Prevent AJAX form from submitting twice? - javascript

I can't figure out why this AJAX form is processing and sending out an email twice. Is there some sort of obvious hickup in the code you can see causing this to occur?
<form class="submit-form" method="post">
<input type="url" class="content-link" name="content_link" placeholder="Link" />
<input type="email" class="email" name="email" placeholder="Your Email Address" />
<button class="submit-modal-button submit-button"><span>Send<span class="ss-icon">send</span></span></button>
<p class="terms">By clicking Submit you agree to our Terms & Conditions</p>
processSubmitModal : function () {
var form = $('.submit-form'),
content_link = $('.submit-form input[type="url"]'),
email = $('.submit-form input[type="email"]'),
viewport_size = $(window).width() + "x" + $(window).height(),
user_browser = BrowserDetect.browser,
user_os = BrowserDetect.OS,
current_page = document.location.href;
$('.submit-form input[type="url"],.submit-form input[type="email"]').blur(function () {
if ($.trim($(this).val()) == '') {
return false;
} else {
form.submit(function () {
if ($.trim(content_link.val()) == '' && $.trim(email.val()) == '') {
return false;
else if ($.trim(content_link.val()) == '') {
return false;
else if ($.trim(email.val()) == '') {
return false;
} else {
var env = TTB.getEnvironment();
$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
$('.submit-modal .screen-1').delay(300).append('<span class="loading2"></span>');
url: env.submit_modal_process,
type: 'POST',
data: {
    content_link: content_link.val(),
    email: email.val(),
viewportsize: viewport_size,
browser: user_browser,
os: user_os,
current_page: current_page
success: function () {
$('.submit-modal .screen-1').delay(1000).fadeOut(300, function () {
$('.submit-modal .screen-1').fadeOut(500, function () {
$('.submit-modal .screen-2').fadeIn(500, function () {
$('.submit-modal .screen-2').append('<img class="carlton" src=' + env.the_environment + TTB.config.image_path() + 'submit-modal-success.gif' + ' />');
$('.submit-modal .screen-2').css('display','block').delay(4200).fadeOut(500, function () {
$('.submit-modal .screen-1').fadeIn(500);
return false;

If to remove all non relevant to the issue code from your snippets we will get the following:
<form class="submit-form" method="post">
<input type="url" name="content_link" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
$(function() {
var EXAMPLE = {
processSubmitModal : function () {
var form = $('.submit-form'),
content_link = $('.submit-form input[type="url"]'),
email = $('.submit-form input[type="email"]');
form.submit(function () {
url: document.location.href,
type: 'POST',
data: {
content_link: content_link.val(),
email: email.val()
success: function () { // <-- The function that is executed twice
// Do something
return false;
// And somewhere in the code that was not presented in snippet...
I played around with your snippet and it always performs only one AJAX call and process email once except the only case - when somewhere in the code you call EXAMPLE.processSubmitModal() once again. Search in your code, I'm almost sure it is the reason. Pay attention that each time you call EXAMPLE.processSubmitModal() you add one another handler to submit event of the form and not override it.

Try like this
form.submit(function (event) {
if(event.handled !== true)
//put your ajax code
event.handled = true;
return false;


Google captcha v3 button twice click is need to complete action

I just installed recaptcha v3 on a form and I found that the submit button needs to be clicked 2x to make it work.First submit it will get the captcha validation. After the second click it will pass redirect.
Html code
<div class="form_wrpr">
<f:form.hidden id="g-recaptcha-response" property="g-recaptcha-response" />
<button class="g-recaptcha btn btn-blue" id="reg-submit"
data-sitekey="{fields.clientKey}" data-callback='onSubmit' data-action='submit' type= "submit">
$("#reg-submit").on('click', function(){if($('#company').val() == '') {
isvalid4 = false;
} if(!isvalid4) {
return false; }
if (grecaptcha.getResponse().length != 0) {
$("#reg-submit").attr("disabled", true);
type: 'POST',
url: $('#form-ajaxurl').val(),
data: $('#demo_form').serialize(),
success: function(data){
$('#reg-submit').attr("disabled", false);
var output = JSON.parse(data);
if(output.error == 1) {
else if(output.error == 2){
} else {
window.location.href = ''+output.result;
} } }); }else { var elementClicked = 0;
$(".g-recaptcha").on('click', function(){
elementClicked = 1; if( elementClicked == 1)
{ $('#g_captchaerror').text(''); } }); if(elementClicked == 0)
{ isvalid4 = false;
} } });
The code creates a button that a user must click on in order to complete the CAPTCHA challenge. When the button is clicked, the grecaptcha.execute() function is called, which will trigger the reCAPTCHA v3 verification process.
$(document).ready(function() {
var alreadySubmitted = false;//adding a extra variable to check already submitted.
$("#reg-submit").on('click', function(){
if(!isvalid4) {
return false;
grecaptcha.ready(function() {
grecaptcha.execute('clientkey', {
action: 'submit'
}).then(function(token) {
type: 'POST',
url: $('#form-ajaxurl').val(),
data: $('#demo_form').serialize(),
success: function(data){
// $('#reg-submit').attr("disabled", false);
var output = JSON.parse(data);
if (output.error == 1) {
} else if(output.error == 2) {
} else {
window.location.href = ''+output.result;

