JQGRID: Save row after change value of a calculated cell - javascript

I'm stucked with this problem. I have a grid with a subgrid. When I edit a cell value of a column, my function goes through all subgrid rows and get's all values from that column and changes the value of a column of the parent row that opens this subgrid.
Here is my functions code:
function reloadGrid(rowid, dataResponse) {
$('#' + rowid).parent().trigger('reloadGrid');
function calculate(rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol) {
var id = $.jgrid.stripPref("_" + $.jgrid.stripPref(subGrid.getGridParam('idPrefix'), rowid), rowid);
id = $.jgrid.stripPref("s_", id);
var ids = subGrid.getDataIDs();
var result = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
result = result + parseFloat(subGrid.getCell(ids[i], 'value'));
grid.setCell(id, 'Total', result);
I tried to use this after setCell, but It seems to work only if you edited a cell, not if it's value changed automatically.
grid.saveRow(id, function(){alert("It works!");}, 'foo/edit.html?identifier=' + grid.getCell(id, 'identifier'));
What I want is to save the parent row that opens the subgrid after the cell has changed his value.
Thanks in advance.
PS: grid and subGrid variables are defined at the beginning of the JS. I think no need to explain what contains these variables...
Already solved, thanks anyway to all.
What I do is getting the row_id of the parent grid with $.jgrid.stripRef(...) in my current edited row. Using a function, every time I save my edited subgrid data I call that function that get all values from import column in my subgrid and sum them. After I get the total value, just have to do grid.editCell(row_id, 'total', sumResult), var data = grid.getRowData(row_id) and do an ajax call to the same URL where I send my edited data as if I do it via form:
url: 'foo/edit.html?identifier=' + data.identifier,
type: 'PUT',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
success: null,
error: function(jqXHR, status, errorText) {
alert("HTTP Status code: " + jqXHR.status + "\nStatus text: "
+ status + "\nError: " + errorText);
That's what I wanted to do. I dont know if it is clear, but I have the solution. If someone don't understand something, just ask. ;)


How to update data in SQL for an html table row using Input Button, in JS or C#?

I have a datatable in C# and I am converting it to html table like below.
public static string ConvertDataTableToHTML(DataTable dt)
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
html.Append("<table id='example' class='table table-striped table-bordered' cellspacing ='0' width ='100%' font size='8' aria-hidden='true'>");
//add header row
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++)
html.Append("<td>" + dt.Columns[i].ColumnName + "</td>");
html.Append("<td>" + "Action" + "</td>");
//add rows
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
html.Append("<td>" + dt.Rows[i][j].ToString() + "</td>");
html.Append("<td><input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deleteRow(this)\"/></td>");
return html.ToString();
This is showing a table in my aspx page like below:
Name City Quantity Action
A X 5 Delete
B Y 10 Delete
C Z 15 Delete
When I click "Delete" button for a row, the function below works and the row is gone from the result table.
function deleteRow(btn)
var row = btn.parentNode.parentNode;
What I want is that, in addition to the current process, I need to run a SQL query to update IsRemoved flag for this data in my SQL Server 2014 table.
The query I need to run: Update MyTable set IsRemoved=1 where Name='A' and City='X'
I could not manage to run it in JavaScript function, and could not find a way to execute another function in C# after the JS function. OnClientClick is not working since it is not an asp:Button, and when I try to use asp:Button instead of input element, it does not show it on the screen.
How can I change data in DB here for such an example? Please note that I am trying not to use a GridView. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: By using Ajax, how can I send paramaters from my ajax call to c#:
I am trying:
type: 'POST',
url: 'mypage.aspx/DeleteRowFromDB',
data: JSON.stringify({ name: **<nameshouldcomehere>**, city:**<cityshouldcomehere>** }),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (msg) {
var row = btn.parentNode.parentNode;
I can't find how to set name and city dynamically based on the row clicked the delete button, any tips?
In your .cs page create a WebMethod which will mark the Database entry as IsRemoved=1 as:
public static string DeleteRowFromDB(string name,string city)
var status = "0";
//Your code to mark `IsRemoved=1` for the selected entry goes here and set the `status` variable as status="1" if the DB command successed.
return status;
And then create a function with an ajax call to invoke the created WebMethod and remove the row from HTML if the status is true as:
function deleteRow(btn)
var row = btn.parentNode.parentNode;
var cells = row.getElementsByTagName("td");
var reqData = JSON.stringify({ name: cells[0].innerText, city:city=cells[1].innerText });
//now make a call to the `WebMethod` via `ajax`.
type: 'POST',
url: 'mypage.aspx/DeleteRowFromDB',
contenttype: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: reqData,
datatype: 'json',
success: function (response) {
if(response === "1") {
//do other stuff
error: function (error) {
//handle the error
Note: if the response variable in the ajax success function doesn't have the desired value try to look for its response.d property value.

Populating JSON array to drop down reserved word column name conflict

This is the first time ill use JSON. I used the json_encode(myarrayhere) to return array value as shown below.
There is a corresponding value on change of selected value on dropdown.
I verified that I get the array data by using alert(dataArray) and it returns like this
{"title":"Third"} ]
I used the word title as column name for a table I'm using in my database.
But the problem now is how to properly populate them in a drop down. I tried to do value.title but it looks like that title is a reserved word/method in php
type: 'POST',
data: {ctgy: selected},
url: 'awts.php' ,
datatype: 'json',
success: function (dataArray) {
var items = '';
$.each(result,function(name,value) {
items += "<option value='"+value.title+"'>"+value.title)+"</option>";
Thanks in advance.
Firstly, if you check the console you'll see that you have a syntax error. You have an extra ) when you append value.title to the HTML string.
Secondly, your $.each() call is attempting to loop through result when your data is in a variable named dataArray.
Try this:
type: 'POST',
data: { ctgy: selected },
url: 'awts.php',
datatype: 'json',
success: function(dataArray) {
var items = '';
$.each(dataArray, function(name, value) {
items += '<option value="' + value.title + '">' + value.title + '</option>';
Working example

