component builder with PHP or Nodejs - javascript

How does jquery.ui or modernizr generate code on the fly after you select which modules you need to include?
Is it grunt with plugins like this or nodejs or PHP ?
I've read jquery.ui switched to node for their download builder. I want to build something similar.
I have html template and need different css colors or javascript components every time user generates a template. So, form with checkboxes os perfect in my case, just like jqueryui or modernizr.
Any help is appreciated.

I'm on the core team for assemble, and first and foremost Assemble is just another Grunt.js plugin, we're just trying to make it easy to build components and sites by leveraging Grunt - since it is such an amazing build system.
The reason we created Assemble is for a similar use case to what you're describing. As programmers we always read about best practices of keeping data, structure, styles and so on separate. In theory, this sounds great, but in reality we couldn't find any tools to help us achieve maintain code this way.
We did find tools that we admire, like YUI and jQuery UI, both of which offer powerful and interesting ways to work with modular, reusable code. But we decided to build Assemble because we wanted the flexibility to use whatever templating framework or data format was required for the job at hand.
So here is how you might build an example UI component with Assemble:
The component will be a simple Bootstrap alert
Templating language is Handlebars
Data format is JSON, but we could alternatively use YAML or YAML Front-matter
The variables I'm using in the example are arbitrary, make them whatever you want
Template: alert.hbs
<div class="alert {{ alert.modifier }}">
<strong> {{ alert.strong }} </strong> {{ alert.message }}
Data: alert.json
"strong": "This is an alert",
"modifier": "alert-info",
"message": "This alert was assembled from a Handlebars partial and JSON data"
In the actual assemble task, there are a few ways you can build the templates, but let's say you want to build a bunch of components just like the alert into individual pages for documentation:
// Project configuration.
assemble: {
options: {
// built-in variable for resolving relative path to specified folder
assets: 'dist/assets',
// "layout" to wrap pages with header and/or footer
layout: 'src/layouts/default.hbs',
data: 'src/data/*.{json,yml}'
pages: {
files: {
// This is where "pages" are usually defined, but here we're pointing
// to the partials folder to build them into pages for documentation.
'dist/': ['src/partials/*.hbs'],
Going further, you could easily add variable to the JSON file, or to YAML front matter in the partial to specify the stylesheet to use for the component.


How do I split my web application?

We create a Single Page Application. Say this is ProjectA.
We then decided, due to good fortune, to make ProjectB.
90% of ProjectA and ProjectB are the same.
This is saying to me that we need ProjectCore ProjectA and ProjectB. The latter 2 must use the first as a dependency.
What muddies the water is that, it is not just JavaScript. The Designer said "I am going to have your problem but with CSS!". So I mean, if the ProjectCore has a ConfirmationModalView, then the CSS which styles that view should travel with it.
How do you handle this? Is this what WebPack and their ilk are for? What common solutions exist for resolving this problem?
"Copy and Paste all the Code from A into B then maintain both" is getting votes but this is lame. Although I can't say I can offer a solution.
You can look into Git and version control. BUT... You could have one main JS and CSS file for the stuff that is not changing.
You can then add smaller, separate JS files, for which have specific functions, for Project A and Project B individually (Note if you include below the "main JS", all the global functions and variables will be available for this JS file to use, kind of a bonus if need be).
You can then use #import url("base.css"); at the top of your two different, smaller CSS files to "combine the main CSS with new, specific CSS for "that" page only.
you need use MVC ...
your Model are the same.. becouse it is your object manager Server Side.
your View is diferente becouse you have a diferent User Interface.
and you can dev Controller as you needed... in javascript ajax to comunicate with sever by event user... Controller php can manajer default informacion. DB Connection, Encription... ETC.
you can upload static to a server as CSS and JS and core proyect PHP to the server side...
You can add Controller 1, 2, 3 or View 1, 2, 3 depending on the project an you have a core View and core Controller.

