Javascript confirmation in play framework scala templates - javascript

I was wondering if there is a way to use a traditional javascript confirmation box with the scala html templates in the play framework.
#for(item <- listItems) {
<b>Item: </b><br>
#form(routes.Application.deleteItem( {
<input type="submit" value="Delete" class="btn btn-danger">
That is the view I am working with at the minute. As you can see from the code it brings up list of "item" objects and a delete button appears beside each of them. I just wanted to prompt some sort of confirmation dialog before the deleteItem method actually gets called.
I know how to do this with some standard HTML and javascript but thats only for modifying html elements, is there away to do this using the play form helpers?

Why not? :)
Actually I think you don't need to use single field form for this task, you can just use common link (of course it should point to GET route, also consider adding some hash to params, to prevent accidental deleting):
<a href="#routes.Application.deleteItem("
class="btn btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');">Delete</a>


Click button in webpage with Javascript

Currently, I'm doing an application and I need login to this one particular website. Basically, I need to make this button click using a javascript but I have no idea how to.
This is the button code I retrieved from the website:
<button type="submit" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-button uk-button-primary uk-button-large">Sign in</button>
Thank you for your help in advance
You can click on the button programmatically, in case of pure javascript :
In case of Android JS Interface :
The general way to have button click events is to use something like jQuery. For example lets set the button to have an ID
<button id="my-button" type="submit" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-button uk-button primary uk-button-large">Sign in</button>
Then we would apply a click event to it with jQuery
$('#my-button').click(function(){alert('button has been clicked');})
Instead of the alert you could put whatever code you want in there :D
Example: Codepen example
EDIT: Example for a class:
Example for a class
(Note that we use a "." instead of "#" in the call)

How to use Bootstrap button-group and AngularJS to navigate between pages

I have this portion of code that creates a button group:
<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg">
<button id = "Image" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Click1</button>
<button id = "Text" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Click2</button>
I want to make it dynamic, in a sense that each button will take me to a different URL. I have come across this post:
How do I navigate to another page on button click with Twitter Bootstrap?
However, I cannot use <a></a> when dealing with a button group (or at least cannot think of a way to do so). So I guess I need a JS file with a function? How do I do that with AngularJS?
You can use a simple Javascript function such as:
go(path) {
window.location = path;
Then call it from your button with:

HTML form input not being recognized by Javascript?

I have the super awesome jQuery validate and form plugins working all over my site without problems. Unfortunately, for one of my forms I have this weird problem where no form data gets submitted regardless of what I type into the form's textboxes.
To show you what I mean, when I console.log the field data before typing ("stored data") and upon submission ("live data") this is what I get (serialized using $.param):
stored data: full_name=&email_address=&password=
live data: full_name=&email_address=&password=
So nothing is being submitted on this form, whereas the "live data" for all other forms on my site which use the exact same JS codebase display whatever is inputed.
UPDATE Here's a JSFiddle for this form.
UPDATE 2 I'm realizing that this form's elements aren't being recognized by Javascript. So the background doesn't turn red if I do this.
$(this).css({'background-color' : 'red'});
Wow this is totally confusing, thoughts?
You have
$(document.body).on('click', ".ajaxFormBtn"
<button data-loading-text="Saving..." class=" btn btn-green btn-large txt24"
value="Sign up" id="signupModalBtn" ><i class="icon-key icon-signin"></i>
Sign up</button>
Notice anything missing from the button's class attribute?

When I use input type="button" a function works well but when I use button it doesn`t

I call the same function with those two types of button. With the first it works perfectly but with button it works well at the first but in less than one second it looks like refresh the page.
<input type="button" id="bProv" value="filtrar" onclick="filtroP()"/>
<button id="bProv" onclick="filtroP()">filtrar</button>
The type of a <button> element defaults to submit, so it will run the JS and then immediately submit the form.
Use <button type="button" ... if you don't want form submission.
That said, hard coding a button (which does nothing without JS) goes against the principles of unobtrusive JavaScript (which are part of best practise programming for the WWW).

Is there a better jQuery solution to this.form.submit();?

I want to trigger the submit event of the form the current element is in. A method I know works sometimes is:
I'm wondering if there is a better solution, possibly using jQuery, as I'm not 100% sure method works in every browser.
The situation I have is, as follows:
<form method="get">
<p><label>Field Label
<select onchange="this.form.submit();">
<option value="blah">Blah</option>
I want to be able to submit the form on change of the <select>.
What I'm looking for is a solution that works on any field within any form without knowing the id or name on the form. $('form:first') and $('form') won't work because the form could be the third on the page. Also, I am using jQuery on the site already, so using a bit of jQuery is not a big deal.
So, is there a way to have jQuery retrieve the form the input/select/textarea is in?
I think what you are looking for is something like this:
For example, to handle the onchange event, you would have this:
$(select your fields here).change(function() {
If, for some reason you aren't using jQuery 1.3 or above, you can call parents instead of closest.
This is probably your best bet. Especially if you are not already using jQuery in your project, there is no need to add it (or any other JS library) just for this purpose.
I have found that using jQuery the best solution is
Using this statement jquery plugins (e.g. jquery form plugin) works correctly and jquery DOM traversing overhead is minimized.
Similar to Matthew's answer, I just found that you can do the following:
Wrong: The problem with using the parent functionality is that the field needs to be immediately within the form to work (not inside tds, labels, etc).
I stand corrected: parents (with an s) also works. Thxs Paolo for pointing that out.
You can always JQuery-ize your form.submit, but it may just call the same thing:
$("form").submit(); // probably able to affect multiple forms (good or bad)
// or you can address it by ID
You can also attach functions to the submit event, but that is a different concept.
Your question in somewhat confusing in that that you don't explain what you mean by "current element".
If you have multiple forms on a page with all kinds of input elements and a button of type "submit", then hitting "enter" upon filling any of it's fields will trigger submission of that form. You don't need any Javascript there.
But if you have multiple "submit" buttons on a form and no other inputs (e.g. "edit row" and/or "delete row" buttons in table), then the line you posted could be the way to do it.
Another way (no Javascript needed) could be to give different values to all your buttons (that are of type "submit"). Like this:
<form action="...">
<input type="hidden" name="rowId" value="...">
<button type="submit" name="myaction" value="edit">Edit</button>
<button type="submit" name="myaction" value="delete">Delete</button>
When you click a button only the form containing the button will be submitted, and only the value of the button you hit will be sent (along other input values).
Then on the server you just read the value of the variable "myaction" and decide what to do.
In JQuery you can call
Don't know if that is much better. I think form.submit(); is pretty universal.
<form method="get">
<p><label>Field Label
<select onchange="this.form.submit();">
<option value="blah">Blah</option>
**<!-- <input name="submit" type="submit" /> // name="submit_new_name" -->**
this.form.submit == this.form.elements['submit'];

