Module/prototype and multiple instances - javascript

I'm trying to get a grip on "OOP" JavaScript techniques, and I began writing a small test application today. Basically, it's a game loop and on each update coordinates are to be increased so that an HTML element moves.
The problem is I want to be able to run more than one instance of the app, and therefore I'm trying to store the instance data in this, but what is saved in my constructor and exec() method is not available in the private update() method. What seems to be the officer, problem?
var Jsloth = (function () {
var Jsloth = function () {
var sloth = document.createElement('div');
var attr = document.createAttribute('class');
attr.value = 'sloth';
this.sloth = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(sloth);
var exec = function () {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
var that = this;
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000/10);
var update = function () {
this.y++; = this.x + 'px'; = this.y + 'px';
Jsloth.prototype.constructor = Jsloth;
Jsloth.prototype.exec = exec;
Jsloth.prototype.update = update;
return Jsloth;
var sloth1 = new Jsloth();
Edit: Updated code with a working solution!

In JavaScript, this is (almost) entirely decided by how you call a function, not where/how it's defined.
The way you're calling update:
...this will be the global object (window on browsers), or undefined if you use "use strict".
To set this within update, use call or apply:;
// or
More (on my blog):
Mythical methods
You must remember this

You've not added update to the prototype. The value of this in that method will be most likely the window object.
Change your call from this:
To this:;
Or add update to the .prototype:
Jsloth.prototype.update = update;
and use:
But if you're going to call update() from the setInterval(), you'll need to ensure the proper this value.
To do that, you can pass an anonymous function, and keep a reference to the outer this value in a variable.
var exec = function () {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
var that = this;
setInterval(function() {
//; // if you didn't add update() to the .prototype
}, 1000/10);


Equivalent of interfaces in javascript

I have a function object in javascript called BlinkyTextBox Inside of that I have 2 Shape objects that act as scroll buttons. I need a something very simple to happen which is just increment or decrement a variable called scrollY.
I tried it with an anonymous inner function, but the function couldn't recognize the member variables. Now I tried it with a member function, but it doesn't work with that either...
Here are both samples of what I am talking about.
function BlinkyTextBox(textdata, font, w, h)
this.scrollY = -50;
this.scrollBarYTop = new Button();
this.scrollBarYTop.callFunction = this.scrollUp;
this.scrollBarYBottom = new Button();
this.scrollBarYBottom.callFunction = function()
this.scrollY -= 10;
BlinkyTextBox.prototype.scrollUp = function()
this.scrollY += 10;
The problem here is that once you assign a function to another object the this inside that function will refer to the new object instead of the object the function came from.
For example:
var a = {
message : 'Hello!',
say : function () { return this.message }
var b = {
message : 'Goodbye'
b.say = a.say;
console.log(a.say()); // Hello!
console.log(b.say()); // Goodbye
Notice that we didn't do anything to the function say(). We just assigned it to b and it now print's the message from b instead of a.
Now, let's look at your code:
this.scrollBarYBottom.callFunction = function()
this.scrollY -= 10; // refers to scrollBarYBottom.scrollY
// not BlinkyTextBox.scrollY
Same thing happens to the other method:
this.scrollBarYTop.callFunction = this.scrollUp;
// the this inside scrollUp will now refer to scrollBarYTop
Traditionally, to fix this you'd use an alias for this:
var myself = this;
this.scrollBarYBottom.callFunction = function()
myself.scrollY -= 10;
But with ES5 you can use the .bind() method:
this.scrollBarYBottom.callFunction = (function()
this.scrollY -= 10;
this.scrollBarYTop.callFunction = this.scrollUp.bind(this);
Refer to this answer for a more detailed explanation of this: How does the "this" keyword in Javascript act within an object literal?

How do I wrap a javascript function with dynamic arguments?

