AJAX catch difference between «failed» and «canceled» sending request to another domain - javascript

I'm making ajax request to server on another domain but I don't actially need its response, just to know that it got my request.
When everything is ok, in Chrome Developer Tools (Header status) it says «canceled» and console writes «XMLHttpRequest cannot load» but server gets my requests.
When server is down then header status is not a number but just «failed».
Trying to catch this critical difference on JS I get XHR status 0 in both cases.

I'm making ajax request to server on another domain
You can't make an ajax request to a different domain, due to same-origin policy. You want to look at JSONP, which essentially writes out a <script> tag for a remote URL.
What is JSONP all about?
Detecting success/error with JSONP calls is tricky, it doesn't work like typical ajax calls at all. Ideally you want the remote server to call a callback function on your page, as the above link describes.
If you don't control the other domain, you can attempt to detect errors by using a timeout. Here is a post discussing the jQuery timeout argument for this, though you could certainly implement your own timeout with raw javascript as well.


Detecting AJAX requests in vanilla NodeJS without JQuery

What is the best method for going about differentiating AJAX requests and other browser HTTP requests? I'm using vanilla NodeJS with AtomicJS as the AJAX library. It does not seem to set the 'X-Requested-With' header, which I read was used by JQuery to indicate AJAX requests. Should I switch to a library that does? Is there another way to detect AJAX requests? Should I just attempt to set the header manually, and are there any potential issues involved in doing so?
There is no reliable way to tell the difference (short of you explicitly setting a header or other indicator on all of your own requests). More importantly, it should not really matter how the request was sent.
You could explicitly state that the request was coming from an Ajax request in the header or in the body of the request, but likely the better way to do this would be to have a separate endpoint on the server for an ajax request.
For instance your uri for an non ajax request might be
and then you could have another endpoint at
If most of the behavior is shared between the two endpoints simply encapsulate it in another function that both of the end points share.

Loading a webpage in html datatype using Ajax request - Error

I am trying to get the register numbers of the people who scored 'S' in a certain subject from a website from the localhost.
But i am getting this error
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://sas.sastra.edu/result2013/index.php. Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
if($(data).find('tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)').text().slice(60,62)=="S")
Please Comment if i am not clear.
Simply said http://sas.sastra.edu does not allow you to make a cross domain httprequest.
Ajax requests are limited by the browser's Same Origin Policy. This means that you can't talk directly to a server via ajax that isn't on the same domain as the page your script is running in. So, unless you're developing a page for google.com, you can't talk to google.com directly httprequest.
Making Either make sure they though or try doing a JSONP call is probably what you need to do here if the API you're attempting to use supports it.
Read more about jsonp here: What is JSONP all about?

Make REST call in JavaScript without using JSON?

(extremely ignorant question, I freely admit)
I have a simple web page with a button and a label. When I click the button, I want to make a REST call to an entirely different domain (cross-domain, I know that much) and display the results (HTML) in the label.
With other APIs, I've played around with using JSON/P and adding a element on the fly, but this particular API doesn't support JSON so I'm not sure how to go about successfully getting through.
The code I have is:
function getESVData() {
$.get('http://www.esvapi.org/v2/rest/passageQuery?key=IP&passage=John+1', function (data) {
app.showNotification("Note:", "Load performed.");
I get an "Access denied." Is there anyway to make this call successfully without JSON?
First off, JSON and JSONP are not the same. JSON is a way of representing information, and JSONP is a hack around the same-origin policy. JSONP works by requesting information from another domain, and that domain returns a script which calls a function (with the name you provided) with the information. You are indeed executing a script on your site that another domain gave to you, so you should trust this other domain.
Now when trying to make cross domain requests you basically have 3 options:
Use JSONP. This has limitations, including the fact that it only works for GET requests, and the server you are sending the request to has to support it.
Make a Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request. This also must be supported by the server you are sending the request to.
Set up a proxy on your own server. In this situation you set an endpoint on your site that simply relays requests. ie you request the information from your server, your server gets it from the other server and returns it to you.
For your situation, it the other server doesn't have support for other options, it seems like you will have to go with options 3.

Google Geocoding ajax request with Yahoo YUI 3

I understand the way to make an ajax call in YUI 3 is using the IO utility.
I want to get the address of a location from Google's geocoding API.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
YUI().use('io-base', function(Y) {
function complete(id, o) {
var data = o.responseText; // Response data.
Y.on('io:complete', complete, Y);
var request = Y.io("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?language=en&sensor=false&latlng=12,34);
I get a reply with method OPTIONS and status code 405 Method Not Allowed.
I believe this is because of some "preflight" permission check. I do not receive the desired response. If I copy and paste the url into the browser, I see the json data.
I could post the ajax request to a php script on my own domain and get the json response with curl.
But why have this extra step if I could just get the data in javascript?
So what can I do to solve this? Is the IO utility not the right library to use?
You're making a cross-domain XHR request, and running into the "Same origin policy", a generic restriction in client-side JavaScript. See for example Why do I still receive 405 errors even though both URLs are from XXXX.com?
There are various ways to work around this problem:
1) Make a server-side request in PHP, as you suggest
2) Use the YUI jsonp module
3) Use the YUI YQL module, which proxies your request through Yahoo! servers and handles JSONP housekeeping for you
There are many other ways to tackle this problem, but those three should get you started.
Y.io has support for cross domain requests. See http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/io/#cross-domain-transactions
You need to properly config it with the "xdr" property, and load the "io-xdr" module, etc. This example uses it as well: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/io/weather.html

How to tell Javascript loaded script src if http status code 200 or 301?

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to create a script that will find out the user's http status code if it's 200 or 301 for a a script like this for example? Must be a user request status code and not how the server gets it :)
<script type="text/javascript"
Is it possible?
edit: I read and researched more it might be possible with Ajax Requests?
The answer is sadly no.
In a cross-browser, end-user script (ie: one that doesn't use custom extensions/browser plug-ins), you can't read through past file requests, for HTTP-response header values.
If you make an AJAX call, you can read response headers for that particular request (not for any others).
So, in theory, if you wanted to know what the server-response was, you could make an AJAX request for the exact-same file as your script request used in its src attribute...
But not in this case.
In this case, unless your domain is google.com, your browser is going to prevent you from making that request (as AJAX calls need to happen from the same domain as the page the user is currently on) there are ways around that on newer browsers, but even in those cases, you'd need to own google.com so that your server was set to allow AJAX calls from mysite.com

