Injecting javascript before PartialViewResult script is executed in EXT.NET? - javascript

I have a partial view which is requested & loaded into a modal window.
Following is the action method which generates the partial view:
public Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult GetPartialView()
var p = new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult { Model = ...., ViewName = "MyPartialView" };
//!!need to manipulate p here to run my custom javascript on client!!
return p;
After GetPartialView() is called via ajax request, necessary scripts are generated and sent back to the client.
The executing script looks like this:
{script:"[\"TextListBullets\",\"Add\"]);Ext.onReady(function(){Ext.create(\"Ext.window.Window\",{height:400,hidden..... bla bla}
How can i inject my own custom code somewhere in this generated javascript block?
My purpose is to dynamically load some external javascript files which are needed in the partial view.
I dont want to statically include script references in every main view i use this partial view. I want to gain some kind of automatization by loading js files when they are needed.

I'm sharing the answer from Ext.NET forum:
Please see the following sample
#{ MvcResourceManager.RegisterGlobalStyle(Url.Content("~/Areas/Dynamic_Partial_Rendering/Content/Tab.css"));}


Passing data from Partial View to its parent View in core mvc

This link have a similar answer which works fine but some changes required above answer works fine, but my objective is a little bit different, I wanted to pass the variable from partial view who contains image URL, I want to use that URL in the main view somewhere. the scenario is, calling ajax to load the partial view and displaying in modal, partial view having a lot of ajax which calling controller for fetching folder and files from the server, on the response of ajax I got an image file URL in the partial view, now I want to pass that URL into the main view, how to do that?
the main view -> works fine
enter code here
$(document).ready(function (){
$("#button1").click(function ()
controller -> works fine
enter code here
public IActionResult GetPartial()
return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/_FileManager.cshtml");
partial view calling different controller who returning HTML who have a lot of link and folders name and image file name now on the calling of ajax from the partial view, after a successful response, I got a file URL in the variable inside partial view javascript side which I want to pass to the main view because I am displaying that image there.
There are a couple of ways you can do this. Your GetPartial() method can do:
return PartialView("_FileManager");
And as long as the file is in the shared folder, MVC works out the path.
You can also return the contents of a file directly:
var file = File.ReadAllBytes(..);
return File(file, "image/png");
This allows you to stream the image url directly into the browser.

How to use information sended by the controller in a JavaScript file using Spring Boot?

I'm using Spring Boot with the Thymeleaf template engine. I have a HTML called clients.html file in the templates folder and a JavaScript file called functions.js in the static folder. I want to send from the controller to the JavaScript file a List.
I have tried using this syntax in the JavaScript file:
let listaArticulos = /*[[${numeroArticulos}]]*/ [];
But I don't recive anything. I have tried using the script tag in the HTML and it worked, but I want to have the JS code in a separate file and not in a script tag with all my html code.
The controller where I send the information to the JS looks like this:
public ModelAndView showHielo(#RequestParam(name = "numcli", required = false) String numcli){
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(ViewConstant.ARTICULOS);
mav.addObject("numeroArticulos", searchMovimNumarts(" 133"));
return mav;
Where the controller send the searchMovimNumarts() method with the name of "numeroArticulos" the one returns a List.
And the JS file where I want to recive the "numeroArticulos" object looks like this:
/*This variable stores data sended by the controller*/
let listaArticulos = /*[[${numeroArticulos}]]*/ [];
I want to console log the content of the List using a JS file and no the html
tag. How can I solve this?
Thymeleaf template engine parses only the template file(html files). So you have to include those variables defined in the controller into the embedded js code. However You don't have to put your entire js code in your html. Have only that part of code that refer to those variables in script tag.
let listaArticulos = /*[[${numeroArticulos}]]*/ [];
and refer them in your external js after this
<script src="/js/externalscript.js"></script> mvc passing any data from a partial view that is rendered with $.get() to ContentPage

