Jquery bug dblclick/click - javascript

I've been experimenting with jquery and have come upon a problem. http://javascript.nicklewers.co.uk/nav/
On the 'Android' tab I've set it so that if you click once, the sub menu will appear, however when doubleclicking, the main content will appear.
Now the problem is: a double click involves two single clicks which involves the sub menu opening and closing very quickly and this looks bad. How do I prevent this?

try this (using a timer to know if single click or double):
var el=$(this);
if (alreadyclicked)
alreadyclicked=false; // reset
clearTimeout(alreadyclickedTimeout); // prevent this from happening
// do what needs to happen on double click.
alreadyclicked=false; // reset when it happens
// do what needs to happen on single click.
// use el instead of $(this) because $(this) is
// no longer the element
},300); // <-- dblclick tolerance here
return false;

Try a delay before showing/hiding the submenu. With JS this can be done using the setTimeout() function.

$('.content, #subnav').toggle();
why do you toggle both the content and the submenu? Removing it is not going to solve the problem, but I think it should not be there.


Add DISPLAY: NONE to span via jQuery when: mouse-click outside span, OR click EXIT button, etc+

What I want is really simple, but every time I try to add the functionality I want, the more I'd mess things up, so I decided to ask help and stick with the working basic script I have now.
I already have a script in progress, that I would like to develop to work almost exactly like this:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/7133084/1399030 { http://jsfiddle.net/Paulpro/YpeeR/25/ } (by: PaulP.R.O.)
Open a hidden span
Hide a hidden span
Span has "CLOSE" button to exit span
Hide currently opened span when another span is triggered
Think... Image Gallery Preview functionality... Kind of.
"Preview" spans are triggered when either .popCover or a.thumbnail is clicked on the webpage, this hidden span will appear based on its specified unique id, by jQuery inserting display: block; to its css.
This is inside a loop with multiple items.
I've gotten this far and this is the working script that I use:
$(document).ready(function() {
divID = $(this).attr('id');
$("#tooltip-"+divID).fadeIn('5000', function() {
$("#tooltip-"+divID).css("display", "block");
$("a.thumbnail").click(function() {
dvID = $(this).attr('id');
$("#tooltip-"+dvID).fadeIn('5000', function() {
$("#tooltip-"+dvID).css("display", "block");
But now, I need to add to these functions the trigger to make the span disappear again, (by inserting display: none; to its css.
I'd want the CURRENT SPAN to disappear when:
01. Mouse click is made outside of the span element
02. An exit or X button is clicked INSIDE the span. (like on image galleries, when they preview an image, and exit it by either clicking outside the element or an exit button provided within the preview)
03. .popCover or a.thumbnail is re-clicked (probably to trigger another span of a different ID to show.)
Currently, I can click as many anchors on the page and all these spans with different IDs just accumulate and stack up over each other on the page.
I don't really want that. I don't want more than 1 span to be open at one time, so I was hoping to add functionality that would make the current opened span exit itself when another anchor click is made.
I really did try to do this myself, but... I can't get the methods I've tried to work. It was too complicated to add all these functions together since I'm no jQuery expert. I could get one to work and then ruin it by trying to work in another.
Also, I was thinking of using this similar way of exiting the span:
$(".the_span").fadeOut("5000").css("display", "none");
The only reason I'm not willing to just use some plugin and uncomplicate things for me is, I already really like my "Preview" span css, I have it all ready. I just need the jquery part to work:
To display: block a span when triggered, and display: none it if mentioned conditions are met.
Hoping for assistance, and will be very grateful for each single one! Thank you.
You have to try to add a class on the opened / active element and then bind all the events to close it. Binds have to be done on elements with class .active for example, when closed, .active class have to be removed.
I've finally gotten this to work! :o)
By using if ($("span.the_span").is(":visible")) to check if span with class="the_span" was currently visible / open / or has display: block in its CSS, and if so, to:
- hide the currently open span, before proceeding to show the new span. -
Here's my working finished product that addresses all the functionality I wanted:
$(document).ready(function() {
// When clicks on either ".popCover" or "a.thumbnail" is made,
// Funcion clickPOP is triggered:
var clickPOP = function() {
divID = $(this).attr('id');
// Checks if "span.the_span" is already currently open:
if ($("span.the_span").is(":visible")) {
$("span.the_span").css("display", "none"); // If open, this is where it closes it..
$("#tooltip-"+divID).fadeIn('200', function() { // Then, proceeds to open the new clicked span here.
$("span.the_span #tooltip-"+divID).css("display", "block"); });
// But if no "span.the_span" is currently open:
// No need to close anything, it will directly open the new span...
else {
$("#tooltip-"+divID).fadeIn('5000', function() {
$("span.the_span #tooltip-"+divID).css("display", "block"); });
} // End of Function. Added functionality starts below...
// Exits "span.the_span" when mouse clicks outside of element
// ... ("Outside of element" means: outside of "span.the_span")
$("span.the_span").css("display", "none");
// Exit Button : Exits "span.the_span" when exit button is clicked
$('span.exitme').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function(e){
$("span.the_span").css("display", "none");
// This makes sure that clicks inside "span.the_span" continue to work
// This makes sure that clicks on ".popCover" continue to work
// This makes sure that clicks on "a.thumbnail" continue to work
// Clicks on both ".popCover" & "a.thumbnail"
// ... will trigger actions specified on function: clickPOP.
As you can see, I've also added the $(document).click(function() etc. to get my original desired functionality of hiding the span when mouse clicks outside of the element, but making sure that clicks can still be made if they are done on .popCover (div) or a.thumbnail (link) on the webpage.
Also, I wouldn't have been able to complete writing this method without the tips from these posts:
* Running same function / different triggers: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1191837/1399030
* Fix clicking inside element (including exit button): https://stackoverflow.com/a/4660691/1399030
* How to check if something is hidden or visible: https://stackoverflow.com/a/178450/1399030
I especially found the last post VERY helpful (and basically it made me understand what I was doing), because poster: Tsvetomir Tsonev included in his code comments:
// Checks for display:[none|block], ignores visible:[true|false]"
I didn't really initially understand that jQuery was able to check or connect with CSS that wasn't inline (being a jQuery noob myself), so that post was indeed very enlightening.
Of course, if there is a better, more efficient way to do this, I would be very happy to be enlightened some more! jQuery is still a learning curve for me, and I'm a very eager student!

