Prepend a number with $ in javascript - javascript

I have a small script ( using nouislider )
I wish to prepend the rangeThing values with $ sign as we are outputting prices.
Code I have is:
range: [0, 1000000]
,start: [350000, 700000]
,handles: 2
,step: 50000
,slide: function(){
var values = $(this).val();
values[0] +
" - " +
,serialization: {
to: [$("#exTO"),$("#exFR")]
,resolution: 1
The javascript creates a span like <span class="rangeThing"></span>
The output format is like this 200000 - 350000
I would like to format with ( commas ) as thousand separators, but thats gonna get messy. So I am trying to prepend the 2 sets of values with $ sign to signify a price.
So resultant output is like $200000 - $350000
I tried changing the values to something like this, but that didnt work lol.
+ "$" + values[0] +
" - " +
+ "$" + values[1]
I am not sure if I am on the right track, and that the fact I am trying to echo $ could be the culprit, and perhaps I should use unicode, either way it isnt working.
Help appreciated

The problem is that the unary plus in Javascript implcitly converts the operand to a number. This means that
+ "$"
actually evaluates to NaN.
Just place the + operator only between terms and things should go as you expect.

Do it in one line to see what's going on:
You are starting with a +
The third line has double +
One line would be easier to read:
$("span.rangeThing").text("$" + values[0] + " - $" + values[1]);

Well, in your example there appears to be an extra + operator in the example you gave. As you see in the example you gave:
values[0] +
" - " +
This will result in the string "1 - 2", assuming values = [1, 2]. You should be able to simple add on the $ by doing something like:
"$" + values[0] +
" - " +
"$" + values[1]
As you've probably realized, the example you posted has some syntactic errors -- you have +'s everywhere! One thing to be aware of -- if you are trying to combine strings in the same line as numeric operations, you will need additional parentheses. So, if you had:
var string = "foo"+2+3+"bar";
your string would be:
whereas if you had:
var string = "foo"+(2+3)+"bar";
your string would be:

In addition, here's how you can add the commas if you want...
function addCommas(nStr)
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
To use it, just add the function to your file, and use it like this...
$("span.rangeThing").text("$" + addCommas(values[0]) + " - " + "$" + addCommas(values[1]));


Execute string comma character ',' as code

I have this code block:
var comma_decoded = window.btoa(',');
var comma_encoded = window.atob(comma_decoded);
var log = eval(comma_encoded);
var x = 1 log y = 2;
console.log(x + ' ' + y);
but, I can't execute ',' character as code.
I need '1 2' output, so log variable must work like comma (,)
Thank you.
In javascript, you cannot use variables as operators or language-specific tokens.

