jQuery splice inArray with multiple key objects - javascript

Javascript newbie here --
I have the following array:
var group = ({
one: value1,
two: value2,
three: value3
I want to check if array "group" is part of "groupsArray" and add it if doesn't or remove it if it does.
var groupLocate = $.inArray(group, groupsArray);
if(groupLocate ==-1){
} else {
groupsArray.splice($.inArray(group, groupsArray),1);
This method works with single value arrays. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work in this case with three keys and values as groupLocate always returns -1.
What am I doing wrong?

First it helps to understand why $.inArray() didn't work. Let's try a simpler case. Paste this in to the JavaScript console in your browser on a page with jQuery loaded (such as this page we're on) and run it:
var object = { a: 1 };
var array = [ { a: 1 } ];
console.log( '$.inArray: ', $.inArray( object, array ) );
(Note the terminology: your group variable is an Object, not an Array.)
Now it looks like object is in the array, right? Why does it print -1 then? Try this:
console.log( object );
console.log( array[0] );
They look the same. How about:
console.log( '== or === works? ', object == array[0], object === array[0] );
Or even simpler:
console.log( 'Does {a:1} == {a:1}? ', {a:1} == {a:1} );
console.log( 'What about {} == {}? ', {} == {} );
Those all print false!
This is because two objects that happen to have the same content are still two separate objects, and when you use == or === to compare two objects, you are actually testing whether they are both references to one and the same object. Two different objects will never compare equal, even if they contain exactly the same content.
$.inArray() works like using an === operator to compare two objects - it won't find an object in an array unless it is the same object, not just an object with identical content.
Knowing this, does that suggest any possible ways to approach the problem? There are several ways you could write your own code to search the array for your object, or you may find it helpful to use a library such as Underscore.js which has many useful methods for arrays and objects.
For example, you could use _.findWhere( groupsArray, group ) to find the first match - with the caveat that it only compares the properties that are in the group object. For example, if group is {a:1}, it would match an object in the groupsArray array that was {a:1,b:2}.
If you need an exact match, you could combine Underscore's _.find() and _.isEqual() methods:
var index = _.find( groupsArray, function( element ) {
return _.isEqual( element, group );
Now one last thing to watch out for. Your code that pushes the group object onto the groupsArray array - you know that pushes the actual group object itself. It doesn't make a copy of it in the array, it's a reference to the very same object. (Ironically, this means that your original code to find group in the array would actually work in the case where you'd pushed that same group object onto the array yourself.)
If you want to make sure the elements in groupsArray are each their own independent object, and not a reference to another object floating around in your code, you can use another Underscore method to do a shallow copy:
groupsArray.push( _.clone(group) );
If group has any nested objects, though, this won't copy them. (I don't see a deep copy function in Underscore, although you could write one if you need it.)


Why I'm creating an empty object at the end of my array? [duplicate]

