Changing Javascript of the browser - Firefox [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Just like we can change browsers user-agent with some add-on, is there any add-on or way to change browsers Javascript that shows in

If you want to disable javascript in mozilla firefox, then yes indeed that's possible. Here is the official article explaining it.


Best way to understand javascript complex code? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What is the best way to understand javascript complex code, like I use to debugger for understand the java complex code.
So, there is any way for javascript like java?
you can use either IE/Chrome Developer Tools, press F12 on the browser and afterward put any breakpoint on javascript file.

Can someone tell about this new HACK programming language from facebook [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I cant find many resources about it on the internet. I would like too look into this more and what similarities does it have with javascript!
It's not very Javascriptlike at all. It's more like PHP + static type annotations. It compiles to the HipHop Virtual Machine, for which Facebook has a JIT PHP compiler as well.
The resources that exist publicly are all at

how does getElementsByClassName() work under the hood? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've tended to just loop over elements selectively to find elements of a specific class, but I'm curious if using getElementsByClassName (for applicable browsers) will increase performance at all.
How does it actually WORK?
I could easily run a test to check performance obviously, but I'm really curious what's going on in there anyway.

Hide information in window.screen [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to instruct Firefox to hide the information contained in window.screen?
According to this paper [1], it can be used for tracking purposes.
Thank you.
no, it's not possible. for example:
alert(screen.width); // shows: 1920

Knowledge graph/table for web developer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've seen general chart for programmer level (knowledge of paterns\oop\langagues\testing etc.)
Is there any good chart to evaluate your knowledge of web development(CSS\HTML\JavaScript\SVG\client-server communication)?
Check this
It's a free skills Benchmark. You will find several quiz like CSS/HTML/SQL/ASP/jQuery/Javascript...
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