Class method in javascript is not a function - javascript

The answer must be obvious but I don't see it
here is my javascript class :
var Authentification = function() {
this.jeton = "",
this.componentAvailable = false,
Authentification.ACCESS_MASTER = "http://localhost:1923",
isComponentAvailable = function() {
var alea = 100000*(Math.random());
url: Authentification.ACCESS_MASTER + "/testcomposant?" + alea,
type: "POST",
success: function(data) {
error: function(message, status, errorThrown) {
return true;
then I instanciate
var auth = new Authentification();
I can reach everything but the last method, it says in firebug :
auth.isComponentAvailable is not a function
.. but it is..

isComponentAvailable isn't attached to (ie is not a property of) your object, it is just enclosed by your function; which makes it private.
You could prefix it with this to make it pulbic
this.isComponentAvailable = function() {

isComponentAvailable is actually attached to the window object.

isComponentAvailable is a private function. You need to make it public by adding it to this like so:
var Authentification = function() {
this.jeton = "",
this.componentAvailable = false,
Authentification.ACCESS_MASTER = "http://localhost:1923";
this.isComponentAvailable = function() {

Another way to look at it is:
var Authentification = function() {
// class data
// ...
Authentification.prototype = { // json object containing methods
isComponentAvailable: function(){
// returns a value
var auth = new Authentification();


Javascript not recognizing self.function when inside onclick event

I have a Javascript file that I added to. It's for a twitter plugin, and I'm adding a filter function.
This is my script (the relevant parts):
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var pluginName = "twitterFeed",
defaults = {
username: null,
webservice_url: "/services/Scope/Country_United_States_Internet/TwitterService.svc/DoTwitterSearch",
num_tweets: 3
// The actual plugin constructor
function Plugin( element, options ) {
this.element = element;
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
Plugin.prototype = {
init: function() {
//if username is unknown
if(this.options.username == null) {
// do nothing
try{console.log('twitter username not found')}catch(err){};
return false;
// Get the tweets to display
$(".twitter-search input").on("change", function () {
var filters = this.formatFilters($(this).val());
formatFilters : function(filterString) {
var hashtags = filterString.split(" ");
var hashtagString = "";
for (var i = 0; i < hashtags.length; i++) {
var hashtag = hashtags[i];
hashtag = hashtag.replace(",", "");
if (hashtag[0] !== "#") {
hashtag = "#" + hashtag;
hashtagString += " " + hashtag;
return hashtagString;
getTweets : function(filters){
var self = this;
var query = "from:" + self.options.username;
if (filters) {
query += filters;
var post_data = JSON.stringify(
"PageSize" : self.options.num_tweets,
"TwitterQuery" : query
type: "POST", // Change to POST for development environment
url: this.options.webservice_url,
data: post_data,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
// render the tweets
error: function(error, type){
I added the $(".twitter-search input") on change event (in init) and I added the formatFilters() function. However, in the onchange function, I get the error "this.formatFilters() is not defined". I tried removed this but still got "formatFilters() is not defined.
Remember that this inside of an event handler means whatever HTML element the event was activated on.
Instead, you need to keep track of the actual Plugin object, not the HTML element.
var self = this;
$(".twitter-search input").on("change", function () {
var filters = self.formatFilters($(this).val());
The problem you are experiencing is with function scope. When you refer to this in the event handler it points to the callback scope and not the scope of your formatFilters function.
To fix it - In the init function add var self = this; on the first line and then change the call to use self.formatFilters instead of this.formatFilters

How to avoid bind(this) on every function?

