Setting up node.js and - javascript

I have spent literally all day visiting tutorial websites explaining how to use nodejs and but I'm not able to get anything to work.
I have managed to at least run a js file:
node filename.js
But it doesnt fully work. It runs until it reaches the "var server = net..." line since the "console.log("hello")" line DOES NOT EXECUTE:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.write('Echo server\r\n');
server.listen(1337, '');
This i got from the official node.js site home page:
All tutorials claim that its just so easy.
I have just tried to follow this tutorial to the letter although a lot of them skim over the part I'm stuck with (the actual installing):
so following the above tutorial i run app.js from the console and i get a message " started", I get stuck at the part where it asks for you to go to this URL:
The browser attempts to go there but it hangs for a few minutes then says:
"No data received
Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data."
I have no idea how node.js works and there don't seem to be explanations as to how it works...
Where is node.js installed? If its meant to be on the server, how does it get installed on the server? where should I install it to test locally? what is where should that be installed?
All I seem to get on node.js info sites are code block dumps with little explanation as what is going on.
I followed a youtube tutorial where the guy was using WAMP server, so I thought maybe I needed to put files on a server, so I installed WAMP and disabled IIS8 server. Another note, when going to "localhost" on my browser it says "it works!" which seems like an automating message from a local server - I thought it was IIS8 but even though I disable the service, that message displays. Even if I install WAMP and have it running that message displays. Also, WAMP doesn't work either, since php files don't run. Localhost always takes me to a page displaying that message.
Is this a local server issue?

it is hard to give an "answer" to your question(s). I would recommend you start with a much more basic introduciton that the drawing game. Also, I would suggest you start with nodejs as is, without using right away. when you understand how node works, you can start with websockets.
Here is some node 101 stuff:
You should not need WAMP at all. nodjs is the server!
It seems that you have no idea what ports are. Your node script start a webserver that listens on port 1337. If you want to see what that server serves, you need to point your browser to localhost:1337 (not port 8080, as you tried)

I have created a basic gist on github for using + node + express
The minimum working environment for making app is this :
var express = require('express'),
app = express(),
http = require('http'),
server = http.createServer(app),
io = require('').listen(server);
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send('<!doctype html> \
<html> \
<head><meta charset="utf-8"></head> \
<body> \
<center>Welcome to <strong></strong></center> \
<script src="/"></script> \
<script> \
var socket = io.connect(); \
socket.emit("message", "Howdy"); \
setInterval(function () { \
socket.emit("message", "Ping"); \
}, 1000); \
</script> \
</body> \
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('message', function(msg) {

you need to require('') and then create a connection io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) in order to make it work


Failed to connect to localhost port 8000: Connection refused in Node.js

I'm trying to connect to the HTTP server in node.js.
I've spent my whole day searching online to solve my issue but unfortunately, it is of no use.
This is a simple code I wrote taking reference from official Node.js documentation.
const http = require('http');
const requestListener = function (req, res) {
res.end('Hello, World!');
const server = http.createServer(requestListener);
The code I am running inside CMD terminal
curl localhost:8080
This returns the following error:
I know this questions have been asked a thousands time in stack overflow but none fixed my issue. Anyone can help me?
In you code you are listening to port 8080 but from commandline you are trying 8000. Make sure you are using correct port and ensure its not in use.
You are trying to execute C:\Users\prabi\app\server.js when the real file is C:\Users\prabi\app\index.js so verify the start script in package.json and fix it.
Fire up another terminal and run the command:
node index.js
Then go back to your previous terminal window/tab and run curl localhost:8080 again. Should work.
The problem is that your code has been written well, but you aren't executing it at all. So if you don't run your node code, your http server cannot listen at the 8080 port in the first place.

Express.js piping request to php built-in server on localhost results in ECONNREFUSED