Infrastructure and internationalization for web app(s) using JSON only API

Here is what I intend to build:
There is a service providing data with RESTful JSON-only API. The server setup is Python + Flask.
There are several clients making use of this API, like a normal web app, mobile-compatible client and a Facebook App.
Now, my assumptions/decisions:
I decided on the server providing only data through JSON, thus handing over the presentation completely to the client-side.
I desire to make the web app mobile compatible, thus eliminating need of a separate mobile client.
Also, for Facebook app, I decided to use Facebook Canvas, which would render parts of the normal web app, thus reusing the code.
Feel free to correct me if anything is wrong in above assumptions. Though the above is theoretically possible, I would like to know if the practical implementation is feasible or not.
Now, the web app, after having fetched the base page/template from server, will have to handle the rendering dynamically after fetching data through JSON API. The data is quite simple: multiple-option questions, answering which user receives another question. At the end, user can share the result or invite other users.
With this setup, do I need a framework like angularjs or jQuery would suffice?
My main concern here is how do I handle internationalization? I initially intended to user Flask-Babel to internationalize HTML templates. But having zeroed in on JSON-only API, I don't have a clue as to how/where I handle it now: on client-side or server-side? What are the tools I use for it?
One approach I could think of was to have data in different languages on server itself, and send the JSON response with data in appropriate language, depending on some attribute the client sends in request.
Another approach is to let client do all the translation for a common dataset that server sends. I am not sure of this approach though.
You could find this plugin really helpful.
As far as the usage , it is quite simple to set it up for a single page application that is powered by a JSON API.
If we take a look at a sample usage :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[PATH]/jquery.js" /> // optional
<script type="text/javascript" src="[PATH]/i18next.js" />
<ul class="nav">
Json (loaded resource):
"app": {
"name": "i18next"
"nav": {
"home": "Home",
"page1": "Page One",
"page2": "Page Two"
i18n.init(function(t) {
// translate nav
// programatical access
var appName = t("");
}); may be close match. It can handle a lot of languages and messages are in json files and it is complete client side library.
If all of your interface code lives on the client side, so should your i18n. You would use a i18n library that works with the JavaScript framework you are using. For angular, that might be angular-gettext.
If you are developing several client you might use different i18n libraries in different client applications. Try to make sure they all compile gettext .po files – it will make it easier for your translators.
Using jQuery, Angular, etc. is a decision you should make based on your comfort with the technology, the needs of your application, and compatibility with the Facebook Canvas approach. Angular has powerful data binding, but it requires a mind shift compared to jQuery, for instance, so I suggest poking around with each to see if they meet your needs.
As for internationalization, you can use a plugin like jQuery.i18n, or you could roll your own, something I have done with jQuery and jQuery.Mustache for templating. The short version is that you use HTML templates to store your layout, then render them from inside jQuery like so:
var data = {myLabel: 'Some label', myOtherLabel: 'Some Other Label'};
.html( $.Mustache.render( "MyTemplateId", data ) );
in html template:
<script type="text/html" id="MyTemplateId">
<label for="myInput">{{MyLabel}}</label> <input name="myInput" id="myInput type="text"/>
<label for="myOtherInput">{{MyOtherLabel}}</label> <input name="myOtherInput" id="myOtherInput type="text"/>
and on your page layout:
<div id="myDiv>
<!-- dynamic content inserted here -->