How to identify the following code patterns

I have a pattern of js promises that I want to identify for several keywords
For example if I put code like:
var deferred = Q.defer();
And in the file I have also the following respective value
return deferred.promise;
The complete code
function writeError(errMessage) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
fs.writeFile("errors.log", errMessage, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
And I want that if I put large code file (as string) to find that
this file contain the pattern
Another example
var d = Q.defer(); /* or $q.defer */
And in the file you have also the following respective value
return d.promise;
Complete EXAMPLE 2
function getStuffDone(param) {
var d = Q.defer(); /* or $q.defer */
Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// or = new $.Deferred() etc.
.then(function(val) { /* or .done */
}).catch(function(err) { /* .fail */
return d.promise; /* or promise() */
There is open sources which can be used to do such analysis(provide a pattern and it will found...)
There is some more complex patters with childProcess but for now this is OK
The following regular expression may look a bit scary but has been built from simple concepts and allows a little more leeway than you mentioned - e.g. extra whitespace, different variable names, omission of var etc. Seems to work for both examples - please see if it meets your needs.
Debuggex Demo
UPDATE: I made one correction to the code, i.e. changed set[2] to set[set.length - 1] to accommodate query sets of any size. I then applied the exact same algorithm to your two examples.
The solution I provide follows some rules that I think are reasonable for the type of search you are proposing. Assume you are looking for four lines, ABCD (case insensitive, so it will find ABCD or abcd or aBcD):
Multiple match sets can be found in a single file, i.e. it will find two sets in ABCDabcd.
Regex's are used for individual lines, meaning that variations can be included. (As only one consequence of this, it won't matter if you have a comment at the end of a matching line in your code.)
The patterns sought must always be on different lines, e.g. A and B can't be on the same line.
The matched set must be complete, e.g. it will not find ABC or ABD.
The matched set must be uninterrupted, i.e. it will not find anything in ABCaD. (Importantly, this also means that is will not find anything in overlapping sets, e.g. ABCaDbcd. You could argue that this is too limiting. However, in this example, which should be found, ABCD or abcd? The answer is arbitrary, and arbitrariness is difficult to code. Moreover, based on the examples you showed, such overlapping would not typically be expected, so this edge case seems unlikely, making this limitation reasonable.)
The matched set must be internally non-repeating, e.g. it will not find ABbCD. However, with AaBCD, it will find a set, i.e. it will find aBCD.
Embedded sets are allowed, but only the internal one will be found, e.g. with ABabcdCD, only abcd will be found.
The code snippet below shows an example search. It does not demonstrate all of the edge cases. However, it does show the overall functionality.
var queryRegexStrs = [
"I( really)? (like|adore) strawberry",
"I( really)? (like|adore) chocolate",
"I( really)? (like|adore) vanilla"
var codeStr =
"....\n" +
"Most people would say 'I like vanilla'\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"Amir's taste profile:\n" +
"....\n" +
"I like strawberry\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"I told Billy that I really adore chocolate a lot\n" +
"....\n" +
"I like vanilla most of the time\n" +
"....\n" +
"Let me emphasize that I like strawberry\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"Juanita's taste profile:\n" +
"....\n" +
"I really adore strawberry\n" +
"I like vanilla\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"Rachel's taste profile:\n" +
"I adore strawberry\n" +
"....\n" +
"Sometimes I like chocolate, I guess\n" +
"....\n" +
"I adore vanilla\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
"....\n" +
// allow for different types of end-of-line characters or character sequences
var endOfLineStr = "\n";
var matchSets = search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr);
function search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr) {
// break the large code string into an array of line strings
var codeLines = codeStr.split(endOfLineStr);
// remember the number of lines being sought
var numQueryLines = queryRegexStrs.length;
// convert the input regex strings into actual regex's in a parallel array
var queryRegexs = {
return new RegExp(queryRegexStr);
// search the array for each query line
// to find complete, uninterrupted, non-repeating sets of matches
// make an array to hold potentially multiple match sets from the same file
var matchSets = [];
// prepare to try finding the next match set
var currMatchSet;
// keep track of which query line number is currently being sought
var idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
// whenever looking for a match set is (re-)initialized,
// start looking again for the first query,
// and forget any previous individual query matches that have been found
var resetCurrQuery = function() {
idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
currMatchSet = [];
// check each line of code...
codeLines.forEach(function(codeLine, codeLineNum, codeLines) {
// ...against each query line
queryRegexs.forEach(function(regex, regexNum, regexs) {
// check if this line of code is a match with this query line
var matchFound = regex.test(codeLine);
// if so, remember which query line it matched
if (matchFound) {
// if this code line matches the first query line,
// then reset the current query and continue
if (regexNum === 0) {
// if this most recent individual match is the one expected next, proceed
if (regexNum === idxOfCurrQuery) {
// temporarily remember the line number of this most recent individual match
// prepare to find the next query in the sequence
idxOfCurrQuery += 1;
// if a whole query set has just been found, then permanently remember
// the corresponding code line numbers, and reset the search
if (idxOfCurrQuery === numQueryLines) {
// if this most recent match is NOT the one expected next in the sequence,
// then start over in terms of starting to look again for the first query
} else {
return matchSets;
// report the results
document.write("<b>The code lines being sought:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(queryRegexStrs, null, 2) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>The code being searched:</b>");
"<pre><ol start='0'><li>" +
codeStr.replace(new RegExp("\n", "g"), "</li><li>") +
document.write("<b>The code line numbers of query 'hits', grouped by query set:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(matchSets) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>One possible formatted output:</b>");
var str = "<p>(Note that line numbers are 0-based...easily changed to 1-based if desired)</p>";
str += "<pre>";
matchSets.forEach(function(set, setNum, arr) {
str += "Matching code block #" + (setNum + 1) + ": lines " + set[0] + "-" + set[set.length - 1] + "<br />";
str += "</pre>";
Here is the exact same algorithm, just using your original examples 1 and 2. Note a couple of things. First of all, anything that needs escaping in the regex strings actually needs double-escaping, e.g. in order to find a literal opening parenthesis you need to include "\\(" not just "\(". Also, the regex's perhaps seem a little complex. I have two comments about this. First: a lot of that is just finding the literal periods and parentheses. However, second, and importantly: the ability to use complex regex's is part of the power (read "flexibility") of this entire approach. e.g. The examples you provided required some alternation where, e.g., "a|b" means "find a OR b".
var queryRegexStrs = [
"var deferred = Q\\.defer\\(\\);",
"return deferred\\.promise;"
var codeStr =
'function writeError(errMessage) {' + "\n" +
' var deferred = Q.defer();' + "\n" +
' fs.writeFile("errors.log", errMessage, function (err) {' + "\n" +
' if (err) {' + "\n" +
' deferred.reject(err);' + "\n" +
' } else {' + "\n" +
' deferred.resolve();' + "\n" +
' }' + "\n" +
' });' + "\n" +
' return deferred.promise;' + "\n" +
'}' + "\n" +
// allow for different types of end-of-line characters or character sequences
var endOfLineStr = "\n";
var matchSets = search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr);
function search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr) {
// break the large code string into an array of line strings
var codeLines = codeStr.split(endOfLineStr);
// remember the number of lines being sought
var numQueryLines = queryRegexStrs.length;
// convert the input regex strings into actual regex's in a parallel array
var queryRegexs = {
return new RegExp(queryRegexStr);
// search the array for each query line
// to find complete, uninterrupted, non-repeating sets of matches
// make an array to hold potentially multiple match sets from the same file
var matchSets = [];
// prepare to try finding the next match set
var currMatchSet;
// keep track of which query line number is currently being sought
var idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
// whenever looking for a match set is (re-)initialized,
// start looking again for the first query,
// and forget any previous individual query matches that have been found
var resetCurrQuery = function() {
idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
currMatchSet = [];
// check each line of code...
codeLines.forEach(function(codeLine, codeLineNum, codeLines) {
// ...against each query line
queryRegexs.forEach(function(regex, regexNum, regexs) {
// check if this line of code is a match with this query line
var matchFound = regex.test(codeLine);
// if so, remember which query line it matched
if (matchFound) {
// if this code line matches the first query line,
// then reset the current query and continue
if (regexNum === 0) {
// if this most recent individual match is the one expected next, proceed
if (regexNum === idxOfCurrQuery) {
// temporarily remember the line number of this most recent individual match
// prepare to find the next query in the sequence
idxOfCurrQuery += 1;
// if a whole query set has just been found, then permanently remember
// the corresponding code line numbers, and reset the search
if (idxOfCurrQuery === numQueryLines) {
// if this most recent match is NOT the one expected next in the sequence,
