Firefox addon compatibilty with version 11 - javascript

I made an addon for Firefox and it works with the latest version. My problem is that I want it to work with all versions of Firefox. How can I do this?
I used the Add-on SDK to make the extension.
I use jQuery too in my extension, could it come form here?

Add-on SDK 1.14 (the current release) marks add-ons compatible with Firefox 19 and disallows installation in older Firefox versions. If you don't like that you have several options:
Edit app-extension/install.rdf in your Add-on SDK install and set minVersion to something other than Firefox 19. If your extension is simple you might even get away with that and your extension will actually work in older Firefox versions, maybe even in Firefox 4 (definitely not below that however, restartless extensions were introduced in Firefox 4). This is obviously not supported and verifying that everything really works correctly (e.g. no memory leaks) will be close to impossible.
You can get an old version of the Add-on SDK. You will not get any of the improvements in the newer Add-on SDK versions but you get support for old Firefox versions. You will still need an Add-on SDK version that's compatible to at least Firefox 10 however, otherwise your add-ons won't install in current Firefox versions (Firefox 10 is where the "compatible by default" switch was flipped). Also, regardless of compatibility flags - while your extension might work correctly in current Firefox versions, it's just as likely that it won't.
You can drop the Add-on SDK and just create a classic extension. Then you can set the compatibility boundaries to anything you like. Taking care of backwards compatibility will also be your responsibility however - and depending on what range of Firefox versions you want to support this is a very non-trivial task.
The main question is however: why do you want that? The current Extended Support Release is Firefox 18, so no version below Firefox 18 is supported by Mozilla. There are of course a few users on outdated Firefox versions for some reason but people who don't update also rarely go install new extensions. So, do you really want to spend tons of time making your extension work in Firefox 1.0 (release 2004)? How about Firefox 4 (released 2011)? How much effort do you want to invest into staying compatible with old versions when there are tons of addon-relevant changes in each single release?

You should read the addon compatibility page on the sdk documentation.
Did you simply try to change the minVersion field in your install.rdf file?


How to interpret caniuse website information?

I wanted to check what is the support of fetch API in browser so I opened to get this information.
Looking at Chrome browser I see this feature is available since version 42 (which released in april 2015), but looking at Chrome For Android and I see only version 84.
Does this mean that fetch API is available only in the latest version in Chrome For Android? That doesn't seem logical to me so what is the correct way to interpret this (and other) tables on website?
Caniuse hides browser versions with less than 0.5% percent of users, which you can check and tweak by clicking on settings. That spawns a sidebar. You can lower this number down as fast as 0.01%, but even then Chrome for Android only shows version 84. That is because so many people have automatic updates turned on, that at least for mobile browsers, it's much more likely that people are on the latest version. For desktop browsers, people have to deal with company guidelines, have to go through the trouble of clicking "update", etc.
So in conclusion, if a version is not shown, even at 0.01% in the settings, consider it non-existing.
What happened here is that there is no specific data for Chrome for Android, so caniuse defaults to saying that if it's supported in the latest desktop version, then it's also supported in the latest Android version. Nobody has taken the time to specifically test Chrome for Android.
In general, caniuse is a human-curated list and won't always be accurate. You'll be best served by tracking down more primary sources. For example, the Fetch API was enabled in Chromium in 2015-02, with no platform-specific exemptions.

Is web-animations-api abandoned?

I've been interested in implementing animations in JavaScript recently, and I've been interested in waapi.
So I studied the relevant parts and there were too many problems. First, there was virtually no support in the browser, and second, development of the polyfill library was stopped.
I wonder if this api is actually going to be deprecated.
The API is supported in Firefox and Chrome. However, only a portion of the API is available in the current release versions of these browsers.
The remainder of the API is available in the Firefox Nightly / Chrome Canary builds of these browsers although you may need to enable experimental Web platform features in Chrome to make use of them. The Firefox implementation is nearly 100% complete and is currently waiting for Chrome and Safari implementations to reach parity before shipping.
Support in Safari is good but currently only available in Technology Preview builds. The release date is unclear as Safari do not always announce their future release plans.
As you note, however, the polyfill is not actively maintained since native support in browsers has progressed so far now. For many cases, it may be acceptable to serve older browsers that do not support Web Animations the un-animated version that would also be served to users who have indicated they would prefer reduced motion.

jQuery 3.0 Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari desktop version compatibility

Currently I'm using jQuery 1.8.1. I'm going to upgrade to 3.0 for security reasons. When I see the Browser support section, it's saying:
Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari: Current and Current - 1
But I'm not sure what it means.
ex. Google chrome : 65.0.3325.181 jquery 3.0 compatible to 64.0.x but not previous versions?
current means the time when jQuery 3.0 released?
Basically, means that they guarantee compatibility for the Current and the Current - 1 versions of browsers, not of jQuery.
This does not imply that jQuery won't work on previous versions of all browsers, just that every bug or problem in previous browsers version won't be fixed, unless it happens also in current browsers version.
Actually, most of jQuery code works flawlessly in older browsers.
It's worth pointing that nowadays every browser in every platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android...) comes with automatic updates, so old browsers are increasingly uncommon.