You use a loader command with jQuery.Mustache ( to load your templates from the server, and since you are using templates, you can fill in your values based on user language selection. How you store your internationalized data is dependent on your app. As Michael suggested, if it is a small amount of static content, maybe you just store it all in your JS files as constants and load into your Mustache render() methods as needed. If you have a larger amount/dynamic multilingual content, you should probably store it on the server and load it dynamically. One consideration is the number of languages you plan to support. If you go beyond a handful of languages, consider storing it on the server and loading language data on demand.
I like this approach because it gives you granular, runtime control over your layout and over internationalization. It also stores the data on the server but loads programatically from the client, maintaining a clean separation of concerns for your application layers.
As for responsive/mobile friendly design, using templating (Mustache) and checking the viewport at load time allows you to determine browser capabilities and serve the approrpriate layout without having to prompt the user to select a mobile/desktop experience.
If you go this route, you should also research script loaders like RequireJS and StealJS to handle dependency loading for your scripts, and to handle the initial browser check and layout generation.
Your question is too broad. I can only answer part of it and here are some of the answers:
I desire to make the web app mobile compatible, thus eliminating need of a separate mobile client.
In order to make sure that things are working fine you need to handle
Also, for Facebook app, I decided to use Facebook Canvas, which would render parts of the normal web app, thus reusing the code.
I am not sure.
With this setup, do I need a framework like angularjs or jQuery would suffice?
As you tagged that you are targeting this as a single page application. Therefore, I would recommend you to go for single page frameworks like Anglarjs, knockout.js or Node.js. A quick and good comparison between these frameworks can be found from here
Also this post shares how to implement Internationalization in Angularjs
My main concern here is how do I handle internationalization?
some of these frameworks provide support for handling internationalization and localization natively. For other you can find some links that will help you achieve internationalization.
Whereas if you use jQuery you will to define your own framework for handling single-page-application and apart for that you will need a huge bunch of add-on's to accomplish your objective.
Hope this helps!!!
Steps to implement i18n via js & json:
define css class for i18n tag, e.g. <span class="i18n" id="i18n_username"></span>
define i18n values for different language in different .properties file, e.g. in, there is a key value: username = Username
write backend API to load .properties file by language, and return in json key-value format, e.g. send param: lang=en_US, page=userhome to I18nAction -> loadI18n(), then it will return json value via ajax: {"username":"Username"},
write js function to load i18n key-value by lang & page param,
update i18n text on web page, by get the tag via css class, and replace content, e.g. use jquery to get all span tag that has class="i18n", then remove the i18n_ prefix of the id, then use it as key to get the value from returned json, then replace the content of span,
I did write util programs like this, it's quite flexible & easy to use. The basic concept is come from struts2 framework's i18n feature.
Although I don't know your technical constraints in detail, I believe it all depends on your volume of data :
If you have few "questions / answers" that probably won't evolve much over time, you can treat I18N as constants. Putting everything on the client side makes sense.
If you have a big amount of "questions / answers" that will probably evolve, I believe you have to treat I18N as data.
Since you have made a JSON API, the odds are that your Q/A is your data, and it already belongs to your server side.
The real question is : do you want to deliver a new version of your client app everytime you add or correct a question?
That's why I would do this :
One approach I could think of was to have data in different languages on server itself, and send the JSON response with data in appropriate language, depending on some attribute the client sends in request.
edit (precision) : I'm talking about the questions and answers. For the application messages (menus, text, help messages, etc), you should use your client framework's i18n components. The other answers provide a lot of good tools.