I am building a simple website using npm for development, and it is hosted with a provider with php support.
The only functionality that uses php is contact form to send email. the rest is simple html and javascript.
I use a simple php server in development started with php -S localhost:8000 to test a simple php email script and again in dev I reverse proxy requests for email.php to this php server locally.
Node app is on port 3000 and php server is on port 8000. The problem is I get connection refused error with the following express server configuration when request goes through localhost:3000/email.php:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var express = require('express');
var app = express(),
request= require('request'),
port = +(process.env.PORT || 3000);
app.set('case sensitive routing', false); '/email.php', function( req, res ){
req.pipe( request({
url: 'http://localhost:8000/email.php',
qs: req.query,
method: req.method
}, function(error){
if (error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED'){
console.error('Refused connection');
} else {
throw error;
})).pipe( res );
// other request handlers here
app.listen(port, function() {
Php server is definitely up and serving all the pages on port 8000, which I can browse with the browser. I test it with curl and it seems to be handling the request just fine when posted directly to localhost:8000 using curl.
Not sure why I get this error, scratching my head, can't think of any reason.
Help is much appreciated.
I figured out what it was, d'oh! Well I am gonna post the answer in case someone else stumbles upon this.
PHP is to blame it seems; Checking the sockets listening a port using ss -ltn ( I am on Linux, this might not work for you) I realised php server is listening IPv6 only. Relevant output as follows:
State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
LISTEN 0 128 ::1:8000
With the relevant search I found the answer on web server documentation page under user notes posted by a user. See the post here. The solution is to use rather than localhost:
As it turned out, if you started the php server with "php -S
localhost:80" the server will be started with ipv6 support only!
To access it via ipv4, you need to change the start up command like
so: "php -S" which starts server in ipv4 mode only.

Can't get to work on server, while running fine locally

This code is running fine with the node.js server running locally:
var client = require('').listen(3001).sockets;
Client HTML:
<script src="http://localhost:3001/"></script>
Client Javascript:
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3001');
Then I moved the server.js to my ubuntu server which has node and socket io installed, using the same code, and started it without error.
Clientside I changed the local html/javascript file from localhost:3001 to ServerIP:3001 and it just doesn't work anymore. When I check firebug, I can see it never finishes trying to GET http://ServerIP:3001/ It does not fail, just never finishes.
What did I do wrong? Thank you.
This is most likely a firewall issue.
Allow connections on port 3001 using the following (if you use iptables)
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 3001 -J ACCEPT
Than try again

How to access remote node.js app in browser, not on localhost

I'm trying to set up a simple "Hello world" node.js app.
I've created the following index.js file:
var app = require("express")();
var http = require("http").Server(app);
app.get("/", function(req, res){
res.send("<h1>Hello worlddddd</h1>");
http.listen(8080, function(){
console.log("listening on *:8080");
When I open up my local console, and perform node index.js, I get the message "listening on *:8080", as expected. I point my browser to localhost:8080, and I see the HTML page saying "Hello worlddd", as desired.
Now, I'm trying to do the same on my Virtual Private Server, so I can access the same app from different computers, but all I get is connection timeouts. I've followed these steps:
Install node.js on my VPS
Install express via npm install --save express#4.10.2
Upload my index.js file to the var/www/html folder on my server with IP (an example, this isn't my real IP).
Access the server via PuTTY, and run node index.js, where I get "listening on *:8080", so I know node.js is working.
Now I point my browser to and after about 20 seconds, I get the browser error: "The connection has timed out".
I've tried listening to port :80 instead, but I get the error that this port is already in use.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Am I using the wrong port? Am I pointing to the wrong URL? Do I need to modify my server preferences? (running Apache on CentOS). I've only found dozens of tutorials that teach you how to run a node.js app on your local computer(pointing the browser at localhost:8080), but I need it to run on my remote server so multiple computers can access the same app.
The issue is that your current filters (iptables) block traffic unless you explicitly allow it.
You just need to open port TCP 8080 inbound, and you should be able to reach your node.js server!

Run NodeJS app on appFog

All I want to do is deploy my little nodeJS app onto the free hosting site, appFog.
Nomatter what ports I set on my client side or on my server side.. I consistently get the error message:
throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
^ Error: listen EADDRINUSE
When this is on my laptop / desktop running on localhost, everything works just fine.
So this is what I've got going on:
Client side:
this.connection = new WebSocket('ws://');
Server Side:
var express = require("express"); // load the express module
var app = express(); // App now holds the server object
// What ports to listen on
app.listen(process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT ||1337);
server.listen(process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT || 1337, function() {
console.log((new Date()) + " Server is listening on port " + webSocketsServerPort); });
Your server code looks ok. What is events.js? It looks like maybe you're including a module that's trying to bind to a port it shouldn't.
Once you get your server running, I don't think your client code will work. As far as I can tell, AppFog doesn't support websockets, and if it does, you'll probably want to hit port 80, not 1337.
Alright, I'm going to answer my own questions.
AppFog does not support WebSockets. websockets =/= btw fyi
Anyways, according to this site:

