JQuery .hover / .on('mouseleave') not functioning properly - javascript

I am trying to use the hover function which is pretty rudimentary, but I can't seem to get the mouseout/mouseleave to function properly.
$(".MList a").on('mouseenter',
var HTMLArr = $(this).children().html().split(':');
var HTMLArr = $(this).children().html().split(':');
The mouseenter works properly, but it is not even entering the code for the mouseleave. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

See this: DEMO
$(".MList a").on('mouseenter',
var HTML = $(this).children('p').html();
var HTML = $(this).children('p').html();

You have an issue with the anchor of the event.
Change to use this:
$(".MList a").on('mouseenter', function () {
var myP = $(this).children('p');
var HTMLArr = myP.text().split(':');
myP.html( HTMLArr[0] + ':&nbsp◤');
}).on('mouseleave', function () {
var myP = $(this).children('p');
var HTMLArr = myP.text().split(':');
myP.html( HTMLArr[0] + ':&nbsp◢');
You have the same issue with click, and redo same thing. SO, rework and reuse: (you could even make it better but this shows the start of that)
$(".MList a").on('mouseenter', function () {
}).on('mouseleave', function () {
$(".MList a").click(function () {
if ($(this).siblings('.SList').is(':visible')) {
} else {
function up(me) {
var HTMLArr = me.text().split(':');
me.html(HTMLArr[0] + ':&nbsp◢');
function down(me) {
var HTMLArr = me.text().split(':');
me.html(HTMLArr[0] + ':&nbsp◤');


SharePoint 2013 JSLink OnPostRender not working after adding SP.SOD.executeFunc

I use JSLink to color rows in a SharePoint 2013 list
ExecuteOrDelayUntilBodyLoaded(function () {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', function () {
RegisterModuleInit(_spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/SiteAssets/jsLink.js", Highlight);
function Highlight() {
var HighlightFieldCtx = {};
HighlightFieldCtx.Templates = {};
HighlightFieldCtx.Templates.Fields = {};
HighlightFieldCtx.OnPostRender = postRenderHandler;
function postRenderHandler(ctx)
var rows = ctx.ListData.Row;
for (var i=0;i<rows.length;i++)
// do stuff
I need add SP.SOD.executeFunc() for activate _spPageContextInfo. But when I added SP.SOD.executeFunc(), function postRenderHandler not called in line with HighlightFieldCtx.OnPostRender = postRenderHandler.
When I dont have SP.SOD.ExecuteFunc() and static link on my JS and CSS, my code and rendering fully working. Can you please help me, how to make proper code with working _spPageContextInfo?
Try this:
<script type="text/javascript">
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', function () {
RegisterModuleInit(_spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/SiteAssets/jsLink.js", Highlight);
function Highlight() {
var HighlightFieldCtx = {};
HighlightFieldCtx.Templates = {};
HighlightFieldCtx.Templates.Fields = {};
HighlightFieldCtx.OnPostRender = postRenderHandler;
function postRenderHandler(ctx)
var rows = ctx.ListData.Row;

Reverse jQuery effect after a given time

one quick question!
I am using the following code which does a "flip" card effect to flip a specific div element, when a certain link is mouse clicked. Is it possible to make the "flip" effect reverse after some time? Exactly as if I was clicking again with the mouse, but timed. I can do it now by cliking, but I would like to time it.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.flip_card').click(function () {
var x = $(this).attr("id");
var i = x.substring(10);
$('.flip' + i + '').find('.card').toggleClass('flipped');
I have tried using the jquery functions delay() or settimeout, but I can only achieve that the first "flip" effect is delayed and happens after certain time. That is not what I want...
I hope my question is understanble enough.
Many thanks!
Try this.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.flip_card').click(function () {
var x = $(this).attr("id");
var i = x.substring(10);
var ele = '.flip' + i + '';
}, 1000);
Try utilizing .queue()
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".flip_card").click(function () {
var x = this.id;
var i = x.substring(10);
$(".flip" + i).find(".card").toggleClass("flipped")
.queue("reset", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".flip"+ i + " .card.flipped:eq(-1)").toggleClass("flipped");
// set duration here
}, 3000);
You can use setTimeout(), but you should keep track of the timer ID so you can cancel it if the user clicks again before the timeout has executed. You can use the .data() function to store the timer ID so each card keeps track of its own timer ID.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.flip_card').click(function () {
var i = $(this).attr('id').substring(10);
var $card = $('.flip' + i).find('.card');
// Clear the timeout if there is one.
var timerId = $card.data('timerId');
if (timerId) {
// Flip the card.
if (!$card.hasClass('flipped')) {
// Set the timeout so the card is flipped back after 3 seconds.
$card.data('timerId', setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000));
} else {
How about something this simple. Just chaining should make it.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.flip_card').bind('click', function() {
var x = $(this).attr("id");
var i = x.substring(10);
var ele = '.flip' + i + '';