I'm implementing a web map client built on top of OpenLayers3 which should be able to connect to multiple WMS servers, ask for WMS Capabilities and show layers advertised by servers.
var MyMapClient = function(params) {
this.wms_sources_ = params.wms_sources;
this.wms_capabilities_ = [];
MyMapClient.prototype.parse_capabilities = function(index) {
var capabilities = this.wms_capabilities_[index];
// do something with capabilities
MyMapClient.prototype.load_wms_capabilities = function() {
var parser = new ol.format.WMSCapabilities();
jQuery.each(this.wms_sources_, (function (index, wms_source) {
console.log("Parsing " + wms_source.capabilities_url);
url: wms_source.capabilities_url,
type: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
})).then((function (response, status, jqXHR) {
var result =;
console.log("Parsed Capabilities, version " + result.version);
this.wms_capabilities_[index] = result;
return index;
The code above works fine but I have to bind(this) every time I want to call a function which needs access to "private" variables of MyMapClient's instance. Isn't there a better way to access instance internals consistently, without sacrificing readability?
I would say to use the best of both worlds, that is, a local variable holding the correct scope, and calls to bind() where needed:
MyMapClient.prototype.load_wms_capabilities = function() {
var parser = new ol.format.WMSCapabilities(),
_this = this;
jQuery.each(this.wms_sources_, function (index, wms_source) {
console.log("Parsing " + wms_source.capabilities_url);
url: wms_source.capabilities_url,
type: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
})).then(function (response, status, jqXHR) {
var result =;
console.log("Parsed Capabilities, version " + result.version);
_this.wms_capabilities_[index] = result;
return index;
function() { return _this.parse_capabilities(); }
// or else
// _this.parse_capabilities.bind(_this)
// pick the one you like more
You can "hard bind" a method like this:
function Foo() { =;
} = function() {
return console.log(this.baz);
Incidentally, that's what CoffeeScript compiles to when doing this:
class Foo
bar: =>
console.log #baz
The => operator causes this preservation of context.

Initializing object with asynchonous request

This is my object definition:
function DrilledLayer(sourceLayerName, sourceTableName, targetLayerName, targetFieldName, operators, baseLayer=false) {
this.sourceLayerName = sourceLayerName;
this.sourceTableName = sourceTableName;
this.targetLayerName = targetLayerName;
this.targetFieldName = targetFieldName;
this.operators = operators;
this.baseLayer = baseLayer;
this.redraw = false;
this.getTargetLayerId(); //this function must initialize this.targetLayerId
DrilledLayer.prototype.getTargetLayerId = function(){
url: 'https://url/version_4.8/services/MapService',
method: 'getLayersIdByName',
appendMethodToURL: false,
data : {
mapInstanceKey: mapKey,
layerName: this.targetLayerName,
error: function(){
alert("error getLayersIdByName");
success: function(soapResponse){
layerId = soapResponse.toJSON().Body.getLayersIdByNameResponse.getLayersIdByNameReturn.getLayersIdByNameReturn.text;
this.targetLayerId = layerId;
This is how I create the object:
drillCs = new DrilledLayer("Drilled CS", "Cs_Franco_General.TAB", "RA_General", "Code_RA", "=")
If I look into drillCs object there is no targetLayerId property defined, but I know the soap request were made successfuly. Why?
this in JavaScript is mostly set by how a function is called. this during the success callback won't be the same as this during your call to your getTargetLayerId function, you have to remember it.
In this case, the easiest way is probably with a variable:
DrilledLayer.prototype.getTargetLayerId = function(){
var layer = this; // <=== Set it
url: 'https://url/version_4.8/services/MapService',
method: 'getLayersIdByName',
appendMethodToURL: false,
data : {
mapInstanceKey: mapKey,
layerName: this.targetLayerName,
error: function(){
alert("error getLayersIdByName");
success: function(soapResponse){
layerId = soapResponse.toJSON().Body.getLayersIdByNameResponse.getLayersIdByNameReturn.getLayersIdByNameReturn.text;
layer.targetLayerId = layerId; // <=== Use it
More (on my blog):
You must remember this
Separately, of course, you won't see the properly until the async callback fires (which will be some time after the new call returns), but you seem to be comfortable with the async aspect of this.

jQuery updating class variable values not working

I am writing a class in JavaScript for the first time and I am having some trouble writing new data to a class variable. I've been trying all sorts for hours but nothing seems to work!
function ClassName(productId) {
//create variables
this.productId = productId; = [];
this.product = [];
//method that calls for response. On success will return {"status" : "success", "shop" : ""}
this.auth = function() {
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data) {
authCallback(data); //use callback to handle response
error: function() {
console.log("bad auth");
var authCallback = function(r) {
//using console.log(r) output the response OK = r; //this runs with no errors
Now, as yo can see in the authCallback method I'm setting = r; but then if i refer back to this variable its still at its default value of [] .
var class = new ClassName(1);
console.log(; //this outputs []
I've also tried this in the Javascript console writing each line after each stage had been completed(waited for a response from class.auth() and output from authCallback() before then calling console.log(;
So, what am I doing wrong? Why isn't the variable updating to its new value?
When you just write:
then within authCallback you will have the wrong value of this, it'll either be null or the global object (depending on whether you're in strict mode or not).
success: authCallback.bind(this)
to ensure that this inside the callback actually represents your object.
You should also note that you cannot access until after the callback has completed. A more idiomatic implementation using modern jQuery techniques would be this:
this.auth = function() {
return $.ajax({
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp"
}).done(this.authCallback.bind(this)).fail(function() {
console.log("bad auth");
this.authCallback = function(r) { = r;
return this;
followed by:
var clazz = new ClassName(1);
clazz.auth().then(function(c) {

