Why does JavaScript map function return undefined? - javascript

My code
var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.map(function(item){
if(typeof item ==='string'){return item;}
This gives the following results
I don't want undefined in the results array. How can I do it?

You aren't returning anything in the case that the item is not a string. In that case, the function returns undefined, what you are seeing in the result.
The map function is used to map one value to another, but it looks like you actually want to filter the array, which a map function is not suitable for.
What you actually want is a filter function. It takes a function that returns true or false based on whether you want the item in the resulting array or not.
var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.filter(function(item){
return typeof item ==='string';

Filter works for this specific case where the items are not modified. But in many cases when you use map you want to make some modification to the items passed.
if that is your intent, you can use reduce:
var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.reduce((results, item) => {
if (typeof item === 'string') results.push(modify(item)) // modify is a fictitious function that would apply some change to the items in the array
return results
}, [])

Since ES6 filter supports pointy arrow notation (like LINQ):
So it can be boiled down to following one-liner.
['a','b',1].filter(item => typeof item ==='string');

You can implement like a below logic.
Suppose you want an array of values.
let test = [ {name:'test',lastname:'kumar',age:30},
let result1 = test.map(element =>
if (element.age === 30)
return element.lastname;
}).filter(notUndefined => notUndefined !== undefined);
output : ['kumar','kumar','kumar']

My solution would be to use filter after the map.
This should support every JS data type.
const notUndefined = anyValue => typeof anyValue !== 'undefined'
const noUndefinedList = someList
.map(// mapping condition)
.filter(notUndefined); // by doing this,
//you can ensure what's returned is not undefined

You only return a value if the current element is a string. Perhaps assigning an empty string otherwise will suffice:
var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.map(function(item){
return (typeof item ==='string') ? item : '';
Of course, if you want to filter any non-string elements, you shouldn't use map(). Rather, you should look into using the filter() function.

If you have to use map to return custom output, you can still combine it with filter.
const arr = ['a','b',1]
const result = arr.map(element => {
if(typeof element === 'string')
return element + ' something'
}).filter(Boolean) // this will filter out null and undefined
console.log(result) // output: ['a something', 'b something']

var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.filter(function(item){
if (typeof item ==='string') {return item;}

If you use it like this, your problem will be solved.
Also, you will have a clean and short code
var _ = require('lodash'); //but first, npm i lodash --save
var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = _.compact(
_.map(arr, function(item){
if(_.isString(item)){return item;}
); //false, null, undefined ... etc will not be included
with ES6...
const _ = require('lodash'); //but first, npm i lodash --save
const arr = ['a','b',1];
const results = _.compact(
_.map(arr, item => {
if(_.isString(item)){return item;}

I run into this quite frequently where the type after filtering will still be string | number. So, to expand upon these solutions and include type safety you can use a user-defined type guard.
const result = ['a','b',1].filter((item) => typeof item ==='string');
// result is typed as (string | number)[]
Better type safety using user-defined type guard
const result = ['a','b',1].filter((item): item is string => typeof item ==='string');
// result is now typed as string[]

The problem:
the issue is arr.map() will do a full iteration of arr array length, i.e. map() method will loop as much as the length of arr is, no matter what condition you have inside it, so if you defined a condition inside it e.g. if(typeof item ==='string'){return item;} even if the condition is not happening, the map() will be forced to keep looping until finishing the looping of the whole arr so it will give you undefined for the rest of elements if the condition is not met.
The solutions:
Solution One: if you want to return the whole item in the array when the condition is met, you can use arr.filter() so the filter will return the whole item for the iteration e.g. if you have array of objects like bellow
const arr = [{name: "Name1", age: 25}, {name: "Name2", age: 30}, {name: "Name3", age: 25}]
and you want to return the whole objects when the condition is met like example below
const filteredItems = arr.filter((item)=>{if(item.age === 25){return true}})
console.log(filteredItems) //results: [{name: "Name1", age: 25}, {name: "Name3", age: 25}]
conclusion: filter() method returns an array of the whole items in it if the condition is met.
Solution Two: if you want to return only a specific data of the objects (or the whole object or any shape of data) in array i.e. if you want to return only the names in array without the ages, you can do this
const namesOnly = arr.map((item)=>{if(item.age === 25){return item.name}})
console.log(namesOnly) //results: ["Name1, udefined, "Name3"]
now to remove the undefined you just use filter() method on the results like below
const namesOnly = arr.map((item)=>{if(item.age === 25){return item.name}}).filter((item)=> !!item)
console.log(namesOnly) //results: ["Name1, "Name3"]
conclusion: map() method returns an array of specifically defined data in the return, and returns undefined if the condition is not met. so then we can use filter() method to remove the undefined.