Ever since its introduction in ECMA-262, 3rd Edition, the Array.prototype.push method's return value is a Number: Array.prototype.push ( [ item1 [ , item2 [ , … ] ] ] )
The arguments are appended to the end of the array, in the order in which they appear. The new length of the array is returned as the result of the call.
What were the design decisions behind returning the array's new length, as opposed to returning something potentially more useful, like:
A reference to the newly appended item/s
The mutated array itself
Why was it done like this, and is there a historical record of how these decisions came to be made?
I understand the expectation for array.push() to return the mutated array instead of its new length. And the desire to use this syntax for chaining reasons.
However, there is a built in way to do this: array.concat().
Note that concat expects to be given an array, not an item. So, remember to wrap the item(s) you want to add in [], if they are not already in an array.
newArray = oldArray.concat([newItem]);
Array chaining can be accomplished by using .concat(), as it returns an array,
but not by .push(), as it returns an integer (the new length of the array).
Here is a common pattern used in React for changing the state variable, based on its prior value:
// the property value we are changing
selectedBook.shelf = newShelf;
this.setState((prevState) => (
{books: prevState.books
.filter((book) => (book.id !== selectedBook.id))
state object has a books property, that holds an array of book.
book is an object with id, and shelf properties (among others).
setState() takes in an object that holds the new value to be assigned to state
selectedBook is already in the books array, but its property shelf needs to be changed.
We can only give setState a top level object, however.
We cannot tell it to go find the book, and look for a property on that book, and give it this new value.
So we take the books array as it were.
filter to remove the old copy of selectedBook.
Then concat to add selectedBook back in, after updating its shelf property.
Great use case for wanting to chain push.
However, the correct way to do this is actually with concat.
array.push() returns a number (mutated array's new length).
array.concat([]) returns a new array.
Technically, it returns a new array with the modified element added to the end, and leaves the initial arrays unchanged.
Returning a new array instance, as opposed to recycling the existing array instance is an important distinction, that makes it very useful for state objects in React applications, to get changed data to re-render.
I posted this in TC39's communication hub, and was able to learn a bit more about the history behind this:
push, pop, shift, unshift were originally added to JS1.2 (Netscape 4) in 1997.
There were modeled after the similarly named functions in Perl.
JS1.2 push followed the Perl 4 convention of returning the last item pushed.
In JS1.3 (Netscape 4.06 summer 1998) changed push to follow the Perl 5 conventions of returning the new length of the array.
see original jsarray.c source
* If JS1.2, follow Perl4 by returning the last thing pushed. Otherwise,
* return the new array length.
I cannot explain why they chose to return the new length, but in response to your suggestions:
Returning the newly appended item:
Given that JavaScript uses C-style assignment which emits the assigned value (as opposed to Basic-style assignment which does not) you can still have that behavior:
var addedItem;
myArray.push( addedItem = someExpression() );
(though I recognise this does mean you can't have it as part of an r-value in a declaration+assignment combination)
Returning the mutated array itself:
That would be in the style of "fluent" APIs which gained popularity significantly after ECMAScript 3 was completed and it would not be keeping in the style of other library features in ECMAScript, and again, it isn't that much extra legwork to enable the scenarios you're after by creating your own push method:
Array.prototype.push2 = function(x) {
return this;
myArray.push2( foo ).push2( bar ).push2( baz );
Array.prototype.push3 = function(x) {
return x;
var foo = myArray.push3( computeFoo() );
I was curious since you asked. I made a sample array and inspected it in Chrome.
var arr = [];
Since I already have reference to the array as well as every object I push into it, there's only one other property that could be useful... length. By returning this one additional value of the Array data structure, I now have access to all the relevant information. It seems like the best design choice. That, or return nothing at all if you want to argue for the sake of saving 1 single machine instruction.
Why was it done like this, and is there a historical record of how these decisions came to be made?
No clue - I'm not certain a record of rationale along these lines exists. It would be up to the implementer and is likely commented in any given code base implementing the ECMA script standards.
I don't know "Why was it done like this, and is there a historical record of how these decisions came to be made?".
But I also think it's not clear and not intuitive that push() returns the length of array like below:
let arr = ["a", "b"];
let test = arr.push("c");
console.log(test); // 3
Then, if you want to use clear and intuitive method instead of push(), you can use concat() which returns the array with its values like below:
let arr = ["a", "b"];
let test = arr.concat("c");
console.log(test); // ["a", "b", "c"]
The question is partially answered in the document you mention (Ecma 262 3rd edition), there are methods that mutate the array and methods that don't. The methods that mutate the array will return the length of the mutated array. For adding elements that would be push, splice and unshift (Depending on the position you want the new element in).
If you want to get the new mutated array you can use concat. Concat will input any number of arrays you want added to the original array and add all the elements into a new array. i.e:
const array1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const array2 = ['d', 'e', 'f'];
const array3=['g','h'];
const array4 = array1.concat(array2,array3);
The new array created will have all the elements and the other three won't be changed. There are other (Many) ways to add the elements to an array both mutative and not mutative. So there is your answer, it returns the length because it is changing it, it doesn't need to return the full array.

