Onmouseover change CSS class from other element - javascript

I'm trying to make an JS, but since I'm not an expert on that, maybe someone could help me. I was searching for that in Google and in Stack Overflow, but didn't find what I need. I just found onmouseover that change the class in element itself. But I want something different:
I want to make a onmouseover on a tag to change the class closed to open in other element. Example:
<ul class="dropdown closed"><li>Item</li></ul>

If you include jQuery:
Add id for your elements:
<ul class="dropdown closed" id="ul1"><li>Item</li></ul>

You can use Link
And JS:
function changeClass() {
document.getElementById("other-element").className = "open";
More advanced JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/eRdHJ/1/

<a href="#" onmouseover=$("ul.dropdown").addClass("open").removeClass("closed")>Link</a>
<ul class="dropdown closed"><li>Item</li></ul>
Here is the jsfiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/eRdHJ/2/

This will access the first <ul> on the page. To narrow it down you need to do a getElementById first to get the elements based on tag name from that point. It will then only select the children from that tag with that certain ID-name;
function changeUl() {
// Get the first found UL, anywhere in the body
document.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].className = 'otherName';
With ID
function changeUl() {
var wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper');
wrapper.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].className = 'otherName';
<div id="wrapper">
You might want to check if there are any found tho. [0] might trigger an undefined/error if there are no <ul> found.


When hovering over an element with a certain index, change the styles of the element in another parent with the same index

I have a menu on the site in two places. One is made by text, and the other by pictures. You can click on both.
I want that when you hover over a specific item in a text menu (for example, under number 2), the picture with the same number changes (for example, under 2).
Code for text menu:
<li class="page_item">
Test 1
<li class="page_item">
Test 2
Code for Pictures menu:
<div class="project__card project__card-design">
<div class="project__card-design-bigelem">
<div class="project__card-design-bigelem">
<div class="project__card-design-bigelem">
Screen shot with Picture and text menu:
Screen shot with Picture and text menu
I will be grateful for any help!
Since I was looking for solutions that could identify the element with which number was highlighted. But so far I don’t even have ideas on how to do this.
All thanks in advance for any help!
If you like for this behaviour you can do this
hover: nav1 > imageNav1 ect...
You can get the index of the hover item and match that to the image nav item. Sorry for the markup, it's just to show you how you can implement it. You can also choose to do whatever after the matching is made in the mouseenter
$(".js-hover").on("mouseenter", function () {
const hoverIndex = $(this).index();
const $imageListItems = $(".image-list > li");
.image-list__item--selected {
background-color: red;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul class="list">
<li class="js-hover">text</li>
<li class="js-hover">text</li>
<li class="js-hover">text</li>
<li class="js-hover">text</li>
<ul class="image-list">
Here's a solution with pure js, works for elements that are not parents using ids.
<li id="child1" onmouseenter="customHover(event)" onmouseleave="handlemouseleave(event)"></li>
<div id="parent1"> </div>
<li id="child2" onmouseenter="customHover(event)" onmouseleave="handlemouseleave(event)"></li>
<div id="parent2"> </div>
<li id="child3" onmouseenter="customHover(event)" onmouseleave="handlemouseleave(event)"></li>
<div id="parent3"> </div>
and heres the js
function customHover(e){
let id = e.target.id;
let idNumber = id.slice(id.length - 1);
document.getElementById(`parent${idNumber}`).style.border = '1px solid red';
function handleMouseLeave(e){
let id = e.target.id;
let idNumber = id.slice(id.length - 1);
document.getElementById(`parent${idNumber}`).style.border = 'unset';//or whatever you need to change the styles back to the original
there are many solutions , with an without using libraries. I think you may use some jquery if possible , and if not you should search for addeventlistener (the advanced way)
is a good example of doing what you are trying todo .
var pageitemcount=0;
$( ".page_item" ).hover(function() {
$(this).parent().append( $( "<span>"+pageitemcount+"</span>" ) );
The above part is for php , still can be used in a plugin.
If you are in wordpress environment , you have to dig into how to write wp plugins also. Trying to achieve this in an environment , and then applying the same to your custom wp plugin is the way to go. Do not change the existing plugins, or themes if possible. This may cause headaches after an update.. In wp environment, writing a custom plugin is the way to go. You should tag your question as wp-plugin if possible.