check for ('div')mouseenter on ('a')mouseleave

my problem is following:
I got a trigger(a) and a popup(div). The div doesn't lie nested inside the anchor.
When I hover over a, I want the div to show up.
When I go from a to the div, I want it to stay visible.
When I leave the div, I want it to close.
When I hover over a and leave without entering the div, I want the div to close.
I got most of that figured out, but now I'm struggeling with requierement no. 2.
When checking for mouseleave on a, I check if there is a mouseenter on the div. If it is, I want to abort the mouseleave. If not, I want to close the div.
What am I doing wrong? Is this even the right way to do this?
Here's the markup:
<a href="#" class="popup_toggle" style='display:block;width:50px;height:50px;border:1px solid red;position:relative;'>Toggle</a>
<div class="popup_div" style='position:absolute;top:50px;left:0px;border:1px solid blue;display:none;'>Popup</div>
Here's the jQuery:
$('.popup_toggle').mouseenter(function() {
var element = $(this).next('.popup_div');
$.data(this, 'timer', setTimeout(function() {
}, 500));
$('.popup_toggle').mouseleave(function() {
clearTimeout($.data(this, 'timer'));
return false;
What you're trying to do is fairly simple. When entering the trigger, identify the panel (layer, popup, whatever), save reference to each other using .data() and have the event handlers check if the related targets are either the trigger (from the panel view) or the panel (from the trigger view). I threw something together. Have a look at the console log to see how this works… http://jsfiddle.net/rodneyrehm/X5uRD/
That will most likely not work...no. I would suggest that you add a mouseenter and mouseleave callback to you <div> element as well and have them set a global variable that tells your other callbacks how to handle their events, i.e. "if global variable is true, don't hide the popup on mouseleave, otherwise hide popup" or something like this.
The other approach would be to check whether the mouse is inside the popup when the mouseleave callback tries to hide the popup. That might be much more work than it is worth though.
I believe the problem with your implementation is that the mouseenter on the div will fire shortly after the mouseleave from the a.
This would give you something like:
$('.popup_toggle').mouseenter(function() {
// Clear any pending "hide" timer
// Set a show timer
$('.popup_toggle').mouseleave(function() {
// Clear any pending "show" timer
// Set a hide timer
$('.popup_div').mouseenter(function() {
// Clear any pending "hide" timer
Note that you'll have to make sure that you access the same timer from both the .popup_toggle event and the .popup_div event. You may want to consider using Ben Alman's doTimeout plugin to help with this. It (usually) results in much clearer code than manually working with setTimeout/clearTimeout.