Javascript pushing Array to Array but concatenating instead

I'm trying to push an array (multiple times) into another array. Instead of an array of arrays, I'm getting all the values from the multiple push attempts as a single array. I've tried pushing an array implicitly (i.e. push([val1,val2]), explicitly creating a new Array, then pushing the new Array. Here's the key part of the code:
var coordinates=[];
for(var j=start;j<circum[i].length;j++)
var segmentCoords=[];
var tempArray=new Array(i+1,segmentLength);
From the many stackoverflow questions/answers I've looked at, I expect my coordinates array to look something like this: [[val1, val2],[val3,val4],[val5,val6]]. Instead it's [val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6]. That is what I would expect if I were using .concat() or .apply().
Can anyone explain why my code isn't generating an array of arrays?
I've got the full code here https://jsfiddle.net/Seytom/7xm9s4qr/ in case you want to see more of it.
You seem to be fooled by your console.log. Notice the difference between these two statements:
console.log( 'string ' + [[1,2],[3,4]] ); // string, '1,2,3,4'
console.log( 'string ', [[1,2],[3,4]] ); // string, [[1,2],[3,4]]
Because you are coercing the array into a string, this is the result. Its the same as:
console.log( new Array([1,2],[3,4]).join(',') ); // 1,2,3,4
It's simply what arrays do when you join them, regardless of whether they are nested. It is better to log the array separately so you can explore it in your console, so simple print your string and then add the array as the second argument. (The console takes an infinite amount of arguments and will print them all as one statement - safari even prints the first as a special type if its a string so its clearer to read).
In short: push behaves exactly as expected, and your code should simply work as intended, but the printing to the console seems to leave a bit to be desired :).
Use Array.concat:
var arrA = [0];
var arrB = [1, 2];
while (arrA.length < 10) {
arrA = arrA.concat(arrB)

Find if already exists, JS and Lodash

So I have an interesting issue I am not sure how to follow, I need to use lodash to search two arrays in an object, looking to see if x already exists, lets look at a console out put:
There are two keys I am interested in: questChains and singleQuests, I want to write two seperate functions using lodash to say: find me id x in the array of objects where questChains questChainID is equal to x.
The second function would say: Find me a quest in the array of objects where singleQuests questTitle equals y
So if we give an example, you can see that questChainId is a 1 so if I pass in a 1 to said function I would get true back, I don't actually care about the object its self, else I would get false.
The same goes for singleQuests, If I pass in hello (case insensitive) I would get back true because there is a quest with the questTitle of 'Hello'. Again I don't care about the object coming back.
The way I would write this is something like:
_.find(theArray, function(questObject){
_.find(questObject.questChains, function(questChain){
if (questChain.questChainId === 1) {
return true;
This is just for the quest chain id comparison. This seems super messy, why? Because I am nesting lodash find, I am also nesting if. It gets a bit difficult to read.
Is this the only way to do this? or is there a better way?
Yeah it can be expressed more simply.
Try something like this:
var exampleArray = [{
questChains: [{
questChainId: 1,
name: 'foo'
}, {
questChainId: 2,
name: 'bar'
singleQuests: [{
questTitle: 'hello world'
}, {
questChains: [{
questChainId: 77,
name: 'kappa'
var result = _.chain(exampleArray)
.findWhere({ questChainId: 2 })
console.log('result', result);
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/3.5.0/lodash.min.js"></script>
Using chain and value is optional. They just let you chain together multiple lodash methods more succinctly.
pluck grabs a property from each object in an array and returns a new array of those properties.
flatten takes a nested array structure and flattens it into flat array structure.
findWhere will return the first element which matches the property name/value provided.
Combining all of these results in us fetching all questChain arrays from exampleArray, flattening them into a single array which can be more easily iterated upon, and then performing a search for the desired value.
Case-insensitive matching will be slightly more challenging. You'd either need to either replace findWhere with a method which accepts a matching function (i.e. find) or sanitize your input ahead of time. Either way you're going to need to call toLower, toUpper, or some variant on your names to standardize your search.