Django: render staticfiles through template engine at deploy-time

I want to render some static files (*.js in particularly) using Django template variables. I believe this is a common use-case, especially when doing anything AJAX-y; I don't want to hardcode AJAX urls in my .js files any more than I want to hardcode them in my .html files. Buuuut of course I don't want those static files to have to run through the template engine at every client request because this will be slow. I am referring to things like URLs (which do not change after compile/deploy) or static (non-db) model attributes. (I suppose there are use cases where these things might be changed at run-time - this is Python, after all- but I think they are uncommon). For some possible template variables (e.g. model fields), of course the file must be rendered at the time of the client request, but this is not what I'm talking about.
So wouldn't it make sense to render some of my static files through the template engine, for a subset of possible template variables, perhaps at the same time as collectstatic?
As far as I can tell this is not currently the case. To be clear, what I am looking for is a solution to render static files through the template engine at compile/deploy-time so that at "client-request-time" they are in fact plain old static files.
Such an approach would avoid these hacks:
DRY URLs in Django Javascript
Using the Django URL Tag in an AJAX Call
Yes I know there are template engines out there for javascript (mustache, handlebars, prototype, etc). Why should I add another template engine to the stack when Django already has one? Plus the syntax collides! That seems silly.
This looks like it takes a crack at it, but it's complicated and not fully implemented.
Is there a solution out there that I am missing?
If not, is there a way to hook into collectstatic (like a pre-collectstatic hook) that would allow one to render certain static files through the template engine before "collecting" them?
No responses this a really dumb question, and I'm missing something obvious? If so...go ahead and let me know...
There are several frameworks for Django for same purpose: django-pipeline, django-assets, and etc. which integrates different static files processing strategies, with varying degrees of difficulty configuring.
I use an external tool - Grunt (it requires node.js) - for asset post-processing after collectstatic. It is easier and has a lots of plugins for any purpose (source validation, css/js/images minification, merging, testing and etc.).
It is possible to hook in collectstatic by a custom static files storage with overrided post_process method.
STATIC_ROOT = 'assets'
import os
from import StaticFilesStorage
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.template import Template, Context
class MyStaticFilesStorage(StaticFilesStorage):
def post_process(self, paths, dry_run=False, **options):
# don't even dare to process the files if we're in dry run mode
if dry_run:
js_template_data = {'foo': 'bar'} # template variables
js_template_extension = '.jst'
js_extension = '.js'
for original_name, (storage, path) in paths.items():
processed = False
saved_name = original_name
original_path, original_extension = os.path.splitext(original_name)
if original_extension == js_template_extension:
with as original_file:
saved_name = original_path + js_extension
if hasattr(original_file, 'seek'):
original_source =
c = Context(js_template_data)
saved_source = Template(original_source).render(c)
self._save(saved_name, ContentFile(saved_source))
processed = True
yield original_name, saved_name, processed
A completely different way to approach the problem would be to ask if you really need to get those URLs in javascript--instead, can the Javascript get the URLs from things like data attributes in your HTML?
In other words, you might have wanted:
<div id="pop-up-modal">pop me up</div>
$("#pop-up-modal").click(function {
$.ajax("{% url 'some-class-name %}")
When it can often be more straightforward to do something like:
<div id="pop-up-modal" data-popurl="{% url 'some-class-name' %}">pop me up</div>
$("#pop-up-modal").click(function {
I think that django-medusa would suit your needs.
By setting up a renderer and using the disk based backend, generating the static files would be as easy as: staticsitegen
You aren't crazy. I was frustrated by this as well and found myself hacking something together for each new Django project I tackled. I think the reason for the lack of direct solutions is that this is mega-drought bone DRY. Its super easy to just hard code these things and call it day. This and the two most common use cases for this involve generating code in one language from code in another which tends to be viewed as suspect.
I've recently published a new Django package django-render-static that solves this problem generically. It piggy-backs on Django's existing template engine infrastructure. A management command called render_static should be run before collectstatic. This command will look for templates registered in settings (or passed as arguments) and render them to your static file location on disk. They're then available for whatever normal static file packaging pipeline you have configured.
I'm sure there are more use cases, but the two most common I've found are providing a reverse utility in static JavaScript thats equivalent to Django's and auto-translating define-like python structures (i.e. choice fields) into JavaScript. The app provides template tags that do both.
The JavaScript url reversal code is guaranteed to be functionally equivalent to Django's reverse function. I won't bother plopping example code down here because it's been well documented.

Using multiple pre-compiled templates with Handlebars .js (multiple HTTP requests)?

I think this question will give mine a little more context:
Using pre-compiled templates with Handlebars.js (jQuery Mobile environment)
Basically I'm trying to learn the precompiling stuff, so I can save load time and keep my html documents neat. I haven't started it yet, but based on the above link, every template needs to have it's own file. Isn't that going to be a lot of links to load? I don't want to be making multiple HTTP requests if I don't have to.
So if someone could shed some light, perhaps offer an alternative where I can get the templates out of my html, but not have to load up 100 different template files.
Tools like Grunt.js allow you to have your templates and consume them too. For example, this file compiles the templates and then concatenates them into a single file:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
// Project metadata, used by the <banner> directive.
meta: {},
handlebars: {
dist: {
options: {
namespace: "JST",
wrapped: "true"
files: {
"templates.js": [
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask("default", "handlebars");
What I've yet to work out since I'm just getting started with pre-compiled templates is the workflow. I want to be able to have compiled templates when we're running a deployed version of the app but when doing development and debugging I'd much rather have my original individual files in uncompiled form so I can just edit them and reload the page.
Follow Up:
I wanted to come back to this after having worked out some of how to both have my pre-compiled templates when available and use individual templates which can be edited on the fly when people are doing development and debugging work and would like to have quick edit-reload-test cycles without doing Grunt builds.
The answer I came up with was to check for the existence of the JST[] data structure and then further to test and see whether a particular pre-compiled template is present in that structure. If it is then nothing further need be done. If it's not there then the template is loaded (we use RequireJS to do that) and compiled and put into the same JST[] array under the same name it would have if pre-compiled templates had been loaded.
That way when it comes time to actually use the template, the code only looks for it in one place and it's always the same.
In the near future I think we'll likely have RequireJS plugins to perform the test and load/compile code while keeping it simple for developers.