version of Chrome supported by Angular.js

I am trying to build a simple AngularJS application using an old Chrome (version 2010).
Then I am facing various problems with routing. Basically Chrome becomes unstable, even crashes often.
I suspect that my old Chrome is not compatible with the specific AngularJS I am using (v1.3.8).
Where can I find such information? I mean the version of Chrome needed by AugularJS of specific version?
I searched AngularJS document, but didn't get a clue.
Quoted from link
We run our extensive test suite against the following browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera 15, IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari). See Internet Explorer Compatibility for more details in supporting legacy IE browsers.
I think these details above are a little vague as a reference. I understand the recommended practice is upgrading Chrome to the latest. As "Derek 朕會功夫" commented, my environment is restricted to some extent. One of the restrictions is, it is not feasible to upgrade Chrome.
That is why I want to find out the exact Chrome version supported by AngularJS. People may come up with similar concerns with other browsers like Firefox. Right?
Answer To PSL: I am not using bangrang.
BTW, "add a comment" link doesn't work for me , so I have to comment here :(
As far as I can tell, you require Chrome 13 (MDN) from 2011 in order to support the functions tested in the Angular source found here, such as File and Blob.

jQuery and Browser Compatibility

Yikes! I've been a developer for many years and have always tried to emphasize code that is compatible with as many systems as possible.
Recent, I purchased the book jQuery in Action and started reading it. I am very disturbed by the fact that the included source code doesn't appear to work correctly on either of the browsers on my current computer.
Specifically, I downloaded the book's source code and selected the "jQuery Selectors Lab" for Chapter 2. But it doesn't look how it does in the book.
On Google Chrome, both the DOM Sample and DOM Sample Code panes are completely empty. On IE7, things appear much closer to how they appear in the book. But the source code in the DOM Sample Code pane is all on one line (which extends to the right, off the page). Note that the screenshots in the book are of a browser running on the Mac.
I'm curious what sort of cross-browser compatibility users more experienced with jQuery are finding, and what this revelation means for developers who like to be as compatible as possible and are planning to use jQuery.
jQuery is actively supported in all these browsers:
Firefox 2.0+
Internet Explorer 6+
Safari 3+
Opera 10.6+
Chrome 8+
There are known problems with outdated browsers as per the list below:
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.x
Internet Explorer 1.0-5.x
Safari 1.0-2.0.1
Opera 1.0-9.x
jQuery generally works with Konqueror and Firefox 1.0.x, but there may be some unexpected bugs since we do not test them as regularly.
If you are using any of the outdated browsers, then this could be your problem, otherwise, you should post your code here on stackoverflow to get help. It may not be the browser causing the problem, but it could be the way code is written or executed.
I think part of your problem is that you're accessing something from the file system that is meant to be loaded from a web server. For example, I see this error in Chome on your chapter 2 example:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file://...chapter2/dom.sample.html.
Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Things seem to be behaving reasonably well in Chrome other than that sort of thing.
I usually target IE[789], Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera and I haven't seen many browser issues that are specific to jQuery or jQuery-UI. The problems are mostly CSS issues and certain JavaScript problems (in IE for both) that aren't jQuery problems.
Version 3 of jQuery is maintained for the following desktop browsers :
Chrome: (Current - 1) and Current
Edge: (Current - 1) and Current
Firefox: (Current - 1) and Current
Internet Explorer: 9+
Safari: (Current - 1) and Current
Opera: Current
It is also maintained for the following mobile browsers :
Stock browser on Android 4.0+
Safari on iOS 7+
Source :
I wouldn't be overly worried about the cross-browser compatibility of jQuery so much as I would the quality of the code in the case of this book. I haven't personally looked at this book so I can't make a personal judgement; however, I am the lead developer for a web application that currently has around 15,000 users and we have been confidently using jQuery for a couple of years now with no issues. We have to support customers on a number of platforms using all of the major browsers that are on the market. When jQuery code is written properly and tested for all environments, it can absolutely work properly regardless of what browser you are using.
Code samples appear to use outdated jQuery v1.4. Download latest version and check known issues for more details about cross-browser compatibility.
I don't know why but if I copy whole example directory to the tomcat/webapps, it works fine. But if I open page (lab.selectors.html) directly from the browser, it doesn't display dom sample section. The error message from the firefox console was like this:
[16:56:36.335] junk after document element # file:///C:/JavaScript/jqia2/chapter2/dom.sample.html:2