I'd like to wrap some dynamically created javascript functions, similar to Daniel's accepted answer here:
How do I store javascript functions in a queue for them to be executed eventually
// Function wrapping code.
// fn - reference to function.
// context - what you want "this" to be.
// params - array of parameters to pass to function.
var wrapFunction = function(fn, context, params) {
return function() {
fn.apply(context, params);
The difference is I'd like the argument values to be dynamic at time of execution - is it possible to pass a reference to a variable in the arguments, which could be updated after it is wrapped?
Here's what I'd like to do:
// I have a function to be wrapped
var sayStuff = function(a,b) {
// Variables I'd like to pass
var randomNumberA = 0;
var randomNumberB = 0;
// Wrap the function
var fun = wrapFunction(sayStuff, this, [*reference randomNumberA*,*reference randomNumberB*]);
// variables get changed
randomNumberA = Math.random()*100;
randomNumberB = Math.random()*100;
// Execute the function using current values of randomNumberA & randomNumberB
If possible I'd like to do this without changing sayStuff, I have a lot of existing functions like this I'm hoping to wrap, which also get used outside of the wrapping, so ideally I'd like to not replace the arguments with an object.
Hope that makes sense, Thanks!
If the function and the variable will be created in the same scope you can just use that:
var randomNumber = 0;
var fun = function(){ alert(randomNumber); }
randomNumber = 10;
// Now this will alert 10, because when fun is executed
// JS looks in his scope to find what randomNumber is.
This happens because functions in javascript works as Closures, they carry their environment with them. See:
So if randomNumber will be changed out of the scope where you bind that function, you need to use an object, this is because in javascript we don't have "pointers" or references to pass by. One way is using a object.
function giveMeAFunction(){
var params = { randomNumber: 0 }
var fun = function(){ alert(scope.randomNumber); }
return {fun: fun, scope: scope};
var paramsAndFun = giveMeAFunction()
// Now you can change the variables in the scope and call the function
paramsAndFun.params.randomNumber = 10;; // Will alert 10
// Now if you replace the entire params object it will not work
// This is because you will replacing it with a new object while
// The one that is referenced in the scope where fun was created is
// the old one.
paramsAndFun.params = { randomNumber: 15 };; // will still alert 10
Now let's get to binding part of the problem.
There is already Function.prototype.bind function to help you with that.
For example:
var sayStuff = function(opts) {
var options = { randomNumber: 0 };
var fun = sayStuff.bind(this, options);
options.randomNumber = 10;
fun(); // Will print 10
There is a lot going on here. Sorry if I made everything confuse.
If the dynamic arguments are defined in the context argument, a solution can be based passing the name of the variables and then, at execution time, calculate its current value:
var wrapFunction = function(fn, context) {
var xArg = arguments;
return function() {
var argsArray = [];
for (var i = 2; i < xArg.length; i++) {
fn.apply(context, argsArray);
var sayStuff = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
console.log('sayStuff func: ' + arguments[i]);
var randomNumber1 = 0;
var randomNumber2 = 0;
var fun = wrapFunction(sayStuff, this, 'randomNumber1', 'randomNumber2');
randomNumber1 = Math.random()*100;
randomNumber2 = Math.random()*100;
console.log('randomNumber1: ' + randomNumber1);
console.log('randomNumber2: ' + randomNumber2);