jQuery toggle menu items and sheet

I have written code that works very well, but unfortunately it is not perfect functional. I will describe briefly the action:
When I click on '.navbar-nav li a' parent and '.sheets, .sheetsBg' get active class.
If I click again '.navbar-nav li a' is properly removed only for the menu item parent class.
function manageSheetsToggle() {
var navMenuItem = '.navbar-nav li a';
$(navMenuItem).click(function (e) {
if (!isTabletResolution() && !isPhoneResolution()) {
var sheetId = $(this).parent().data('target');
if ($('.sheets, .sheetsBg').hasClass('active')) {
$('.sheets, .sheetsBg').removeClass('active');
$("#" + sheetId).toggleClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active');
$(".sheets, .sheetsBg").addClass("active");
} else {
$(navMenuItem).click(function (e) {
location.href = $(this).attr('href');
$('.sheetsBg, .corpoBelt, .header').click(function () {
$(".sheets, .sheetsBg").removeClass("active");
pls help.
I hope this is what you are luking for. I changed your code a little bit, but it works fine now. Try it and let me know
<script type="text/javascript">
var sheet, ln, cn = 0;
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#toggleMenu").find("a").on("click", function (e) {
ln = $(this);
sheet = ln.parent().data('target');
$("#" + sheet).toggleClass("active").siblings().removeClass('active');
$(".sheets").find("section").each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass("active"))
if (cn) {
cn = 0;
} else
$('.corpoBelt').click(function () {
I think you can use siblings() selector more easier

How to change the order of events?

Is it possible to change the order of events to invoke alert function with message Huh? first and only then next alert with 'Yeah!' message?
<div class="elem" onclick="alert('Yeah!')"></div>
My jQuery code.
$('.elem').click(function () {
Link to jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/84Lyq3n9/
How about this:
var inline_click_handler_src = $('.elem').attr('onclick');
var inline_click_handler = new Function('e', inline_click_handler_src);
$('.elem').click(function () {
[Edit] Or without mucking with markup content:
var el = $('.elem').get(0);
var inline_click_handler = el.onclick;
el.onclick = null;
$('.elem').click(function () {
[One more edit] In case your inline click handler uses this, use function.call(), to set the execution context:
var el = $('.elem').get(0);
var inline_click_handler = el.onclick;
el.onclick = null;
$('.elem').click(function () {
But you can do it with many ways.
First you can remove the attribute "onclick".You can do it with javascript.
$('.elem').click(function () {
alert('Whatever you want');
Here is a link: http://www.w3docs.com/learn-javascript/javascript-events.html

javascript rotate what to change

I have ,
jQuery(function ($) {
var allArrows = $(".arrow"),
arrowUpUrl = "select_arrow_up.png",
arrowDownUrl = "select_arrow.png";
allArrows.click(function () {
var currentUrl = $(this).attr("src");
$(this).attr("src", currentUrl === arrowDownUrl ? arrowUpUrl : arrowDownUrl);
allArrows.not(this).attr("src", arrowDownUrl);
my problem is when I click outside arrow do not return first position what I must change ?
i can't use css and toggle whit jquery I need to use images with outside place
You should add the following handler:
$(document).on('click', function(e) {
if (!$(e.target).hasClass('arrow')) {
$('.arrow').attr('src', 'select_arrow.png');
See my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/cYCnD/10/
The whole code should look like this:
jQuery(function ($) {
var allArrows = $(".arrow"),
arrowUpUrl = "select_arrow_up.png",
arrowDownUrl = "select_arrow.png";
allArrows.click(function () {
var currentUrl = $(this).attr("src");
$(this).attr("src", currentUrl === arrowDownUrl ? arrowUpUrl : arrowDownUrl);
allArrows.not(this).attr("src", arrowDownUrl);
$(document).on('click', function(e) {
if (!$(e.target).hasClass('arrow')) {
allArrows.attr('src', 'select_arrow.png');
If I understand you correctly, you want to reset the arrows positions when a user clicks elsewhere on the page.
If so, I believe this will work:
$(".arrow").attr("src", select_arrow.png)

