jQuery remove div onclick - javascript

I can't seem to get my jQuery right to remove a div when I delete something
Code is:
<div class="amend_order" data-item_key="1367264719mz7">
<p>Home Made Ice Cream</p>
<p class="small_text">Pistachio</p>
<a class="edit_item ui-link" href="javascript:void(0);">Edit</a>
<a class="deleter ui-link" href="javascript:void(0);">Delete</a>
I have tried using
unfortunately this does not work.
Basically there is a list of several divs and I just want them to disappear when clicked.

If your container divs are dynamically added, you need to use event delegation. Try this:
$("#container").on("click", ".amend_order .deleter", function () {
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/m6jVP/
If they're added dynamically, then the event binding won't actually find any elements and therefore won't execute when they're clicked. This event handling runs for any elements inside of #container that match the selector .amend_order .deleter when they are clicked.
You can replace #container with a selector that matches a stable (static) element containing these divs you're targeting, using document if necessary.

<div class="amend_order" data-item_key="1367264719mz7">
<p>Home Made Ice Cream</p>
<p class="small_text">Pistachio</p>
<a class="edit_item ui-link" href="javascript:void(0);">Edit</a>
<a class="deleter ui-link" href="javascript:void(0);">Delete</a>
$('.deleter').on('click', function(){
Live sample http://jsfiddle.net/Ny346/

Try pointing to the div:
or when clicking on the delete button:

Try this:
$('.deleter').on('click', function(){
Live Sample


jQuery closest() remove() on <a> doesn't work?

Please see this page which has this code:
<div class="pure-control-group query-brand-by-column">
<!-- somethings else -->
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-sm-1-24 control-group-sub">
Clicking the X link should remove its ancestor div.query-brand-by-column as a whole but somehow it's not working. I've checked jQuery docs and this answer and the code seems absolutely all right to me but it simply doesn't work. Any idea?
this in href doesn't refers to anchor element, thus it doesn't work. It refers to window.
You should bind element event handler using jQuery.
$(document).on('click', '.pure-button danger' function(e) {
<div class="pure-control-group query-brand-by-column">
<!-- somethings else -->
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-sm-1-24 control-group-sub">
I will not recommended, However you can use inline onclick handler.
<a onclick="$(this).closest('.query-brand-by-column').remove();" href='#' class="pure-button danger">X</a>
Here is your answer, Enjoy
Detach your javascript from your html and remove your item with a click event, right now you aren't triggering any click events:
$('.pure-form').on('click','.query-brand-by-column a',function(){//this will create and delegate your click event to work on dynamically created items

How to get child content of div on click?

I have this div structure after clicking inside class "4u" i am calling one click event but dont know how to get data inside <p> tag.
<div class="4u 12u(mobile)">
<header id="dynamicCampingDesc13">
<p>Loren ipsum</p>
Click event:
$(function() {
$(".image").click(function() {
First thing, you cannot click on the <a> tag, because of its empty nature. You do not have a clickable area. But although, you can make it clickable by giving some padding or setting width and height through CSS.
Secondly, the way you need to get the contents of the <p> tag is:
$(function() {
$(".image").click(function() {
Finally, the class naming. The class 4u 12u(mobile) I am not sure if this is valid. It would be better to change it to something like 4u 12u-mobile.

Access children DIVs in jQuery

I have a structure, such as
<div class="entry">
<p class="entry-text"><div class="nonmatched-sentence">some text goes here...</div></p>
how do I show all the nonmatched-sentence elements if they were made invisible before?
I now use this:
But it's not working...
You could go with this approach: http://jsfiddle.net/oejm2wfu/
For example I have created an event on the button click:
but you could do that on any event you want. Hope that helps

Show elements of a specific class Javascript(Jquery)

<div id=klik>KLIK </div>
<div class="list">
<div class="list-wrapper">
<div class="line">1</div>
<div class="line">2</div>
<div class="line">3</div>
<div class="line">4</div>
This is the Html. I use Javscript to hide the whole list first. Then I would like to make a onclick function to show just the first two elements, the two in div list wrapper. This the code i have written.
The problem it never shows the elements.
You are trying to show an element that is still wrapped inside a hidden parent element. In case you hide and show the same selection it is working just fine. You could do it like this:
$(".list").show().children().not('.list-wrapper').hide(); //show .list, then hide everything that is not inside .list-wrapper
Working demo
And fix your HTML markup (missing quotes "" ) <div id=klik>KLIK</div>
You are hiding the parent element of what you are trying to show. show will only display the elements you called it on, it won't cascade up the DOM tree.
$(".list").show(); //Show .list elements instead

Use same div to toggle different parts of the page

Hello I have the following code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".clickMe").click(function() {
Html code printed with a for loop:
<a class="clickMe">Toggle my text</a>
<br />
<div class="textBox"> - This text will be toggled</div>
<a class="clickMe">Toggle my text</a>
<br />
<div class="textBox"> - This text will be toggled 2</div>
<a class="clickMe">Toggle my text</a>
<br />
<div class="textBox"> - This text will be toggled 3</div>
I would like to be able:
When the page loads I want the to be hidden and toggle on click.
Using the same ids for <a class="clickMe"> and <div class="textBox"> to be able to toggle or hide the correct/equivalent <div> element.
jsFiddle code:
Edit 1: Class instead of Id
Edit 2: Fixed jsfiddle link
id are supposed to be unique
you should use class to do this
[EDIT] updated the jsfiddle to fit Marko Dumic's solution: http://jsfiddle.net/SugvH/
Something like this should do the trick:
$(document).ready(function() {
var divs = [];
$(".textBox").each(function(index) {
divs[index] = this;
$(".clickMe").each(function(index) {
$(this).click(function() {
ID must (as per spec) be unique on the page. You can easily rewrite this to use class attribute:
<a class="clickMe">Toggle my text</a>
<br />
<div class="textBox"> - This text will be toggled</div>
<a class="clickMe">Toggle my text</a>
<br />
<div class="textBox"> - This text will be toggled 2</div>
Initially, you need to either hide div.textBox when DOM becomes ready, or hide it using CSS.
Then you attach click handlers to a.clickMe:
$(function () {
$('a.clickMe').click(function () {
// find first of following DIV siblings
// with class "textBox" and toggle it
However, maybe you don't control the markup but desperately need this done, you can keep your markup as it is and still make it work due to the fact that jQuery uses Sizzle framework to query the DOM which can be forced around the limitation of document.getElementById() (which returns only one element).
E.g. suppose you used id instead of class, if you write $('#clickMe'), you'll get the jQuery collection of only one element (jQuery internally used .getElementById() to find the element), but if you write $('#clickMe'), you get the collection of all elements with the id set to "clickMe". This is because jQuery used document.getElementsByTagName('a') to find all anchors and then filtered-out the elements (by iterating and testing every element) whose attribute value is not "clickMe".
In that case (you used your original markup), this code will work:
$(function () {
$('a#clickMe').click(function () {
Again, don't do this unless you absolutely need to!
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function() {
Use something similar to this.
Try appending an index to each pair of a/div's ids (clickme1 and textbox1, etc). Then when an a is clicked, read the id, take the index off the end, and show/hide the textbox with the same index.