`this` is undefined when calling method from another context

This is my first time creating OOP for JS. I followed some tutorials but I can't wrap my head around this issue. I know the problem, but i dont know the solution
function NewApp(name){ = name;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.customObjectWithMethods = //init with options and so on
NewApp.prototype.logic = function(){
// Note 1.
var app = this
//Note 3.
if(app.currentpage < 3)
// Note 2.
NewApp.prototype.navigate = function(sender){
var app = this;
this.method(function() {
return app.currentPage === 2;
}, sender(), this.terminate);
Note 1: I need to create a reference because after that, this doesn't
work anymore to refer to the current object.
Note 2: After the check I want to do some logic in another method and repeat the current function, but when the function runs again it breaks on the method (this.customObjectWithMethods) because this doesn't exists.
Note 3: This is where it breaks because "this" works the first time not the second time.
It gets very complicated like this with the this-keyword, which makes me think that my design may be flawed.
Is there any solution for this problem, or should I refactor it ?
Surely it will become complicated, thiskeyword doesn't always refer to the main object but to the scope where it is used, take a look at Scope and this in JavaScript for further information.
This is your way to go, make a variable that contains your constructor and add these two methods to this variable, after that you can call your functions:
var newApp = function newApp(name){ = name;
this.currentPage = 1;
//Make a reference to your object here
var THIS = this;
this.logic = function(){
var sender = this;
THIS.customObjectWithMethods.method = function(){
if(THIS.currentpage < 3)
this.navigate = function(sender){
this.customObjectWithMethods.method = function(){
this.method(function() {
return THIS.currentPage === 2;
}, sender(), this.terminate);
And this is how to use your constructor and its methods:
var app = newApp("Test");
//Call the first method
//Thenn call the second one
Some syntax errors & style issues - here is a short correction
var myFunction = function(){
//code here
var mySecondFunction = function(){
//code here
function NewApp(name){ = name;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.customObjectWithMethods = function(){}; //empty function so calling doesnt resolve in error
NewApp.prototype.logic = function(){
this.customObjectWithMethods.method = mySecondFunction.bind(this);
NewApp.prototype.navigate = function(sender){
this.customObjectWithMethods.method = myFunction.bind(this);
I have moved the 2 functions outside of the constructor Function so they dont get recreated every time you call the constructor functions.
with _.bind(this) the "this"-reference gets passed into the scope of your functions (i think this is more pretty than creating another var).
var reff = new NewApp('namename');
you can get started calling your functions now:
maybe this approach works for you?

How to access parent of an object in an object [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
javascript get parent nested object?
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Hi guys let's say I have this:
function example()
this.x = 0;
this.y = 32;
this.example2 = function()
How would I be able to access example.x/example.y from within example2?
I'm asking because I'm creating my first 'real' html5 game and I'm planning on having 1 big Game object and 'Models' within that object (Player, Enemies, etc). Unless there's a better way to do it...I have done working prototypes but they were all in one files and not really structured.
If you object only plans to have 1 parent, you can do it this way:
function example() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 32;
this.example2 = new function() {
this.parent = undefined;
this.example2.parent = this;
var firstobject = new example();
// Saving a reference to example2.
var example2Object = firstobject.example2;
// Because of parent variable, you can access example2 parent without needing to have the parent object in a variable.
There are tons of ways of setting parent, this is just an example.
Like this:
function example()
this.x = 0;
this.y = 32;
this.example2 = function()
console.log(this.x); // 0
If you want your methods to still reference their original object when used in isolation you need a closure:
function example()
this.x = 0;
this.y = 32;
this.example2 = proxy(this, function() {
var x = new example(),
fn = x.example2; // isolate method
fn(); // this will still work
It's using this helper function to bind the function to an object:
// helper function to bind fn to ctx (context)
function proxy(ctx, fn)
return function() {
return fn.apply(ctx, arguments);

Carrying scope of "this" into inner functions

How can I extend the scope of this inward? I thought reassigning a higher scoped variable would do the trick... what am I doing wrong?
function Player(configs) {
this.opts = {
playerID: "cSurf"
configs = $.extend(this.opts, configs);
var the = this;
this.init = function(){
var $player = $("#" + the.configs.playerID);
var cSurf = new Player();
In your code, configs is not a public member of the Player object being created. You declared it without var so it's a global variable.
configs = $.extend(this.opts, configs);
should be:
this.configs = $.extend(this.opts, configs);
Then in your init() you can do the.configs.playerID.
(Your jsFiddle also had MooTools loaded instead of jQuery. Check the menu on the left.)
By the way, since you're calling init() from the context of the new Player object, you really don't need to use the as the reference to this.
Inside init method, this refers to the Player that was created when you call it that way.
var $player = $("#" + this.configs.playerID);
EDIT2: Additionally, if init() is always going to be called from the context of the Player instance you create, you may want to consider placing it on the prototype object of Player.
That way it will be shared among all instances instead of being recreated for each one:
Player.prototype.init = function(){
// ---------v----------"this" is the instance of Player
var $player = $("#" + this.configs.playerID);
You just have a minor bug here. You're assigning the extend to configs, which is not on this, but then you reference it later via 'the' as if it is. This works:
function Player(configs) {
this.opts = {
playerID: "cSurf"
this.configs = $.extend(this.opts, configs);
var the = this;
this.init = function(){
var $player = $("#" + the.configs.playerID);
var cSurf = new Player();