JQuery on click link with href atribute

I have the following code structure. Its a set of wordpress tabs. I have many tabs all over the website, using Jquery i want to trigger a function when a user clicks one of the links, however i cant apply a ID atribute so my funtion below doesnt work...any suggestions?
$('#1485856532455-70ee0dfe').on('click', function() {
$('.otherdiv').css('background-image', 'url(http://placehold.it/200x200/ff0000)');
<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span></li>
You can't select them by ID because they don't have IDs. But you can use CSS Atrribute-Equal Selector to get them by href attribute. Like this:
$('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {
// ...
More CSS Selectors here.
Working code snippet:
$('[href = "#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').click(function() {
alert("#1485856532455-70ee0dfe was clicked! Hoooray!");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<a href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"> <span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
Use attribute selector then :
$('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {....});
$('#1485856532455-70ee0dfe').on('click', function() { - means that on page we have some element with id 1485856532455-70ee0dfe. In your html code no id with text 1485856532455-70ee0dfe, thats why your code not work.
You have two case to fix:
add id's to needed element
change js to $('[href="1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {
You cant give a id to a link like that. However you can select the link with jquery by doing $('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {....});

Javascript - having trouble selecting an id

I gave my link a an id where if I click the link, I want my javascript to adjust the background image. I made a js-fiddle of a simple version of what I want here:
<body background="http://www.blueskiescareers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/blue-sky-clouds.jpg">
<a id = "attempt1" href="#top">SNOOPY1</a>
<div id= "#top">TOP PART </div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a[id='attempt1']").click(function(e) {
document.body.background = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Fried_egg,_sunny_side_up.jpg";
I'm new to selecting with javascript. Any help would be appreciated!
try to use $("#attempt1")
use # to get any id in html
Firstly your HTML is invalid; li must be in either a ul or ol and all a elements must have either a name or href attribute.
Secondly, jQuery uses CSS rules, so to select by id is $('#attempt1').
Lastly, to change the background CSS property to an image the URL string should be wrapped in url(). Try this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#attempt1").click(function(e) {
$('body').css('background', 'url("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Fried_egg,_sunny_side_up.jpg")');
You can select it with :
You should use id-selector in this case
The selector you used which is attribute selector is more used in inputs than in links (a elements)
You can find more info on jQuery selectors in
Hope it helps

jQuery click not working on the <i> tag

Here is a jsFiddle that doesn't seem to work. It might be because of the <i> tag, if so please tell me why. I am trying to use font-awesome icons and if clicked I want to call certain things in jQuery.
$('#video-mirrors-handler').click(function() {
// var class = $('ul.video-mirrors').attr('class');
and html:
<div class="video-player-overlay"><i id="video-mirrors-handler">test</i>
<ul class="video-mirrors">
You using keyword class as variable which is not allowed, else your code is perfect:
Here is demo
$('#video-mirrors-handler').click(function() {
var myClass = $('ul.video-mirrors').attr('class');

why does my javascript code for changing(onclick) the div opacity fail?

<a id = "click_show_more" href = "" onclick = "showMore()">
<li id = "more">
<div id = "more_hidden">
<ul id = "list_hidden">
The above is my html code. I want to call the javascript function "showMore()" when clicking on a the link "MORE" with id "click_show_more".
This is my javascript code.
function showMore() {
var moreShow = document.getElementById('more_hidden');
moreShow.style.opacity = 0.8;
I don't know why this code fails. Nothing happens when I clicked on the link.
Please help me figure it out. Thank you so much!
Remove the href attribute from your link or set it to something like # so that a page won't be loaded. You are linking to another page (or the same page) with that.
Further, your html is invalid. <li> does not belong as a child of <a>.
See this demo with your markup corrected demonstrating the difference between the link with the href and with it removed. http://jsbin.com/iJEDiku/2/edit
Please don't use inline javascript (like onclick in your html). Study about this here: Why is inline JS bad?
Here's your code following better practices. Live demo here (click).
<a id="change-opacity">Click here to change opacity.</a>
<div id="opacity-gets-changed">
var a = document.getElementById('change-opacity');
var div = document.getElementById('opacity-gets-changed');
a.addEventListener('click', function() {
div.style.opacity = 0.4;