When using (only) a templating system, how should I manage CSS, javascript etc for sub-templates?

I've had this same question when working with different templating systems in different languages in the past, so first,
The general question
I want to use a sub-template to include a certain UI component which might appear in different places on a number of different pages. This UI component requires certain CSS and JS files.
I want to Do The Right Thing with CSS and JS resources, which, as far as I know and in broad terms, is to a) combine as many as possible b) minify as much as possible and maybe c) put what I can at the end of my markup so the browser doesn't have to wait for them to load before displaying content.
So, if I've got various different UI components, as well as different headers and sidebars in different sections of the site, which all require their own special CSS and JS to function correctly, what's the best way for me to manage them through a templating system so that the final markup is as small and well-organised as possible?
Specifics of my situation
I'm working on a large legacy PHP site, on which, to give the original authors the benefit of the doubt, development may have begun before MVC became really mainstream, and before there were so many choices of frameworks around to use. So there is no consistent MVC framework, no routing, no templating (no ORM either, but that particular curse isn't as relevant here).
I'm going to have to keep things ticking over, squashing bugs and adding a few new features until a complete rewrite is usable, so I'm trying to breathe some sanity into things as I go along.
The easiest place to start seemed to be the views layer, for which I'm using TinyButStrong. An example of their sub-templates can be found here, but like I said, I think this is a very general question.
Things I've considered
With a more integrated framework I'd like to be able to do something like $view->add_js($foo), but transitioning to a full-blown framework is what other people are doing while I try keep the existing codebase seaworthy. There isn't even really enough consistent organisation of files to roll something like this by hand.
At the moment the best thing I can come up with is making a DOMDocument out of the view right before it's output and manipulating <link> and <script> tags at that point. I don't know if that's a bit crazy though. Given the generality of the problem I'd like to think that there's a known sensible way to go about it.
Many thanks for your input.
It's hard for the reader to know what can or cannot be done with your code base. A common way to handle this situation would be to pass parameters to the view template, and the template can then include conditional chunks or include sub-templates based on your parameters. This does not require a full-fledged framework, a stand-alone template engine should do. If your template engine supports inheritance there is a nice pattern for handling assets in your templates - check here for example
Manipulating the Dom for each request to handle this kind of thing seems bit unorthodox.
What you want in this situation is some form of template inheritance; that is, technology whereby a sub-template has access to areas in a 'parent' template, and can edit or replace content in those areas. Using this ability, CSS and JS required for a component included via a sub-template can be added in to the <head> element of the parent page.
In Twig, this is achieved using named blocks. First, you create your parent template (or layout, as it's called in Twig), e.g. index.html.twig. You include in it a named block like {% block myCss %}.
Next, to create a sub-template, you begin the template with the line {% extends ::index.html.twig %}. Then, the content of a block defined in the sub-template with the same name as a block in the parent template (in this case {% block myCSS %}) will get substituted into the parent template. To append rather than replace content in the parent template, use {{ parent() }} to include content already existing in the parent.
An example of this with code is available at the link given by #Basel Shishani. I've heard that Twig is modelled after Django, and template inheritance in Django looks very similar (with the exception of using {{ block.super }} instead of {{ parent() }}. There is a discussion of how to achieve the same ends in TinyButStrong.
As a wider point, the Assetic library looks like a very promising solution for managing CSS and JS assets, in order to avoid duplication (e.g. where the same JS file is required by multiple components/subtemplates), enable concatenation and minification of assets, and more. This presentation of its features gives more details.

