jqplot start graph axis labelling from top - javascript

Want a simple fix for jqplot axis display. I am using Bubble charts for chart display, and CategoryAxisRenderer for axis.
All I want is the axes to display in top-down fashion, rather than the default bottom-up one. Meaning, the x axis is displayed on top of the chart increasing from left to right, and the y axis starts from the top increasing from top to bottom!!
Have looked in for various in-built jqplot options but to no luck. I am afraid that the solution lies in altering the css definitions for jqplot axis, but i do not want that, as it would consume huge amounts of time just to understand someone else's css. Please if someone could help!

Have got my solution finally.
Reversed the array that had to be printed row wise, hence both chart and the y axis came up correctly.
The second x axis , did not solve my problem. Instead for the particular chart id , modified the the css class jqplot-xaxis and that did the trick.
myBubbleChartId .jqplot-xaxis{
position : absolute;
top : -20px !important;


Is there any way to provide left margin on y axis label to avoid the chart moving Chartjs?

I am using Chart JS for bar representation. and using this link https://stackblitz.com/edit/ng2-chart-scrollable?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html,src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts for scrolling the bar chart.
In vertical bar, everything working fine. But in horizontal bar while scrolling the y axis moving.
It is because of the characters length the chart is moving on scroll.
In the above picture, you can see the chart position.
this is second picture the chart position slightly moves to left.
i Know this is because of the character, I have tried some logic like adding empty spaces based on maximum character shown to other words which is less than the bigger words.
Is there any way to make it fixed without moving. or can we try adding margin left before y axis label, if yes how to add a margin to it. Because in highchart I have seen something like margin left fixes this thing, But I don't know how to implement in chartjs

Start graph rendering after left sided labels in Highstock

In my highstock charts i required label on the left side of the graphs. When i used opposite: false + align: left for labels they are positioned above graph. But i want to start graph rendering after labels ends.
Left side labels without required graph render
I saw solution for my problem in Highcharts not in highstock some time before. But now i cant find it to show what exactly i need
Expected result
Thanks in advance
OK, so you want the labels inside the plot area.
You can do this by adding
labels: {
align: 'left',
x: 0
to your yAxis properties.
This moves the starting point of the labels to the axis line, and extends the labels to the right from that point. If you want them pushed further inside, just increase x.
The problem that you'll run into is that the plot will not respect the label placement - your line will still start at the same point, as if the labels weren't there.
Normally, you could just use the minPadding setting on the xAxis to increase the space for the labels, but this doesn't work in the case of the navigator, as explained here:
When the axis' min option is set or a min extreme is set using axis.setExtremes(), the minPadding will be ignored
I am sure there is some work around for this problem, but I do not have the solution currently.
Updated fiddle:

highstock chart tooltip issue

I have a highstock chart to render a stock price and I have an issue when render the tooltip.
The issue is that even I move my mouse across the boundary of the chart, the tooltip still shows up.
For example,
I have a series of stock price from 2015-01-01 to 2015-12-30 rendered on the chart. Then I zoom in from 2015-05-05 to 2015-06-30. Then the x axis of the chart is from 2015-05-05 to 2015-06-30. When I mouse over at the position of 2015-05-05, I can see the value of the stock price for that date and this is as expected. But when I move my mouse a little bit to the right, I can still see the tooltip show the stock price for 2015-05-04.
I can imagine this is an issue related to rounding. But I am not sure how to get rid of this since people may think that the zoom in range is from 2015-05-04 rather than 2015-05-05. To be more specific, how could I make tooltip not show up when the range is out of chart's x axis boundaries?
Any hint or help would be appreciated!

Prevent Flot Chart from repeating ticks while alignTicksWithAxis is set

Flot chart is repeating ticks on right Y axis when:
I want to align both axes but hide repeated tick values.
Is there something in the API i have missed or i have to check thicks before painting and hide duplications.
Set the tickDecimals option to 2 to get reasonable labels for the right y axis (see this updated fiddle).
The label values are not really duplicated, but they are rounded so that they seem so.

gRaphael line chart shade changes

I'm currently implementing a line chart in gRaphael which requires the x axis to move up the y-axis such that it lies on zero (which I have already accomplished by drawing my own axes).
However, I'm now encountering a problem when attempting to shade the area above/under the x-axis; gRaphael's shade function only shades from the bottom of the graph to Y-height (as opposed to being from 0 on the y-axis to the y-height). The result is the following:
I have found a couple of lines in g.line.js which look suspiciously like they would help, but I have no idea what the "L", "C", and "M" values mean (I assume they are to tell a part of the program to draw a line etc?)
Any help from anybody more informed than me would be greatly appreciated!
I solved this by overriding the g.line.js file and creating an offset to add to the Y values. The offset was calculated by considering the maximum and minimum values on the Y axis, the height of the SVG itself and the "gutter" - a value which adds padding to the SVG itself (so that values on the axes can be displayed better). The formula looks like this (and is, incidentally, identical to how the axes were moved to zero):
(height - 2*gutter)*(miny/(maxy-miny))