// then start over in terms of starting to look again for the first query
} else {
return matchSets;
// report the results
document.write("<b>The code lines being sought:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(queryRegexStrs, null, 2) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>The code being searched:</b>");
"<pre><ol start='0'><li>" +
codeStr.replace(new RegExp("\n", "g"), "</li><li>") +
document.write("<b>The code line numbers of query 'hits', grouped by query set:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(matchSets) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>One possible formatted output:</b>");
var str = "<p>(Note that line numbers are 0-based...easily changed to 1-based if desired)</p>";
str += "<pre>";
matchSets.forEach(function(set, setNum, arr) {
str += "Matching code block #" + (setNum + 1) + ": lines " + set[0] + "-" + set[set.length - 1] + "<br />";
str += "</pre>";
Here is the exact same algorithm, just using your original example 2:
var queryRegexStrs = [
"var d = (Q\\.defer\\(\\)|\\$q\\.defer);",
"return d\\.promise(\\(\\))?;"
var codeStr =
"...." + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"function getStuffDone(param) {" + "\n" +
" var d = Q.defer();" + "\n" +
"" + "\n" +
" Promise(function(resolve, reject) {" + "\n" +
" // or = new $.Deferred() etc." + "\n" +
" myPromiseFn(param+1)" + "\n" +
" .then(function(val) { /* or .done */" + "\n" +
" d.resolve(val);" + "\n" +
" }).catch(function(err) { /* .fail */" + "\n" +
" d.reject(err);" + "\n" +
" });" + "\n" +
" return d.promise;" + "\n" +
"" + "\n" +
"}" + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"function getStuffDone(param) {" + "\n" +
" var d = $q.defer;" + "\n" +
"" + "\n" +
" Promise(function(resolve, reject) {" + "\n" +
" // or = new $.Deferred() etc." + "\n" +
" myPromiseFn(param+1)" + "\n" +
" .then(function(val) { /* or .done */" + "\n" +
" d.resolve(val);" + "\n" +
" }).catch(function(err) { /* .fail */" + "\n" +
" d.reject(err);" + "\n" +
" });" + "\n" +
" return d.promise();" + "\n" +
"" + "\n" +
"}" + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
"...." + "\n" +
// allow for different types of end-of-line characters or character sequences
var endOfLineStr = "\n";
var matchSets = search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr);
function search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr) {
// break the large code string into an array of line strings
var codeLines = codeStr.split(endOfLineStr);
// remember the number of lines being sought
var numQueryLines = queryRegexStrs.length;
// convert the input regex strings into actual regex's in a parallel array
var queryRegexs = {
return new RegExp(queryRegexStr);
// search the array for each query line
// to find complete, uninterrupted, non-repeating sets of matches
// make an array to hold potentially multiple match sets from the same file
var matchSets = [];
// prepare to try finding the next match set
var currMatchSet;
// keep track of which query line number is currently being sought
var idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
// whenever looking for a match set is (re-)initialized,
// start looking again for the first query,
// and forget any previous individual query matches that have been found
var resetCurrQuery = function() {
idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
currMatchSet = [];
// check each line of code...
codeLines.forEach(function(codeLine, codeLineNum, codeLines) {
// ...against each query line
queryRegexs.forEach(function(regex, regexNum, regexs) {
// check if this line of code is a match with this query line
var matchFound = regex.test(codeLine);
// if so, remember which query line it matched
if (matchFound) {
// if this code line matches the first query line,
// then reset the current query and continue
if (regexNum === 0) {
// if this most recent individual match is the one expected next, proceed
if (regexNum === idxOfCurrQuery) {
// temporarily remember the line number of this most recent individual match
// prepare to find the next query in the sequence
idxOfCurrQuery += 1;
// if a whole query set has just been found, then permanently remember
// the corresponding code line numbers, and reset the search
if (idxOfCurrQuery === numQueryLines) {
// if this most recent match is NOT the one expected next in the sequence,
// then start over in terms of starting to look again for the first query
} else {
return matchSets;
// report the results
document.write("<b>The code lines being sought:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(queryRegexStrs, null, 2) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>The code being searched:</b>");
"<pre><ol start='0'><li>" +
codeStr.replace(new RegExp("\n", "g"), "</li><li>") +
document.write("<b>The code line numbers of query 'hits', grouped by query set:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(matchSets) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>One possible formatted output:</b>");
var str = "<p>(Note that line numbers are 0-based...easily changed to 1-based if desired)</p>";
str += "<pre>";
matchSets.forEach(function(set, setNum, arr) {
str += "Matching code block #" + (setNum + 1) + ": lines " + set[0] + "-" + set[set.length - 1] + "<br />";
str += "</pre>";