Prevent Javascript from being executed twice

I have a script that I am developing that creates a sliding button type effect. Five div's are situated next to eachother each with a link. When one of those DIVS are clicked on the associated content is expanded and the rest of the Div's are closed.
The problem is, if a user clicks the Div twice while it loads or clicks another Div in rapid succession, cracks start to show.
I am wondering if it would be possible to only allow the query to be executed once and wait until completion rather than queuing it.
Here is my current code, if it is crap feel free to comment on how I could better it... I am not the best at Javascript/jQuery :P
function mnuClick(x){
//Reset all elements
$('.menu .menu_Graphic').fadeOut(300);
$('.menu_left .menu_Graphic').fadeOut(300);
$('.menu_right .menu_Graphic').fadeOut(300);
$('.menu').animate({width: "76px"},500);
$('.menu_left').animate({width: "76px"},500);
$('.menu_right').animate({width: "76px"},500);
var ElementId = '#' + x;
width: 369 + "px"
},500, function(){
$(ElementId + ' .menu_Graphic').fadeIn(300);
Thanks in advance,
You need a "isRunning" flag. Check for it before you start. Set it when you start the sequence, clear it when it ends.
(function() {
var mutex = false;
function mnuClick(x){
if (!mutex) {
mutex = !mutex;
/* all code here ... */
mutex = !mutex; /* this statement should go into animation callback */
mantain a state through a variable so you cannot click more than once until code has fully executed
you can unplug the onClick event handler (mnuClick) when the event starts, to effectively disable invoking the mnuClick twice, but be sure to restore it when the event ends.
Quick answer: use .addClass and .removeClass and test for the existence of the class at execution time. Test if it's set and return, or add it, execute the code, then remove it.
you can create an invisible maskin and maskout ( like the background in lightbox etc ) or disable clicks until the animation finishes.

Making JQuery horizontal accordion close on click

Example: http://vincent-massaro.com/map/
Currently, the script allows you to click on a piece of the accordion to open it, but it is set to close on mouseleave. When I set the mouseleave to .click, it gets confused and doesn't know what state it is in. I want to make it so that you can click to open it, and click to close it, instead of mouseleave. The code controlling this is below, and the full script is in haccordion.js linked in the page source. If someone could help me modify this script, I would be very grateful! Thanks in advance.
haccordion.expandli(config.accordionid, this)
if (config.collapsecurrent){ //if previous content should be contracted when expanding current
$(this).stop().animate({width:config.paneldimensions.peekw}, config.speed)
try use this
$('.accordion-item-header').click(function() {
var item = $(this).parent().find('.accordion-item-body');
width:item.hasClass('open') ? 0: 100
}, 100).toggleClass('open');
You could set a boolean variable to represent whether the accordion is open or not and just check it on click. (You'll need to toggle the variable's state on click too)
Ok try this. Set a boolean global variable (outside the click event) like this:
var accordion_expanded = false;
Then within your click event do something like this: (I haven't tested this so you might have to massage it a bit to fit your circumstance)
In the function where you expand your accordion put this:
accordion_expanded = true;
And in the function where you contract your accordion do a
if(accordion_expanded == true){
//Contract accordion code goes here
accordion_expanded == false;
Good Luck!

jquery buffer/queue for effects? Or to tell if an effect is in process?

I have a click event that checks to see if a form is correct i.e. filled out details.. and then i call a function that does this
$('#message_system').animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 5000)
.fadeOut('slow', function() {
All works ok, as long as i wait .. if i double click the button twice for example that it stops displaying ...
I presume if it is hidden hide() then fadeIn() will automatically show it?
Anyone got any experience with this ??
What i probably would like to do is on the second click then disgard current effects and redisplay new messaage
I'm not sure if this is what you're after, but have you looked at the stop() method.
You can skip straight to the end of any current animations by calling $('#message_system').stop(true, true) before beginning again.
if ( ! $(this).is(':animated') ) {
// Do the animation...