How to use underscore .groupBy function to group an array of json objects based on multiple properties?

I have an array of json objects who results I want to groupBy() based on multiple properties i.e.,
I have:
Now if I just wanted to group by prop1 I guess I could have done :
_.groupBy(givenArray, 'prop1');
Now what should I do if I have to group by prop1,prop2 and prop3, i.e., (prop1 && prop2 && prop3)
Please guide.
You can put that target values to an array, and then form them to string, or just transform them to string form and combine:
_.groupBy(givenArray, function(item) {
var keys = _.pick(item, 'prop1', 'prop2', 'prop3');
// If all are string or number,
// return keys.join('_#%#_'); // this prevent ['ab', 'a'] generate same key to ['a', 'ba'];
return JSON.stringify(keys);
JSON.stringify maybe one of the many ways to create a combined key, I'm not sure what your vals is (string, number or else), so I'll just use stringify here.
It really depends on what you want your final structure to be.
If you don't mind a non-flat object structure, you can do nested _.groupBy calls:
var result = _(givenArray) //begin chain
.mapValues(function(groupedByA) {
return _(groupedByA) //begin chain
.mapValues(function (groupedByAAndB) {
return _.groupBy(groupedByAAndB, 'c');
.value(); //end chain
.value(); //end chain
//Then you can do things like:
result[5][4][3]; //All items where a=5, b=4, and c=3.
Downside here is that there's an extra level of nesting for each property you group by, and result[5][4] will blow up if there aren't any results where a=5 for example. (Though you could use a library like koalaesce for that)
Alternatively, if you want a flat object structure, but don't mind it being a bit ungainly to access the items, then:
var result = _.groupBy(givenArray, function (item) {
return JSON.stringify(_.pick(item, 'a','b','c'));
//Much simpler above, but accessed like:
result[JSON.stringify({a: 5, b:4, c:3})]
Much simpler and scales better to grouping by more things... but awkward to work with, since the keys are full JSON strings; but then you also don't have the null issue that the first option has.
You can also, just use _.values or some equivalent to turn the flat object structure into a single array of arrays. Then there's obviously no "random" access to get all items with a given value of a,b, and c, but you can always loop over it.

Check if an array contains an array with the same values as a new array

Is there any way to check if an array contains an array with specific values?
Like, I have this array
drawn[0] = [0,0]
Which I later want to check if still contains [0,0], so I'd do something like
drawn[0] == [0,0]
But this just returns a false, why? And, more importantly, what should I do instead? Even if I try [0,0] == [0,0] I get a false in return?
Please note that the arrays won't always just be zeros...
Ps. I don't want to use any external libraries, so please keep it to plain ol' javascript
Everyone's said that you can't compare the arrays because they are objects. That is true. You have several viable solutions including nested loops (either blatantly or abstracted). Others have also suggested this.
A potentially simpler alternative is to compare the the toString values of the two arrays:
drawn[0].toString() == [0,0].toString()
This does require the array contents to be in the same order.
Arrays in JavaScript are only equal to one another if they're the same object.
You need to do a contents check instead:
if (drawn[0].every(function(item) { return item === 0; })) {
// all entries are zero.
See also: Array.every()
Or in your specific case, simply:
if (drawn[0][0] === 0 && drawn[0][1] === 0) {
// equal to [0, 0]
Check with a for loop, you can't compare with a simple comparison because it compares the references not the values:
[0] !== [0] // true
[0][0] == [0][0] //true
Objects, including arrays, are compared by object identity. Each time you write [0, 0] you create a new array; so they register as different objects. You would need to iterate yourself through elements and inspect if the elements are the same.