You can filter records with .map easily using below example code
const datapoints = [
PL_STATUS: 'Packetloss',
inner_outerx: 'INNER',
KPI_PL: '97.9619'
PL_STATUS: 'Packetloss',
inner_outerx: 'OUTER',
KPI_PL: '98.4621',
PL_STATUS: 'Packetloss',
inner_outerx: 'INNER',
KPI_PL: '97.8770',
PL_STATUS: 'Packetloss',
inner_outerx: 'OUTER',
KPI_PL: '97.5674',
PL_STATUS: 'Packetloss',
inner_outerx: 'INNER',
KPI_PL: '98.7150',
PL_STATUS: 'Packetloss',
inner_outerx: 'OUTER',
KPI_PL: '98.8969'
const kpi_packetloss_inner: string[] = [];
datapoints.map((item: { PL_STATUS: string; inner_outerx: string; KPI_PL: string }) => {
if (item.PL_STATUS === 'Packetloss' && item.inner_outerx === 'INNER') {

Map is used when you want to produced new modified array from the original array.
the simple answer may be for someone
var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.filter(function(item){
// Modify your original array here
return typeof item ==='string';
}).filter(a => a);


How to check if values in array is present in object key of object array

I want to check if values in one array is present in object key of object array.
For example: arr = ["id1", "id2"]
objectArr = [{id: "id1"}]
I want to throw not found error in this case when id2 is not present in id of object array.
Help of any kind would be appreciated!
You can use filter and some for that:
var objectArr = [{id: "id1"}, {id: "id3"}]
var arr1 = ["id1", "id2"];
const notFounds = arr1.filter(el => !objectArr.some(obj => obj.id === el ));
console.log(notFounds); // ["id2"]
JS Array some:
JS Array filter:
If You iterate over objectArr, You can get object fields in form of array with: Object.entries(your_object).
for (const obj of objectArr) {
for (const item of Object.entries(obj)) {
// where item is field in object
// now You can compare if item is in [id1,id2]
You can try something like this
var arr = ["id1", "id2", "id3", "id4"];
var n = arr.includes("id2"); //true
For an array of objects. If the id is unique in the array
var arr = [{id:"id1"},{id:"id2"},{id:"id3"},{id:"id4"}]
const found = arr.some(el => el.id === "id3") // true
EDIT: ran.t has a better answer that keeps track of which ids are not found.
It sounds like what you're looking for is .every() method. Which will allow you can check each element in the array passes a given condition.
You can combine this with the .some() method to check at least one object in the objectArr has id equal to your element
const allElementsFound = ["id1", "id2"].every(el => objectArr.some(obj => obj.id === el))
if(!allElementsFound) {
// throw error

Check if element included in array of object in react js [duplicate]