Validating individual form inputs with javascript

I have a registration form that validates a text field, if it's empty when a user clicks/tabs off which shows an error message. My issue with the below code is its a lot to duplicate across several form fields. The below example is for first name but I can't see a way of using what I have to do the same for more than one field.
/* this will call ajax call after entering all the below three fiels */
var $fields = $('#testid');
$'blur',function(e) {
var $emptyFields = $fields.filter(function() {
return $.trim(this.value) === "";
if ($emptyFields.length) {
var frm = $(this).parents('form');
var url=$('#valNameEmail').val();
url: url,
data: $(this).parents('form').serialize(),
type: 'POST',
dataType: "json",
success: function(response){
if (response.HtmlMessage === 'success'){
$('.reg-alreadyRegistered').css('display', 'none');
var radioExCustValue = $('#registration-form input[name=existingCustomer]:checked').val();
if (userNameAjax === true) {
if (radioExCustValue == 'false'){
else {
if (customerValidation == true){
emailIDajax = true;
} else {
$('.reg-alreadyRegistered').css('display', 'block');
emailIDajax = false;
error: function(){
You can give the same inputs that require same sort of validation a class (or if you want it for example for all input[type=text] then you can use it for the selector.
So let's say I have a form like this:
<form id="mform">
<input type="text" class="inptxt" name="it1" />
<input type="text" class="inptxt" name="it2" />
<!-- other similar text inputs with the same class -->
<input type="submit" id="sub" value="Submit" />
I have a function for text inputs which returns false if the field is empty, otherwise true:
$.fn.isValid = function() {
return $.trim($(this).val());
And then I get the inputs by class and validate them all at once:
$('#mform').on('submit', function(e) {
var allValid = true;
$('.inptxt').each(function() {
if (!$(this).isValid()) {
$(this).css('background-color', 'red');
allValid = false;
$(this).css('background-color', 'white');
if(allValid) {
//everything's valid ... submit the form
jsfiddle DEMO
This worked for me:
$('#registration-form input').blur(function(){
if( $(this).val().length === 0 ) {
thanks for your help

Can not get ajax callback to a function

I have a form for user to register new account. I use jquery + ajax to check availability of email address on form submission. In Jquery code I used e.preventDefault(); to prevent form submission if there is any error occurs. I tried the existed email address in the email input and click submit the form. It allows form to submit. It should not do this because ajax reponseText return true means that the email address is already existed in database.
Could anyone please tell me how to fix my code so that if ajax response returns true, it will prevent form submission and shows up errors.
I tried to read and follow this article but fails after so many attempts.
Here is my form:
<form role="form" method="post" id="signupForm" action="index.php?view=signup-gv">
<div class="col-xs-6 border-right">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="exampleInputEmail1">Full Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="regname" name="regname" placeholder="Full Name">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="exampleInputEmail1">Email Address</label><span id="emailcheck"></span>
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="regemail" name="regemail" placeholder="Enter email">
<div class="form-group col-xs-6">
<label for="exampleInputPassword1">Password</label>
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="regpass" name="regpass" placeholder="Password">
<button style="position:relative; left: 15px; top: 10px;" class="btn btn-default" name="register" id="register">Register</button>
Here my jquery code:
$('#signupForm').submit(function(e) {
var regname = $('#regname');
var regemail = $('#regemail');
var regpass = $('#regpass');
var register_result = $('#register_result');
if(regname.val() == ''){
register_result.html('<span class="errorss"> * Full name can not be blank</span>');
else if ($.trim(regemail.val()).length == 0) {
register_result.html('<span class="errorss">* Email address can not be blank</span>');
else if(regpass.val() == ''){
register_result.html('<span class="errorss">* Password can not be blank</span>');
$('#register_result').html('<span class="errorss"> This email address is already existed. Please choose another one </span>');
function emailCheck() {
var regemail = $('#regemail');
var emailcheck = $('#emailcheck');
var UrlToPass = {regemail:regemail.val()} ;
type : 'POST',
cache: false,
data : UrlToPass,
url : 'emailcheck.php',
success: function(responseText){
if(responseText == 0){
return false; // good to go
emailcheck.html('<span class="errorss"> This email is existed.</span>');
return true; // This email is registered. Please try different one
First you are not returning anything from the emailCheck() function, but you are using it as if it is returning a promise object.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#signupForm').submit(function (e) {
var regname = $('#regname');
var regemail = $('#regemail');
var regpass = $('#regpass');
var register_result = $('#register_result');
//prevent the form submit
if (regname.val() == '') {
register_result.html('<span class="errorss"> * Full name can not be blank</span>');
} else if ($.trim(regemail.val()).length == 0) {
register_result.html('<span class="errorss">* Email address can not be blank</span>');
} else if (regpass.val() == '') {
register_result.html('<span class="errorss">* Password can not be blank</span>');
} else {
emailCheck().done(function (r) {
if (r) {
$('#register_result').html('<span class="errorss"> This email address is already existed. Please choose another one </span>');
} else {
function emailCheck() {
var regemail = $('#regemail');
var emailcheck = $('#emailcheck');
var UrlToPass = {
regemail: regemail.val()
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
data: UrlToPass,
url: 'emailcheck.php',
success: function (responseText) {
if (responseText == 0) {
} else {
emailcheck.html('<span class="errorss"> This email is existed.</span>');
error: function () {
return deferred.promise();
You are confusing yourself with sync and async functions. An ajax function makes an Async call and returns output in its callback. You are trying to wrap an Async function inside a normal function and expecting it to behave synchronously.
Your function returns before the Ajax call receives its output. Use
async: false
type : 'POST',
cache: false,
async: false,
data : UrlToPass,
Refer to following for dettails:
How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