I am trying to make my web application like a desktop application.
I am also not using any _LayoutPage and #RenderBody().
I have a ContentPage as MasterPage and a tag named main
I am using ajax get method to render my views or partial views like this:
$.get(url).done(function (result) {
I managed to inject my script and css files with javascript functions.
And now I want to pass some specific datas without using javascript functions.
It can be via using ViewBag, I guess.
I want to pass that data from my partialView:
ViewBag.BodyClass = "signup-page";
to my MainPage like this:
<body class="#ViewBag.BodyClass">
How can I do that?
A little note: Please ignore that I am a newbie and my low reputation
If you have a script manager ($.get) that calls your server to get the views and partial views, no problem.
When you request a URL, normally MVC calls a Controller and Action. In that action you can return content, view, partial view, file and so on...
You can create a new instance of a class model and pass to your partial view.
public ActionResult Index(string parameter1, string parameter2)
var model = new Models.ModelTest();
model.BodyClass = "some class";
return PartialView("_Page", model);
You will call some like this:
In your view or partial view:
#model YourApp.Models.ModelTest
<body class="#Model.BodyClass">
I use that all the time.
I wrote that code on my partialView. It adds a class at ContentPage's body tag

How to access section from extension method?

I'm writing html extension (Razor) for javascript rendered charts.
I can edit javascript to read most values from data attributes, but sometime I need to insert directly inline javascript into the page and link a library. I want to make it automatic.
Is there some way to access a section (like #RenderSection("Scripts", false) ) from extension method via html helper?
Thank you
RenderSection is regular method of WebPageBase so you can use it in your helper. Here you have a snippet:
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static HelperResult InvokeRenderSection(this HtmlHelper html)
var view = (WebPageBase)html.ViewDataContainer;
var result = view.RenderSection("scripts", false);
return result;

Call an action from JS file instead of the view (MVC 4)

I'm using the MVC 4.
In my view i can simply get an action's url by using the: #Url.Action
Now i wanted to make a javascript file with all the view's javascript instead of writing it all in the view, the problem is i can't use the razor's stuff anymore.
so my question is how can i get the action's url from a javascript separated file?
You'll need to define a JavaScript variable within your view that you can then use in your script. Obviously this must be declared first.
I use a helper on my layout pages that has all these variables and a section for any I'd want specific to a page. Note these would come before any other script references before the body tag.
#RenderSection("ScriptVariables", false)
The Scripts.Variables is something like this
#helper Variables()
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var ActionGetallAdmin = '#Url.Action("GetAll", "Admin")';
var ActionAccountLogin = '#Url.Action("Login", "Account")';
One way I did this before was to create views that served JS files (and CSS files, actually), instead of HTML files. This leverages the fact that views aren't necessarily HTML files all the time in the MVC paradigm.
You could do this by creating a controller for it:
public class AssetController : Controller {
protected void SetMIME(string mimeType) {
// implementation largely removed
this.Response.Headers["Content-Type"] = mimeType;
this.Response.ContentType = mimeType;
// this will render a view as a Javascript file
public void ActionResult MyJavascript() {
return View();
Once you've done that, you can create a view (using the way you normally do it in ASP.NET MVC), and just write it up as Javascript. Remember not to use a layout, as you obviously don't want that.
Everything that views in MVC has to offer is available to you, so feel free to use models, et al.
#model IList<Entity>
Layout = null;
(function ($) {
// javascript!
#foreach(var entity in Model) {
$('##entity.Id').on('click', function () {
Then you can wire that up using old-fashioned Razor in your other views.
<script src="#Url.Action("MyJavascript","Asset")"></script>
Which will roll out something like
<script src="http://your.domain/asset/myjavascript"></script>
Works like a charm. The views are dynamically created, of course, so be wary if you're nit-picky about that. However, since they are MVC controller actions and views, you can set cache options on them just as with any other view.
Uhm... I think you can define a special route, like "actionsjs", that points to an action.
routes.MapRoute(name: "actionsJs",
url: "actionsjs",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "GetActions" });
In the action you've to set the content to the right type:
Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
Then you'll return a specific View that will contains javascript code with some Razor inside.
Layout = "";
$(function() {
var a = #(1 + 2);
At this point you'll able to add this "script file" to your site:
<script type="text/javascript" scr="#Url.Action("GetActions", "Home")"></script>
Should work.
If you want the root path, use a variable on layout and use that in JavaScript file, say
// In layout view
var rootPath = #Url.Content("~/")
User rootPath anywhere in your application JavaScript files
If you want to get full path of a controller with action then
// View
var url = #Url.Content("ActionName", "ControllerName")
use url in your JavaScript file.