I have an array like
vendors = [{
Name: 'Magenic',
Name: 'Microsoft',
} // and so on...
How do I check this array to see if "Magenic" exists? I don't want to loop, unless I have to. I'm working with potentially a couple thousand records.
No need to reinvent the wheel loop, at least not explicitly (using arrow functions, modern browsers only):
if (vendors.filter(e => e.Name === 'Magenic').length > 0) {
/* vendors contains the element we're looking for */
or, better yet, use some as it allows the browser to stop as soon as one element is found that matches, so it's going to be faster:
if (vendors.some(e => e.Name === 'Magenic')) {
/* vendors contains the element we're looking for */
or the equivalent (in this case) find:
if (vendors.find(e => e.Name === 'Magenic')) {
/* same result as above, but a different function return type */
And you can even get the position of that element by using findIndex:
const i = vendors.findIndex(e => e.Name === 'Magenic');
if (i > -1) {
/* vendors contains the element we're looking for, at index "i" */
And if you need compatibility with lousy browsers then your best bet is:
if (vendors.filter(function(e) { return e.Name === 'Magenic'; }).length > 0) {
/* vendors contains the element we're looking for */
2018 edit: This answer is from 2011, before browsers had widely supported array filtering methods and arrow functions. Have a look at CAFxX's answer.
There is no "magic" way to check for something in an array without a loop. Even if you use some function, the function itself will use a loop. What you can do is break out of the loop as soon as you find what you're looking for to minimize computational time.
var found = false;
for(var i = 0; i < vendors.length; i++) {
if (vendors[i].Name == 'Magenic') {
found = true;
No loop necessary. Three methods that come to mind:
This is the most exact answer for your question, i.e. "check if something exists", implying a bool result. This will be true if there are any 'Magenic' objects, false otherwise:
let hasMagenicVendor = vendors.some( vendor => vendor['Name'] === 'Magenic' )
This will return an array of all 'Magenic' objects, even if there is only one (will return a one-element array):
let magenicVendors = vendors.filter( vendor => vendor['Name'] === 'Magenic' )
If you try to coerce this to a boolean, it will not work, as an empty array (no 'Magenic' objects) is still truthy. So just use magenicVendors.length in your conditional.
This will return the first 'Magenic' object (or undefined if there aren't any):
let magenicVendor = vendors.find( vendor => vendor['Name'] === 'Magenic' );
This coerces to a boolean okay (any object is truthy, undefined is falsy).
Note: I'm using vendor["Name"] instead of vendor.Name because of the weird casing of the property names.
Note 2: No reason to use loose equality (==) instead of strict equality (===) when checking the name.
The accepted answer still works but now we have an ECMAScript 6 native methods [Array.find][1] and [Array.some][2] to achieve the same effect.
Use some If you only want to determine if an element exists i.e. you need a true/false determination.
Quoting MDN:
The some() method tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function. It returns true if, in the array, it finds an element for which the provided function returns true; otherwise it returns false. It doesn't modify the array.
Use find if you want to get the matched object from array else returns undefined.
Quoting MDN:
The find() method returns the value of the first element in the provided array that satisfies the provided testing function. If no values satisfy the testing function, undefined is returned.
var arr = [
id: 21,
label: 'Banana',
id: 22,
label: 'Apple',
/* note : data is the actual object that matched search criteria
or undefined if nothing matched */
var data = arr.find(function(ele) {
return ele.id === 21;
if (data) {
console.log(data); // This is entire object i.e. `item` not boolean
/* note : doesExist is a boolean thats true or false depending on of whether the data was found or not */
var doesExist = arr.some(function(ele) {
return ele.id === 21;
See my jsfiddle link There is a polyfill for IE provided by mozilla
Here's the way I'd do it
const found = vendors.some(item => item.Name === 'Magenic');
array.some() method checks if there is at least one value in an array that matches criteria and returns a boolean.
From here on you can go with:
if (found) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Unless you want to restructure it like this:
vendors = {
Magenic: {
Name: 'Magenic',
Microsoft: {
Name: 'Microsoft',
} and so on...
to which you can do if(vendors.Magnetic)
You will have to loop
May be too late, but javascript array has two methods some and every method that returns a boolean and can help you achieve this.
I think some would be most appropriate for what you intend to achieve.
vendors.some( vendor => vendor['Name'] !== 'Magenic' )
Some validates that any of the objects in the array satisfies the given condition.
vendors.every( vendor => vendor['Name'] !== 'Magenic' )
Every validates that all the objects in the array satisfies the given condition.
As per ECMAScript 6 specification, you can use findIndex.
const magenicIndex = vendors.findIndex(vendor => vendor.Name === 'Magenic');
magenicIndex will hold either 0 (which is the index in the array) or -1 if it wasn't found.
As the OP has asked the question if the key exists or not.
A more elegant solution that will return boolean using ES6 reduce function can be
const magenicVendorExists = vendors.reduce((accumulator, vendor) => (accumulator||vendor.Name === "Magenic"), false);
Note: The initial parameter of reduce is a false and if the array has the key it will return true.
Hope it helps for better and cleaner code implementation
You cannot without looking into the object really.
You probably should change your structure a little, like
vendors = {
Magenic: 'ABC',
Microsoft: 'DEF'
Then you can just use it like a lookup-hash.
vendors['Microsoft']; // 'DEF'
vendors['Apple']; // undefined
const check = vendors.find((item)=>item.Name==='Magenic')
Try this code.
If the item or element is present then the output will show you that element. If it is not present then the output will be 'undefined'.
Testing for array elements:
JS Offers array functions which allow you to achieve this relatively easily. They are the following:
Array.prototype.filter: Takes a callback function which is a test, the array is then iterated over with is callback and filtered according to this callback. A new filtered array is returned.
Array.prototype.some: Takes a callback function which is a test, the array is then iterated over with is callback and if any element passes the test, the boolean true is returned. Otherwise false is returned
The specifics are best explained via an example:
vendors = [
Name: 'Magenic',
Name: 'Microsoft',
} //and so on goes array...
// filter returns a new array, we instantly check if the length
// is longer than zero of this newly created array
if (vendors.filter(company => company.Name === 'Magenic').length ) {
console.log('I contain Magenic');
// some would be a better option then filter since it directly returns a boolean
