jQueryUI Resizable alsoResize can't be passed $(this).next() - javascript

When using jQueryUI .resizable() function, I'm trying to cause the next element in the DOM to also be resized. I can pass a jQuery selector, or even a string with a class or ID to the alsoResize method, but I can't pass $(this).next() to select the next element in DOM.
My code:
$(selector).resizable({ alsoResize:$(this).next() });
You can run the fiddle here, and uncomment the lines 67/68 to see this work/not work.

It's because this is referring to the document (you can see this by doing console.log(this)). If you change it to alsoResizeReverse: $("#resizable").next() it should work for you.
You can do something like this:
$.each($("#colors li"), function(index, value) {
$(this).resizable({ alsoResize:$(this).next() })

It is because when the code is executed this is not pointed to the "#resizable" element
alsoResizeReverse: $("#resizable").next(),
// alsoResizeReverse: $(".myframe"),


javascript events not working with dynamic content added with json

I'm stuck with a situation where my DOM elements are generated dynamically based on $.getJSON and Javascript functions for this elements are not working. I'll post some general idea on my code because I'm looking just an direction of what should I do in this situation.
site.js contains general features like
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.element').on('click', function() {
// some slider UI code...
After that:
$.getJSON('json/questions.json', function (data) {
// generating some DOM elements...
I have also tried to wrap all site.js content into function refresh_scripts() and call it after $.getJSON() but nothing seems to be working.
Firstly you need to use a delegated event handler to catch events on dynamically appended elements. Then you can call the .slider() method again within the success handler function to instantiate the plugin on the newly appended content. Try this:
$('#parentElement').on('click', '.element', function() {
var sliderOptions = { /* slider options here */ };
$.getJSON('json/questions.json', function(data) {
// generating some DOM elements...
$('#parentElement .slider').slider(sliderOptions);
Instead of calling on directly on the element, call it on a parent that isn't dynamically added and then use the optional selector parameter to narrow it to the element.
$('.parent').on('click', '.element', () => {
// do something
The difference between this and:
$('.element').on('click', () => {});
is with $('.element').on(), you're only applying the listener to the elements that are currently in that set. If it's added after, it won't be there.
Applying it to $(.parent), that parent is always there, and will then filter it to all of it's children, regardless when they're added.
the easiest way is to add this after you add/generate your DOM
$('head').append('<script src="site.js"></script>');
of course your js function that generates DOM needs to be on another file than your site.js

Cant select ids that I loaded with jQuery

I understand that you need to use ".on" to use code that you loaded with jquery after the page has loaded. (At least I think it works that way)
So I tried that but it somehow just doesn't do a thing at all. No errors in the console either.
var forgot_password = '<div id="toLogin" style="cursor:pointer;">Prijava</div>'
$("#toLogin").on("click", function(){
So when I click on #forgot_password it does execute the first click function. But when I click on #toLogin it doesn't do anything and I think its because its loaded with jquery when I click on #forgot_password
Try this
$("#loginPopupForm").on("click", "#toLogin", function(){
You need to bind to an element that is present when the page loads, like body for example. Just change your code to what is shown below
$("body").on("click", "#forgot_password", function(){
var forgot_password = '<div id="toLogin" style="cursor:pointer;">Prijava</div>'
$("body").on("click", "#toLogin", function(){
You are setting the on to the wrong thing. You want it to be:
$(document).on('click', '#toLogin', function() {alert('hello') });
The id isn't there until you do the other click event, so jQuery is not finding any element to set the click event on. You need to have an element that has been rendered in the DOM to set the event on.
You are totally right about the problem : on() targets only elements that are already existing as it runs.
What you need in jQuery is called Delegated event and is well explained on the Jquery doc page.
The difference in the code is thin, but it's how you're supposed to do.
You have to specify the parent element
$("#toLogin").on("click","#loginPopupForm", function(){
in the 2nd argument of the on