$("#form").submit(); is not working as expected

I have two buttons(save, publish) defined in my form. If i Click 'save' and then 'publish' , publish button is not working. The issue here is, save function works fine as expected. But when clicking 'publish', what happens is it tries to submit the form and rather to validate the form which defines under 'publish' function, it goes to 'save' function's validate function and further process.I would like to know why it skips that and jump to 'save' function's validate process?
The sample code;
<form class="form-horizontal" method="POST" id="manage_form">
<div class="form-actions" id="saveButtons">
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="save"/>save</button>
<% if (outputs.isPermitted) { %>
<a class="btn btn-info" id="publish">Publish</a>
<% } %>
// cache var to eliminate unnecessary re-querying
var $manageForm = $('#manage_form');
$('#save').click(function (e) {
var v = $("#manage_form").validate({
submitHandler: function(form) {
return false;
var designer = APIDesigner();
success:function(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {
var v = $("#manage_form").validate({
submitHandler: function(form) {
return false;
var designer = APIDesigner();
success:function(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {
if (!responseText.error) {
$( "body" ).trigger( "api_saved" );
} else {
if (responseText.message == "timeout") {
if (ssoEnabled) {
var currentLoc = window.location.pathname;
if (currentLoc.indexOf(".jag") >= 0) {
location.href = "index.jag";
} else {
location.href = 'site/pages/index.jag';
} else {
} else {
}, dataType: 'json'
Prevent default submitting of form simply use:
Use different submit handler for each button, This is what you want:
$('#submit').click(function(e) {
$("#myform").data("validator").settings.submitHandler = function (form) {
alert('submit with submit');
//your code
return false;
return false;
$('#publish').click(function(e) {
$("#myform").data("validator").settings.submitHandler = function (form) {
alert('submit with publish');
//your code
return false;
return false;
prevent the default form behavior of submit.
edit: wouldn't you want your submit in the submit handlers?
$(function() {
// cache var to eliminate unnecessary re-querying
var $manageForm = $('#manage_form');
$('#save').click(function (e) {
var v = $manageForm.validate({
submitHandler: function (form) {
$('#publish').click(function (e) {
var v = $manageForm.validate({
submitHandler: function (form) {

Trigger event on submit

In a newsletter sign-up form, I would like to make the email disappear after the end user hits enter. I have already added JS to hide and unhide the placeholder text.
The code:
<form id="form" action="" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="u" value="xxx">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="xxx">
<input id="email" type="EMAIL" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" name="MERGE0" id="MERGE0" size="25" placeholder= "Type your email and press enter">
<p id="response"></p>
And the JS:
<script >
var text = document.getElementById("email");
text.onfocus = function() {
if ( text.placeholder == "Type your email and press enter") {
text.placeholder = "";
text.onblur = function() {
if ( text.placeholder == "") {
text.placeholder = "Type your email and press enter";
I tried to create a function to trigger the event but it still didn't work:
function checkEnter(event)
if (event.keyCode == 13) {text.placeholder = "cool";}
Could you all see what's wrong with my code?
Thank you.
You need to add a event listener for the enter key. You could remove your function checkEnter and use this instead:
document.querySelector('#email').addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (key == 13) {
text.placeholder = "cool";
I have integrated the code below with the mailchimp form and got the desired results:
var paragraph = document.getElementById('response');
$('#form').submit(function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
type: "GET", // GET & url for json slightly different
url: "",
data: $this.serialize(),
dataType : 'json',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
error : function(err) { alert("Could not connect to the registration server."); },
success : function(data) {
if (data.result != "success") {
paragraph.innerHTML = data.msg;
text.placeholder = "Oopsy daisy! Error :-(";
} else {
paragraph.innerHTML = data.msg;
text.placeholder = "Thanks so much!";
return false;