Can't retrieve data in table from json

I am trying to load data into table using JQuery and AJAX but when I click on the button data is not retrieved. I have done coding as shown below:
var globalgrid;
Here I am going to call json url and try to display it in the table.
function loadgrid() {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: 'http://instatalk.in/sip/GetApprovedUsersList?page=1&limit=10',
success: function(griddata) {
globalgrid = griddata.lines;
// remove all data - but the headers!
if (globalgrid.length === 0) {
$('#errormsg').html('Sorry, <strong>no</strong> rows returned!');
for (var i = 0; i < globalgrid.length; i++) {
var line = globalgrid[i];
// insert after last row!
$('#gridtable > tbody:last').append('<tr><td>' + line.Id + '</td><td>' + line.AccountId + '</td><td>' + line.Name + '</td><td>' + line.IsFranchiseUser + '</td></tr>');
error: function(data, errorText) {
I am getting the table heading only. When I click on the button I want data to be retrieved from the json data. I don't know where I am going wrong. Please do help.
This is my json file:
{"results":[{"Id":17,"AccountId":"5737329468","Name":"Martin (Nigeria)","IsFranchiseUser":false},{"Id"
:16,"AccountId":"3644824444","Name":"Deep Patel","IsFranchiseUser":false},{"Id":15,"AccountId":"4692068407"
,"Name":"Jacob (kiribati)","IsFranchiseUser":false},{"Id":14,"AccountId":"4650982975","Name":"sebin John
(spain)","IsFranchiseUser":false},{"Id":13,"AccountId":"2855375107","Name":"Jassi want(new jersey)"
,{"Id":11,"AccountId":"3075258818","Name":"srkrbm (saudi arab)","IsFranchiseUser":true},{"Id":10,"AccountId"
:"3615509810","Name":"Om Saini","IsFranchiseUser":false},{"Id":9,"AccountId":"9251133143","Name":"swati
mohandas","IsFranchiseUser":false},{"Id":8,"AccountId":"8143395019","Name":"babu Kuppu","IsFranchiseUser"
This line: globalgrid = griddata.lines;
According to your Json data format, you should use griddata.results.

Duplication in HTML datalist using JQuery with more than one clicks

I design a datalist on web page. And I want to fill this datalist using JQuery. Controller execute a query and get a list of facilities. Then pass this list to client side. This datalist can show all the facilities. When user click this textbox, the facilities will be listed in drop down list. But when user click more than once, there will be duplicates in datalist. That means, if you click twice, the result will be shown twice in datalist.
Here is code in MVC view
<input type="text" list="facility" autocomplete="on" name="Facility" id="facilities" />
<datalist id="facility"></datalist>
JQuery Code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#facilities').click(function () {
var postData = $('#clientTxt').val();
type: "POST",
url: '#Url.Action("FacilityCheck", "PCA")',
data: { clientTxt: postData },
success: function (result) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.facilities.length; i++) {
var option = "<option value ='" + result.facilities[i] + "'>" + result.facilities[i] + "</option>";
//I want to add an if judgement to avoid duplicates here
//Like contains() method in JAVA.
error: function (result) {
alert('Oh no :(');
The duplicates image after clicking many times:
So please give me some advice. Thanks a lot!
It is because you are using the jQuery append() method and not replacing the HTML. Right now, you're just adding (appending) to it every time you iterate through your loop of result.facilities[i] instead of replacing the content.
Your best bet would be to add all of that source to a string and replace the $('#facility')'s innerHTML with the new content. You can use $('#facility').html(yourContentString); to do so.
Hope this helps!
For example...
success: function (result) {
var options = "";
for (var i = 0; i < result.facilities.length; i++) {
var option = "<option value ='" + result.facilities[i] + "'>" + result.facilities[i] + "</option>";
options = options + option;
} //end of loop
$('#facility').html(options); // replace the innerHTML of #facility with your new options string
Simply modify your success like this :
Remove the items before appending them.
You can also use empty :

Javascript / JQuery loop through posted ajax data string to assign new values to

I have a function which updates a database via ajax. My issue is then how to update the data displayed on the page to show updated details. The POST data can vary and therefore the datastring would be something like this:
var dataString = '[name resource we are editing]=1' +
'&para1='+ para1 +
'&para2=' + para2+
'&para3=' + para3
I want the function below to split or loop through each of the POST variables in the datastring to update the text of an element on the page. I cannot figure out how.
function editAccount(dataString, details, form){
status = $(".status");
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo BASE_PATH; ?>/edit/",
data: dataString,
success: function(response) {
$.each(response, function(key, value) {
success_code = key;
message = value;
if(success_code == 1){
//show details and hide form
$("#" + details).show();
$("#" + form).hide();
//HOW to do below?
//update details being displayed with datasource data
//loop through dataString to assign eg. $('#para1')text(para1);
} else {
error: function(response){
status.text("There was a problem updating your details into our database. Please contact us to report this error.").addClass("invalid");
As mentioned in a previous comment, I would suggest declaring the dataString variable as an object:
var dataString = { '[name resource we are editing]' : 1,
'para1': para1,
'para2': para2,
'para3': para3
Now it'll be much easier to loop over the params, just using the function each, for instance, which you already use in your code:
$.each(dataString, function(key, value) {
// Do stuff with each param
As #Qpirate suggests, you also can use the javascript for loop:
for(var key in dataString){
// value => dataString[key]