use selectors in variable jquery

i have to made functionality like this on click of a link it will show the product details in a popup like box
this is using a big jquery code i didn't understand
and here is my jsfiddle
i am trying to give some links same class with different #tags to show the div
and i want that when i click on link it resolves the href value of the same and show the corresponding result but it didnt works
can somebody suggest the right way
here is my JS
$(".show").click(function() {
var link = $('this').attr('href');
and html
i want to show #popup on anchor click
full code on fiddle and i want this functionality
You should call $(this), not $('this')
$(this) wraps the object referred to by this inside a jQuery object,
$('this') will traverse all of your document looking for html nodes tagged this (much like $('div') will look for html nodes tagged div); since there isn't any, it will select an empty list of nodes.
Working fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/Hg4zp/3/
( there also was a typo, calling .hide(") instead of .hide() )
Try this way:
$(".show").click(function (e) { //<-----pass the event here
e.preventDefault(); //<--------------stop the default behavior of the link
var link = $(this).attr('href'); //<-remove the quotes $(this)
$(".close").click(function () {
$(this).closest("div.popupbox").hide(); //<----use .hide(); not .hide(");
You should use preventDefault() in these cases to stop the jump which take place when a link get clicked.

How can I call a Jquery method on DOM elements that don't exist yet?

I'd like to use this lightbox plugin for some autocomplete links, that don't yet exist on my page.
You normally activate it using:
$(document).ready(function($) {
Since the a links aren't all on the page upon page load, I would normally look to the .live or .delegate methods to bind to an event, but in this case, what 'event' would I bind to to say "once this element is on the page, then call this method on it".
Or am I going about this totally the wrong way?
There is no such event.
You need to invoke the plugin when you add the elements to the page.
// create a new <a>, append it, and call the plugin against it.
This example creates a new <a> element. If you're getting some elements from an AJAX response, call it against those:
var elems = $( response );
elems.filter( 'a[rel="facebox"]' ).facebox(); // if the <a> is at the top level
elems.find( 'a[rel="facebox"]' ).facebox(); // if the <a> is nested
Not yet tested :
$(document).ready(function($) {
$(document).bind('change', docChanged) ;
function docChanged()
if ($('a[rel*=facebox][class!="faceboxed"]').length > 0)
This is entirely possible using the .live function. You just need to use the DOMNodeInserted event.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a[rel*=facebox]").live("DOMNodeInserted", function() {
You'll need to just add this call to the ajax that loads in the links.

run a function when a user clicks on any list element

This is probably a very common question, but I was unable to find an answer myself;
All my list elements call the function setQuery like this
rather than [hardcode] add this to every list element, is there a way to simply have it run when a list element is clicked?
I'm not very familiar with jQuery Live or binding/unbinding, but I think they would play a role here?
Before I reinvent a rather square-looking wheel I thought I might ask =)
edit: my list elements look like
<li id="usersPerMonth" onClick="admin_stats.setQuery(this);">Users per Month</li>
<li id="statsByUser" onClick="admin_stats.setQuery(this);">Stats by User</li>
the this.attr("id") is then used to look up what the actually SQL text looks like, from a json-style variable:
queries : {
usersPerMonth : " ... some sql ...",
statsByUser : " ... some sql ...",
so that's why I have the divs named that way (and I'm open to design suggestions)
$(function() {
$('#myList').delegate('li', 'click', function() {
admin_stats.setQuery( this );
This assumes your <ul> element has the ID myList. It will handle clicks inside of it on any <li> elements, calling your function, and passing this as the argument.
The .delegate() code is wrapped in $(function() {}); so that it doesn't run until the DOM is ready. This is a shortcut for jQuery's .ready() function.
Yes - use jQuery like this:
$('li').live("click", function(event){
This is assuming you want to set it to every li element. You can find the documentation for live here: http://api.jquery.com/live/
What live does makes sure that all elements passed to it will always have the click handler in the function specified.
jQuery is probably your best bet. Are you adding new elements on the fly, or will the elements be there when the attach is ready to go? If they're "satic" in the sense that once the page is loaded that's it, you could use:
$('li').bind('click',function(e){ // may need to change the selector to be more specific
that needs to fire onClick... so:
In jQuery you select elements using CSS-style selectors (can use this if more elements will not be added; this uses .click()):
$(function() {
$('#liContainer li').click(function() {
We put the whole thing inside $(function() { ... }); because the page needs to be ready before binding the event handler. Alternatively, you could do it like this if more elements are added. This uses .delegate():
$(function() {
$('#liContainer').delegate('li', 'click', function() {