JavaScript Revealing Module Pattern Variable Scope

I have an issue where I can't get to a variable inside a function:
I forgot to add that I am setting this workerPage.grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"); on the jQuery $(function(){});
I can't use claimsGird variable inside the save function, I have to referenec it by workerPage.grid. Not the other variables like viewModel work fine. Here is the snippet:
save = function () {
url: $("#contentForm").attr("action"),
data: JSON.stringify(viewModel),
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json"
}).success(function (data) {
//syncs viewModel with changes in model
$.extend(viewModel, kendo.observable(data));
//rebinds the grid data source;
Here is the full script:
var workerPage = (function () {
var viewModel = kendo.observable(#Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))),
claimsGrid = null,
deleteFirm = function (firmModel) {
firmModel.Name = "";
firmModel.AttorneyName = "";
firmModel.Address.Line1 = "";
firmModel.Address.Line2 = "";
firmModel.Address.City = "";
firmModel.Address.State = "OR";
firmModel.Address.ZipCode = "";
firmModel.Address.PlusFourCode = "";
firmModel.PhoneNumber = "";
firmModel.FaxNumber = "";
firmModel.ContactName = "";
bind = function () {
kendo.bind($("#main-content"), viewModel);
save = function () {
url: $("#contentForm").attr("action"),
data: JSON.stringify(viewModel),
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json"
}).success(function (data) {
//syncs viewModel with changes in model
$.extend(viewModel, kendo.observable(data));
//rebinds the grid data source;
//rebinds view elements to view model so changes are visible
//kendo.bind($("#main-content"), viewModel);
// Errors and Warnings
var results = messageUtils.parseMessages(
var errs = $("#errors").html(results.errorMessages);
$.each(saif.kendoGridUtils.processErrors(viewModel.CompanionClaims.Rows), function (i, message) {
errs.html(errs.html() + message + "<br>");
// End Errors and Warnings
deleteRow = function () {
var row =,
rowDataItem = claimsGrid.dataItem(row),
rowIndex = $(row).index(),
addedItemIndex = $.inArray(rowDataItem, viewModel.CompanionClaims.Added);
//add to Deleted if not new
if (addedItemIndex == -1 && $.inArray(rowDataItem, viewModel.CompanionClaims.Rows) != -1) {
//remove from Added if exists
if (addedItemIndex != -1) {
viewModel.CompanionClaims.Added.splice(addedItemIndex, 1);
//select the next row, eg. if you delete row 2, select the row that took that rows poisition after it was deleted.">tr:eq(" + rowIndex + ")"));
return {
bind: bind,
deleteFirm: deleteFirm,
deleteRow: deleteRow,
grid: claimsGrid,
save: save,
viewModel: viewModel
The issue is that claimsGrid is never set to anything other than null. And setting workerPage.grid won't change the value of claimsGrid -- it's not a pointer, just a copy.
You'll instead have to use a getter/setter. With newer browsers/engines, that can be done with get and set:
// ...
return {
// ...
get grid() {
return claimsGrid;
set grid(grid) {
claimsGrid = grid;
// ...
You can also define grid as a function:
// ...
function getOrSetGrid(grid) {
if (typeof newGrid === 'undefined') {
return claimsGrid;
} else {
claimsGrid = grid;
return {
// ...,
grid: getOrSetGrid,
// ...
// ...
// rather than: workerPage.grid = ...;
Or split it into getGrid and setGrid functions.
Scope in javascript works differently than other languages like Java or C#. In your case claimsGrid is not in scope for the save function. Does this help?

