText);
if (!responseData.success) {
Screen.errorMessage('Error', responseData.errorMessage);
failure : function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", Ext.util.JSON.decode(action.response.responseText).errorMessage);
The server response is:
What happens is only the hidden component gets value 'true', the disabled checkbox doesn't get checked. If I swap them in the items arrays, then the checkbox is checked but the hidden doesn't get any value.
The behaviour you see is exactly what I'd expect.
Inside a form, using the same field name multiple times -unless you use it for radiobuttons, which is not the case- is an error. Just think about what the form submit function should do in this case: should it send the same key (input name) twice, possibly with different values?
(Obviously, in the case of radiobuttons the answer is simple: sent the input name as key, and the checked radiobutton's value as value).
What Ext does here is, scan the form seaching for the input field matching the name, and then assign the value to the first matching input (since it assumes no duplicate names).
You can work it around simply by:
using two different names in the form (eg. genScens and genScens_chk )
sending the same value under two different keys in the server-side response, e.g.
Please note: if you cannot alter the server response, still use two different names, just add a callback to the success function, setting the genScens_chk value accordingly, like that:
success : function(form, action) {
var responseData = Ext.util.JSON.decode(action.response.responseText);
if (!responseData.success) {
Screen.errorMessage('Error', responseData.errorMessage);