if (vendors.some(company => company.Name === 'Magenic')) {
console.log('I also contain Magenic');
Browser support:
These 2 function are ES6 function, not all browsers might support them. To overcome this you can use a polyfill. Here is the polyfill for Array.prototype.some (from MDN):
if (!Array.prototype.some) {
Array.prototype.some = function(fun, thisArg) {
'use strict';
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.some called on null or undefined');
if (typeof fun !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in t && fun.call(thisArg, t[i], i, t)) {
return true;
return false;
Simplest method so far:
if (vendors.findIndex(item => item.Name == "Magenic") == -1) {
//not found item
} else {
//found item
My approach to solving this problem is to use ES6 and creating a function that does the check for us. The benefit of this function is that it can be reusable through out your project to check any array of objects given the key and the value to check.
const ceos = [
name: "Jeff Bezos",
company: "Amazon"
name: "Mark Zuckerberg",
company: "Facebook"
name: "Tim Cook",
company: "Apple"
const arrayIncludesInObj = (arr, key, valueToCheck) => {
return arr.some(value => value[key] === valueToCheck);
const found = arrayIncludesInObj(ceos, "name", "Tim Cook"); // true
const found = arrayIncludesInObj(ceos, "name", "Tim Bezos"); // false
2021 Solution*
Lodash .some (docs) is a clean solution, if you use the _matchesProperty (docs) shorthand:
_.some(VENDORS, ['Name', 'Magenic'])
This will iterate through the VENDORS Array looking for an element Object with the Name key having a value of the String 'Magenic'. Once it finds this element, it returns true and stops iterating. If it doesn't find the element after looking through the entire Array, it returns false.
Code snippet
const VENDORS = [{ Name: 'Magenic', ID: 'ABC' }, { Name: 'Microsoft', ID: 'DEF' }];
console.log(_.some(VENDORS, ['Name', 'Magenic'])); // true
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash#4.17.20/lodash.min.js"></script>
* Note that this uses the popular lodash library to achieve the simplest/shortest possible solution. I'm offering this as an alternative to the existing vanilla JS solutions, for those who are interested.
You have to loop, there is no way around it.
function seekVendor(vendors, name) {
for (var i=0, l=vendors.length; i<l; i++) {
if (typeof vendors[i] == "object" && vendors[i].Name === name) {
return vendors[i];
Of course you could use a library like linq.js to make this more pleasing:
Enumerable.From(vendors).Where("$.Name == 'Magenic'").First();
(see jsFiddle for a demo)
I doubt that linq.js will be faster than a straight-forward loop, but it certainly is more flexible when things get a little more complicated.
Correct me if i'm wrong..
i could have used forEach method like this,
var found=false;
if(item.name === "name"){
Nowadays i'm used to it ,because of it simplicity and self explanatory word.
Thank you.
Functions map, filter, find, and similar are slower than the simple loop.
For me they also less readable than the simple loop and harder to debug. Using them looks like a kind of irrational ritual.
Better have something like this:
arrayHelper = {
arrayContainsObject: function (array, object, key){
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if (object[key] === array[i][key]){
return true;
return false;
And use it like this with given OP example:
vendors = [{
Name: 'Magenic',
Name: 'Microsoft',
let abcObject = {ID: 'ABC', Name: 'Magenic'};
let isContainObject = arrayHelper.arrayContainsObject(vendors, abcObject, 'ID');
if you're using jquery you can take advantage of grep to create array with all matching objects:
var results = $.grep(vendors, function (e) {
return e.Name == "Magenic";
and then use the results array:
for (var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++) {
You can use lodash. If lodash library is too heavy for your application consider chunking out unnecessary function not used.
let newArray = filter(_this.props.ArrayOne, function(item) {
return find(_this.props.ArrayTwo, {"speciesId": item.speciesId});
This is just one way to do this. Another one can be:
var newArray= [];
_.filter(ArrayOne, function(item) {
return AllSpecies.forEach(function(cItem){
if (cItem.speciesId == item.speciesId){
The above example can also be rewritten without using any libraries like:
var newArray= [];
ArrayOne.filter(function(item) {
return ArrayTwo.forEach(function(cItem){
if (cItem.speciesId == item.speciesId){
Hope my answer helps.
Many answers here are good and pretty easy. But if your array of object is having a fixed set of value then you can use below trick:
Map all the name in a object.
vendors = [
Name: 'Magenic',
Name: 'Microsoft',
var dirtyObj = {}
for(var count=0;count<vendors.length;count++){
dirtyObj[vendors[count].Name] = true //or assign which gives you true.
Now this dirtyObj you can use again and again without any loop.
console.log("Hey! I am available.");
To compare one object to another, I combine a for in loop (used to loop through objects) and some().
You do not have to worry about an array going out of bounds etc, so that saves some code. Documentation on .some can be found here
var productList = [{id: 'text3'}, {id: 'text2'}, {id: 'text4', product: 'Shampoo'}]; // Example of selected products
var theDatabaseList = [{id: 'text1'}, {id: 'text2'},{id: 'text3'},{id:'text4', product: 'shampoo'}];
var objectsFound = [];
for(let objectNumber in productList){
var currentId = productList[objectNumber].id;
if (theDatabaseList.some(obj => obj.id === currentId)) {
// Do what you need to do with the matching value here
An alternative way I compare one object to another is to use a nested for loop with Object.keys().length to get the amount of objects in the array. Code below:
var productList = [{id: 'text3'}, {id: 'text2'}, {id: 'text4', product: 'Shampoo'}]; // Example of selected products
var theDatabaseList = [{id: 'text1'}, {id: 'text2'},{id: 'text3'},{id:'text4', product: 'shampoo'}];
var objectsFound = [];
for(var i = 0; i < Object.keys(productList).length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < Object.keys(theDatabaseList).length; j++){
if(productList[i].id === theDatabaseList[j].id){
To answer your exact question, if are just searching for a value in an object, you can use a single for in loop.
var vendors = [
Name: 'Magenic',
Name: 'Microsoft',
for(var ojectNumbers in vendors){
if(vendors[ojectNumbers].Name === 'Magenic'){
console.log('object contains Magenic');
Alternatively you can do:
const find = (key, needle) => return !!~vendors.findIndex(v => (v[key] === needle));
var without2 = (arr, args) => arr.filter(v => v.id !== args.id);
You can try this its work for me.
const _ = require('lodash');
var arr = [
name: 'Jack',
id: 1
name: 'Gabriel',
id: 2
name: 'John',
id: 3
function findValue(arr,value) {
return _.filter(arr, function (object) {
return object['name'].toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
//[ { name: 'Jack', id: 1 } ]
const a = [{one:2},{two:2},{two:4}]
const b = a.filter(val => "two" in val).length;
if (b) {
I would rather go with regex.
If your code is as follows,
vendors = [
Name: 'Magenic',
Name: 'Microsoft',
I would recommend

