Show next and previous image in Twitter Bootstrap Carousel - javascript

I’m searching for a way to display the next and previous slideshow image within the Twitter Bootstrap Carousel.
As per default it just show the current image and if I remove the display:none css property it has every item in the carousel below each other. I’ve tried to play with the CSS but haven’t got it to work.
The idea is to display the current slideshow image in the middle and then the next and previous image with opacity, not necessarily clickable.
I’ve tried different slideshows and carousels but can’t seem to find anyone which satisfies these requirements and some of those who come close will not adapt to the responsive design that Bootstrap provides.
Normally when I’m using the carousel with multiple items, I just group e.g. images within the <div class="item"> div like:
<div class="item active">
<img src="" alt="">
<img src="" alt="" style="">
<img src="" alt="" style="">
<div class="item">
<img src="" alt="">
<img src="" alt="" style="">
<img src="" alt="" style="">
<div class="item">
<img src="" alt="">
<img src="" alt="" style="">
<img src="" alt="" style="">
But this will not do what I want because it rotates all three items at the time and not take one image each.
Any suggestion, advice, or link for some walk-through or tutorial will be very much appreciated.

This is the link that helped me
Twitter Bootstrap 101: The Carousel


Custom scroll length for amp-carousel ad [AMP-HTML]

This is my first time publishing a question, so forgive me if there's something wrong with it.
I'm currently working on a three-slide custom carousel ad template, using amp-carousel from project AMP.
I've made my template available to you via this link:
Among the premises of the project, there are two that are mandatory:
1) The second carousel slide has to be partially visible on the right corner when the first slide is displayed (to arouse the user's curiosity when seeing the ad).
2) In the desktop version, when using the 'next' and 'prev' buttons, the carousel should scroll to the center of the next or previous image in the sequence.
The problem I found was that type="carousel" allows me to partially display the next slide, but when I click the 'next' button, it does not scroll to the center of the next slide. It scrolls past beyond the center instead.
And when I use the type="slides", the navigation buttons scroll correctly to the center of the next slide but does not allow me to display part of the next slide (only one slide at the time).
I'm looking for a solution that contemplates these two requirements. For reference, here's a link to amp-carousel documentation:
This is the part of the HTML that contains the carousel:
<amp-carousel height="245" layout="fixed-height" type="carousel">
<div class="slide" id="slide1" style="margin-left: 20px">
<img height="170" width="200" src="slide0.png"/>
<div class="cta" style="float:left"><p>São 100 carros todos os dias</p></div>
<div style="float:left;margin-top: 10px">
<div class="slide" id="slide2">
<img height="170" width="200" src="slide1.png"/>
<div class="cta" style="float:left"><p>Se ligar, é seu!</p></div>
<div style="float:left;margin-top: 10px">
<div class="slide" id="slide3">
<img height="170" width="200" src="slide0.png"/>
<div class="cta" style="float:left"><p>Faça o teste drive.</p></div>
<div style="float:left;margin-top: 10px">
I've also tried to look into the .js AMP functions that listen to the click on the navigation buttons, and make the carousel work, but my limited knowledge only took me so far.

How to add information to Lightbox

I want to know how to add information to the side of an image using lightbox.
This is some of my code as an example. The lightbox works perfectly but what I want to achieve is when I click the image the image expands and also displays information about the image to the side of it, all with in the lightbox.
<article class="style1">
<span class="image">
<img src="images/image1.jpg" alt="" />
if you're using fancybox, try to use title attribute for <a>. it should work
<img src="images/image1.jpg" alt="" title="your information">

How to open a new page with the same image showing as you clicked on using jquery

I am relatively new to javascript and I'm looking for the best possible way to explain this problem. Hope anyone can give me advice on this
I have this :
<div class="col-md-4">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
When Clicked on img it's redirected to the stuffedd.html page. However this contains 2 columns with images. A vertical thumbnail column and a middle column with large image.
Like this:
<div class="middle containerscroll">
<img src="" id="Mdrie" class="img-responsive ">
<img src="" id="Mvier" class="img-responsive ">
<img src="" id="Mvijf" class="img-responsive ">
div class="col-md-9 hidden-xs hidden-sm">
<img src="" id="drie" class="img-responsive single">
<img src="" id="vier" class="img-responsive single">
<img src="" id="vijf" class="img-responsive single">
I got this far with Jquery :
"use strict";
$( ".single" ).hide();
$( "#Mdrie" ).on('click',function() {
How do I make the stuffedd.html open with the image I clicked on in the second div (all the images with class .single)
Do I declare a variable which I fill in as:
$( "var" ).show();
website is: if you need to see it.
If I understand the question, the second page needs to be aware of what you clicked on the previous page, consider adding some identifier into the URL that identifies the image:
<img src="">
Then the second page has a spot to extract it from. If you don't want it in the URL you could set a cookie or use the LocalStorage object.
Try to transfer the ID of the picture on the first page with your URL. So you click on the Image and the link is something like /stuffed.html?id=drie. Later on your stuffed site, you get the parameter with jquery in a variable and show exactly this image. Here is a short tutorial for URL Parameters and jQuery

Fullpage.js + figcaption + lazyload fade in

I am a beginner and a none professional programmer trying to make a web page for my little architecture company. I came across Fullpage.js and I thought I should give it a try. See
<section class="section">
<figure class="slide">
<img data-src="">
<figcaption>Section 1, slide 1/4</figcaption>
<figure class="slide">
<img data-src="">
<figcaption>Section 1, slide 2/4</figcaption>
<figure class="slide">
<img data-src="">
<figcaption>Section 1, slide 3/4</figcaption>
<figure class="slide">
<img data-src="">
<figcaption>Section 1, slide 4/4</figcaption>
Now I have 2 small problems and I can not get any further, because I have insufficient knowledge of css and javascript coding:
1) All the figcaptions for all the slides are visible at the same time. Is it possible to make only the active figcaption visible?
2) The lazyloading of images is not very smooth. Can it have a slight fade-in and fade-out effect?
Remove the line where it says: fixedElements: 'figcaption', - this is self-explanatory, the figcaption element is fixed in the bottom right corner.
You could hide all images in advance with CSS img {display: none;}, give the first image style="display: block;" attribute and add an event in Javascript afterSlideLoad: function(anchorLink, index, slideAnchor, slideIndex){var loadedSlide = $(this).find('img');loadedSlide.fadeIn();}. Reference
You can view the full code in this codepen

swiper.js multiple imgs per slide lazy loading not working

thanks for reading, I try to use swiper.js and it works fine with the lazy loading demo, but in the demo, there is only one image per slide, but I want to represent 4 imgs per slide, which turns out only the first img in each slide will show up.
<div class="swiper-container">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
<!-- Required swiper-lazy class and image source specified in data-src attribute -->
<img data-src="1.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<img data-src="2.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<img data-src="3.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<img data-src="4.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<img data-src="5.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<!-- Preloader image -->
<div class="swiper-lazy-preloader swiper-lazy-preloader-white"></div>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<img data-src="2.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<div class="swiper-lazy-preloader swiper-lazy-preloader-white"></div>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<img data-src="3.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<div class="swiper-lazy-preloader swiper-lazy-preloader-white"></div>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<img data-src="4.jpg" class="swiper-lazy">
<div class="swiper-lazy-preloader swiper-lazy-preloader-white"></div>
so, I am trying to read the jquery code in swiper.js, and due to my ability, I can not figure it out, tbh, I can not understand.
any help?
I got it.
As long as I am using the same src with the ones in the slides after, it was lazy loaded too. After replacing all the data-srcs with diff ones, it works.
Thank, swiper.js