Javascript regex replace yields unexpected result

I have this strange issue, hope that someone will explain what is going on.
My intention is to capture the textual part (a-z, hyphen, underscore) and append the numeric values of id and v to it, underscore separated.
My code:
var str_1 = 'foo1_2';
var str_2 = 'foo-bar1_2';
var str_3 = 'foo_baz1_2';
var id = 3;
var v = 2;
str_1 = str_1.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
str_2 = str_2.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
str_3 = str_3.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
$('#test').html(str_1 + '<br>' + str_2 + '<br>' + str_3 + '<br>');
Expected result:
Actual Result:
Any ideas?
JS Fiddle example
Your pattern:
matches only "foo1" in "foo1_2", and "foo" will be the value of the captured group. The .replace() function replaces the portion of the source string that was actually matched, leaving the remainder alone. Thus "foo1" is replaced by "foo3_2", but the original trailing "_2" is still there as well.
If you want to alter the entire string, then your regular expression will have to account for everything in the source strings.
Just try with:
str_1 = str_1.match(/([a-z_-]+)\d+/)[1] + id + '_' + v;
Use this instead to capture 1_2 completely:
str_1 = str_1.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+_\d+/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
Because you want to replace _2 also of string. Solution can be this:
str_1 = str_1.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+_\d/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
str_2 = str_2.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+_\d/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
str_3 = str_3.replace(/([a-z_-]+)\d+_\d/,'$1' + id + '_' + v);
Your pattern actually includes the first digits, but it will store only the textual part into $1:
([a-z_-]+)\d+ = foo1
$1 = foo
The pattern stops searching at the first digits of the string.
if you want to replace any characters after the textual part, you could use this pattern:

Changing a string that contains numbers into a number then back into a string

I know this sounds a bit silly, but I need to find a way to change a querystrings value without any hardcoding.
So for example:
I want to change it to the following:
I've already gotten post_num's value, I just need to be able to change it. Any ideas?
It really depends on the consistency of your format.
var numParts = str.split('_');
var updated = '_' + numParts[1] + '_' + numParts[2];
Generic way to increment the first number in a string:
post_num.replace(/\d+/, function(n){return Number(n) + 1});
post_num.replace(/^_(\d+)_(\d)$/, function(match, value, sufix)
return "_" + (parseInt(value) + 1) + "_" + sufix;
or almost the same:
post_num.replace(/^_(\d+)_(\d)$/, function(match, value, sufix)
return "_" + (+value + 1) + "_" + sufix;

Is my JavaScript statement correct or not? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I need to know my JavaScript sentence is correct or not? I am very much confused with the single quotes and plus symbols.
document.f.SQL.value ='\('+
document.f.SQL.value + a[i] +
' >= \''+ document.f[a[i]+"_A"].value +
'\' AND '+ a[i] +' <= \''+
document.f[a[i]+"_B"].value +
'\) or DATEADD'+'\('+
'dd, 0, DATEDIFF'+'\('+
'dd, 0,'+ a[i] +'\)) = \''+
document.f[a[i]].value +
I pasted your code in Closure Compiler and used the which gave no errors, so the syntax is correct. The generated code is:
document.f.SQL.value = "(" + document.f.SQL.value + a[i] + " >= '" + document.f[a[i] + "_A"].value + "' AND " + a[i] + " <= '" + document.f[a[i] + "_B"].value + ") or DATEADD" + "(" + "dd, 0, DATEDIFF" + "(" + "dd, 0," + a[i] + ")) = '" + document.f[a[i]].value + "'";
The options I used for this:
Optimization: Whitespace only
Formatting: Pretty print
Try to avoid such complex lines. Make use of variables. The same result could be achieved with the below:
var old = document.f.SQL.value + a[i];
var sql_a = document.f[ a[i] + "_A" ].value;
var sql_b = document.f[ a[i] + "_B" ].value;
var whatever = document.f[ a[i] ].value;
// (old) >= 'sql_a' AND
var sql = "(" + old + ") >= '" + sql_a + "' AND ";
// A <= 'sql_b')
sql += a[i] + " <= '" + sql_b + "') "
// or DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, A)) = 'whatever'
sql += "or DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, " + a[i] + ")) = '" + whatever + "';
document.f.SQL.value = sql;
The point is, try to split the string in smaller parts. I did not split the queries in smaller parts above, that's up to you.
If you need single quotes in your string and no double quotes (inside it) then use double quotes to delimit your string and you won't need to escape your single quotes.
I usually prefer single quotes to delimit strings in JavaScript especially when I tend to be working on HTML strings because I prefer double quotes for attributes. You can use either the single quote or double quote though, there's no functional difference like there is in PHP or other languages.
Your expression is quite difficult to read. Consider simplifying it, putting it into several instructions or finding/writing a reusable token substitution routine of some sort.
The escaping of brackets \( looks unnecessary, and concatenating two string literals too ' + '.
Expressions like document.f[a[i]+"_A"].value would be easier to read if they were assigned to meaningfully named variables before you used them.