How to edit value of an object using the reference?

I have a big object array persons
persons = [{name:'john1'}, {name:'john2'},...]
I iterated the array and found the object I am interested to edit
objectToEdit = persons .find((person)=>person.name==='john1')
Now I created an edited object in immutable way (someOtherPerson = {name:'johnxx'})
objectFinal = {...objectToEdit, someOtherPerson}
Now I want to replace this objectFinal with objectToEdit in persons array, without having to traverse the array again. But doing objectToEdit =objectFinal , will just assign objectToEdited's reference to objectToEdit , without making any change in the persons array
Is there a clean way to achieve this without traversing the array?
In this example, the object in persons jave just one key (i.e, name). This is to make question minimal. In my project, I have more than 30 keys.
If you want to edit an object in a list,in place, use Array.prototype.some
var persons = [{
name: 'john1'
}, {
name: 'jack5'
var someOtherPerson = {
name: 'johnxx'
persons.some(function(person) {
// if condition, edit and return true
if (person.name === 'john1') {
// use Object.keys to copy properties
Object.keys(someOtherPerson).forEach(function(key) {
person[key] = someOtherPerson[key]
// or use assign to merge 2 objects
Object.assign(person, someOtherPerson);
return true // stops iteration
If you want to avoid mutating the objects in the original array, you might use .findIndex instead, and reassign the item in the array at that index:
const persons = [{name:'john1'}, {name:'john2'}];
const objectToEditIndex = persons.findIndex((person) => person.name === 'john1');
const someOtherPerson = {name:"johnxx"};
persons[objectToEditIndex] = {
Doing this:
objectFinal = {...objectToEdit, someOtherPerson}
you lose the reference to the original objectToEdit object. To edit it, you can do
`objectToEdit.value = otherValue`.
PS: Having said that, you only lose reference to the first level object. If that object, contains another object or array, you have reference to it:
objectFinal.innerObject.value = otherValue;
{name:'john1'} should be replace with {name:"johnxx"} in persons
Reassign persons to the persons-array mapped with the new value:
let persons = [{name:'john1'}, {name:'john2'}];
persons = persons.map( v => v.name === "john1" ? {name: "johnxx"} : v );
Or, if you're worried about performance, use Array.splice in combination with Array.findIndex
The findIndex method executes the callback function once for every
array index 0..length-1 (inclusive) in the array until it finds one
where callback returns a truthy value (a value that coerces to true).
If such an element is found, findIndex immediately returns the index
for that iteration.
let persons = [{name:'john1'}, {name:'john2'}];
persons.splice(persons.findIndex( v => v.name==="john1" ), 1, {name:'johnxx'});
Or use a utility method (snippet for a large array (1,000,000 elements) and with performance timer)
// replacer method
const replace = (obj, [key, value], replacement) => {
obj.splice(persons.findIndex( v => v[key] === value ), 1, replacement);
return obj;
// create a large array (this may take some extra time)
let persons = Array.from({length: 1000000}).map(v =>
({name: Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(16)}) );
// pick an entry
const someEntry = Math.floor(persons.length * Math.random());
const entry = Object.entries(persons[someEntry])[0];
console.log("before:", persons[someEntry]);
const t = performance.now();
// replacement call here
console.log("after:", replace(persons, entry, {name: "johnxx"})[someEntry]);
console.log("replacement took:", `${((performance.now() - t)/1000).toFixed(3)} sec`);

JavaScript or Lodash find objects by key

In an array of objects with diff keys, how do I find objects by key using ES6 or Lodash?
const arr = [{a:2}, {b:3}, {fred:10}]
I want the result to be:
=> [{a:2}, {fred:10}]
I don't want to use an omit style approach.
const filtered = arr.filter(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty("a") || obj.hasOwnProperty("fred"));
// or, if you have dynamic / lots of keys:
const keys = ["a", "fred"];
const filtered = arr.filter(obj => keys.some(key => obj.hasOwnProperty(key));
filter method will be useful. Create a function and pass an array of keys. Inside filter function check if the key is matching with the parameter array. If it passed then return that object
var orgObject = [{
a: 2
}, {
b: 3
}, {
fred: 10
function searchByKey(keyNames) {
return orgObject.filter(function(item) {
for (var keys in item) {
if (keyNames.indexOf(keys) !== -1) {
return item
console.log(searchByKey(['a', 'fred']))
Basically you want all the objects from the array who have the fields a or fred. You can use the hasOwnProperty() on the objects while filtering.
_.filter(array, elem => elem.hasOwnProperty('a') || elem.hasOwnProperty('fred'));

Collecting a list of all object keys that meet certain criteria

I have a function getActiveProp:
const getActiveProp = obj => Object.keys(obj).find(k => obj[k].active);
But now, instead of finding the first item matching the criteria, I want to get an array of all of them.
I know I could simply do something like this, and wrap it in a function:
var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
var arr2 = [];
arr.forEach(k => arr2.push(k));
But I was just wondering if there was a one-line way to do it, creating the array within the forEach method itself, or using some similar array method to do it. Can that be done?
Use Array#filter in place of Array#find:
let object = {
inactiveProp1: { active: false },
activeProp1: { active: true },
activeProp2: { active: true }
const getActiveProps = o => Object.keys(o).filter(k => o[k].active)

